ITT: discuss revolutionary NS literature
At this point, most serious Zig Forumsacks will have already delved into literature such as SIEGE, as well as the classic useful literature, such as Goebbels & Hitler's diaries, This Time the World and so on. Also worth reading is Spengler's Decline of the West and Rosenberg's Myth of the 20th Century. However, this thread is about SIEGE, our general situation, and other related revolutionary books.
We are currently in a situation where no political solution is viable. Attempting to vote our way out of White Genocide is utterly futile. The jewish capitalist System is more deeply entrenched than ever before, in the entire history of jewish tickery. Reminder: communism was merely a capitalist trick, founded by freemasons, funded by international jewish finance out of Wallstreet and City of London. It was synthesized with capitalism post-WW2. The end goal of (((communism))) is the end goal of (((capitalism))).
Every single mainstream party is controlled opposition, no ifs, no buts. They are all the enemy. Attempting to infiltrate them and subvert them is as futile as trying to infiltrate and subvert your local synagogue. Advising people to support these parties is, at best a waste of time and energy, at worst, subversive and damaging to the cause. The entire System is so toxic and rotten to the core that any attempt to engage with it will only serve to infect you with rot. Our victory comes from uncompromising truth - we cannot destroy the enemy if we cannot even name the enemy because our people have been funneled into PRfagging mainstream politricks on the advice of subversive alt-kike e-celebs.
Do not wait around for another Hitler or another NSDAP.
You need to be pro-active.
Read SIEGE, read the literature below, understand the situation we are in. There are far, far too many clueless newfags plauging this board, too many clueless idiots who don't know how bad things really are. You need to alter your entire mindset and way of thinking.
Perhaps a political solution will be viable when we have dealt enough damage to the System, but this is extremely unlikely. As the (((System))) is increasingly under threat, it becomes increasingly more tyrannous and more oppressive. Any genuine nationalist political movements would be instantly crushed (which has been the case for decades now).
Note: be mindful of OPSEC, do not save these straight to your basic bitch HDD, use a VPN, Tor etc to view them.
Also note, the only people who appear to get get triggered by SIEGE are alt-kike e-celeb worshipping faggots. For the bluepilled assholes who reside among us: when you spaz out and cry about Siege, this is the faggot company you're in - bolshevik mossad jews.
Important reminder:
Stay fit, stay healthy, stay hydrated, do not take drugs, avoid alcohol as much as possible, eat well, do not eat processed food.