Ode to the Jews

Ode to the Jews

What is a Jew?
They're fiddlers of finance, keepers of credit
Shekelers, merchants, and bankers, you name it.
Their six million cries are nothing but lies
So easy to debunk it's pathetic.

All nations despise (((they))) who circumcise
And, If you deny, head back to Reddit.

Crackas, nig nogs, wet backs, gooks,
And those who don't poo in the loo,
Are preparing some chambers for these hook-nosed gangbangas
So (((they'll))) really get a taste of Prussian Blue.

Until then, (((they'll))) be serving you food in a shoe.


"Shinzo Abe is Pissed After Netanyahu Serves Him Desert in a Shoe!"


Attached: JewShoe.png (640x722, 1.78M)

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The sheer audacity of these kikes

They are of their father the devil. Their wickedness shall soon cease to plague the earth.

What kind of shitty dessert is that anyway?

Jew Chocolate

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Japs are honorable people and jews lack all sense of honor. It's about what one would expect from mongrel savages wearing suits and ties like clowns being in this clown world as it is today.

Attached: TheJewsFearTheSamurai[1].png (600x329, 180.34K)


The Lake of Fire is nice and toasty for their eternal vacation

As a rule, East of the Euphrates, it is a massive insult to interact with shoes in such a manner. It's dirty to them as shit is to everyone else. What he was served was like like switching a plate for a bedpan.

Just look at Abe's and his wifes face. Best pic I can find

He shouldn't have put up with that shit.

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Not even hiding it anymore, jesus.

(((they))) aren't known for their kindness when they are exposed for the true beings they are satanic savages. I can't wait till this great evil is eradicated once and for all. Lets do it gentlemen.

This is going to be a scene in an anime one day, decades from now, chronicling post WWII. Japan's slow introduction to the evil Hitler warned them about.

They got the gold rectangle too but the shoe is so fucking retarded. Nips fucking hate shoes. Only a kike could think this would be appropriate.

And i forgot to take off the name when i bullied pajeet last weekend. I am a special kind of retarded today.


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a bloo bloo bloo
It's fucking war and everyone should be aware the risks, especially when coming up against the samurai. Samurai show no fucking mercy.

That's not what honour is then.

It's obvious you nothing of the code then. Peasants had their heads lopped off in the street for looking at a Samurai the wrong way.

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k keep going though, your little socratic rehearsal is funny.
and "peasants" (I hope you know the definition) got arrested for saying nigger in 21st century Western world. Just because it happened doesn't mean its right, dum dum.

If you are going to war, you have better of made your peace with death.

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ok cool now back on the topic of morals

honour* whoops

The Aussies went to war, death was an accepted term.

or like switching a bowl for a shoe? that's pretty disgusting wherever

that's irrelevant to honour

The honor to worry about is if they begged and pleaded for their lives to be spared, dishonoring themselves.

being a chinky insectoid who doesn't feel emotions isn't honour

Letting emotions dictate your actions in a war before your enemy is a greater dishonor.

You're arguing against an idiot. Some people do not come from lineages of warriors, and have never known anything outside of thier immediate needs and duties.

ahhhhhh ching chong long dong dink wink?

my ancestral grandfather conquered the Caucasus for Russia where my family name resides, go back to farming my beetroots peasant

Japs didn't have a complete concept of morality until relatively recent interactions with missionaries. They then codified much of shintoism with it in mind, but a grafting does not change the tree. Before and mostly hence it is about pure and impure acts.
Likewise where in the West law is a flame, crossing a certain point demands a burn, law is a flexible thing in the East. A peasant committing a crime is likely to get off the hook with a lecture, where as a samurai was likely to be stripped of his status. Higher office, higher standard. Modern day Jap cops will force a confession for a crime if they feel it would be a public benefit. Plenty of legally innocent people in jail for being the 'criminal' type.
It works though, cops resorting to week long stakeouts trying to catch petty thieves as their workload is so small.

One to talk.

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k my family had power so the same people you're posting chased us out of Russia


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Oh, you're from one of the disgraced noble families who got thier shit pushed in?
Shame about the imperial family, with that jewish devil ritual and what-not, but yours and most of the other noble families had fallen into disgrace long before the bolshevik revolution.

Attached: really bud.jpg (815x793, 50.2K)

not the one boasting about how honorable my family is, retard. also, Georgian serfs were first to be emancipated as a result
tell us about your epic "warrior family" since you're so keen.
yea, totally, moron
who cares? "a serf could be decapitated on the spot for looking at a noble wrong", its just honour, you peasants wouldn't understand

For anyone who doesnt know, the 3/11/11 tsunami was the result of a thermonuke on the seabed (unknowingly) by the Chikyu Maru drilling ship and a dirty nuke planted in Fukushima by Israeli security security firm Magna BSP.

Suddenly Japan is forced to turn off all reactors and start buying oil for all their power from (((them)))….

*planted on the seabed.

Kill yourself cunt, jews won't be remembered at all.

Anyone replying to this kike without a sage joins him in the oven.

Huh, only three actual anons. Imagine that.

here here.

nobody even pretended to care about jews until they invented the talmudvision and tricked everyone selling their birthright.

Somebody is pulling Abe's strings too, likely the Yakuza. Order will not be restored to the world until sovereignty is once again placed firmly in the hands of the visible political leaders. The true danger of democracy is its uncanny ability to hide the true powers that be. Do the kikes own the Yakuza too?

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Back in the day, Japan recognized Palestine as a state.

They also offered to enrich Uranium for Iran's nuclear energy program.

Shortly after that, Israel offered to install the world's best security cameras at fukushima.

Independent analysis of the epicenter of the quake that caused the tsunami found anomalies that didn't make sense.

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The Jews can't even stop trying to destroy morals and norms for half an hour to host a state dinner without an incident.

If you aid the enemy, you are an enemy. It's not that complicated, is it?

This goes beyond shenanigans. It's communication, with great self-assurance I imagine.