Canada government builds a massive refugee comfy shack BASED OFF CANADIAN TAX DOLLARS
Canada government builds a massive refugee comfy shack BASED OFF CANADIAN TAX DOLLARS
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also I am banned on 4chan, wont allow to post
anyone notice the soy change
to onion
and now 4chan completely comped
got banned for mentioned soylent there and as well on qresearch…
if you are into that look into the ban list
lots of anons
under siege must be over target
Which province? I finally have a target to make Zig Forums proud, I'm always mad that everything always happens in America. Going to burn that shit down. If you guys want I can take a picture too and spray Zig Forums onto the side of the building before igniting it but that probably makes it easier for them to catch me.
could also be the human trafficking going through
i heard there was 50,000 people pulled back from retirement full medical check ups
all border agents
all focused on HUMAN traffick.
focused on that
also south of quebec
Presumably rerouting the organ/blood/child supply through Canada now. Canadian border guards really seem to all be open, gleeful traitors who want their families to become legitimate targets for retaliations by patriots in the warfare they invited to our land. If I were the family member of a Canadian border guard I would be expressing my contempt to them for putting my life at risk.
That's nice, fuck off back to half, faggot. They don't have standards and appreciate a nigger.
Pics or gtfo
I need global coordinates of the exact place of the rapefugee shack.
Btw, I follow human trafficking, and the ones I know from California say Canada is one of the easiest places right now for them to export their slaves to.
In fact, they're making their slaves a little cheaper now than before (around Trump's election the price went up but it's going down again) thanks to how easy it is for them to get slaves into Canada.
I am unable to visit and see the content of a kikebook if you faggots want some heroic actions to take place for once you're going to need to hand over the coordinates. I'll show all those pussy Americans who have guns that a Canadian with some gasoline and matches can do more damage to the ZOG than they ever will.
Not going to hand them over? Ok fine, fuck you, abandoning thread.
yeah it's gotten really bad there. mods are tranny tyrants on crack. so so many slide threads it's like wading through/b/
Zig Forums is a board of peace, prankster. We aren't like those from 9gag. Remember that, torfag.
Checked. Personally I'm more worried that those dangerous militias on eBaum's World are going to start practicing driveby sniper tactics against our honourable and trustworthy police force. Hope all our wonderful boys and girls and xirs in blue are staying safe in these trying times.
I have the video ripped and reuploaded to a sendvid locale here:
It's on the ontario border, new york state side.
champlain new york
maybe here
Would a white person in America who wants to go visit Canada for an indeterminate amount of time without any of the issues of being properly checked by border guard be able to cross there? …or would they stop anyone that looks white if they get there?
Give the global coordinates smh.
When I search Chaplain New York I end up at some place that isn't even on the border with Canada at all.
This is frustrating I can't find the damned place.
Roxham Rd fagyot
Castreau's plan to gather them in one place and set fire to it is brilliant
Will they accept white immigrants ahem I mean refugees?
They're not sending their best
Hint: (((lawyers))).
All of us Jews should switch to Vegan because we always talk about how horrible the Holocaust was yet we do the same thing to animals every single day and way more than 6 million or even 6 billion animals have died. If we continue to live as Jews but not as Vegans, we are hypocrites to the greatest degree imaginable.
Canada is a faggot country. I no longer care about the political entity known as Canada
If you get caught say you’re a supporter of PETA and watched lots of videos about how to make firebombs. Remember, fire burns up Not down
It sure would suck if someone with some improvised incendiary devices were to be irresponsible and just leave them laying around at night where they could go off.
We crossed into and out of Canada a dozen or more times, but this was a decade ago. Crossings from western Montana to Alberta were uneventful when taking the Route 89 north to Calgary. US Border Patrol coming back in were mild to moderate faggots, but a joke about contacting my congressman kept them in check. The easiest time we had was crossing from Vermont to Quebec. The young Canadian border guard was a 89-pound soyboy that just waved us through. I suppose the least aggravating course would be Route 87 north into Montreal. Just blend in with the mass of traffic crossing over, a weekend preferably. The farther you are from your point of origin, the more questions will be raised. At one of the Alberta crossings, I had some snail mail addressed to the business I owned at the time sitting on the floor of the car. The Canadians went full retard and interrogated me as to the nature of my company, and if I was trying to expand it into Canada. I explained the company structure was based on my status as a disabled veteran, which meant exactly jack shit in Canada. This seemed to placate them and they let me through, but their faggotry stayed in the back of my mind after that. Maybe print out some menus from a few Montreal restaurants and let them sit on your front seat, just in case you get pulled aside.
All this being said, Canada is a monumentally shitty country. Far, far worse than America, and getting worse by the day under the "leadership" of Fidel Jr.. The most important thing Americans need to know about Canadians is the faux facade of civility and politeness. Canadians despise Americans with every fiber of their being. The closest relationship parallel would be like having a younger sister. She pretends to be a little angel, but will stab you in the back and rat you out at any and every given opportunity. Another Canadian penchant is their staggering solipsism. I met a Canadian guy at a car show in Calgary. He droned on and on about how he made tons of money working as a long-haul truck driver in America. When I mentioned I was considering finding a job in Canada (Oil Sands was booming big as fuck at the time) his head whipped around and without missing a beat he blurted "Go back to America, we don't need Americans taking our jobs". Again, this is within minutes of him bragging about working in America for years. Very typical behavior for Canadians. They are literally too stupid to see how stupid they are. The exception to this was Montreal. Great people, cosmopolitan city, and open minded. The joke about French Canadians being rejects has more to do with their refusal to take any shit from pin-heads from the other provinces. The vibe in Montreal was way, way more chilled than the uptight bumpkins in Alberta. If I were FORCED to relocate to Canada, it would be Montreal and nowhere else. Fire off any questions you might have.
tl:dr canada sucks ass, your better off in belize
This is a peaceful forum for political dialogue, not organizing action. You might as well be organizing illegal actions over Facebook. Talk to your friends and family; people you know you can trust (see pic related). Anyone who posts shit like this is either a newfag or an outside agitator/shill, and either way, not an organic part of the community.
For the Torfag, you know most Tor nodes are compromised too right?
PSA, the youtube-dl script works on Facebook and you have no excuse for making me do it for you. Was Faith Goldy always have a hideous Goblina face, or did she do some surgery recently? And where did she pick up that weird low-tongued accent?
Are there any tor nodes uncompromised?
i2p, my friend. Saging b/c my post isn't that useful.
Do it then. Don't just talk about it here.
in the bottom right corner of the picture
also, is faith goldy keeping this places location a secret?
only a minute in, immigrants get bused to that spot, and Canadian police walk them across the border
Are those legit? Are people breaking the conditioning?
hahhaha faggot I'm going to burn it down myself and you get to enjoy the ride sitting comfy at your computer being a coward and doing nothing. I would actually hate it if others joined in because this is a one man job and it's not worth it for multiple anons to get potentially arrested. I can handle this on my own. Therefore, I'm not agitating for or suggesting anything.
Could be.
Agreed, go to Brazil, we don't need more mutts in Canada.
Those give coordinates in like fucking long island, pretty sure thats the starting point (probably his actual personal location, very dumb if so)
I can tell you from looking along the border that there are endless points of entry and that taking 5 minutes to walk around that post totally nullifies the people waiting on the other side. I took a look at street level at one of these similar entrypoints with the signs and a road stopper etc, a quick detour totally negates it. The border barely even exists, these people are the people who entered the US illegally but are entering Canada at legal ports of entry. If you consider that 90% of them are claimed to be turned away in the Canadian government propaganda, that means almost all of them will simply skip that border and not be accounted for. The problem is going to be much worse and harder to handle, trusting the rebel media too is a great way to be mislead into thinking its just one entrypoint. I saw all sorts of them just like that one, but not that one.
Notice how they don't flee to Mexico?
That is a joke. Their IQ is too low to understand they are breaking the law.
End of Western civilization. Borders don't exist.