Another Trump prophecy fulfilled
New York AG (((Schneiderman))) Accused of Sexual Abuse
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Giving a bump to this. Have a kike-free first post too!
Trump curse?
Does the Trump Curse JPEG even fit on a standard hard drive anymore?
It's quantum, it both does and doesn't.
Was that the same guy who was going after Trump's lawyer in cahoots with Mueller?
Harvard-educated activist writer Tanya Selvaratnam told the New Yorker magazine that her yearlong affair with Schneiderman “was a fairytale that became a nightmare” — and quickly escalated into violence in the bedroom, even as he begged for threesomes.
“Sometimes, he’d tell me to call him Master, and he’d slap me until I did,” Selvaratnam said. “He started calling me his ‘brown slave’ and demanding that I repeat that I was ‘his property.’”
He just resigned,
well, I don't see why he did that, some guys like to knock a woman around the bedroom for a bit. And #TheyLikeItToo it sexually arouses both participants
Is he wearing eyeliner?
That might be so but it's likely that even if they were into it back then, nowadays within the #MeToo/male persecution and shaming political climate, they smelled blood in the water and saw an opportunity to get some victim sheckels.
Or it could all just be bullshit, who knows.
Schneider Man triple action web blaster?
Schneiderman is a dead man walking. With Schneiderman gone, watch what the NY governor does to try to buffer himself from scandal. It is called the Buffalo Billion. One billion dollars went to Buffalo and Cuomo donors benefited. It is still an active case with two indicted, one is on trial and the second trial is due to start this May.
It's a jew therefore disgusting
The collateral damage that the whole "no more sex pests" movement has generated is truly spectacular.
is this weaselly little kike for real?
Yeah. It thinks it's for real
Whelp, guess this little jew faggot ain't getting this wish! Lmao Trump curse is very real and apparently goes through temporality. I can't wait to read/write the book exposing Trump as a fucking magus in a few years good lord
Around this time, federal investigators reportedly began looking into questionable practices of how the Cuomo administration awarded third-party developer contracts
NY State is a kike filled sewer, Cuomo is going to get fucked next.
This wasn’t an oversight. LPCiminelli’s contract, which federal prosecutors say the company received as the result of a criminal bid-rigging scheme, included some unusually generous terms. Month after month, state officials signed off on meals and entertainment expenses for LPCiminelli’s employees – thousands of dollars, all told.
All of this gold from a staunch liberal/Democrat who was virtual signalling hard with that #metoo shit.
Is the left in full damage control? Or have they already thrown him to the wolves?
If anyone has that power it's the PASC. Those fucks have tentacles.
Flynn pardon and reinstatement incoming?
Trump has bullied this faggot relentlessly. When he got cocky and started trying to be a thorn, he was tossed aside.
Absolute crackdown.
America will be made great again.
Looks like it to me and according to the third image in Trump thinks so as well.
I don't really know that much about Flynn, but I like him from what I've seen. He stood up to Obama at a time when nobody else would. His son seems stand-up too. A full pardon and reinstatement is in order imo. I don't fully trust Pence either.
shit, how many times did t hey tweet about Trump this week?
I graduated from high school, went to Washington DC, and got a job working in an abortion clinic.
I learned an important lesson at a young age.
If a woman does not have the right to control her own body, she is not truly equal. She is not truly free.
Wow, look at that. Accusations are a powerful thing. They shouldn't be. But dey do. Cuz yeah. We dumb now.
He's full-Jew. They can't just sever the connection with him, anymore than you could detach a hand or a foot.
you've always been dumb nigger.
Oh boy, I sure am getting tired.
How bout we all just get some sleep?
Was waiting on the archive to finish up but I keep getting a network error.
could it be because he's a member?
Numbers sure are suggestive. Nxivm had strong ties to Clinton as well.
The salt on twatter is epic
Oh, I hope he goes under. I really, really hate this kike.
The fucking EYES on that kike. Spoiler that shit. Satan's playground inside that ugly dome.
He already resigned.
The face of a man who has spent 3 or 4 weekends on orgy island, ifyaknowwhadimean.
Wow.. Fucking hell, Trump has this game locked down, if he said that then, this could be a real can of worms!
Great 4d chess proof, really, he's years ahead of pedogate investigators.
And holy fuck that kike has the most jewish last name that I've seen for a while.
Couldn't happen to a better, kike.
I'm guessing they'll ignore this as much as possible or try to gloss over details to just make it more #muheetooo horse shit.
Would be funny if they pulled a 180 on the rabid harpies, backtracking on the movement over "friendly fire".
It hasn't even begun.
It wouldn't shock me if Trump employed a cadre of escorts just to act as informers for him on various high ranking officials.
He's tweeting that he's a LARPer kek
more so than that, Trump is highly educated and aware of the world he lives in, the many many people who populate it, and all of the things they do, good and bad. It's really remarkable he is running the show and not his "handlers".
Great! I wonder who will replace him? Perhaps a pajeet.
So what's the over/under on this guy committing suicide by shooting himself in the back of the head a few times? Does he have dirt on anyone powerful enough to want him dead vs. the damage it'd do if it came out?
The Clintons
Oh, that'd be great. I'd love to see either him skip bail and try to flee, or to have a hit attempt - both of which get thwarted as he's taken into secret military custody for his own protection and he cuts a deal with Trump to get moved to a non-FiveEyes country.
It really is too beautiful for words. Everything that keeps happening feels like divine intervention, or maybe a sysadmin course-correcting the simulation that was getting out of hand.
Then he demanded her to get stuffed into the hold of a ship with 300 niggers packed like sardines and he commented 'Just like my great grandfather used to do.'
Just when I start to feel sad and blue, Zig Forums comes along and cheers me up and restores my faith in the USA!
Is CNN really refusing to report on it? The audacity of those cunts.
Dolph Dub Dubs
Anyone know for sure one way or the other?
Also who becomes acting AG now?
Well, his office did voluntarily call off or shut down the investigation into them, right?
Considering the other fairly tame, imo fetish shit he talked about, I wouldn't be surprised at all if he was involved.
How soon before that cunt faces charges?
I still love Candace the Cuck Slayer
CNN Cunts Confirmed!
Just asking questions…
Just saw this. How retarded do you have to be to do this job when you have skeletons in your closet yourself? So much for the vaunted Jewish IQ
In fairness user, I'd say being the kind of person who looks for said skeletons in closets makes you an apt person to not only hide your own, but also keep others from finding them.
I'd also expect a forensic examiner to be better-suited to get away with murder, for instance. Problem is, these people are either incredibly arrogant or incredibly stupid probably both, so they get fucked in the end anyway.
Indeed. They do get cocky.
I used to wonder this myself when I saw Anthony Weiner doing his Carlos Danger routine. Then I realized that they basically get off on seeing how retarded they can be. It's not enough for them to get a big important job, they have to abuse their position too, and take pictures of themselves masturbating in front of their kids because they're sick, sick fucks. (((Mentally Ill)))
Does anyone else find this stuff inspiring? No matter how much of a fuckup you are, or stupid, incompetent, bad at your job, whatever, you can get super high profile jobs like this. You just need to sell your soul and join the cabal, unfortunately.
Pics or it didn't happen. Khazar milkers need not apply.
Of course not. Hebes are fucking evil. There is no way a white man will ever be able to reconcile the cognitive dissonance. A white man will snap and kill fuckers when shit goes matzo.
It's kind of inspirational, but I'm actually less sure about the actual selling the soul and joining the cabal part. I think it's more like anybody who isn't a sick fuck doesn't even apply because they think, well, there was one time that I screwed up and it will probably come out so I better not even apply in case I have to explain it. It's not like he had to masturbate in front of his kids, and put pictures of himself doing it on the internet so it can get published in the newspaper as part of a Ritual Sacrifice so he can join Skull and Bones, he just does it because he's a stupid dumbfuck! And these people hang out with Hillary Clinton and their inner circle! Nobody made him do it, he's just bored…
there's plenty of pics, user
If he did nothing wrong, what does he have to fear? Why step down? Don't get mad moshe, I'm just asking questions.
40 gorillion keks!
And we can of course argue the relevance of "busty", oy! Those are white tits, not khazar milkers.
I was just jocking being a kike is an unforgivable sin on its own right he still did nothing wrong though regarding his sexts, but I'm glad that the left will cannibalize him for it
Ok cunt, how about this. Instagram pics need not fucking apply. Where are the fucking SEXTING pics? What's that? Don't have any? Eat shit.
Exactly anons. If he knew about this 5 years ago, I'm convinced of the 4D chess meme. Memes are reality in this /timeline/.
Hmmm lets see.
Yeah I think its a safe bet user.
I think that Trump is trying to tell us that Schneiderman's Weiner is going to be roasted on a Spitzer.
too funny
are we tired of winning yet?
Top Kek, Jr. is savage.
Fuck. I love that woman.
The Silence of the Shills itt
Hillary is probably dancing around while wearing David Brock's skin.
weiner roasted on spitzer
Anons, no more jokes… I can't sleep, I'm laughing too hard. I have to get up early.
Kellyanne is great. This is really the best timeline. Trump hires great people. I swear they've all got at least 50 IQ points on the so-called elite like Schniderman.
If you look at the catalog it's getting flooded with OT demoralization posts and CP etc…David Brock and his idiot Soros shills are totally losing their shit and trying to slide this.
Men, we are gonna bury these Commies with their own corpses .
These kikes just can't keep it in their pants.
Please tell me all of these have been archived. My sides can only take so much, so I'll need to ration out the doses.