Climate skeptics more eco-friendly than global-warming alarmists: study
Valerie Richardson, The Washington Times
Climate skeptics more eco-friendly than global-warming alarmists: study
Valerie Richardson, The Washington Times
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Another case of the modern the Blue Church mentality that it's always someone else's responsibility.
Of course, individual action is worthless alone. The sole solution to human induced environmental destruction is to reduce the human population to sustainable levels.
This aligns with my anecdotal experience. The most aggressively progressive environmentalists (read: global corporate feudalists) engage in abnormally frequent air travel and spend a lot of time in very wasteful hotels, some of them ironically engage in this lifestyle so as to discuss solutions to the very problem they are responsible for.
Meanwhile those closest to my ideology will chose walking over driving where possible, train travel over air. Stay closer to home, support local business, replace electronic devices as infrequently as possible if they are even purchased in the first place. My “carbon footprint” is likely minuscule and if I had my way it would be even smaller.
Valerie Richardson, The slut doesn't tell me what I am expected to think.
Hunter's were the original environmentalists as they thoroughly understood the symbiotic relationship of man and nature.
All these fucking leftists queers have never even been outside of their hipster and nigger infest cities.
On a similar note, anyone have any handy infographs pointing out how global warming is fundamentally flawed, that there is no hole in the O-zone, and so forth? I can point out how gore has been caught in a lie since 2014 (earliest melting date), but it's more fun to bludgeon libshits with hefty walls of facts.
Communists and Jews always preach but never practice.
Just reduce shitskins
Here you go. Also, remember they use the term "climate change" to refer to many different issues not limited solely to global warming. This is to muddy the waters and confuse their opponents into thinking agreeing with them on one issue (say third world over population) is agreeing with them on all other "climate" issues. Make them stick to their claim that man made co2 is warming the planet catastrophically. They have over 30 years of climate models that have failed to prove their hypothesis. The funny thing is, even if they are correct in their models about apocalyptic warming, without a time machine to stop the industrial revolution, there is nothing that can be done anymore.
Also, make sure to call them out on their scientific pretensions and lack of basic epistemology. They will most likely use the most scientific of arguments, the appeal to authority, to cite "muh 99% of climate scientists agree.." Don't forget to mention that science does not progress by blacklisting dissenters and calling for laws to make it illegal to dispute statistics.
In my debates with alarmists this is one issue they can be redpilled on. You don't even need to tie it to race, just show that all Western countries have declining birthrates and all shitskin countries are reproducing exponentially.
Wouldnt that be a good thing since even though levels rise the floor sinks so it balances out?
Water is wet.
Wew who would have imagined that climate alarmists are all talk.
No shit. These people are always all talk.
Gore is probably not getting around the world in a horse drawn carriage.
I don't know about ordinary climate change believers, but the reason why Gore and other elite Global-warming pushers don't practice what they preach is because they know it is a scam. 'Global-warming/climate change' was invented to destroy nations and advance global governance, it was never real.
Western nations are the strongest ones, therefore they are the priority to be weakened.
'Global-warming' was supposed to make industrial development in the West prohibitively expensive. If you wanted to build a factory you would have to 'off-set' supposed environmental dangers by buying 'Carbon Credits' from some third world country.
Thus you get another form of global taxation where a western country and it's individuals would have to send money to the third-world.
Of course, there would also be a big financial market trading carbon credits worldwide.
So the jews and other money grabbers could wreck your nation and also profit from it on the side.
So the elite don't practice what they preach - simply because they all know that it is a scam to advance global governance.
It's only the useful idiots in the establishment like academics, minor politicians, journalists etc who actually believe it's real.
It's a bit like 'diversity' and 'multiculturalism' and 'immigrants will pay our pensions'. None of the elite who run the Bilderberg group, the Trilateral commission and other such groups actually believe any of this, nor do they believe that blacks are the same as whites, or that Indians will make a great contribution to the Wests high tech industry.
They know bloody well that diversity ruins social happiness, that it causes violence and crime, and that it hugely expensive to support these parasites. That's exactly why they support it. Anything that ruins and weakens nations is OK to the elite.
Don't underestimate people stupidity. Form the people are number in the ledger. There rapeskin number looks exactly like German. Especially with polite correct agenda that prohibits stating difference between them.
This is one of the best ways of shutting them down.
I agree on the overpopulation idea. We are overpopulated. So if you want to reduce population, start from removing all kinds of immigration, because Europeans are doing just fine with being in harmony with their environment.
I am not doubting the article too much but that is a small sample.
Much obliged! You're also spot-on about both pints; libtards love to muddy the waters because they themselves can't keep up with their own con, and the explosive population growth of shitskins in the third world can't be over looked due to the hard math involved.
If sea levels were changing in any appreciable significance, yes. It's another example of these fuckers failing to think their scam through in order to rush out a new apocalypse headline to enforce stricter carbon taxes and throttle the middle class even further. Hell, one screaming dumbass I debated with actually argued that icebergs _growing_ would destroy the planet because the added weight would cause sea levels to rise faster.
Fucking tell me about it. They also more often than not litter and have much more waste to dispose because when the new dumbphone hits they have to get rid of the old one, among other things. They also pay out the ass for "organic" (read:soyinized) ingredients when they could just grow their own or just buy them from a farmer's market.
this is why democracy is a terrible mistake
Not surprising, go to any parking lot or plaza in the city or suburban after dusk. There's tons of trash on the floor everywhere you go that the owners of the plaza they have to pay someone to pick up the thrash before morning arrives.
This has been obvious forever. Those of us in the UK over a certain age will remember Dr David Bellamy and some people probably what happened to him as he used to be on TV all the time. Well he's not dead, just "unpersoned". This video is from Irish TV, not the UK, before people say "But he's on TV talking about it!". It's also from 10 years ago.
So that's why us in lesser shitposting land can get sunburnt in 20 minutes?
Or, how our solar panels can output 25% more…
Ozone hole is real but it has improved a bit.
Bingo. The same type of people who constantly crow about how we need to tax the rich to build more affordable, low-income housing. But propose to build that housing in their neighborhood, and they kvetch like all hell.
Depopulation can solve some of the problem of resource depletion and reduce pollution a little bit but the biggest polluters are companies that don't care about the environment because the people who run them are immature psychopathic greedy narcissists. Overpopulation is caused by poverty and wars, which they caused and pollution is caused by their greed. These people will always blame us for the problems that they cause and they want us to pay for it. There are two solutions to the problem: 1. The psychopathic Elite that rules the world and is responsible for massive inequality stop sucking the people and countries dry of their wealth and stop interfering in politics and economics for their own profit and let people and nature get back to a natural balance, or 2. They remain the antisocial greedy psychopathic bastards that they are and try to kill us slowly but surely after sucking us dry of our wealth, profiting from us in every way imaginable and making our lives a living hell so that they can retain their living standard and wealth. It's basically us vs. them, either we have to pay with our lives or they with some of their wealth and power.
Not really. For example oil companies certainly car about oil spills or leaky pipelines because that is money being actually flushed down the drain.
The biggest polluters in terms of tonnage are third world shitskins who contribute about 95% of the detritus that gets into the ocean simply because they refuse to bury their fucking trash. The USA is actually the best in that regard because unlike other developed nations it does bury trash quite liberally.
In reality the "global elite" ie kikes and libshits have little to do with resource extraction even in shitskin nations. The consider actual work to be "dirty". That's why the oil industry in the US is entirely run by whites rather than kikes despite making serious money. Industrial activity and agriculture are in a similar state.
Kikes and libtards suck their money though bureaucracy and managerial means, they skim from companies and states via taxes. Moreover there is no incentive for even a corporation which is responsible in a white nation to be responsible in a shitskin one, the shitskins have no value as workers nor are they able to oppose that corporation in any way. I wouldn't care if a copper miner worked a million spics to death, that doesn't happen but it should. I would prefer to kill all the spics and use skilled white labor to mine the copper at just as low a cost however and have those families farm the surrounding land as well.
You get burnt because that's always been the case shithead. The "ozone holes" were at the poles where the solar wind guided by the magnetic lines crashes into the atmosphere and breaks O3 into 02 and free oxygen atoms. That also occurs everywhere due to UV photons hitting the molecules as well. Now CFCs do catalyze that process and were an issue. They were originally used because they are not annoxic so it can't displace the oxygen in your blood, low density so it doesn't sit in the lungs, and nearly nonreactive so it cannot poison you. They were chosen for their safety with regard to the human organism. However it was found that they were thinning the ozone via the reduction in energy needed to break O3 hence UV more easily broke that molecule that was opaque to it. But that has been over since the 80s, the effect has long since passed as the CFCs have broken down over time.
Wear a hat faggot.
First of all wall street is run by globalists and jews, second jews like the rockefeller and rothschild had their own oil companies and used to dominate the world oil markets and probably still do, third you don't have to own a company anymore to control it, if you are a shareholder or investor you can own and control a company indirectly, fourth the globalists can get rid of people that don't want to cooperate with them and their agenda like they did with Gaddafi, so don't tell me that they can't enforce things in muslim countries, muslim countries have been destabilized many times by the globalist, some of these countries would have become modern like western countries, a good example for this is israel, even though israelis have a low iq on averege and similar to neighbouring muslim countries, their country is economically successful and technologically advanced, why? because the jews in power all over the world force companies that they control to share resources and invest in israel (
It is similar to how the refugees welcome crowd live in white zip codes and have most white friends.
Wow the people who want to rely on the government to take care of everything are more likely to not put their money where their mouth is while those who don't favor government overreach are more likely to take matters into their own hands?
What a shock.
There is a reason your land down under looks similar to Mars, my friend. Did humans kill the Martian ozone too?
If it is a random sample, it is big enough to get statistically significant results. The sample size shouldn't be the thing that worries you as we have seen with the election data how easy it is to skew how you want it.
These "global warming alarmists" are also pro mass immigration and pro taxing you to death for "carbon" while also offering no alternative, and other scams which are thinly veiled communism.
I'm seeing a trend there.
Their "oil companies" like Standard oil buy oil commodities and trade them. They don't extract or transport oil and never have. They dominate the (((markets))) like kikes always do through the same means they always have.
Well not really given who inferior the mudmen, they have no economic utility. There will be poverty in any system. As for war, war is good and is an intrinsic part of the human condition.
My solution is to kill them all, kikes first and every shitskin afterward. I understand the usefulness of this rhetoric you use when dealing with leftists and pussies. But I have zero empathy even for other whites, when it comes to shitskins I actively want to kill them. If they weren't so dirty I'd want to eat them. I feel nothing by predatory instinct towards them, they are weak and easy prey. I don't care that mudmen oppose the kikes, they too will be killed down to the last child for the crime of breathing my air and drinking my water.
I'm a climate-skeptical, Hitler-loving, vegan Aryan, whose lengthy, caucazoidal penis yall anons can suck.
Eating meat is for kikes and mudslimes, what with that kosher and halal faggotry.
I disagree with the hostility, but meat-eaters can be obtuse as well, so fair game. Anywho, Nasim Aghdam is proof that Veganism is respectable.
I was just anticipating the roast I usually get for bringing up my lifestyle.
You wanna talk about hostility… sheeeit nigga
Oh joy. Leddit-tier censhorship.
I hang out with Muslims, I hope with them about how shitty jews are, I'm not burning bridges irl… but c'mon man, it's not like we're gonna sing fuckin kumbaya after the jews are gone, as if you and I weren't infidels, as if they don't know they are displacing us.
What the fuck do you want with me, with your weird formatting ass self, coming in here criticizing me on the website that I own? I swear I'll turn this whole board off m8
I joke with them*
Oh uhhhh you are an interesting specimen there.
Not going to give (((you))) another (you), but uhhh bye niggerkike, you've thoroughly estranged me.
I'm not even a vegan but I respect you. Believe it or not I actually ate a bacon sandwich while standing outside of a synagogue full of rabbis exiting it. One of them said I was "unclean like a real swine" for consuming it. From that day forward, I will always eat bacon for Uncle Adolf (who turns out to be not a vegan either).
Yea I don't know if Hitler was a vegan or vegetarian or omnivore, but I abstain for my own reasons.
However, it is hard to be mad at you when you are out there pissing off kikes.
Consider cutting put factory farmed kike food my dude
>Not going to give (((you))) another (you)
Can you give a (you) for me instead? The d&c shills have been working overtime lately.
Oops I seem to have two IPs
But I'm sure you can tell who's the vegan faggot spewing his propaganda
Jk stop eating that modern synthmeat hormone injected bullshit
Prove you ain't no been first
I deserve hell for phoneposting
I'm not. Anyways I agree on not eating that shit (((they))) have on supermarkets and fast food restaurants. When I was 12, I used to love eating Mickey D's but then I realized it wasn't even real food, it's ZOG cattle poison. I thank my transition into becoming a dude weeb lmao lolberg as I grew up because it redpilled me on flouride amd GMO's.
Sorry user, truly sorry
Glad you don't eat at a restaurant that is obviously dog food though, glad people are capable of resisting literal dog food in this day and age.
Who wants to be a (you)llionaire?
Fuck it I'm feeling benevolent.
You you (youuuuu)
P.s. cows and chickens have more of a soul than apefricans
I'm a complete climate skeptic, believe in solar cycles, magnetic earth sun connections and think we are plunging into a maunder minimum type event right now.
I drive an extremely fuel efficient hybrid, replace batteries in sealed phones, heat my house with crypto mining (it's more thermally efficient then electric heating, 2000w does the entire house in -30c outside) use rechargeable batteries, grow some of my own food and I've planned enough trees to have a negative carbon footprint for life.
But the fucking IPCC morons think they can do anything about the sun going into a grand minimum.
the mods won't let you call a jigaboo a N I G G E R ANYMORE
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MORE AT 11 !
Environmental science major here. Can confirm. The fagots who major in "environmental studies" (ultra-liberal political science with a little bit of earth science) were the worst.
I'm a computer science faggot interested in trying to understand climate and related fields by digging through literature and any other resources I can find. I spent a few hours trying to curate some reading to do. Do you have any essential papers and resources to read regarding atmospheric science, climatology, climate science, climate change and etc?
What are you interested in? Geology, environmental chemistry, and geochemistry textbooks are a good place to start getting an overview of various subjects; the environmental chemistry book is good if you want to understand the nuts and bolts of greenhouse gases. If you are interested in the computer models for climate change, The IPCC puts out an annual report that details various models used in political decisions and methods that were used. There are some more cutting edge models that use Artificial Neural Networks if you are into that kind of stuff; they tend to have more extreme predictions compared to the ones used in the IPCC.
These things are never about climate change or minority rights or anything other than new ways to control people. You have to understand this. The most leftist shitholes are always the least concerned about the environment because Leftism doesn't see humans as a part of nature, regardless of how much hippie shit they spout. Also most leftist countries are full of careless browns who couldn't give a rats ass about their own air and drinking water because they naturally lack the foresight to think about such things.
These threads are shilled to fuck with fascists depopulationist niggers.
We could be using vertical farming to supply local areas in the ghetto food deserts with cheap organicst. no billionaire or millionaire is doing that, they are saying there's too many people, socialism and fascism is what we need, look we opened a library and bought all the books from our friend who opened a printing company thanks for the donations these books about overpopulation and communism will really help the poor.
Ozone depletion is not a thing because the ozone at high altitude is the result of the energy Rays from space sources hitting and exiting the oxygen to form ozone which if then quick lived and reacts with other molecules around, it's a reaction area not a think ass layer of ozone gas like a cloud. It's the oxygen that reacts with the uv rays that's saving your skin. Ozone is a byproduct from the amount of energy transferred into the oxygen, in winter the"hole" is there but that's where the Earth tilts away from the sun so no/weak reaction.
Using what plan? I can sustain myself on very little for a long time, or on a lot of gluttony for a short time. What is sustainable to me, is not sustainable to others. Sustainability is buzzword bullshit and total nonsense. Only cucks even consider the idea of sustainability.
The only things not sustainable are the people that don't pull their weight.
I hate liberals.
Toppest of keks. I remember this one namefag who plays Kerbal Space Program on kiketube kvetching about muh "alternative facts," another totally dishonest soyboy kike retard phrase he probably heard from mommy professor.
This is why we need scientific opinions from people like the Odinia lady instead. She used to work for NASA at a telescope and told all these morons the obvious–that climate change is primarily due to solar variation. Go figure, she likes the sun/solar swastikas and actually paid attention.
Science beez rayciss
If you change latitudes significantly and you're a pale-ass cracker like I am, you can actually feel the difference in solar radiation. I moved a thousand miles and can tell. And yeah, it has to be a polar thing. Look at any drawing of a magnetic field and use your rayciss Hitler logic to put it together, m8.
I still challenge anyone to explain how you can detect a 0.08" (2 mm) "drop" in depth of a constantly fluctuating ocean floor.
Thanks for the response. I have some experience and knowledge of neural nets, I try to be wary of the hype, but they can do some cool things. I've been trying to get into statistical / theoretical physics and beef up my math and stats skills so I am less of a CS brainlet. I'm interested in complex systems and there are a lot of tools that seem interesting to draw from physics and math. (((Eric Weinstein))) mentions gauge theory applications in economics. I don't have any particular niche interest in climate science, it's broad, but I am interested in gaining enough knowledge to not be totally scammed by 'muh green house gases'. I also want to motivate myself to learn more about a variety of different topics like physics, chem, statistical modeling and experiment design. I just don't want to be clueless about the fundamental principles and general practices.
They didn't measure anything. It's a (((moidel))). I'm leaving that typo.
oh no, who could have foreseen this besides fucking everyone?
It's too ingrained in them as a truth, you'll have better luck with my personal stance on it though it is centrist for the purpose of redpilling "For now we need gas to power everything or we're fucked, solar and wind just aren't enough. Until that happens gas is inevitable. Regardless of your opinion regarding global warming, wouldn't it be better to fund research into other potential sources of energy better than gas rather than global warming research while also encouraging green architecture that incorporates plants into their designs?"
It's so centrist its impossible to argue against and has many positives such as defunding bullshit research, funding actual alternatives that may work (besides nuclear) and adds more soul to the shit urban jungle which makes people happier (nike did it with one of their factories or HQ's and saw increase in worker happiness and productivity).
The problem is that this study assumes people who are "highly concerned" about climate change are actually highly concerned. It's just the easy opinion, so they go with it. Le black seinse man already proved it right, and the government is responsible for fixing it, and there's no social repercussions for having this opinion.
Climate change is bullshit but loss of natural environment, desertification, and pollution are real problems that can be addressed. There's no "global warming" or other bullshit except from the natural actions of the sun. "Climate change" has always been used to discredit actual environmentalists. It doesn't take a scientific panel to tell you that tossing several megatons of plastic into the ocean every few months is a bad thing, or jacking people up on so many drugs that they piss the drugs back into the water supply and literally turn frogs gay might have negative consequences on the human population.
And the logical conclusion, for those of us not drinking the cool-aid, is that there are too many god damned shitskins. No one needs two billion indian streetshitters running around. Whites, who are 4% of the global population, are not the problem. Go to the third world and they produce so much garbage that they literally live on top of the garbage piles.
As for libshits, I don't see those fatasses bike commuting. Hell, they eat twice as many calories as necessary, that's like 10 african niglets who go hungry so trigglypuff can have a constant dopamine hookup.
But that's the difference between making your own conclusions or being fed what to think by a media running an agenda.
Money = overconfidence.
Wow, you must be one of those MGTOW fucks, claiming that women are even capable, in their worst examples and moments, of which they have none, of lying, upon some queerest occasion.
Fucking this.
It's the easy and state sanctioned response. They actually don't care about the environment, they just don't want to ostracized for wrongthink.