Ok so I'm from /x/ and I like to lurk Zig Forums and Zig Forums, I've had this theory about what happened with the Hawaii missle scare on January 13th. It goes like this;
I remember coming across a fuckton of threads about what was going on in Hawaii at the time of happening. I spent time mostly in pol watching comments fly by. I remember reading something one user posted about nuclear counter measures the US and Russia were measuring dicks about on the military budgets. Now big brother is not good, but I know those dicks being waved around were pretty big. Fast forward. If this plays out he will more than have secured a second term and possible nobel peace prize. But I can't help but feel something happened we were not made aware of, this is sudden. The year is not half over but something is being set up confront of us, hidden from our view. Kim was not a real leader. The possibility of a coup was all to real and his military leaders despise him. Surrender ensures victory for kim,outside forces can keep him in power and protect him by pulling strings through him. He might have starved his people but if we are living in this time line in and south Korean and western aid will revive them. Why is this bad? As a bonus to this Syria is giving up on it's nuclear weapons program receiving the previously mentioned treatment, economic sanctions lifted, with ideal doing the shit they are doing with missle strikes the US might get to turn on Israel.
I understand your theory, but let me characterize it and see if you find it as satisfying as you appear to indicate: Someone slipped you a laxative but you had to go to the bathroom anyway, so you took care of it, but then you raised your glass to the culprit who suddenly wasn't thirsty anymore and he agreed to play nice and get rid of his laxative supply.
Question: How can you ever trust him after this?
Hudson Garcia
Eat shit, jew.
Robert Flores
Ian Sullivan
This makes a lot more sense than him just randomly coming to the table after 60 years.
Lincoln James
The cold war and USA/Russian enmity is staged, they're different branches of the same team. Same goes for NK. There is only one reason NK is giving up its nukes - it never had any. Moreover it isn't a real nation, it's an idea created by the CIA. Fat Kimmy is an actor who went to a CIA school in Switzerland. And yes, I'll say it again: THE COLD WAR WAS A HOAX ON THE POPULATIONS OF EAST AND WEST, TO STRIP THEM OF THEIR WEALTH AND KEEP THEM IN PERPETUAL FEAR Jews ran both sides and agreed on every action. Am I saying that nukes don't actually exist? No I'm not, although I wouldn't rule it out.
Joshua Parker
I especially like the last part of "your" "theory" basically the jew media doesn't lie and everything they said is true, you can trust them about North Korea, because Kim is fat and that's funny, it makes you laugh right? then it must be true, like when something incredibly unlikely is reported, but it involves muslims or niggers being harmed or killed, then it's gotta be true, because Zig Forums hates those people! trust them
Gabriel Miller
I hate to say it, but TORpedo has it right. This part is very plausible.
This. In the Korean war, we advanced far beyond the DMZ. If you hear communism, think judaism. This also applies to China, Cuba, etc.
The Cold War was a phony wealth redistribution scheme. Any future world war will be the same. China a sovereign nation? hahahahahahaha they're bugmen hahahaha
Cameron Bailey
nukes are fake
Aaron Ross
Yup. North Korea is a giant stage, and they can't keep the illusion running much longer, so they've been given this out to "reunite" with the south (who themselves were until recently under direct control by Clinton's friends in the boy-eating cabal). Providing everyone complies of course. Personally I'd like to see the truth presented unfiltered, and damn the casualties, but at least we're moving forward with the destruction of the Mossad/CIA empire. From there it's a hop skip and a jump to disabling the Samson option and returning Israel to Palestine.
Carter Taylor
I dunno if them consolidating power in that region is indication of the destruction of the CIA/Mossad empire… more just that they broke another tool and are weaseling a way around that fact. They've broke all the tools tbh, but they also have the power for overt police state control, so I guess they're just going that route… especially in Korea, where the South already has a strict nanny state and Marxist underpinnings.
I always said the Koreas would reunite under a communist South one day. I'm sure the conglomerates that run that hellhole are invested in by the central banks, pretty much obfuscating communism and creating a big old scam.
Jaxson Brooks
He went to school in europe so they had plenty of time to replace him.
Leo Butler
This is correct and important to understand.
Nolan Bennett
Does anyone have a concrete, specific theory as to what's going on in North Korea? Are you saying Kim is a puppet and there are some secret things going on behind the scenes, or are you saying the whole country is fake?
Isaac Martin
It's probably just a phony. The Kims would just be actors and the state would presumably be run on bare bones concentration camp staff. There are people there and things going on, but it's a joke. Like, their launch facilities are a joke.
Wasn't the missile shootdown theory something promoted by the Qtards?
Joseph Jones
Guilt by association fallacy.
Austin Kelly
I agree that it's stupid to believe that the government knew all along that the guy who triggered the false alarm was a retard all along.
Lando doesn't sound so bad.
Brandon Gomez
Interesting theory, have a bump. It is very weird for sure that suddenly N ans S Korea are best buddies now of a sudden, we could try to dig for more info on that? Pic related we need to think outside of the box