Illinois counties create and pass resolution to create sanctuaries for gun owners
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Uh, what the fuck are the kikes trying to pull?
Can you believe the kikes tried this shit? Yes, shock, grab a fainting couch.
It's nice to see a push back against Chicago jews like (((Rahm Emanuel))) that are trying to run Springfield.
Finally some actual pushback. The whole reason the 2A has been green boiled like a frog ever since the ban on automatic weapons is because, though pro-gun lobbies and activists love to defend, they never push against these laws. Do not let the left push on and at best defend scraps of your rights? Take back what is yours and push for repealing gun control, message your local politicians to make your county a gun sanctuary, start petitions to repeal the NFA and encourage family, neighbors and friends to start owning firearms.
Turnabout is fair play, kikes
Wait until DAs decide to ignore murder laws if the "victim" is in the country illegally. We might need to leave a big, beautiful door in the wall so they can escape.
Found something interesting, somebody is trying to start a separation movement in Illinois, might be worth checking out.
Trips of painful hypocrisy.
"The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened), against domestic Violence."
This is the Constitutional Law you're really looking for. Modern USA's multi-ideology system is literally illegal, as the word "guarantee" implies the exclusion of all alternatives. The Second Amendment is fine, but people droning on and on about it are still subverting themselves to their own, more powerful, laws.
Bumping, this hypocritical cow is going to learn how hypocrisy really works.
Fat fucking cow, I hope terrible accidents and misfortunes befall it.
The irony. The day when the kike masters and their golems are executed will be the brightest day.
Chicago needs strict border controls
Meme accepted, kek wills it
Roling for 3 weeks till shit showers on her life
It's actually not a violation of the part of the Constitution you cite to establish a one-man militia and regulate it yourself. The most fundamental misunderstanding between Europeans and Americans is that the former loves community ideology and the latter is mostly indifferent towards it.
The idea of saying "I don't like your shit and I don't want to be part of it" is anathema to people who pack so many lives in such small spaces.
So only the feds have "right to bear arms" ?
Maybe I am reading wrong.
It is written like shit.
It could mean that only the feds cannot take your guns, like speech.
But states read: countries can.
Looking at its pic, you hopes have already been realized. She looks like a Flounder from Animal House as a woman.
It is written ambiguously on purpose. With any law written, it is the legal precedence that will define the law written.
But there were no kikes on the Supreme Court in 1876, right? I think Brandeis was the first, and that was decades after that case.
This is kind of off topic but I'm just gonna ask this question here because QTDDTOT is not bumping fast right now. How was (((gun control))) implemented so well in other western nations like Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand and yet somehow kikes keep struggling to twist the 2nd Amendment's words for their liking but have never successfully established (((gun control))) in all 50 states?
I also don't understand why Western European normalfags (mostly the Brits), and also the Canadian, Australian and New Zealander normalfags are always huge suckers for (((gun control))) as if it's a good thing. They think that's the reason why their countries are "safer" than the US, even though most of the violence, including gun violence, coming from the US mostly comes from the violent spics, niggers and other shitskins being around. Looking at the crime statistics, you'll actually see that Whites and Asians barely do any form of crime, but since this is the current year I guess statistics don't matter at all because of muh ebil systemic racism. 4cuck has been having a lot of threads centered on anti-gun sentiments lately, and frankly I'm not surprised it's fucking 4cuck.
Not even (((Karl Marx))) himself supported (((gun control))), not even Zig Forums supports (((gun control))) so where did the (((gun control))) meme start anyway? Where did the "violent gun-toting White American" stereotype start? Hollyjew movies? Is (((gun control))) just another (((liberal))) psyop? It's very popular among political parties in Europe that advocate for "social democracy", which as of now is the most mainstream political ideology in Europe. Can any Euroanon here answer some of my questions? Andy are non-Whites so saturated in the idea that they are always "poor" and "oppressed"? What makes them think it's even remotely Whitey's fault?
The homicide and manslaughter rates for whites in the US have consistently been equivalent to the rates for whites in Luxembourg. Until two years ago when shitskins came in and they down do "racial identification" in most European countries for (((some reason))).
In fact in the US crime rates for white and jap immigrants(and when we talk about asians it is mostly japs) are near identical to those of their home countries at the time of their immigration.
They have to pretend that this is a "social problem" to keep their anti-white narrative going. But more than that the US have 3 million militiamen who actively organize to oppose the government. Now some of those organizations are full of plants, others are cuckservatives, and some are just larping. But about 500,000 are white nationalists with another million or more being racist good-ole-boys. That is constitutes the largest and best equipped paramilitary force on the planet. And that is the actual militias not the entirety of the white male population of rural America who are almost universally racist. There is a reason they they were sweating bullets. Through sheer numbers they could overthrow the US government even while being completely disorganized. There are simply too many to handle and they could destroy infrastructure and kill any non-white they see and get away with it simply by swamping the system.
That is way marx and leftypol who fancy themselves rebels don't advocate gun control. They aren't in power, without guns they can't get power. The libshits are in power and they fear losing that power to rebellion. Especially when the combat forces of the US military are whiter than ever(93% white men) because nobody else can pass the fucking map tests or the physical for active combat duty.
As for why white America never bought into it? The rural white are the descendants of cavaliers who were expats from the English civil war derived from the warrior classes and the Germans who left the cantons after the wars ended and they became destitute(ie mercenaries and those who served them). And then until 1965 more than 70% of those who came to America left again because they didn't like the culture or couldn't survive here. The founding populations and the society they created selected for spiteful, taciturn people. These people were naturally more individualist or clannish and therefore more likely to be 1) willing to engage in personal violence and 2) less willing to engage with a community outside their blood relations.
These people are naturally inclined to oppose policies to disarm them.
America scraped the best and worst of Europe into a new nation and they got along because they all had simliar proclivities. Notice that it wasn't until the small influx of Italians and Potato Irish sided with the fucking Roundheads(the only non-warrior group) of the NE coast that we started to see any progressive movements in the USA since the civil war. Indeed the opponents of slavery(though still hating niggers to their credit) were all Roundheads and kikes) but the slave trade was also run by kikes as well so don't read too much into that.