I'm from 4chan's Zig Forums but someone suggested I come here so I want to post this.

Patrick Little, who is literally Zig Forums the candidate, is in SECOND PLACE behind (((Diane Feinstein.))) SECOND PLACE!!! He has a real chance to win, and he needs our help. You can stay anonymous but you need to help him.


-Attacks Israel
-Stood on their flag and spat on it
-Brings up Jewish Supremacists all the time
-Rightly Blames Jews for slavery
-Calls out Jews who control America and California
-Is woke af and can actually win!!


Attached: 1525760771426.png (1482x617, 59.38K)

Thank God you posted this, I almost didn't notice the post on the first page with 700+ replies.

Fucking kek. Last one to root's a rotten egg.

Attached: 1464064218841.gif (817x537, 2.23M)

reported for being a nevrotic jew.

Fuck you the report is too hard to make out, just fuck you. board owner seem to like niggers, nobody makes out that shit, especially not while drunk

reeks of controlled op

wow polling 2nd place
muricans get this semite aware elected

Very good. They'll never let him actually win, but I hope people like him continue to raise awareness.


I've gone back and forth on whether this dude is legit. OP, and the 33 timestamp in OP's pic, put me more on edge. Seems like a controlled op based on the corrupted symbolism now primarily used as code by freemasons. As much as I love the number 33, it's used in prayer by us and in codes by (((them))) so I'm more inclined to see it as code here.

But a literal baby eating rabbi is probably better than Diane Feinstein, who has likely eaten more babies than the average rabbi. Help him out I say. Trust but verify.

It's a time stamp you mongoloid, it changes as time passes. It's not like he said "I require 33 men for the job"

Not even a timestamp, it's "33 minutes ago".

Attached: mintuesago.png (141x31, 7.04K)

Yeah I think is his issue is whoever took the screen shot did it at 33 minutes after the post. Then also this guy is being pushed.
It could be coincidence but if you know their games it isn't beyond the realms of possibility that it is a signal.


As much as I refuse to believe in coincidence in this case, unless there's other Masonic symbolism in his videos or verbally/textually referenced I think it's safe to assume.

Already a thread halfchanner. Try checking the catalog before something out.

now there are 4 threads on Patrick Little. Not Complaining.

Attached: patricklittle2018_1.webm (600x600, 1.63M)

Fuck off. It was the wrong suggestion.

You lot reek of literal JUDEN.
Little is obviously /ourguy/. Let's get behind him for once!

There are two threads on him already OP, you nigger.
(full, and worth reading)

What stops me from flying to LAX from FL and just voting for this guy? Aren't they a "No ID needed, no questions asked state"?

Why vote for him only once? Vote early, vote often! NO ID, NO MONEY DOWN. Citizenship not required.


What's with all the FL anons on Zig Forums?
everytime i see somebody mention where theyre from, it's FL

Sage and report.
He doesn't, in fact. Jews control all courts and all voting machines. California has no voter ID laws, so anyone can vote a thousand times.

There's a weird balance in this state, there's a ton of shitskins but the White areas are really White and the shitskin areas are REALLY brown. We understand the issues more than other muddied states like California and Texas that became bros with the brownies. Besides, Floridians are the most powerful race in the world.

Attached: fact-floridians-are-the-most-powerful-race-in-the-world-25607805.png (500x425, 100.84K)


Attached: VOTE-PAT.jpg (888x719, 105.37K)

that video earned my vote

What can anons outside of california do to help with this? From Portland here, not sure what to do short of going to california and shitposting flyers/voting 100 times

Holy shit, this autism.

Doesn't matter if he can't win. It's about raising awareness on the JQ by him being able to continue the campaign and get on TV to debate Feinstein. You are retarded.