The find me a gf spammer who you all should be familiar with just got fucked by his pics. Here let me guide you in:
Pajeet 'tfw no gf' spammer of the past month was just doxed (almost(the thread(worth it)))
Other urls found in this thread:
caps from 404d thread are in reverse chrono order
Here is a ctrl+c ctrl+v of his original pic post:
▶Beautiful Woman I wanna love you 05/08/18 (Tue) 17:24:19 c093b0 No.11562304>>11562331 >>11562890
In 16/04/2018 I was in street.
I also thinking stalking beautiful and also beautiful taller westernised Indian woman in street but couldn't stalk them because I could get caught.
You won't even fucking able to guess which city I live?
This pics captured from building. It is beautiful.
They deleted the thread just as we were getting really close! No matter. We're not finished with pajeet yet. And yes I did notice how he suddenly went radio silent haha.
DUDE! As soon as I saw those red question marks in the bottom right I saved fukken evrything m88!
Ceeeeeeeeeelebration time
He's freaking out, probably shitting himself in the DSS
I know I was like oh fuck so I saved what I thought might be useful hahaha.
Good job!! We'll get him.
Gore does nothing to me but that makes my skin crawl
He had to make an emergency run to the shitting street before he pooped his loin cloth
He lives in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. One of the businesses he took a picture of has only 1 location:
Archive of his pictures:
(Thank you to the mod who directed me to this one. This is all from the other thread.)
Heh. I nuked it in Civ V the other day.
your beloved mods fuck kids
I think he's too stupid to realize how badly he's fucked. Or maybe he thinks all will be well cause who the fuck browses Zig Forums or Zig Forums for that matter in the toilet country?
Great work. I was looking through numerous "Grub Clubs" trying to match photos of their exteriors to the one in his photo.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who told that poointheloo nigger to fuck off. Oh, well–he got plenty of warnings. It's hitlerious how we all knew 100% that he was a pooinloo just from his inane beta sperging alone.
Google maps couldn't even be bothered to wait until there was no shit before taking pics.
I honest to god thought he was a dedicated high pay CIA nigger trying to bait us for MONTHS!
I am as floored as you are that it was a real human bean.
Who cares
Posting pictures from the other thread
Literally only kikes or CIA niggers would respond as you just did. Shill faggot. Rope yourself you incompetent minion.
Scroll up and read the rest of his posts. You should be reporting spamming faggots–not responding to them.
Pic related is how we found out he is in fact a pajeet (i thought he was a bored fat white larping neet until this). I asked him to do a time stamp on his hand, and then some genius user asked him to also put 1488 on it. Now we not only know he is a pajeet but whenever we post this picture he freaks out desperately trying to prove he was tricked and does not love Hitler. Fucking kek.
Oh? The hunt for the pajeet spammer has begun?
Yes it has. We're are no longer amused.
sorry user san
That was the issue I was running into as well. Same for the LIC banner on one of the buildings. It's an insurance company with locations all over India. But the Technocrat business has under 10 people, and once I started looking around where it's supposed to be, I found the structure with the purple peacock mural.
Finally. 3 months of dealing with this shit has become ridiculous, which left an impression that he only wanted the attention to become some sort of "le epic troll XDDD" eceleb.
Brilliant. What's our next move? Try searching Facebook or can we extract more data from his posts?
Stop spamming.
Pajeet mentioned he is an atheist.
He's either a literal moron or just wants to spam for attention. I don't care either way. He was spamming every day saying the exact same thing over and over and over. Enough is enough.
He's also a homophobe.
If his view is on the memorial then he is within this area
Some other poo user has to pay him a visit with a cricket bat.
His spam was a special kind of annoying due to the poor grammar.
There's a business where you actually pay to use a toilet. Not to mention an institute that teaches hygiene.
If we can get an idea of where he lives, we may be able to find him. He said he still lives with his parents and is 18. So it stands to reason his parents may be the ones who paid for his phone. There's a high school near the computer shop
OP of this thread isn't the same OP as the other. I'm the OP from the other thread. Mod directed me to this one so it isn't cluttering up the catalog.
You act like you know better, but you don't. Get ready for the ass rape
Bullshit. This exact red herring was pulled about 6 months ago with another spammer. A "misposted" photo, which just happened to have geolocation etc etc. Lots of time wasted, nothing produced, because (as in this case) it wasn't a "mistake", it was intentionally done.
Of course, it couldn't be an enemy group who has a brown member they could use for the timestamp, no, it must be a legit pajeet legitimately trying to find a girlfriend.
Kiddo fucker
In one of his posts I am pretty sure he said something about not going to school since 2013..
But in his posts about girls I think he mentioned some of his "crushes" were from school. I'm going to go to /cow/ and see if I can find those posts
Alright bud, why don't you use your energy for the good of Zig Forums
t. 100% normal TOR user with convenient shill demoralization tactics
If you find his adress don't forget to post it.
I wouldn't do anything, you see, I'm a pacifist.
And I think everyone on Zig Forums is a pacifist too, this board being a board of peace and all.
But all kinds of ill-intentioned individuals could be reading this thread.
Individuals with a 32€ flight to india already bought for next month.
Individuals with baseball bats and assorted sports acessories.
You know the sort of people.
Ooooh, I hope those people don't read Mr. Pajeets adress here. I really do.
Are these obvious garbage threads part of the slow erosion cancer they used on halfpol?
Started seeing them pop up m
*Pop up more when halfpol had the hiatus, it's not going to work here.
Yet once anons started closing in, the faggot stopped posting and disappeared.
Scared now, pajeet?
TIK-TOK TIK-TOK I'm waiting
Then why does he keep saying he has an exam? He says he wants to be a computer programer or something
Yea he said this:
Like I said, whoever is behind the spamming pulled exactly the same shit around 6 months ago. Where do you think that spammer went? He/they just changed their shtick from nigger-based to pajeet-based.
You are seriously this new to not remember the "supermarket store room" picture? I'd post it but obviously I can't.
Maybe he was homeschooled after being expelled for being a creep? In that message I copied it almost seems like he got expelled for doing something to a girl but that part is super unclear
Hey Pajeet, we're gonna find you and ruin your life. How are stalking charges where you are?
Based on the image, if he took the pic in the evening, then the southern area would be more likely as the sunlight is coming from the west.. I'm seeing some blue roofs in the neighborhood there to the south of the hospital.
And here I thought it was a larp from leftypol. Good work anons.
Phew at last.
I was trying to bait him into posting on other platform to increase chance of doxing, but I guess he just ousted himself.
Torfaggot cares about him?
Well he wasn't alone. Shareblue must have started outsourcing their own jobs.
>• Metro[10][11] 14,112,536
There are 14 mil prajeets there. No one will miss him.
Jesus fucking christ imagine living in a city of 14 mil prajeets with a tropical climate and a stagnant river going through it. Plumbing probably leading to the next ditch.
this is great, bump
That thread was fun. I had great laughs impersonating that Prajeet fucker. Now it's time to make him poo in a loo.
Good work guys you beautiful bastard guys you.
No you will never find me you
Lmfao peace out Prajeet get fucked
Didn't he post his room a couple times? I remember he did but I can't find it
It's time to get serious. We've got a pajeet to dox.
I have a deactivated facebook account. I really hate that company but I could reactivate it to try and search all of god damn west bengal for a hit on his incredibly blacked out photos of those girls. He usually gave ages so that could help narrow it down. Anyone have a better suggestion?
Sundar Bhavan club area I think, spent 20mins+ searching manually
I would dis-agree with saying it's the south side as there are several very tall buildings less than 700 feet east and judging by how large that dome is (only around 50 feet across), the high-rise buildings would be in that shot.
Go to his thread on /cow/ there's a replica of that post there
He did but haven't saved it. The Ezee bottle is a product of Godrej, manufactured in India. Don't know how likely it's distributed in other countries.
It would be easier to just exterminate everyone who squats.
Oh wait I went full retard I thought you were asking for his original post about his bathroom
Listen to
A picture of this dome at this distance is roughly this large, note one of the high-rise buildings nearby in picture range.
I think he said he only has an oven and a microwave but then again his parents cook for him so he might not know what a stove looks like. I asked him if he had a stove he replied he'll post his kitchen tomorrow but I wasn't there because I had work I'm wondering if he posted his kitchen before.
Here's another from the north, I would range that the picture was taken less than 1000 ft from the dome.
Occam's razor tells me it is the victoria memorial, but the angle is from the 4th/5th floor so a bunch of skyscrapers are obscured and it is difficult to have confirmation.
Haven't checked the North, thanks!
I'm trying to find the two tower with gold that looks like minaret, but I'm not sure I'm seeing them in satellite mode around the Victoria memorial.
I might just be bad at looking.
We got off track with the memorial thing, the spires are not symmetric
Does anyone know what the distance of the memorial is from Mahatma Ghandi Rd? Since his pictures are around there, I'm wondering if they're within a reasonable distance.
Remember that the memorial hospital is semi-westward in the picture from his building. Or atleast, whatever that tower is.
I am too. I'm not seeing certain landmarks like from the image. It might not be the right building.
Thanks! That has me thinking now in terms of where was the pajeet heading when he took the photos? Were they going out? Or maybe they were going home…
Must be pretty tough in india when even street dogs get GF and you dont.
That's the weird thing tho, I honestly thought it was just a faggot shitposter pretending to be a poo, but I'll be damned, he's a real shitskin, makes it even better tbh.
editing the geodata is a classic troll trick
Weird thing I've noticed is that I can't drop down to street view in many of the places. It was purely by luck that the one area was viewable!
I wonder how fast he ran into the streets shitting himself on the way there. Maybe now he'll learn to poo in the loo and stop spamming this Facebook stalker bullshit.
The picture we've been looking at is the one he talks about here that he visited on 16/04. He also says "you won't even be able to guess what city I live in" WHICH MEANS if we take him at his word if we correctly identify the city of the photo we're examining then we have his city of residence.
I LOVE Zig Forums
I told him he's gonna end up in prison if he keeps acting like this
And he failed it in the first step
After that he ran to /b/ and we told him that his love for Hitler means he has love for a man and that he's gay. He freaked out even more trying to defend his heterosexuality.
This guy is an amazing lolcow.
Uh, looks like that bitch's mother already bred with the dog's uncle. What the fuck is up with the muzzle on her?