Smallville Clinton sex cult belly brand?
Her clock is already set at 3:33 degrees (occult).
Need more pictures to confirm. Once confirmed we flood it to alternative media like Infowars, Roger Stone, James Woods twitter, ect.
Smallville Clinton sex cult belly brand?
Her clock is already set at 3:33 degrees (occult).
Need more pictures to confirm. Once confirmed we flood it to alternative media like Infowars, Roger Stone, James Woods twitter, ect.
Other urls found in this thread:
She had work done on it for no apparent reason…
Notice the gap?
Good eye user. Bump. fucking A, Trump has shit taste in his whorespic related is what this woman reminds me of
Why is this sliding?
These are the brands
Alison Mack's version
So there part of the same cult wonder if its tied to any big name kikes like soros or the rothschild.
Could be. Then again people with that kind of power can dispose of their whores to ensure complete silence.
It's tied directly to the Clintons, dude. There were a lot of threads on it. Also the Mexican mafia and Muslims groups.
Gross user, why do you have that?
Lower left, I circled it.
edge detection & desaturation
Also, the whore is wearing a bracelet on her right wrist with the name of her owner
How did you not figure out the name?
Light reflection in the background or possibly shopped over. Could be Bath/Baph. Not 100% certain = name not stated.
Also there is a mark on her middle finger. If the image is reversed this would make it the middle finger of her left hand - Marina Abramowitch spirit cooking style
Furthermore, what the fuck is up with her (left*) ear on the right side of the photo? It looks deformed as fuck.
*if the image wasn't reversed.
Skin is too plastic and smooth & without blemishes, and lacking texture normally visible at that resolution = photo was shopped.
Can't look at shit when you post a picture for ants.
Send before and after pics to
This explains why NXIVM is a company, and not just some hicktown cult. They're paid to create the blackmail on these guys!
It's one fucked up world.
I'll spam the Qlarp board, that'll be enough.
notice the sloppy rubber band selection - straight edge cuts, and the double clock numbers around the edges
Halfchan thread copy:
So, she's been branded on both hips?
That's just the artist trying to give the impression of a glass multi faceted bezel. Autismo.
Also this, possibly before the tattoo
still no sticky?
The original suggestion was that the flower on her Left hip was the one of interest.
Ok, so the concept of a brand means that a specifically sized stencil was used each time. Different brandings, same brand. So the bands should be the same size on multiple women.
This woman's brand matches the size of the flower on Stormy's Left hip, the brand on Stormy's Right hip is WAY to small to be a match.
Not to mention it's a fairly poor cover up job if the intention was to cover it up, you wouldn't cover it up with a gradient shade of ink, you would use the lines to your advantage to conceal the shape.
Why do you have that video. Also, if this porn whore took care of herself and wasn't so overweight she'd probably look alright for her age. Trump allegedly banged her when she was younger and not so fat and strung out.
Looks like a branding to me.
Also maybe visible here.
Other Side, confirmed for K
In all fairness to the President, it was over a decade ago and she was around so… don't judge by today's standards.
This is actually a good thread. I smell kikery. Branding is very jewwy. But you have something of a named actress and a porn pig who was something of a name. To investigate further, I would suggest some paparazzi type site that gets shots of these cunts at the beach. Of course… I wouldn't be surprised if many of them have it on an ass check. If not it's going to be like this and hidden in plain sight amongst a bunch of shitty tats.
That's a good possibility. But if so, where's the money? Time to look into where these whores live and other assets.
The money is from the Clinton cartel, the fame, the fact that they're sex slaves.
I don't rule out that Trump never fucked her. Anyone who listens to Howard Stern knows Trump taste if impeccable and she's gross and diseased.
God damn it, **Trump's taste is impeccable
Quote from her IMBD in a movie the DC madam. She actually played this part in a fucking movie.
Life IS just a stage.
a lawyer for NXIVM and he indicated the Bronfman sisters broke with their dad when started getting deep with Keith Raniere, and then started distancing themselves from Raniere when he started stealing their money. Apparently he embezzled like 16 million from them through some kind of fucky property development deal, and I don't think it's 100% clear if their still associated with them, though he might still have influence on them.
According to Wikipedia:
So, just a month after Gaddafi was overthrown and murdered, Sara Bronfman became President of the US-Libya Chamber of Commerce.
A dime piece Playboy Playmate says it never happened because she was having a love affair with Trump at that time and was with him that day.
I was never one to watch these kinda threads,
but thats pretty convincing….
Too bad it's going to slide.
Holy shit! She's actually personally responding to the pics now!
"Executive Success Program"
Super triggered lmao
Maybe we can keep baiting?
Damn, that was fast…
Put a spoiler on that
There's fücking kids on Zig Forums, I brought them all here!
We're onto something here boys!
Not the same, Clifford.
What should we do, have skill testing questions like Leisure Suit Larry?
There are kids, under the age of 14.88, roaming Zig Forums because I spammed my Roblox music video all over the internet. Also, there's
fully grown straight males that would rather stab their eyes than look at that ugly shit, OP.
It sounds like she's trying to insinuate that Zig Forums photoshopped the branding onto her body in the pictures.
user posted it on Penthouse Twitter – Stormy immediantly called it, "a a a conspiracy theory!!".
This is going to be big.
Bait her into recording a video of her filming that exact spot to resolve this issue. She wont though, and she'll keep sperging about it too.
Atlantic doesn't approve this lewd ass content for your viewingsss!
Already done.
Yes, one of them should be
I already got my photoshop out too
If only Trump would tweet it out. If it's true than it's likely he's well aware of it already.
He has done it before
Well aware? Don't you know what this means?
This is what is detailed in the non-disclosure agreement the press want to get released.
They just reviewed the movie she was in on Best of the Worst. It was a bit part in a D-list movie by a sleazeball director.
What about these girls? Branded?
I hope you lazy faggots aren't just making snide comments and actually spreading this shit. Still no sticky…
Nice try kike.
These leads straight to (((Sniedermann))) and Clinton.
Muellar is fucked.
I'm not suggesting that the press is aware of this, I'm suggesting this will blow up in their faces.
The story changes again.
Changes indeed.
And it's two brands bitch! You said "scar'. Got you.
what the hell is this on 4chan?
kanye west in there hahaha
wtf, how did this turn into someone else proving it? It's her body, she can easily prove it isn't by just taking picture. Are people getting their words twisted on Twitter?
Also, she claims there's plenty of before and after pictures. Can someone with enough autism find out just when the scar first appears and see if it matches any news regarded her visiting anyone involved in the sex cult shit?
She's bad at lying. We don't need picks they are all here and EVERYWHERE. And she had TWO brands
And we still don't have a fucking sticky. Take the RIP Muellar thread down. This one kills Muellar because they'll have to back off.
Really cult dude fucked enslaved the girl from Battlestar Gallactica? Damn. Had a crush on her pre-enlightenmentnow I'm picturing her with a really bushy unkempt snatch
yeah, she's definitely NXIVM.
I had no idea Grace Park was part of it too until this thread, but Nicki Clyne (BSG's Cally) is married to Allison Mack…
A scar
It's two hips
I haven't seen any proof she's got the scar on both hips.
Pic Related
What a crazy day. I can't keep up with the winning
Win win user
Lot of porn stars are drug addicts to begin with.
They use drugs to get themselves to 'perform' on camera.
No doubt you can dig through their photo shoots and see if they have any brands.
One dead pornstar would be random.
Two would be a coincidence…
5-6?! In a single year?
If they're using Fentanyl/Heroin, because of the potency, it would easy for them to over inject.
Although in the article headline, I'm wondering who gave her alcohol in a rehab center?
It's not really that hard actually.
And this is assuming there's no foul play involved. Damn near the entire "rehab" industry in the greater Los Angeles area or around any large city really is going to have a lot of ties to local "power players" because that's the nature of what goes on in those places. The fact that people who actually want to get clean occasionally succeed is just a nice bonus for keeping the facade going.
All these shitty low-res images.
These are old as fuck images showing no scarring.
I'll get official images hopefully 4MB+ in a bit.
Seems convincing, though I'd ask for more different pictures of her with that scar.