Israel Launches Air Strike On Iran Base Near Damascus
and this comes shortly after Trump announced he is pulling the US out of the Iran Nuclear deal.
Israel Launches Air Strike On Iran Base Near Damascus
and this comes shortly after Trump announced he is pulling the US out of the Iran Nuclear deal.
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Nukes when?
Eat shit pissrael
What, again?
Gas the kikes.
I've been using Nutella wrong my entire life
i don't understand why this doesn't have hundreds of responses or stickied
Israel is basically on lockdown putting all servicemen on high alert in preparation for war
Russian planes entering Lebanese airspace to harass Isreali jets trying to drop more bombs into Syria
Etc etc…
Well, at least women are being drafted this time. I wish they would be blaming HRC instead of muhdrumfphtdasdz
Death to all Jews
Bibi's meeting with Putin right now supposedly. He looks rustled. 2hrs ago.
After the attack before this one happened, remember what Iran said? That any further action would be met with a reaction.
Not to mention yids are losing their ISIS branch. And Damascus is almost completely reclaimed now at this point. The other jihadi rebels are almost completely dealt with. Eventually Assad is going to want to give the Golan back to his people.
Also there's been a shift lately in Lebanon, they just had an election recently… And it might be condusive to the production of kosher salt.
So how much longer until the normals realize the only country on either side calling for warmongering is Israel?
I'm not even staying up for this, wake me when the maccas opens.
He couldnt do that BEFORE the Civil War gutted his country.
Never since it is what they wanted. Let them eat their own nuke in their backyard.
Still shilling that jew crap.
Syria got partitioned pretty hard. Jews got their Golan Heights which they wanted for so long, Kurds are deeply entrenched on their side of the Euphrates river and even Turks managed to secure some territories for themselves. US switched from secretly arming ISIS to openly supporting moderate beheaders and commie Kurds. US military bases are still operational both in Southern Syria, near the border with Iraq, and also in Kurd controlled territory. Israel is getting bolder and bolder, and IAF airstrikes became more frequent. Bibi is fully aware that Trump will come to his rescue no matter what. The war is far from over unfortunately. Russia will make sure Iran will never directly attack Israel, nor will Russian jets and air defaces dare to shot down any Israeli fighters operating from over Lebanon, as it would cause a massive political shitstorm of epic proportions, and that's obviously bad for business.
Russia will let it happen. They don't want WW3. They know their alliance with Iran/Syria is to develop the perception that there is a great boogeyman against us in the ME. The oil pipeline bit is relevant but doesn't prevent Russia from being able to benefit if the jews give them a better deal. Anons have been led to assume Russia has to defend Iran/Syria no matter what. Anons and the alt kike are led to support Russia because of this. This creates an atmosphere where conservatives and liberal normalfags are against Russia because they see no greater evil than the far right and that which it supports. Even cuckservatives associate the far right with nahtzees and thus Russia today. Therefore, both right and left in America would believe it is just for America to fight Russia if (((they))) decide to. Russia knows this. They may even have condoned and formulated some of the far right pro Russia propaganda in America the last few years if you believe they are kike controlled. Russia doesn't care about Iran/Syria if they are given a better deal or Putin and kike oligarchs in Russia are still in on the current and any future pipelines. This considers that Putin and kikes in Russia are in on PNAC, and would rather aid Israeli business in the ME than Iran/Syria. As stated, they must appear in favor of Iran/Syria long enough for our people to be adequately alarmed.
Remember when israel was going to be condemned for striking syria? lol whatever happened to that.
Yeah that kinda went out the window once the jewish choice trump won
This is at least the third strike from kikes on Syria or more specifically Iranian bases in Syria within the month.
The kikes are at all time high levels of desperation.
Iran knows they have a target on their back as not only evidenced by the numerous acts of war against them but Trump has been both a vocal critic of Iran as a country as well as the energy deal which was recently exited by Trump.
Additionally, there’s a propaganda campaign against Iran obviously in an effort to build public support for an inevitable clash with the Isl.amic Republic.
On top of this Hezb.ollah just has a sweeping victory in Lebanese elections. The kikes feel the pressure more now than ever.
I think Iran will strike back but I think they 1) want to until they have enough of a foothold in Syria as to make it a war on the kikes front door. 2) After the completion of 1. the kikes, if they struck again, would do something so absolutely brazen and unjustifiable that Iran would be on the receiving end of international support or at least that of Russia.
I don’t think the Chinese would allow Russia to go at it alone with the US if they happened to get involved (let’s face it that’s more than likely the US would). That would either cause a stalemate and the major militaries if both sides US vs Russia / China would backdown anc just let the kikes and Shias go at it or you’d get WW3 which is probably the more likely scenario.
Youll notice israel has only shored up service men away from ISIS at golan heights.
This is a question that needs to be pushed, why is americas "greatest ally" not fighting ISIS but has plenty of resource bombing sovereign syria?
Meme it.
The dead sea will live up to its name. The salt levels will reach new heights… golan heights.
No amount of fake gas attacks managed to get Trump into Syria and he is certainly not going to follow you kikes into Iran.
I hope they nuke kike-central soon, shlomo.
They got him to attack Syria twice. If he did Israel's bidding in backing out of the deal and restoring sanctions, there's no reason to think he wont do what they want in Iran when the time's right.
He gave Russia 2 hour notice the first time
Literally NO ONE DIED the second time
A far cry from the 150 syrian soldiers that died in dier el zor in december 2016 by obama's administration
off yourself
how long will the media stay silent on this?
Three times.
Eat shit, kike shill.
Off yourself, shitsikn.
A reminder we should let Iran wipe israel off the map first before we ever invade them.
Kikes inside western governments also need to get RWDSed otherwise they will shuffle the shitskin refugees into the west and hold the our military back with rules of engagements defeating the whole purpose of invasion.
This should be stickied. WW3 before summer.
All of us Jews should switch to Vegan because we always talk about how horrible the Holocaust was yet we do the same thing to animals every single day and way more than 6 million or even 6 billion animals have died. If we continue to live as Jews but not as Vegans, we are hypocrites to the greatest degree imaginable.
They don't even need Russia to do it any more.
ww3 when i want to get off this ride fam
I'm so fucking Zen and eco Fascist that I literally wouldn't mind catching a bullet during white revolution and turning into animal food. Dunno about yall but I'm ready to rumble
I would just like to correct myself
it was 200 casualties that happened, 100 of which died. And it happened in September not December
BASED ASSAD actually brought it up in his newest interview. Never forgive never forget