It's fascinating how Corbyn's purge continues to be exceedingly efficient. I'm rather impressed by Corbyn tbh. It's clear how the camps are divided between neo-libs and socialists to the point where Corbyn hates his own London mayor. I know this will be a controversial opinion, but as an accelerationist, I'm getting more and more curious about Corbyn's potential. He's power-hungry. He wants total obedience and he refuses to share this power with anyone. His recent refusal to allow the Marxist Jewish leader of Momentum, Jon Lansman, from seeking to become General Secretary speaks volumes about how the man works. He's merely using Momentum as a stepping stone to power and understands Lansman is also using him as a stepping stone. It's similar to the divide of the left and right within the NSDAP. Once used, Momentum and Lansman will be liquidated like all the other useful idiots that came before.
Many farleft supporters were quite angry over this. NovaraMedia (Communist media group) demanded that the General Secretary should be a position that the membership votes on. They wanted Lansman As General Secretary. Many Labourites agreed. Corbyn didn't reply and unfollowed them on Twitter, despite many years of working together and doing interviews with the group. Corbyn was fine with greater democratic rights in membership when it benefited him, but excommunicates and ignores when he believes it might be a challenge to his power.
Corbyn doesn't like being told what to do, he does not like competition to his power, he outright ostracizes those who disagree and wants party policy to evict anyone who oppose him.
Some on the hard-left are starting to realise that Corbyn isn't the democratic Marxist they all want. He's a crypto-tankie but they have no other option but to follow him because he's the best option they have and he knows it.
Corbyn might come off as a bit weak, but most of the most dictatorial communist tankies from history came from humble beginnings as teachers and engineers. Above all, he's not Jewish, he's Anglo and I have no doubt that this will dictate much of his worldview and outlook. He doesn't fellate Religion of Cuck™ists like Galloway, he doesn't cuck to Black Power groups like Sanders. He's more ruthless than people realise due to his grandpa werthers original image which he happily promotes.
Deep down, he's an ardent old school anglo tankie and the National Socialist in me can't help but warm to him.(>If you want a red house you're going to need a lot of blue paint)
Other examples of Corbyn's crypto-dictatorial nature are his tax plan. Corbyn earns somewhere around 80k a year (on paper) and his tax plan would lower tax brackets to include more people to pay higher taxation. He adjusted this to be just above his yearly income so that his own income would be unaffected. This concludes that he has a more selfish motivation. Is he a socialist fanatic? Yes, but he's a fanatic only as long as it doesn't harm his interests.
Corbyn despises Religion of Cuck™ism, he preferred secular socialist dictators like Saddam and Gadaffi. He rarely speaks of actual Marxist groups except for a mild link to a PKK lobbyist. He's not a fan of the Socialist Workers Party either, he prefers engaging in realpolitik, not fanatic marxist larping. He may have done so in his youth but he's learned and bides his time for real power engagement.
His staunch republicanism is also an example of his desire for power. Parliamentary Shadow leadership has to bow and swear fealty to the Queen but Corbyn refused and never kissed the ring. This was a scandal but was kept quiet for obvious reasons. If elected, he would be the first Prime Minister to ever refuse fealty and authority to Royalty. He will not accept anyone to dictate to him, for he seeks to be the dictator.
Because of these reasons, I'm a little fond of him. Corbyn's rise and possible election would cause massive chaotic waves within British society and politics as well as cause major ripples in geo politics. Zionists would not be happy, especially after he was found to be a member of a Palestinian facebook group which actively promoted zionist conspiracies and spoke of Rothschild banking cartels. If he were to win, he would never, ever give up power under any circumstances and he would be hated by Zionists. Much like Trump, he's old and he wants a legacy. His opposition to hierarchy does not stem from a Marxist view, but from the view that he wants to be the hierarchy.
Corbyn will not bring about communism. In fact, were he to win, he would be despised by true Marxists. He isn't one of them. He's a socialist dictator in the waiting.
In conclusion, he is not the hero we need, but the villain we deserve. The fire rises…
Well voting for tories has only made things ever worse so I'm voting for Corbyn
Camden Richardson
Good thread but you're going to be accused of being an Anglin shill because he advocated the Corbyn accelerationist position before anyone else did.
Austin Turner
I did the same in the last general election but I have strong doubts he can win. The collapse of UKIP allowed Tories to remain strong. None of these people like the Tories but they fear Corbynism and voted Tory to keep him from power. The local elections recently were supposed to be a springboard for Corbynism but it was a dismal failure seeing only a few increases in Labour seats despite such tepid support for Tories and a massive campaign by Momentum. Were the Tories smart enough to get rid of Thatcher 2.0 and put in Mogg, the Tories would annihilate Labour. Mogg is definitely the Tory nuclear option which they don't want to use because Mogg is a fanatical old Tory that will not bend his principles for lobbyists despite the facade he puts on. Mogg is very good at playing the game.
I would like to see Corbyn in power just to see the cataclysm it would cause on markets and geo politics, but unless he can engage the working and middle class, he will not win. The margins were very, very close but Tories remained in power. UKIP voters biggest fear is his immigration policy and so far he isn't budging for fear of losing his minority vote and leftist support. I think he'd do it, he's old school and understands that 'scabs' aren't good for a socialist society.
Jack Smith
I was advocating for this long before the general election when he was rising in the ranks of the labour leadership after Miliband stepped down. His campaign intrigued me and his actions since have been incredibly dictatorial for a supposed Marxist.
Carter Robinson
That would just be an acceleration over the cliff. Instead of me having to bayonet 10 shitskins, it'd be 100.
Ian Rivera
m8, with the Tories and people like Mogg, the cycle never ends. It's a slow decline into South Africa. Change can only come from radicals, even those we oppose. The Tory hold on governance needs to collapse and it isn't going to unless it is utterly annihilated. Only then will the apathetic public begin to support radical nationalists because they will have nothing left to lose.
A strong hard left inevitably breeds a strong hard right. Napoleon would never be without the revolution and Hitler would never have rose if not for the communist domination in the Weimar.
How did it work out for South Africa? As we speak Boers are getting slaughtered in their own land, and there are still cucks among them ready to defend niggers no matter what. Accelerationism doesn't work that well nowadays, because with the advent of mass media, social media, video games and movies people can block off all the wrong think in the world and surround themselves with escapist fantasies.Lemmings gonna lemming.
Well written, brother. Corbyn is a socialist through and through. His policies would not improve UK, particularly the immigrant situation there. But he is the only honest man anywhere near a position of power in the UK. That's why I trust him far more than any of the snakes.
I have a good feeling about him.
Jace Sanders
tfw the Great Britain you knew about in literature and pre-2000s visits is gone forever sage for b8 threadyou got my ((1))
The Dear Leaders are banning accelerationists now? Destabilizing the System is not a bad tactic. Trying to empower incompetent leftists (who are anti-Zionist btw) with power hungry personalities is not a bad thing. It messes with the political system and delegitimizes the democratic establishment. We need to elect the most obvious incompetent, psychopathic, degenerate, leftist freaks so the cuckservatives lose all faith in the democratic process. This shouldn't be anchored.
Doom is what the UK needs right now. Not stability under Zionist cuckservatives.
Nolan Nguyen
Yeah, works really well. Just looks at south africa. Getting slaughtered in your own home is the truest form of victory after all.
Cooper Rivera
Why aren't you lot going for the BNP? Nick Griffin's been very active on Gab recently: