Iranian lawmakers set paper US flag ablaze at parliament, chant "Death to the jews"
These are the people we're supposed to hold in good faith? Trump was right for what he did. Fuck 'em.
Iranian lawmakers set paper US flag ablaze at parliament, chant "Death to the jews"
These are the people we're supposed to hold in good faith? Trump was right for what he did. Fuck 'em.
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Forgot Death to 'Merica filters for death to Jews. But yea. They were changing for the US death. Bunch of oversensitive bitches if you ask me.
Great wordfilters. Way to go.
If the mudshits in /sg/ hadnt been such faggots, we wouldn't have this problem.
Exactly. How dare they react negatively to threats and sanctions, especially those coming from G-d's children?
Not really, no.
Oh. They didn't filter the full word. Utter psychosis.
Bibi and Putin are meeting now and things are being reported as not going so well.
I know it's not true but the thought alone is gold
No one is going to believe that shit.
Based Iranians. For political purposes, it would have been better to set fire to the flag of fake kike nation Israel. Huwhite Christian Ameribro’s: the Shiite Iranians don’t want you to burn, but your kike/kike shill rulers. Who doesn’t agree to that?
In solidarity with the Iranians:
Whilst this is a display of subjective, emotional, manipulative feelings, concrete, objective, factual information is all that matters, however.
You should consider writing for USA Today user you fucking subversive kike.
You know the "y-you said something similar to a what a media outlet said" argument doesn't work when you're pushing the jewish line on Iran.
Kim Jong Un threatened to nuke the USA. Iran is behind the times for posturing threats to the USA. And look at what happened to Fat Kimmy, by the way. Iran isn't so spooky anymore after Trump "threatened" a nuclear exchange with North Korea.
What kind of drugs are you on, shill?
I pray your not an American but if you are, traitors get the bullet too.
Holy shit how deliberately obtuse do you have to be to try to handwave away the phrase "death to a merica" as anything else
Also I'd love to see this pathetic faggot/woman try to handle
Ave the phrase "death to the jews" those sandnigger countries love to say. Obviously, the sentiment is correct, but there's no way shitlibs can compartmentalize that one
"Death to the USA government" not being the same as "Death to the USA people" is a hard sell when the Declaration of Independence equates the USA's government with the people. Silly sand niggers.
that ended in 1865
I sincerely doubt some iraniban faggot would post an article explaining the REAL meaning of "death to iran" if us govt officials publically said it. Mostly because said Iranian faggots get thrown off rooftops.
Netanyahu Says He Told Putin: Israel Has a Need and Right to Defend Itself in the Face of Iranian Aggression
The US has a Need and a Right to defend itself in the face of Israeli aggression
And now these idiots are threatening Europe. Low iq arabs are just playing themselves at this point.
Aint gonna buy it. You will have to send in the most worthless you have. No one is going to volunteer again. Not after Iraq and Isis.
I didn't make the thread to shill for war but to show that these shitskins are far from anyone we could ever find an ally in, no matter how badly they hate likes.
And for as much doom and gloom posting about war with Iran I have seen absolutely no intention on part of the Trump admin in getting involved with this shit. Quite the opposite actually as we seek peace and denuclearization in Korea as a top priority.
Fuck off, Kikey
Should have called for the death of those actually responsible. You deserve what you got.
Whatever you say, kikey.
Like American Republikikes, retarded alt-rightistes and the isreali kikes on here for electing and campaining for international jewry
Because they hurt your feelings?
If you wanted the Iran deal you could have voted for Hillary.
2 years later and the kampfy-kike bots still are using the
Election finished 2 years ago, the jewish neocon selection won
Satanic quints speak.
Lol they literally started acting like a bunch of children when they didn't get what they wanted. Going so far as to threatening European leaders. What sympathy the may have gotten from the western word was lost when they stomped their feet and had a tantrum.
Die kike
Well it is the mudblooded shitskinned mod who posted it, he is the arch reason this board has been promoting neocon jews and banning any user who isn't down wid da zog as Kushner's checks insists must be mandated on here
I think a better question would be how could any White person not want America dead? Do we live in a different country? Wall to wall hypernigged mitzvahscape and you're assblasted somebody exists somewhere who thinks it ought to fade away?
Who's acting like a retard here?
But on the positive side, no one will ever think treaties with the US are even worth the paper they are written on.
Again, the voice of isreal, is being offered as the voice of Zig Forums still.
Gets which anons gett banned while kikes goading and aunting the goy openly on here remain
America is the sole reason for the continued existence of isreal and every war America has fought on the behalf of for the past century
NatSoc Americans already hold no loyalty to a State looking to genocide them. They will take help from Iran or Russia given a chance. If you are not a shill everything you do here still falls on deaf ear.
Muds only chimp out because the ZOG states fucked them.
So common interests vs wars that profit kikes. Really hard choice for real nationalists, eh?
It's all the same semitic shit. The kikes have always controlled both sides.
You gunna make that case for the Obama care mandate too faggot. Get fucked.
Leaders of a nation acting like children burning shit on their parliament floor will garner you no respect. Sorry.
Says you an isreali jew
Why would you think anyone on Zig Forums backing ZOG as you do gets anyone's respect ouside Tel Aviv and Kampfy's playschool?
"European" "leaders". If this doesnt oust you as a kike shill, nothing will.
All of EU is a leftist stasi welfare degenerate shithole with 40% taxes. Ffs, what do you think Euro Nationalists are fighting against.
Must be driving you insane, trying to shill kike wars on this board. No matter what Kushner paid you, your words will never amount to the realities regarding the recent wars and the people quality of life.
Shouldnt have fucked goyim so hard. Best soldiers volunteer, or are just simply natsoc :^)
You talking about Russia's Duginist stooge Richard Spencer? If thats the help they're offering, they can keep it.
Show me where America is looking to get involved with Iran. As far its Israel going at it alone while America is about to establish peace in the far East.
Regardless, Iran is threatening them. Would you like to see Europeans further bow their heads to pisslamic threats?
Oh kikey
Alright, I don't get it. Hate America and kikes and all that just fine, but do these mongs not know the easiest way to piss off murica's rednecks and warmongers the easiest is to burn its flag? I like you Iran, I really do but what is the point of going to the biggest bully in school and spitting on his shoes going to do?
Also, I'm shocked anyone here WANTS the deal at all. Shouldn't Iran have nukes of its own to protect from Moshie? Why would you want to stop that? And why should muricamutts pay to stop that? What, the kikes get kike money from america won't stop a nuke, you know that right?
They will take the guns and the tanks, and accepting that since they cant control a huge swath of land, they will settle for a few states ala NWF. If the muttzog gov ever gets destroyed.
And no, Dugin and Dicky didnt even cross my mind. Russia, Shia muds and China are real political entities that compete with US of Israel. Like animals in the wild, weakness will invite the first strike.
And sure, Iran is threatening the EU globalists. How horrible.
You really are obtuse. I say it one last time. Ethnic European Nationalists want to see nothing more than the collapse of their puppet Atlantik Brücke states, held together under the Marxist EU. And no more wars in the desert means less rapefugees.
Nobody who dislikes kikes will listen to your antics any longer.
Looks like Kushner might as well cut this part from his bills :^)
You mean those stalwart guys who just campaigned for the ZOG machine and get a stiffy and cheer on their sons and daughters going off to fight every time isreal tells them to kill their enemies?
Yeah they're the first people I consider when I think about the threat facing the civilised white world…
Even Rednecks are wisen up after Iraq. I mean the WMD blunder really fucking stinks. Who will go to war with such flimsy excuses now, when even Opa is shitposting on facebook?
You sure seem so certain that the US is going to get involved in this. I recommended not holding your breath.
The 15th May is the MERCURALIA the day the Illuminati meet.
And the EU caves to pisslamic pressure. Again. Looks like our euro bros will be dying for Israel.
All of us Jews should switch to Vegan because we always talk about how horrible the Holocaust was yet we do the same thing to animals every single day and way more than 6 million or even 6 billion animals have died. If we continue to live as Jews but not as Vegans, we are hypocrites to the greatest degree imaginable.
A reminder to let iran nuke israel first.
But kang nigger promised! US has no credibility because they don't back a nigger's decision to fuck the US against the will of the people!
That's nice.
Wish a sand-nigger would.
The umayyad didn't die, it just went on vacation. kek
Is pic related true? It's a good meme
kek context
This shit has me feeling religious son. That sounds like the icing on a cupcake of keks
Not the entire thing. Some will never be anything more than good goyim. pic related needs an update.
What's the russian to yid translation of, I'm not done busting this nut?
This gave me such a boner. This is NOT concrete, objective, factual information.
Perhaps the kikes and their shills don’t realise the tables are turned. The Russian missile system is the most advanced one in the world at the moment. This is concrete, objective, factual information.
I’d advise Putin to watch out nonetheless. It is concrete, objective, factual information that the Russian Central Bank is owned by kikes. This means at least based huwhite Christian bro Putin still has enemies from within Russia.
Its an idiotic filter, it counts as censorship.
Oh, its a ziobot trumptard.
Iran is against the kikes. Being with Iran politically would be directly aligning yourself as opposition for Bibi and the Saudis.
Wtf I love the EU, Hillary, Obama, John Kerry and reddit now.
But the only Western nation in the Middle East is against Iran, wouldn't you rather side with baste commies, shitlibs, and mudshits? /s
What exactly is preventing Iran from naming the Jew?
Imagine the fucking magnum redpill if Iran just started calling the US "Israel's puppet" and the media was stupid enough to report on it.
Fuck off semite.
If Iran's got the brass to nuke Israel they don't need the fucking Iran deal to do it faggot. And if they pulled that shit under the deal, it breaches the contract and the US will certainly die for Israel then. Stupid assholes like you can't see the obvious trap set before you before you get knifed in the back by a kike and shot in the gut by some muzzie in the desert.
What do you mean? They just called Trump a merchant. kek
putin is not an ally to our ideals, hes the corrupt oligarch on the opposite end of the globalist chess board.
So when we take you at your word what? That is somehow wrong? kek
Did they ever get this sorted?
Youre gunna pay, Drumph.
Prepare to get sanctioned.
>This aggressive bid to further isolate Iran appears designed to ultimately enforce regime change. In the short-term it will destroy remaining mutual goodwill, undermine pro-western Iranian opinion, empower hardliners, trigger an oil price crisis, and increase the risk of conflict centred on Syria and Israel. It raises the spectre of a regional nuclear arms race, and damages the western alliance to the advantage, among others, of Russia. It is a Crimea-sized blow to the primacy of international law.
>But the time had not come. Blood continued to flow. Clinton’s efforts to play honest broker failed, like those of other American presidents, because, ultimately, the just claims of the Palestinians always proved unequal to Israel’s political, emotional, and financial clout in Washington. Far from endowing peace in Palestine, US policy has underwritten a deepening divide, the expansion of illegal settlements, and now the provocative recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital city. Arafat and Rabin are both dead. So too, almost, is the two-state solution.
>In another famous Cairo speech, in 2009, Barack Obama promised a “new beginning”. The US had treated Middle East countries as either proxies or enemies, he said. Instead, Obama promised, it would tackle religious extremism, Palestine, nuclear proliferation, democratic deficits and women’s rights. Yet for all that, not much changed in the Obama years. Only the Iran deal marked a clear shift – until Trump wrecked it.
>Unsurprisingly, terrorism, in many forms, is proliferating, as is displacement, poverty and youth unemployment. And all this without mentioning the post-2011 Syrian holocaust of half a million dead. Syria’s fate symbolises perhaps the biggest US failure of all: its hard-nosed refusal to support the Arab spring uprisings and stand up, despite Obama’s promises, for democratic self-determination.
Almost forgot the best part
The European allies must, by all available means, undercut, circumvent and subvert Trump’s attempt to wreck the Iran deal. Closer ties should be pursued with Tehran, while escalating, punitive diplomatic and economic sanctions are levelled at Washington. Joint action should also be taken to censure the US at the UN. A price must be paid for perfidy.
Die Ahmed.
Cry harder kike.
Well Europe must appease her swarthy people. Britain has a hope because at least they are surrounded by water and it's a natural border. So the kikes are going to do everything they can to pressure them to sign on for the bullshit.
Time to send the EU to collections.
Kek fuck Iran, fuck the (((EU))) and fuck Israel. Cunts think they can bully the US into giving mugshots whatever the fuck they want got another coming. Sanction us you fucking idiots, there goes NATO.
Trumptards BTFO
Turns out Trump is just another puppet following the same script that Obama/Bush has done.
Presidents are selected, not elected
We've been telling you Trump is controlled opposition, but you didn't listen because you're a retarded child who's easily hyped.
Putin is an autocrat, but so is any effective leader. This is due to Machiavellic laws about governance. You should read ‘The Prince’.
‘To find out who rules over you, find out who you are not allowed to criticise.’
Putin being an autocrat is not ideal in terms of freedom for his huwhite Christian populace, but at least he cares for his huwhite Christian people, unlike the kikes and shills in Western Europe and Northern America, and is fighting back against the diabolical kikes and their shills.
This is Putin on moving away from the petrodollar:
In the end, only concrete, objective, factual information matters.
How are the persians bad again?
>(((global community))) take issue with Trump