So apprently this hyperthyroidic, traitorous faggot wants to sell out Kosovo within the next 6 months. What can we do to stop this? Mladen Obradovic is collecting signatures for a referendum (, but I also think the corrupt politics could somehow wiggle out of it. I would gladly give my freedom and my life for Serbia, but I don't know anyone because I'm from the diaspora. Brothers, the recognition of Kosovo must be prevented AT ALL COST, the future of our people depends on it.
Kosovo Recognition Vucic
what can i say, beside, fuck albanians?
Fuck traitors even more. A bullet for every traitor.
lol Serbs cleansed kebab roughly 20 years ago.
Now they've got an EU installed government, supporting faggots(the leaders are probably too) and accepting an independent Kosovo.
Worst of all, that guy Vucic was an ultra-nationalist 10 years ago, that's why the people elected him, but he did a complete 180 since he got into office. Maybe CIA/MI6 has compromising material on him, either way his behaviour is high treason and is inexcusable.
Absolute traitorous scum.of.the Earth.
Kosovo forever was and will once again be Serbian
t. Slovenec
Most if not all people here support you
He must be eliminated while there's still time.
so they could kill Đinđić for a few reforms but not this fag for high treason?
The day Slavs Serbs Poles Slovenians and others rise up is going to mark the end of (((their))) world.
It is coming closer.
Fret not
Never actually thought I'd see this degenerate being discussed on Zig Forums
Soros should give him a singing job in Canada.
I think you should buy him a ticket for the flight.
I think his time in Srbija is over
If you love Srbija you should look into flight schedule
Nowadays, it's the fate of everyone who dares to get involved in politics. Your intentions are meaningless, as sooner or later you will bend the knee. Petty squabbles are not for nationalists. We can only lose by playing by Jewish rules. You cannot out-sneak the sneaks.
Daily reminder that the nation of Albania is essentially a cross between the Italian mafia and ISIS, that Albanians are NOT white, and that all Albanians should be killed, no exceptions.
Supposedly the West killed Đinđić because, having seen what they have in store for Serbia, even he turned his back on them.
Milosevic was a stupid commie, but even he didn't bend the knee. I just think the people of today are just more rotten and more easily bought, plus look who put into key position: The gypsy Vulin, and the lesbian Brnabic. These people of course hate Serbia and will gladly recognize Kosovo or do whatever.
Fuck them all. I am blessed that where I am now there are none. Only Slovenians and Serbs.
The šiptars infestatiom they steal.welfare and bake shitty pastry
What's with the deleting posts mod?
Afraid of something?
I'm.calling death upon you
Honestly fam, you need go 90's on this.
As you can see the board is dying, a couple of oldcrew still here, mainly the ones.that helped Don get elected, speaking regionally.
Americans don't care about you (big surprise)
Kosovo only mattered to them when we deployed wikileaks a week before election.
My point I guess is, high time to step out irl. We have overgrown this shit especially w current management which is a fucking joke and proactively antiwhite
Know though that you have tremendous of support among Slavs. We know whose Kosovo is
Obviously. But I know there are a few Serb posters on here, that's why I made the thread.
He's a communist.
Serbia died long ago. This is turkmenistan now. I am blue eyed and blond haired, but 70% of this population is pure trash. Country with trash genetic base has no future. Serbia is dead.
Here's my guide on how-to Serb (if you look more like a Slav than a Mexican that is, which 70% of the country doesnt):
Countries with genetic trash base (whole Balkan) have no future. This whole place should be nuked, and then colonized 20 years later by actual Europeans who can make actual countries.
That's defeatism though. If Syria full of 70 IQ Arabs can fight the Kikes and win, surely Serbia can do it too.
maybe he was but now he is a bought
*(((globalist))) puppet
That's the right thing you should be doing, moron.
Separate yourself from Kosovo officially, grow your economy, then undermine the Albanians rule unofficially. Like they wisely did to you. Their tactics work, your tactics don't, so you want to continue with your tactics? Stop. Adopt theirs. Win for once.
Eventually you can even reconquer it, like Serbia in 1800 grew a powerful core and reconquered twice as much territory than it had at its height.
Serbia will survive by virtue of its own insanity and turmoil
Really good advice.
anyone here know that burger embassy at Dedinje? the big one with 12 underground floors. doing anything directly would be stupid ofcourse, but a good way to completely fuck them, should one of our people become president, is wait for (or help to have) a scandal that would give serbia enough reson to bannish the US diplomats and abort their diplomatic mission. serbs can then take that whole complex back, and since all the fifth columns like NED and soros groups are directed from there it all falls like a house of cards
Kosovo should be free burn in hell Turkish mutt
Yeah it should be free of Kurd migrants who call themselves albanian.
and serbs
I'm Serb too yet I have black hair and brown eyes. So far I'm an overachiever in life, with 4 beautiful children. My heritage is 100% balkan from the 14th century at least.
Can someone please explain what's wrong with having dark eye/hair in this living space?
Didn't southerners adapt in such a way because have more sunlight? Why does having blonde hair matter?
I'm NS, but I never understood the blue hair/eyes fetish
Who the fuck would be left then?
They're (((kvetching))) and trying to do "X is not white" arguments. Blue eyed blondes were never the majority in Europe, they're an ideal to shoot for, not some kind of standard.
As long as you encourage your lighter haired/eyed kids to have more children, it doesn't even matter.
Damn good quote. Based af
Genocide the Shqiptars and create the ethnostate.
Absolute fucking garbage.
Take your shill attempt and never come back.
A person who leaves his country (as your leftist bitch post suggests) in its hour need should not return as he is not welcome back.
Go get enriched in USA or Western Europe for all I care. But you do not have a home here anymore
I hate people who leave their country for money with a burning passion.
You do not leave your country. You defend it
I'm ok with commies moving out though. Fucking leave ;)
Bless you. Health to your porodica.
Teach them about our old ways.
It will prove key to our future
He doesn't realize a blonde is a immigrant shitskin in another country. Even if that country is full of real shitskins.
ethnic kosovars are serbs you dumbfucking idiot
There are too many countries in europe
The most important thing to do is to have as many children as possible. This is the only way to win back our holy Kosovo. this goes for all Europeans.
This might brighten up someone's day
Ok Gershom.
You are a stupid Muslim shill. Majority of Serbs were always dark haired and dark eyed, there is not a drop of Turkish blood in Serbs, every single genetic test has proven this.
We are already separated from Kosovo, and NOT recognizing it is exactly for the purpose of undermining Albanians. Besides it would be most dishonorable to accept a country that's the result of 1999 war that was waged under false pretense. Operation Horseshoe was a lie:
Croats are with you. Nikad više križ protiv krsta i slava rodu!
get out
Does anyone have any sources and redpills on all the shit the muslims did in the 1990s and how Serbia did nothing wrong?
Evidence srebrenica is NATO atrocity propaganda.
I'll casually remind you that (((Ephraim Zuroff))) from (((Simon Wiesenthal Center))) is among the deniers. But it could be the likes playing both sides as usual.
.bmp to remove sladoljet
Bosanac,Cnrnogorac ili neko ko zivi u predgradju.
Samo sljam i fizikalac moze ovako "Patriotsko sranje da kaze " !
Zna biti. U stvari ne bi prepoznao sam jer ne znam takva podjebavanja.Tu pod alpama najviše mi smetaju ti šiptari oni dolaze ko zalega štakora i onda priveze svoju ženu i decu koje bace na socialu koju moramo mi platiti to je naše troškove
Srbi, Bosanci, Hrvati ipak so drukčiji, večinom rade i tako u večini primjera ne prave problema
Kosovo Srbima!
I want to see an all Slavic uprising.
It's brewing
What are you even doing mod
Get out!
at least we'll have a riot when it finally happens.
look up jovana klečka mazreku
It must be a grand one and we need to take it all the way to brussels
Imagine that all Slavs begin a riot.
What could (((eu))) do?
bomb us
Not possible. Czech,Slovak,Polish,Slovenian,Croat is member
23 and me admitted to adding that and trace amounts of African to people's results to "fight racism" and "mess with racists". Anything under ~5% isn't trustworthy on results from that site.
Also, the nature of Ashkenazim genetics being part European to begin with (this being what distinguishes them from Sephardim or Mizrahim), it could simply be Central European genes.
you are saying that like he rest would give two shits.
Woah, bro. Isn't Kosovo all Albainian? Why should it be part of Serbia if it isn't Serbian? That be like letting the Donbas still be under Ukraine even though it's mostly Russian. What are you goyim, all Nazis or something? :^)
Non Slavs, no. But already you can see growing support among Slavic nations and disdain for Eu I am talking specifically in the case of Poland
The only way we win this if we work together
Not talking about political level necessarily or to whichever point that takes us.
I'm talking about something much more powerful. A Slavic people alliance
I think the 90's are returning but in a whole different realm.
This time the Slavic people know their enemy.
Expect bloodbath
Odjebi pederu.
The difference will be in my expectation this:
If we succeed Europe lives.
I we don't it dies.
No pressure, then
As are Slovenes.
Speaking personally, EU fucked us all more and more people see this.
Fuck the stupid eternal border d&c dispute, support to Croatia
Slav Death Squads for liberation of Kosovo when?
What the mod in this thread is even doing is beyond me. The stupid faggot banned a serb replying to a shill.
according to the traty of lisbon the EU can send a paramilitary/police force to any member state where the local poice cannot or refuses to supress the citizens. this almost happened in bosnia (which isnt even in the EU) during the riots a few years back when merkel said theyre considering sending police units down there.
all they need is some traitor in the local goverment or parliament to make a plea for such an intervention. in that case the EU will go ahead and disregard anyone, even the president of the contry.
when we kick out NATO. those fags will burn down europe before handing over their bases
You can't do shit now, should have stopped voting for him. Everything he did since he first got into office was a step towards recognizing independence, but the people wore too stupid so see it. I don't care anymore, fuck this country, the people are retarded and they deserve what they voted for
Back to page 1!
This will not go away
Not fucking forgotten!
(Read comments, hence no archive)
Our own people don't care, why should anyone else? Spain and Russia have done more to prevent the secesion than our govermant
I fucking care. Kosovo is Serbian. Serbs are Slavs.
Kosovo = Ours
We will avenge you fam. Don't worry.
Fucking no surrender. Prepare 4 war..SlavDeathSquads FAM
Think Crimea but much harder. This time we burn everything to the ground. All Slavs
All out war
Somewhere in Europe circa 2019