Housing developer declares it will evict gun owners

The developer, RPM Development Group, issued a notice of the policy to all residents and that notice was acquired and published by the New Jersey Second Amendment Society.

>Breitbart News spoke with RPM General Counsel (((David Steinberg))), who confirmed that the policy says, “No one will be permitted to store, or carry a gun or rifle, or any other type of firearm of any kind in the building, or on the grounds.”


Shall not be infringed.


Attached: the majestic tropical jewcan.jpg (300x180, 6.61K)

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Not like this will change anything as it's practically illegal to try and buy a gun there anyway. Just more virtue signaling from some kike who knows none of his tenants own guns anyway.

Wow, what a typical kike piece of shit. On the bright side, they are making sure that no one likes them.

Reminder freetards would defend this if everything was monopolized by private hands.

NJ has strict gun laws but plenty of people here do have guns, most white people not living in the third world areas of Union County, Essex County, and Hudson County have guns in their homes.

If they take any section ape funds they are going to get a federal raping.

Watch they will be targeted by "random break ins"

It's actually quite easy for a tennent facing eviction to make a landlords life hell.

What is 18 U.S. Code § 241 - Conspiracy against rights?
Illegal and unconstitutional but whatever, it's just a god damn piece of paper.


do tell user

But (((we))) have a right to our safety, goyim!

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Judges ignore the Constitution when it would help white people and misinterpret the Constitution when it hurts whites and helps Jews or any non-whites.

There is no solution within the system.

Find out where their properties are, and post giant signs informing everyone on the street that residents are not allowed to have guns.

maybe not from within but oh there is a solution, but no one here likes it.

Attached: Yea guys you should help us we aren t the fbi _eb3ace4f7a4ec218e805eab52a55c654.png (400x600, 338.32K)

I'd care more if it wasn't Jew Jersey. That place is worse than commiefornia. The good news is, this makes the properties a prime target and broadcasted to the world "hey, these niggas that live here are easy af to rob".





anyway, not that the constitution is still a thing, but i don't think it's legal for this motherfucker to do this..

I bet this will not apply to the nigger drug dealer.

Can't wait to see this blow up in their face.

Don't do that, the sings will fix the problem.

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Talk about jewdian slip. Signs. kek


Meanwhile, niggers in the area looking to rob it immediately



I agree fellow civilian, we all know what must be done.

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jersey is full of niggers, this is probably happening because at least one of them died in these places

seriously have any of you been to jersey, the only class of people who cannot afford homes there are niggers who are too stupid to figure out a mortgage

You would think the jews living there would be more afraid of being stabbed than being shot. But whatever.

Unfortunately, I live here.
You don't realize how bad it is here do you? Property tax, housing and literally everything else this state charges you is way too expensive for not only niggers, but whites and others too. The problem with whites in this state is,

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Half of the country owns a firearm. What market is he trying to cater to?

Chicongo reporting in. Hang in there NJ bro.

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Just leave user, any way you can. I left over a decade ago and never looked back. Whatever's keeping you there is not worth dying for.

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Aside from the possible infringement of rights as stated by the owners could buy safes and refuse to open them for the landlord if the kike comes around for a surprise inspection.
And I say 'possible' violation of rights for a reason. Namely, the kike is the property owner. Recently got my CCL so the laws for this shit are still fresh in my mind–at least for my state, not sure about Jew Jersey. Laws state that if the property owner posts a 'no guns' sign, puts a line in a lease agreement banning guns on the premises, or directly asks me not to bring my firearm inside, then I am not legally allowed to carry (in addition to other laws that may or may not apply, such as distance to the nearest school owned property). If they're even remotely similar, if the kikes don't want you to have guns on the property then you are required by law to obey.

I reiterate, if you live in any kiked state that allows kike (((landlords))) to pull shit like this, get a safe for everything that isn't your EDC weapon. They cannot legally force you to open it even if they 'suspect' you may have firearms.

yeah it's all some fat boomer dad with some ancient single shot shotgun or some 5 round bolt action

very hard to get a concealed handgun legally or even own a handgun

very different from how things were even 20 years ago - look at the TV show the Sopranos and what AR-15 Tony gets. They wouldn't even recreate that in a work of fiction about criminals in today's climate.

I used ti manage a priperty in Jersey. Most multifamily properties have to have at least 10% of their units designated for affordable housing. You also cant discriminate on source of income in new jersey (section 8 vouchers other government subsidy programs) as part of their fair housing laws. Fuck i hated working in that shithole of a state.

Anyone know how they acquired a list by the New Jersey Second Amendment Society? From what I've seen they are Pro Second-Amendment group.
I didn't see a way to access any list - but if the NJ2AS gave it out willingly, why would they do this?

Do opposite.

Look to Commiefornia laws protecting growing food no matter what property owner/hoa says for language to use in draft bill, jew jersey anons.
Lawgic is with you.

user takes the redpill

No cops as tenants? Security guards? FBI?