Netanyahu Warns Putin That Iran Wants to Destroy 6 Million Jews

head yid of itsnotreal unironically invokes the six gorillian in (((bloomberg))) article

S-300 Deal

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Other urls found in this thread:

fucked up archive link in original. use

And I want to destroy 12 million jews.

We should be so lucky. I just love that king jew is crying to Russia since we (the US) won't go to war for him.
Will Putin come to their aid? let's see.

It's like a fetish with this fucking 6 million number

Doesn't Putin specifically hate that kike?


If they are going to do it they need to wipe out all of them at once. The last thing we need is more of them moving to the west as "refugees".

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Good God get a new fucking act, jews

I know kikes are not creative in the slightest, but come one, the 6 gorillion again?
Even normalfags have to be tired of hearing about this shit, right?

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I'm sure they want to destroy more than 6 million.

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Gentlemen. I have always said that is it the Jews fault or our fault that they get away with this decade after decade, century after century, millennia after millennia, or is it OUR fault that we continue to allow it. They haven't changed their script or agenda for thousands of years and yet we continue to fall for it and then do nothing to eliminate the problem.

I've been Platoing this shit out for years now and find myself as despondent as Goebbels in 1924. Something is seriously fucking wrong with us and it isn't jew related.

Social media and the internet mainly. I am sitting here trying to convince children of why they should help me fight this war instead of going to organize a beer hall gathering among a new Thule society. Our energies are being sapped by the very same tools we use to undermine the Jew. I am making it my resolution to spend more time in nature, far away from ambient noise pollution and screaming niggers.

Also, gun control and a lack of war has pussified most people to the point where they won't even fight each other. In a sense, the totalitarianism of the surveillance state also induces a sense of paranoia which inhibits people from acting out due them internalizing big brother. Best solution to all problems is to minimize drug use and maximize personal development. Try to be the SS group leader you know you were destined to be and people will follow naturally. Just some thoughts.

holy fuck are they really doing the same thing again? this is exactly the shit they pulled at least twice in the first half of the 1900s

Netanyahu was visiting Putin on the celebration of the Soviet destruction of Germany actually.

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Silly jew.
You want to spread lies now that we live in the era of information?
Before it worked because you controlled all the media.
But you don't control all of the internet quite yet.
Now you have competition.

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Russian Federation has law prohibiting ironically and unironically doubting six millions. Now try to reevaluate your position using this important information you didn't know before.

The number 6 is significant in their holy texts. THe biggest chutzpah is that goyim are this blind and forgetful, we need to break that.

This doesn't get pinned but the Zionist propaganda does?

You(US) will do whatever you're told. Hope the kikes nuke you as soon as they're done with you.

Despite this, it is the norm to be "antisemitic", or to have antisemitic values.

Can jews not ever tell the truth?
Is every word out of their mouths always a lie?
It is obvious to anyone with sense that Iran does not want to destroy 6 million jews
Be honest for once in your life netanyahu
Iran wants to destroy every single last jew on Earth
Exactly as any right minded nation would

What would happen if Putin said that Israel has nukes?

Oh no A jew is going to lose 6 million of the souls he's put so much time into harvesting the horror.

"Only 6 million? We ordered at least 26 million" is the only sane response to something so ridiculous

Get copies of census records and anything showing the population of jews everywhere right now for this year. Do it now. I have a copy of the 1938 and 1948 world almanac that I use to personally btfo any argument that there was a jewish genocide, as they will claim with their shit here.

When you put it that way it feels kind of shit, user. All those WASTED souls the fuckers stole and devoured to increase their own numbers.
We're taking that energy back and then some.

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So why not make copies of relevant information and post it if you have it moshe? Awful funny a cocksucker created a fucking slide asking to bu[t] a copy in such an organic manner.
Post it or go the fuck back to half.

Way to out yourself there, shlomo.
We ain't doing shit.

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Everyone would say, yeah we know, that's the problem. Everyone knew this shit long before now but the powers that be didn't have the balls to do anything. Here's hoping Trump and Putin both keep the pressure up on them and let them fail.
Hell, I hope Trump, Kim, Putin, Assad, and Rouhani, have tea and watch the games.

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wrong thread kike

Putin should call out Israel for owning nukes.

Everyone should call them out for it including not signing up and adhering to the nonproliferation treaty and attempts to sell nukes to nigger hating whites in SA. kek

Anyone else suffering from deja vu?

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Iran wants to destroy ALL jews. Not just six million. Everybody knows this. Is Bibi making up intel while smoking weed?

Their messiah is supposed to come after 6 million of them become burnt offerings. It's the whole reason they pushed the 6 million figure at the start of WWII and pushed it so hard after like they were trying to trick god into thinking he forgot to carry a 2 somewhere.

Why only 6?

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From Rabbi Zev Brenner in Times of Israel

Basically, the Zohar, a medieval cabalistic addendum to the Talmud, notes that there's a missing letter in this single word of the Torah relating to the Jubilee Year. The letter also stands for the number six, so they prophesied that 6[insert 0s here] Jews would have to die before they could return to their land.

Holocaust literally means whole burnt offering, as in, the type that was made at the Temple every single day before AD 70. Thus the Shoah is analogous to the death of Christ in Christianity, and carries as much religious importance to modern Jews as the Temple did to Jews two thousand years ago. That's why they can't let it go. They are lying to themselves more than they are lying to the goyim. Talk about mentally ill…

I also suspect that this is why anti-Zionist Jews are more likely to reject the Holocaust, like that Rabbi Ginsburg. They are anti-Zionist because they know that 6 gorillion haven't actually died, thus the prophecy hasn't actually been fulfilled, thus they are not supposed to return to Zion. These anti-Zionist ultra-Orthodox kikes see their leaders, namely the Rothschilds, as forcing the hand of God in restoring modern day Israel.

One final thing. The First Zionist Congress was held in Basel, Switzerland today home to the Bank of International Settlements in late August 1897. Fifty years later, in May of 1948, the State of Israel was declared by Ben Gurion. In this way the kikes self fulfilled their Jubilee Prophecy.

The next question is why this Mongolian yak milk recipe sharing forum never talks about Switzerland?

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Not enaugh

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is there still hope?

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as of 2017 there are around 8,700 jews in iran. they have their own government representatives. and since 1979 only 26 jews in iran have been arrested and only 13 of them killed. the jewish community in iran is carefully observed to weed out zionist spies but otherwise is free to practice their religion. there is a claim that they are forced to hold synagogue services on the sabbath but its probably bullshit.

the jews will suffer from a night of fire

Fuck off, idiot.

This time we have internet and better ways of getting raw data about events.
It is harder now to fake 6 gorillion deaths.
At most, we get fake gassings in Syria, which half of the people still don't believe.

The holocaust is basically their religion now. It's for scaring the normie jews as he links Putin to Hitler.
Additionally it's part of their prophecy to restore the Third temple that they want to force.

Only 6 million? Step it up, Persia.

When/where did Iran say this? They're just pulling this shit out their ass because oy vey muh holocaust. The fucking audacity of these kikes. 6 million is not enough.

So what exactly was Putin's response?


Exodus never happened, holocaust never happened, Iran threat never happened…

Fuck your 6 gorillion!!!

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top laff.
There was once a thread on the Talmud. It's all autistic neurotic laws and argumentation on how to bypass them and how to trick god into thinking they're following the rules. The kike psyche is all about tricking.

got an archive?

Not on-hand. I'll look, but I encourage you to look as well.

I agree.

Anyone have that old newspaper clipping of
from before WW1? I feel like these pics need to be side by side

4th picture here

but what the hell, have some more.

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THIRD TIMES THE CHARM for synagogue of satan

6 6 6

Reminds me of how many men the book of Exodus says left with Moses. The thing that gets to me is that I hear that the number 6 in jewish numbers is supposed to be the number for the devil, 3 is the number for God (thus three sixes, or 666, is essentially code for the devil trying to pose as God). All this number stuff reminds me of that one scene in the movie Pi

Apparently greek letters also had numerical values too, theta is supposed to have the numerical number of 9, phi has a value of 500 (φʹ) or 500,000 (͵φ). Seems like in the end, both greek & hebrew written languages were derivatives of ancient phonecian (wikipedia says that was based off of Egyptian, but I'm not so sure anymore).

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