Mormons to end long association with Boy Scouts of America
tl;dr Mormons tell soy scouts to get fucked, will create their own youth programs
Mormons to end long association with Boy Scouts of America
tl;dr Mormons tell soy scouts to get fucked, will create their own youth programs
it's the perfect opportunity to get more people interested in Joseph Smithism and make money
Not sure what to say. Scouting has been tolerating fags for many years and it's a large reason why most parents aren't getting their children involved with it anymore. There will probably be troops in the rural areas who will secede from the national organization and do their own thing. In a moderately-sized community, fags, girls, and traps will be a given.
My rank of Eagle is not a badge of honor, but a scar. I only learned the things they were supposed to each after putting it behind me. It stopped being about embedding morales and earthly knowledge before I was born.
They were trying to Disney'fy and remove history when I started, kick out the men and replace them with overweight brown noses and embezzlers, seems they finally managed to remove the last holdouts who had a shit to give.
Baden Powell is spinning in his grave.
An interesting point I read was that the mormon pull out had been coming since the gay issue arose. The pull out was decided and weighed and the allowance of girls is supposed to make up the loss of 2/5ths of income and membership.
This is very good news. The Mormon church was their single biggest backer.
There are good alternatives to Soy Scouts out there, many of them just as good as the original Boy Scouts or better (TrailLife USA/Canada being the most popular) . But they're too small and underfunded… LDS need to throw their magic underwear money at them to really make them a decent alternative for the uncucked of us.
Any Mormons here that want to tell me about the LDS? I'm the type of person that hates most Christians and calls them kikes; but Mormons have always seemed very qt in comparison to the Catholics and Protestants.
Mormons used to be fucking legit, but lately they're so desperate in gaining members that they've accepted niggers and lately are trying to get mestizo-scum to join their ranks.
Mormons are just cryto kikes that don't want gun control. Frankly they idolize isreal and want to turn Utah into the new state of Deseret that they got cucked on ages ago. The lds origin story is even more asinine than the christfag one and they seem to have arbitrary rules for no reason that gets interpreted differently depending on their gatekeeper.
I was talking to one at work and it casually came up that they couldn't drink "hot" drinks, hot drinks being alcohol, anything with caffein in it which includs teas and green teas (naturally caffeine free). Something like apple cider (non alcoholic) was apperently perfectly fine.
Sorry to hear that man, I had nothing but great experiences in the Boy Scouts but that was many years ago.
I'd say that's only some sects, most are still legit. We all know how propaganda works, find a few cucked families and try to make it appear like it represents the whole.
I would figure amish people could make a great program about teaching kids to work with their hands, learn about farming and carimg for animals, living off the land, and how to not be a useless piece of shit.
If you want to join a church that can help you find a good, white, mostly redpilled wife to breed with it's great. I converted a year ago. The church is still majority white, and it isn't even close. There are 2 niggers in my ward. They both kinda keep to themselves, not really sure why they come tbh.
They do, its called being Amish
What about something like 4-h now that I think about it? Has it been (((compromised)))
You know, good question I would like to know that as well.
You mean the "Scouts".
That fucking settles it. I am going to be a mormon. Idc what you christ cucks/pagen cucks/ Other cucks think. I like dogmas and religions that lead by example and can show results through their masses. Dont coupt out with #notallchristians. You religion is cucked and dead. "insert fuck ton of pictures/articles" that will show this. Pagens are larpers. Atheists are cringe. P.S no… I am currently an agnostic Looking for the right fit.
You're just going to get purged with the rest of the cultists.
They got some crazzy ideas and you will have to follow along so i've heard. But your right user… The community and results of mormonism is Outstanding. They breed shit ton of blonde or atleast white kids and raise them well.
D/c shill or a useful idoit.
Mormons arent any less fucked than any other group of Christians. Where I live theyre literally just a "hook up and get your free gullible white girl" party for gooks and beaners.
"I watched that episode of South Park, dum, dum, dum, dum, duuuum!!!" In their defense, that story is a ruse. For the most part, the whole of the Book of Mormon is just a story that is meant to be easy for normies to accept. The "real?" info comes as you promote up in the church that talks about some bizarre shit like space Jesus and his multiple planets. Most of the "inner knowledge" of the church is deliberately kept secret to the women, because, fuck broads.
Like Christians/Catholics/Jews/Muslims never debate differences, ask a Catholic if you can eat meat on Fridays. Ask a protestant if Jews or Romans killed Jesus. Ask a Jew or Muslim if eating pork is okay sometimes.
Thats a bet I am more than willing to take. The hard part is I am not sure I will survive because I am laughing my ass to the thought of how will a religion that kisses rapefudges feet and loves to pray for prince charles to be gay… Ever get to purging anyone. Get back to me on that buddy.
Go Eastern Orthodox. Not scientology-lite
Maybe there is still is a religion for white men.
sounds like Scientology to me
Mormons arent exactly in any position to purge anyone either, youre calling the kettle black there m8
nah. Gonna distance myself from the mainstream christcuck shit. Sure i am going to have to believe in some sci-fi shit. But there is always a trade off.
My local mormon chruch i've been scouting out and talking with is legit. Peaceful people and oh a fuck ton of kids. White kids. Well behaved and natured kids. Looking to network into a relationship with a marrage minded gal atlest thats the idea haha.
Right. But the point I was making really is not about purging but purity. Sure mormonism is slowly following the other denominations into doom. But its resisting and has keep rather pure in its form and function for a while. Its a newer religion so everything changes over time.
Yeah, I'm no Mormon… I've just read up on some of their more occult stuff for fun. But L Ron Hubbard did study a number of American religious leaders, including John Smith. Mormonism is a cult, but really most religions are.
The only religions still growing in the world is Religion of Cuck™ and Mormonism (although like 2 or 3% a year), sure people are leaving it in modern times but when religious women are pressured by the church to have at least 5 kids… you make up some gains.
I wonder how Mormons feel about niggers and the JQ.
Yeah the consensus seems to be "a lot of the dogma is odd, but they're good role models for Aryan families." Thanks for your input. I'm not really interested in converting though. I'm too much of a libertine and esotericfag to convert to Mormonism. If I did ever convert to an Abrahamic religion then Mormonism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Sufism would definitely be in the top three.
Being "pure" means jackshit when your enemies use violence, subversion and forced conversion. What good will having pure genes do you when Muslims are invading America en masse, after theyve already finished purging Europe of its white genes? You better have some Mormon Militias to protect that purity if you want to keep it. I understand your desires and honestly I probably would pretend to be Mormon just to hook up with one of their qt's, but do not put your faith in any organization or church. Mormons will disappoint you eventually, I guarantee. I was Catholic for a long time and the church sure fucking disappointed me, I will tell you. If you put your faith in anything other than yourself and the Higher Powers, then you are setting yourself up for despair. Just some words of warning.
All religions are cults, but not all cults are equal in terms of authenticity or truth.
They're generally good people (white, well-armed, family-oriented, etc.), but are not to be relied upon in moral or ethical situations where the interest of a Mormon is opposed to that of a non-Mormon and the majority of them have a very strong cult mentality. There's a reason they were repeatedly kicked out of the eastern US and even if they say otherwise they are quietly waiting to seize upon the first opportunity they have to create a theocratic state; if the federal government ever goes tits-up the Mormons will have their own government up and running in a few weeks at most, complete with armed forces.
The Book of Mormon is Biblical fan fiction for a doomsday cult wanting to force the Apocalypse. The Book towards the beginning mentions the last Earthly prophet will lead the faithful to victory against all the enemies of the nation of Israel, with the rest of the Book setting up Adam Smith to be that last prophet. All the talk about ruling alien planets comes after the Book of the Mormon, isn't Biblical in any way, and is for keeping the scam going. Who cares if Mormons are raising somewhat racially conscious white families when they're also raising people who won't lift a finger against the Jews? They're like a less degenerate Alt Right, which still isn't good enough for answering the Jewish Question.
You're on Zig Forums, remember? Some of us do the historical research and don't just shitpost with memes.
Get ready to pretend to suspend your disbelief like you never have before. It will all be worth it once you get a hot wife and have 5 white kids though I don't know how long you'll be able to keep the charade going without being found out. They're into some wacky shit.
A cult doesn't have to be religious at all in fact, usually all it needs is a metaphysical doctrine or at least something/someone seen as sacred. Communism is very much a cult with their own metaphysics, idols and even prophecies; look at Jim Jones and his actual commie cult.
Once you understand what a cult actually is throughout history, you'll start to realize how many cults exist today. Modern humans just larp that they're objective secular people, completely unaware of the dogmas they hold and what they do is actually worship(sacred work) by playing semantics.
This place used to have redpills en masse and now just has damage controlling christcucks.
Mormons' historical revision of the bible has an undercurrent of literal jewish worship. When they aren't LARPing as descendants of real jews, they are worshiping jews like ziocuck Romney.
Look into the bad thoughts doctrine. Many mormon communities fall into dissaray from their doctrine that basically means bad thoughts are ungodly or whatever. We had a really good thread about this in 2015 with people posting stories of mormons being unable to speak out against degenerate community figures because acknowledging them being bad makes them in violation of said doctrine.
Why would you ever want to be actively engaged in a jewish LARP? Are you actually redpilled or just redpilled when it's convenient? This is just another sign of how bad things have gotten around here.
The Mormons helped ruin scouting. Their entire troops were Eagle Scout farms where they completed merit bafgrs nonstop. I once met a 14 year old Mormon Eagle.
They used all of these "assets" to get into top positions at the national level. Reap what you sow.
t. Eagle
Please don't. Most of their ceremonies is based off of Masonic crap. They even have statues of bulls in their temples
You don't know anything about the religion if you think this.
I don't think you have read any part of the book.
Yeah, you are pulling shit out of your ass. You don't even know the name of the prophet.
i sure believe that
4H is the obvious better choice.
1 Nephi, Chapter 15
13 And now, the thing which our father meaneth concerning the grafting in of the natural branches through the fulness of the Gentiles, is, that in the latter days, when our seed shall have dwindled in unbelief, yea, for the space of many years, and many generations after the Messiah shall be manifested in body unto the children of men, then shall the fulness of the gospel of the Messiah come unto the Gentiles, and from the Gentiles unto the remnant of our seed—
14 And at that day shall the remnant of our seed know that they are of the house of Israel, and that they are the covenant people of the Lord; and then shall they know and come to the knowledge of their forefathers, and also to the knowledge of the gospel of their Redeemer, which was ministered unto their fathers by him; wherefore, they shall come to the knowledge of their Redeemer and the very points of his doctrine, that they may know how to come unto him and be saved.
15 And then at that day will they not rejoice and give praise unto their everlasting God, their rock and their salvation? Yea, at that day, will they not receive the strength and nourishment from the true vine? Yea, will they not come unto the true fold of God?
16 Behold, I say unto you, Yea; they shall be remembered again among the house of Israel; they shall be grafted in, being a natural branch of the olive tree, into the true olive tree.
17 And this is what our father meaneth; and he meaneth that it will not come to pass until after they are scattered by the Gentiles; and he meaneth that it shall come by way of the Gentiles, that the Lord may show his power unto the Gentiles, for the very cause that he shall be rejected of the Jews, or of the house of Israel.
18 Wherefore, our father hath not spoken of our seed alone, but also of all the house of Israel, pointing to the covenant which should be fulfilled in the latter days; which covenant the Lord made to our father Abraham, saying: In thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed.
19 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, spake much unto them concerning these things; yea, I spake unto them concerning the restoration of the Jews in the latter days.
20 And I did rehearse unto them the words of Isaiah, who spake concerning the restoration of the Jews, or of the house of Israel; and after they were restored they should no more be confounded, neither should they be scattered again. And it came to pass that I did speak many words unto my brethren, that they were pacified and did humble themselves before the Lord.
Too Long, Didn't Read
The Jews are secretly based and will one day return to the Lord, with Mormon Gentiles leading the way for the Jews. Never mind all of those bits in the New Testament regarding the rabbinical Jews being eternally cursed reprobates who will never see forgiveness from God.
This is what Mormonism actually believes. R-money and Egg Mcmuffin posturing themselves as Mormon champions isn't doing any good for your image either.
1 Nephi, Chapter 14 also goes into details about the end times and the punishments for people disobedient to the Lord's word, which would include the word about restoring the Jews to their former glory. Mormons are Jew lovers.
As a former Mormon and an Eagle Scout let me say I'm disappointed in the BSA. They cucked.
A new organization will form in its ashes , Scouts or RWDS
Mormons have been planning to replace Boy Scouts with their own program for about 20 years that is only for their members, where they can integrate it with the indoctrination they need to make sure men leave the religion in smaller numbers. I don't think they have any plans or need to support another group.
The girl scouts were fucking pissed about that.
Wew. That's probably why later Mormon beliefs say Jesus and Lucifer are brothers.
I was born and raised in it. Left after the missionary thing mindfucked me. The religion and community can either be a net positive or negative depending on your personality and IQ. If you're low IQ and need a structure to get your shit together it will be probably be extremely beneficial to belong to. If you're high IQ, but don't care that a lot of beliefs and history don't make sense you'll also benefit a lot from the community and networking. If you're someone who can't stomach bullshit and need things to make rational sense you'll hate it. The qts raised Mormon with a dad involved in her life are usually a good mate for breeding and raising children. They can be a little neurotic about wanting you to be a perfect zealot, but most are tolerable these days as long as you can be a stable main provider.
the boy scouts is where you send ur kid (that is, if you even got the right one from the hospital) to get fondled in a tent by some random grown up.
the mormons are the crazy cult that believes in aliens and multiple wives that go around neighborhoods offering blasphemous brochures.
they are also devout conservatives that give freee canned foods to people
Joseph Smith's Mormon Banking Scam
If that doesn't sound like a bunch of dirty stinky jews to you, nothing does
Are you a simpleton? If the democrats tomorrow were to disavow a jew and name the jew for being jewish would you commit to joining them because the republicans haven't done that?
I notice you reaffirmed your stance against pagans and atheists but not christians. It's likely your post was just an underhanded attempt to promote mormonism and see if anyone fell for it.
Blood is thicker than water.
Bring the Youth back.
this thread convinced me to move to Utah instead of Arizona as planned.
You can find your Mormons in Arizona too. And there'll be fewer of them. It's hard enough for the young men born in Utah. You go to Utah as someone who wasn't born in the faith, the best you can hope for is to get a bride that's the equivalent of a coal burner - and you'll be shut out of work opportunities even worse than the native young men.
If John Smith created his own wacky offshoot of Christianity. Why don't we fucking do it?!
That's not how religion works you twat.
We didn't need that because everyone once understood a thing or two about history and Christianity.
It's good for the low IQ people to give them structure.
Whites aren't allowed to create new religions unless jews approve.
that's a pretty sick uniform
Think of the meme potential.
Good luck White Mormons chuck the blackies out of your churches or you'll turn into Jehovah witnesses.
I have seen the last name (((Smith))) used by jews. Joseph Smith a jew, one has to wonder.
I'm a mormon and I've heard that exact same spiel before.
But from where I come from (mormon central) the mormons I know are the kind of people that if you're not of the original pioneer anglo-scandinavian lineage then you're far from marriage material.
Sage for mormon shilling.
Trips confirm.
Surprisingly based coming from the Mormons. Alya was saying how the church is slowly being (((corrupted))) into Judeo-degeneracy. Cool that they'll do their own thing then. There's also Trail Life USA, which is also a non-kiked alternative.
Start your own groups via the internet. Hire vets to lead the group for specialty training (innawoods action). Tell faggots to fuck off.
Problem solved.
These monolith groups are far too easy to infiltrate and corrupt nowadays.
How did the Mormon church take to Hitler and the NSDAP? Where there pro-German factions?
Not a huge fan of Mormons, but they're still generally white, and have a relatively high fertility and family size compared to the rest of the US, even minorities. They're keeping the white TFR relatively high.
Also, Hispanics get bleached when they join.
Mormons are the true chosen, aren't they? I bet they're the only ones allowed in heaven anymore.
There are Christian Identity movements.
The church actually got shat on for being pro hitler. You can read magazines and articles they made back then where they praised hitler's "new germany".
A running southpark joke is that mormonism is actually the one true religion.
Mormons and Amish, yeah. Baptist and Catholic America are fucked beyond repair.
I doubt it would work in the 21st century, honestly. The best thing would be to reform and recruit from the church, like the blacks did. There's some book I'm too lazy to look up, regarding the black church, and how it reformed itself to unify along pro-black lines. We need to do something like that. There's HUGE untapped potential in the church, and if we can change it from the inside out, we'll gain momentous traction for pro-white attitudes. Imagine merging pro-whiteness with Christian zealotry. It would be a tremendous force.
I don't know if it's in my narrow experience of Mormons, but I notice that the Hispanics that join the church are whiter, and often pair up with white Christians more often than they do with other Hispanics once they join. I'm not definitely not for race-mixing in anyway, but their children come out white as fuck when they do. It's like Mormonism acts as some spreader of older European values and even genes. It's being leftified, but it's still mostly white and conservative.
Boys need place where they can act like squirrelly little boys and grow up without the distraction of the instinct to impress young women. You can't undo four hundred thousand years of instinct just because some weirdo feminist wants to use her daughter as a political pawn.
Totally not shilling.
lol omg. Do you know that in mormon theology that when native americans convert to mormonism they gradually become "whiter"?
Part of the belief is that the natives descend from a group of people that were originally white and then the group split up. One of the groups that split up committed apostasy and were thus cursed by god with dark skin, but if they returned back to the faith they'd gradually become white again.
There's also the concept of "Mormon Glow" which is the idea that mormons regardless of race have incredible complexions and are generally very fair skinned.
I'm not shilling. Just an observation.
I don't know if it's because I associate Mormonism with positive whiteness or what, but it's definitely a thing.
Ham wasn't the only one cursed., huh?
Not gonna lie. Having the opportunity to be married to 3 or more wives, all of whom are fertile White women. They are taught since birth to make babies, babies and more babies; all the while are conservative socially and love guns.
Why am I not converting to LDS again??
t. Texas
Checked and kekked
Because that's fundamentalist LDS, not mainstream LDS. It's fringe, and I'd be impressed if you could somehow "get in"
4h was fun
Oops, seems I missed this part of your gay shill post. Nope, no race mixing, ever. Miss me with that mud shit.
Those mormons that race mix are dead to me. Heck, even the ones that marry outside of the main mormon gene pool are dead to me.
Eventually those that mixed will be purged when the collapse comes and the church retakes its proper mantle as a theocracy.
I'm pretty happy that are current Prophet and his second in command are known for having spoken against race mixing as late as 2003.
In Mormonism the Book of Mormon has an explanation for the Native American race. They're descended from a party of Israelites that came to America in 600BC. The party split up and one group became cursed by god for their apostasy and they were cursed with dark skin. Eventually the other party was killed by the darkies and they remained and are now known as the injuns.
Read 2 Nephi 5:21
s m h i didn't promote race-mixing at all. If I came off that way, I didn't mean it.
I see this as another piece of society built up & ripped apart by kikes, as a part of their plan to destroy anything that promotes strong white culture. As an eagle scout that was in a 100% h'white troop, it's sad the state of the scouts as an organization have buckled and caved to sjw bullshit. Makes sense though, since the organization beyond the troop level, allows women and diversity hires like all major businesses now. It's nice to hear though that for the most part on the troop level, it's still majority white males cause these are the only people interested in nature and learning skills and self reliance….go figure.
Drop the Jew religion. The pro-white movement begins in tax exempt temples of Odin and they will give shelter, as well as an immediate surrounding for whites to build a commune.
Saying you're fine with the hispanics mixing into white mormon families is endangering the purity of mormons.
Maybe you're okay with that but real white nationalists aren't. Mormons even have a theological basis for not even being cool with the slightest of native american blood.
"And cursed shall be the seed of him that mixeth with their seed; for they shall be cursed even with the same cursing. And the Lord spake it, and it was done." (2 Nephi 5:23)
After living in Utah for about a year I can say that Mormonism has become very watered-down for the average person due to the all the companies and corporations coming to the state for the cheap land and low taxes. So the suits don't feel like they're moving their operations into the middle of a cult commune I think church leaders have been downplaying the wackier aspects of the religion.
When I went to the Life Science Museum near Brigham-Young (the Mormon university) I was expecting something like a Creationist museum but it was far from that. There was just a short wall with some quotes from their scripture about how humans have a responsibility to care for the earth, how humans can learn about the earth by studying the creatures that live on it, etc.
Never said I was okay with it. It was an observation, you strawman fag.
You'd have to allow non-whites to join your larpaganism. The Mormon Church originally had a rule up until 1978 that black people couldn't recieve the mormon priesthood. Because of the civil rights acts and other such laws the church had to allow blacks the priesthood or give up tax exempt status.
A cancerous observation. Everyone knows that being a non-white and mixing with whites makes your offspring whiter, it's not exactly a secret. Mentioning the hispanics doing it and their kids coming out white is just tangential and implies we can MakeHispanicsWhiteAgain or something, which is both wrong logically and would also make the brit-scandinavian mormon race impure.
That's not a bad thing. The kikish thing to do is turn the entire planet into a desert and full of death.
Fucking awesome! This makes the Mormons even more based. With that history in mind, it shouldn't be too difficult to create a Natsoc-like faction within the church.