President Donald J. Trump Signs S. 447 into Law

Let's not forget that the House unanimously passed the bill to help Holohoax "survivors" extract shekels from European countries under the protection of the United States of America. It's an important, and worrying development. I hope mods will stick it so we can discus it freely.


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Holy shit he's actually doing it. Ursula is getting her life back. She is after all a survivor.

what did Trump mean by this?

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Poiniggers are begging for Trump gibs. Again. That's what? 3 times?

That there were too many affirmative action hires in the bureau.

yeah probably just chess, blabla
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Yellowstone explode and deliver Europe from Judea II.

They want to extort about 300 billion dollars from Poland



Your families are dying in their sewers, yids.

This some kind of strange dune magic?

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Come get them tbh.

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It's European exasperation at the monkey golem on our back.

No patience with the US results in the wish that the US just explodes rather than having to sit with our thumbs up our asses for four to eight years to see if the US uncucks itself already.

We're not getting any younger over here, you know.
But can't uncuck ourselves with "lady liberty" breathing down our necks.

US already wrecked the west two times in both world wars for the payoff of plummeting in life quality itself and getting infested by kikes and other vermin.

I'm tired of it.

Molon labe kosher-burgers.

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Based Junker will save us lad. MEGA.

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Tough shit, we're taking care of business. Deal with your shitskins.

t. 50% white
learning spanish yet?

Yeah, taking care of business is what you do best.

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Why would I? I'm not teaching ESL here for you.

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I wonder how many half-eaten children they will find when they dig you kikes out of the tunnels.


America is going further into isolationism as its debt gets too high to be running around the world as its police, like it has been for the last 70 years, so it's not going to be the sole super power. Europe is going to be consumed with civil strife due to its nigger infestation. Russia strains its economy to the limit as is just maintaining its current structual integrity. China has completely fucking ruined the future of its soil and its populace with pollution and is one catestrophy away from sundering into ANOTHER warring states period, as it always does every so often throughout its many millenia history. India has no hard caste system anymore, so it is overrun with literal street shitters and will never get its act together. Brazil is filled up with too many niggers. South Africa has been taken over by niggers, the rest of Africa is niggers. Middle East sand niggers are all inbred and hate each other too much to ever come close to being a world threat. Even their fifth column wont last long across the world, and the time they buy by putting them into chaos wont give them any gains. It's not going to be a next superpower situation after America loses it. It's going back into a great powers balance, and the kikes will surely hate that, because they cannot control every faction and there's going to be some places free of their fuckery and they will have golden ages which will have to be undone by sicking their golems on them. Just survive WW3 and things will likely be dandy in a couple decades for a long long time afterward.

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and the US isn't?
what alternate universe do you live in?

America has hundreds of years dealing with niggers. Europe has not.


Don't mind the half-breed mil shills.

inb4 op gets (((banned for this post)))

If all the racial violence in the 60s and the 70s could be undone by one piece of legislation, the civil rights act, then America is not going to have the race war and subsequent genocide it needs to have a fully white ethno-state.

Too vague for me to reply appropriately.
Might possibly remain this way, but the state of Russian economy is mainly due to transition from communism to capitalism, combined with sanctions that forbid them from entering the Western market when they purposefully obliterated theirs to appear more "free". If Europe was to welcome Russia back to their market, even if temporarily to stave off such an apocalyptic scenario, then the purchasing power of the ruble would fly right back up.
Maybe if the Chinkies were armed, there's no possibility to fight off the Chinese government at this level, especially when they're not afraid to mow down protestors with tanks or that they're implementing a universal social score that operates by tracking down its citizens, which'll undoubtedly work to erase "revolutionary" elements too. Chinese soil is pretty ruined yes, but this is why they're buying out Canada or California, they even boasted about it remarking "Only big countries like Canada or Australia can sustain our colonial ambitions", yet there's nothing these countries are doing about it.
Caste system still exists in practice, they're irrelevant, but they have nukes.
Think the EU wants to prevent that.

To all the uninformed goyim:

This resolution allows the State Department to pressure many European countries (mostly Poland, but also Romania, Hungary and a few others) with instruments at its disposal (sanctions, cutting diplomatic ties etc.) in case they refuse to comply with Jewish demands of restitution of heirless property to Holocaust-related foundations (e.g. Jewish demands exceed $300 billion just in Poland, over $400 billion overall) to fund mostly Holocaust education and other Jewish causes.

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and Trump signed it
he didn't have to

Hand over the loot, goyim,

Meh, it wouldn't have changed a thing. This piece of shit passed both Houses of Congress unanimously. On the one hand kikes could start looting my country, but on the other hand this is a much needed red pill to all Poles. The first one was the Polish death camps law, now this. I wouldn't be surprised to see ZOG and Israeli flags burn, people are really fucking pissed. Even the globalists from PO are pointing out that we have no money to pay reparations. Whenever I approach normies or cuckservatives to red pill them using this law it feels like talking with a Zig Forumsack, that's how angry people are.

Every day is worse. What a shitty time to be in human form.


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You beat me to it.

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The orange kike truly is the best thing that ever happened to isn'treal

All of it is shady as hell, who and how do they determine what belongs to whom? Is there a name on every single thing? What about things that have been legally or unknowingly traded around, do they just come into your home and start taking your things?
The theoretical part is already morally dubious, practically a shitshow. This is just another milking in the name of the Holocaust, no questions asked.
You have to look at the smaller things, like this one and realize that nothing changed. Jewish special treatment and holocaust backed exploitation is a constant, until that changes its barely a matter of flavor of who is president.

It's not that there will be a popular revolution it's that there are multiple competing factions within the Communist Party of China. There has been a purge going on for three years running and it is starting to spill over onto unrelated factions which is pissing them off.

China might well divide into different regions as the factions hold their interests to specific cities and economic regions as it stands.

Europe well one would expect individual national revolts or turns towards hard right ideology and exile of shitskins.

The US is highly unlikely to break up because the social and racial divide is urban/rural rather than regional. The rural whites in Maine, South Carolina, California, and Ohio have nearly identical sentiment and interests. More likley a prospective civil war would result in a 3 month/year long civil war in which the libshits/shitskins/kikes lose since 95% of the combat units are white men(more than during Veitnam/Korea/or WW2) and there is s 3 million strong militia movement of which at least 500,000 are white nationalists or have strong pro-racialist sentiment. More likley it is up to 2 million but they don't openly say so. Then there is the fact that every white I meet in rural America despises kikes, niggers, and spics and is just looking for an oppurtunity to kill them. There has been a rash of murders of faggots and spics in PA and all the section 8 housing developments outside the cities have suffered arson. There is nearly a civil war right now but nobody reports on it.

That said without non-whites the US would have had a 0.8 to 1.8 trillion dollar budget surplus every year for the last 30 years regardless of the retarded fiscal policies in place or how they varied. If the spics and niggers are purged I can see Imperialist and genocidal expansion in the future, ie killing very spic in the Western Hemisphere.

Holly just commented on some righting channel I am subscribed to. I think Holly is dl really conservative, but makes her love interest(s) brown men since she's in denial. Earlier sketches of some of the characters from her comics were white.
Might also be because she is eternally seeking money and thinks there's a market in making random poc comic book characters, as is the trend.

Forget this post, wrong thread.

that false song of globalism had the western world give away its advantages and secrets, and empower every shitskin and nigger country to grow to equal.
Thank fuck it has been derailed, and fuck the EU

I've got something he can return…

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Protip: nobody here uses that expression. Might help you blend in better in the future.

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Hey /co/ and leftypol. Jesus you're retarded.

Wow so based and fashy in the way you act like pol has done anything other than shill for jewry since the orange kike announced he was standing for the commander in chief of the United States of isreal.
Indeed, the only one's still posting here are isreali kikes who have turned this board into a pro-isreali, pro-ZOG Neocon Republican cheerleading squad
Breibart 2.0

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Except we hate kikes, and le drognald blumpf is blowing up zog from the inside.

Hate them so much you've banned every single legit non-jew user from here while forcing the board to champion neocon kikes in every election worldwide.

Based neocon jew promoting kike run Zig Forums naow

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so glad we finally have a president that respects the Jewish community in the office. #maga

In other words, making shit up to be able to take anything from anybody, just like (((they))) are systematically destroying homes and robbing land from their Palestinian neighbours. For (((settlements))).

They have also been dropping chemical weapons on heavily populated areas of Palestine. Ixquick "white phosphorous gaza israel"

How has the world allowed that (((nation))) to develop a nuke?

This just pushed further for the whole eastern Europe to openly name the Jew


How is the USA making laws about property disputes that happend decades ago in another continent

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Europe will be consumed because Europeans are all massively spineless cucks. Don't forget to bin your sharp pencils and scary-looking spoons while the niggers throw acid and hand grenades at you from their Trucks of Peace, maties

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Has anybody considered that there is a slim chance Trump is doing this to make the kikes appear greedy?

Speaking of spineless kikes/cucks, hows the MAGA revolution 'against' the jews going with the orange kike in chief?

It's going great. For one thing, we just canceled Kang Nigger's retarded nuke deal with Iran. It's part of big list of bullshit that stupid nigger enacted for his jew masters we no longer have. For example, we have a huge ban on sandniggers coming here, whereas you Eurocucks invite them into your home and slurp their semen. And of course, that is somehow the fault of the United States kek

Attached: eurodweebs.jpg (1200x1029, 1.13M)

We're tired of you.
Get raped.

Euroanons always find a way to talk shit and make it about us, when most of their countries are in even worse condition. Talk about projecting lul.


trump would be the most shabbos goy if he weren't actually a crypto kike

> audit (((federal reserve)))


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You're retarded. Fuck off.


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You really seem to like that picture.

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Another day,another horrific fact that I learn about the Jews.

And to think I actually praised Israel and felt bad for the holohoax.
I thank you Zig Forums for setting me free with the truth.

Stop projecting, fag

Little sissy bitch having a fit. Please, spare us your "enlightenment".

< Vote for Hillary Clinton, goy!
< This horrible man is pro- us (pro-kike)
< Hillary 2020

Fuck you, kike!

You are a disgrace. Die.

Sounds like a two-edged sword.

Wtf i love the jews now

Based war for israel

You stupid motherfucker. Where do you think we are? They'll sticky twelve other fucking things buy ou actually think THIS would be stickied?

I knew he was a better choice than killary, but damn it that the country still has a president that is a Zionist. This act proves that (((they))) will get more of their (((reparations))) with the facade of those toucan sam nosed fucks continuing to drain money for a genocide that never happened. One day I hope this stops and every Zionist and kike is stomped out!

Trump goons are getting lazy

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Yeah right. As if Zig Forums's (((Kushner)))-bankrolled mod team would do that.

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cute waifu

you're crazy, lol
