Have you practiced charity today, user? It is the greatest theological virtue, after all.
Friendly reminder that charity makes the world go 'round
i don't have a job, why should i worry about others when i'm not in a good position either?
Kikes want me to give my shit to nigger metizos for free. More at 11
Charities are a scam to line their pockets, esp if they do not post financials;
melissadata dot com/lookups/np.asp?zip=Black+Lives+Matter
Look up that canyon country address, a P.O. Box in Santa Clarita, search on City Data 3% Black, 20 Miles from L.A.
Or Habitat for Humanity; Home Builder, Seller, Financier, and Property/Land Owner Leaser, all a conflict of interest in the real world and illegal. Their small house is twice the price of a modular/manufactured home.
lol at the niggers in this thread that don't know what charity is.
Then, don't give to charities. Donate to your local church, give a gift to someone, talk to someone who's lonely, be nice. Do it all for the glory of the Lord.
Read 2 Corinthians 8-11, user. The less fortunate should also give. Fiscal charity is a duty and a blessing for us all, in Christ.
don't give to charities.
AGREE 100% Our TIME is valuable, as is a GIFT.
Donate to your local church
Habitat for Humanity is run by a Religion, a "Christian housing ministry."
Churches are all non-profit.
Maybe, Combined Federal Campaign weeds out some of the BS, maybe…
Teach a Man to Fish he can eat for life… Give a man a Fish, and he will want more Fish, so he can sell them, and then want a Food Stamps, Welfare, Medical, Vision, Ear, Eye, cell phone, child care, housing, transportation, etc…
Charity in Christianity doesn't mean giving money to Jewish scams. It means being patient with people and realizing that they aren't perfect and giving them second chances and things like that.
Charity is altruistic self-sacrifice for the glory of God. This can be done in many ways, yes.
(Also, racism is sinful. Be guided by the Holy Ghost.)
Tell me a bible passage where racism is mentioned. Im legit curious because racism is a 19th century construct.
You should discriminate , the money should go to people who actually need it not money grabbing kikes running a scam.
For fuck's sake, stop sucking Jewish cock, I implore you.
Don't give to charities, and certainly not to a God-forsaken (((church))).
Go find a white person and help them, personally. It will feel really good, and you will keep doing it out of an urge to help. It also cures suicidal tendencies
Also, redpill while you help if you can. That one is harder.
Give money to charities, so both evangelicucks and catholics use it to feed african nig nogs so they have enough energy to cross the Mediterranean and invade europe and get even more gibs from evil whitey.
Ask yourself: what have churches done for the white people that built and sustained them?
For a while dethrone Jews.
Advance technology and science, along with mathematics.
Inspire western art.
Would you like anything else?
I agree though don't give money to them, nowadays they've been subverted.
They gave power to the Jew, and nowadays support every kosher agenda there is.
Racism is not so much condemned as it is excluded from Christian love. All of us are called to Christ, people from all nations can be "acceptable to God". Here's one citation, from Matthew: "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit". All nations, it says it right there.
One could also argue that the Bible, if the New Testament is included, are books about perfect love and harmony in humanity. We are not to hate, but love. Spite is evil.
The church has literally put them in power. Money-lending was forbidden to Christians (which would be ok if they went GTKRWN, but they also forbid that to gentiles too, with the "offer the other cheek" mentality
As much as I agree there is such a thing as redpilled anons who would gas kikes "in the name of Christ", so I wouldn't D&C against them.
i gave to charity last week. i gabe to charity and she pulled her panties down and winked at me. fuck i love strippers, especially giving ones to charity.
then why does he flood the fucking world when he gets mad at people. the book says not to be a degenerate and yet churches now have rainbow hearts sticking on their signs. so which is it love everyone or kill degenerates.
(Heil'ed, flood the degenerates)
I think some interpretations need to be taken with a grain of salt. Converting all nations have nothing to do with loving all nations. A true christian is a disciple of christ. Christ loves those that follow His word. Those that don't need salvation. Those that threaten the religion need to be stopped. Christian passivity only started after the (((new testament))).
Love is easy. Love is lowering your standards. Hatred is a form of discrimination. Hate is hard.
Love is for losers, hate is for heroes, and Christianity is for desert people.
yeah I can get on board with that but I don't agree with the way the church operates, they're all cucked, pic related
I love my Ferrari and I hate my 1998 Toyota Corolla.
loving my Ferrari is lowering my standards?
hating my Corolla is heroic?
Genesis is not meant to be read literally, you miss out on so much wisdom if you do.
And yes, endorsing homosexual acts is wrong. Jesus' One, Holy, Catholic, Apolistic Church on Earth is not reasonably blamed for the Protestant and non-affiliated Catholics who do this.
Redemptive suffering is a way to the Cross, a hardened heart is not.
Go home basedboi
You are correct, but only in a kike free Catholic society.
Love is sometimes easy, sometimes not. Love is always sacrificial, giving. Love is everything from a quick prayer for someone to dying painfully as a martyr. All in all, love is humble and non-repenting. It is much easier to condemn an annoying neighbour than it is to love him. It is much more rewarding to love, too.
Please be patient, I have a new phone and am just now getting used to autocorrect. Mea Culpa.
Christ died for your sins so you won't have to. The priests that want you to suffer to purify you of your sins are not catholics, let alone christians. A true christian hones and protects his most sacred temple (his body) for what lies ahead. Accepting pagans is only for those who are truly willing to. Those that are not have no salvation; mercy is for those who seek it.
Let us pray for Zig Forums, to the Sacred Heart of the Son. World without end.
Why don't leave donations to churches to their respective gods? Unlike you they're not limited in resources.
Same goes for charity. Gods will help their children you dont have to worry about that. If not they will end up in heaven anyway.
Lets just pray for them. :^)
Suffering is at the heart of Christianity, as it is the Passion. Suffering makes devotion to God holier, as it is more devout when it's difficult. Suffering makes you grow in faith. Suffering matures and develops you. Suffering cleanses the soul. Suffering is good, when it is not wasted on godlessness.
Not all churches are megachurches, user. The parish is a flock, and we provide for our common house of worship. For example, my church needs renovation funds. It is the good will of us being served that collects the money required. God doesn't do what we can and should do ourselves.
People don't go to Heaven solely because they suffered on Earth, people go to Heaven because they were holy. One thing that makes you holy is charity. In fact, it's the greatest theological virtue. That is what Christ commanded us to do in this wicked life - be holy. You can't out-smart your obligation to do Good.
Only relatives up until the 6th degree are worthy of love, the rest of so-called humanity are either enemies or irrelevant. That is the traditional way of Germanic and Indo-European culture and the normal mindset of all ancient cultures. Magschaft is the German legal term for it, with the line of patrilineally related males forming the backbone of the house (classical patriarchy).
Deforming our natural inclination to love the people close to us and redirecting that love toward an enemy God and his followers is the central fraud of Christianity.
This racket has now been taken over by a Jewish-led international coalition. They tell us that we have to kiss the feet of the brown hordes flooding our countries and that it is uncouth, unfashionable and plain evil to oppose them raping and plundering what belongs to us.
t. Cousin-marrying kike.
Reminder that capitalist nations contribute more to charity than communist ones. Reminder that charity to your race is more important than charity to any other. Reminder that your thread didn't need to exist.
>this (((trick)))
Is this board Zig Forums or Zig Forums, skeletor?
I'd prefer making them educated and ensuring the poor or not well off getting a job suiting that merit. If disabled, sure, why not. I gave money to charity once but I wonder how much of that money actually went to those who needed it.
If you had read into the term "Magschaft" you would have known, that marriages between close relatives are forbidden and the in-law family members were depicted a part of the tribe. That's how you create a folk.
You propably can't relate because every christ obeying nigger is considert your brother.
When the jews give everyone a jubilee and all debt is forgiven, we'll talk.