What did Jews mean by this? What do they want to accomplish by buttering up Donald Trump? What do they want in return?
What did Jews mean by this? What do they want to accomplish by buttering up Donald Trump? What do they want in return?
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Shouldn't come as a surprise that kikes love him back.
Who wants to be the yids "forget" to do that on (((accident)))?
I can't wait for the day that every single kike and the dumb goyim that fell for their Trumpstein psy-op involved in disrupting the resistance into campaigning for ZOG [for free!] is swinging by the neck
Gonna be a long wait. About as long as an impeachment. Though you're free to take matters into your own hands if you really think things are that bad.
Good idea Moshe that’ll prove he’s on our side!
tbh just because we hate kikes doesn't change the fact that cuckservatives LOVE our gayest ally, and just because you fell for the hype doesnt mean you have to keep ass kissing
who did you vote for, hillary?
found the jew
I know you're from 4cuck /a/. Go back there.
Trump signs Holocaust property law for Jewish compensations from Poland:
^ kike first post.
Kikes present things in accord with what they think will manipulate their audience. This is their constant scheme.
That's not a coin. Reported. It's merely a fake coin, a "commemorative coin", which isn't a coin.
< donation of $50
< for something the size of a $0.50 piece
kikes will be kikes.
As usual, these shit posters: never respond.
to any criticism of neocon kike politicians.
Not every user is a retarded blue pilled redditor who believes there is some sort of different between Team Democrat-jew or Team Republikike-jew, or even American come to that.
Promotion of jews on Zig Forums is the strangest new development over the past few years
Fuck off hasbarafag. We all know it's you. You've been using the same syntax and phrases for 2 years now.
Can’t we take advantage of this? We can appeal to liberals’ mental illness of “DRUMBUNGPSUHPF IS LITERALLY HITLER” and redpill sane people simultaneously.
lol what
Do the moneychangers use this as the official temple currency?
You realize if you're going to take the voting doesn't matter angle, the you fucking idiots you voted for trump angle doesn't work.
Shit we should have voted for Jeb instead.
it doesn't, satan
prove me wrong
you have shit reading comprehension or you're deliberately ignoring what's being said.
There's no contradiction, Rebe.
In one instance it's slamming people for voting for Trump in particular, in another it's for voting period, if the position is voting doesn't matter, then who in particular was voted for is irrelevant.
Why would anyone on Zig Forums still be pretending that voting for jews is okay?
They can't even make proper coinage.
Why are you pretending that's what's happening?
Jesus dubs confirm that he may be a pawn.
Or perhaps king of the kikes, either way, I'm voting for the chaos candidate's second term next time around.
So you're saying the endless shilling and open support still on Zig Forums for the Neocon kike hawks they helped elect is all a figment of my imagination?
Who are the laundry list of neocon kike hawks that everyone on Zig Forums is endlessly shilling for?
Fucking jews.
And good job with the attempted D&C kike, that coin bullshit came up a while ago. How's that clipped coin treating you now? Kids sustaining you in your sewer?
Voting isn't a solution. American National Socialists understood the worthlessness of the jew-party system in the 1930s, yet people who are supposedly jew-wise, with access to infinitely more information about jewish domination of politics, still think it's how we're going to get out of this. We didn't vote the jews into power, and we certainly won't vote them out.
Fucking money-changers…
Either you didn't continue reading the thread or pretending the conversation that followed didn't happen and repeating as if points weren't addressed.
Yes or no question: do you think it's possible to remove the jews from power by voting for parties they control?
Now we need only meme and wait for history to repeat itself.
No, but then voting for individuals isn't voting for a party, so empty question.
The funny part is, plating them in silver they're calling Trump Judas. They know he betrayed them.
I wanna get 30 of these made and plated.
Wasting your time, user.
Notice my one line responses, notice his and what's involved in posting like that:)
Voting for "individuals" who run on one of the jew-parties and share their jewish donors is voting for a party.
Remember this tweet? What does it mean given that the modern day Elder of Zion was one of Trump's top donors, and said he would be "best president ever" for Israel?
When the fuck did this happen? I don't recall seeing it here.
I would have archived but both coincidentally took a dump on me.
Wrong and nothing is to be taken at face value.
But jew well-poisoning is just an anti-Semitic canard, goy.
Some kike actually made a song celebrating the failed plot.
You're as deluded as the Q niggers.
Nice catch, user. Didn't even think about that aspect. What a wonderful time to be alive.
This didn't happen and if it did you're not allowed to talk about it here, you fucking goyim. Delete this thread before the mods delete it for you if you know what's good for you.
Good lord you are one delusional faggot.
1.000 coins * 50$ = 50.000$ "to spread the light of Israel" (""""""non-profit""""""" way for making money)
Good enough for you shill?
They are draining the money of stupid "Israel is our ally" faggots.
A real jew would have ended the subversive christ for free. they wouldn't even take the free money he was throwing at them once he did his great deed. There is no guilt in divine necessity therefore Judas wanting to donate to the temple was perfectly kosher and the jews weren't by denying such a holy offering.
This may be the most jewish thing ive ever read all year
Those coins with have their plating rubbed off by the time they are finally sold into goy hands.
Truth. Reminds me of learning poker math. Similar logic also applies to high frequency trading. In short if you believe you are at an advantage in terms of talent (or "tactics") you then want to maximize your earnings by seeing as many hands as possible (making shit loads of trades, or moves on board). Chaos essentially makes for a ripe political environment where things can happen at any moment anywhere, lots of movement all over the board. Absolutely the best scenario for something revolutionary to pop up.
Case in point is the block chain. In all the furor over the 2016 campaign the world missed that Bitcoin, which Jews attempted to kill in the early-mid 20 teens, had not died, and in fact only mushroomed. Killing the silk road didn't knock down the transaction volume by one percentage point. And killing new york bit licenses (in addition to diffusing it) shifted the center of gravity back to California in terms of financial power, so they will continue to lead in tech but now have the drivers seat in the coming money revolution. The Jews missed the boat just like they did in the dot com revolution because they're idiots.
The most interesting thing about those lists is how low "le puppetmaster" is on the list. More proof that he's a cuckservative fall-kike and frontman for the Rothschilds above all else.
< thread created by kikes
< an obvious case of the kikes playing a stormy daniels
< saying "see, goy, your guy is our guy, now elect hillary clinton"
How the fuck is this garbage not deleted?
(((thread not deleted)))
Everyone here is missing the obvious, which is that the Temple is on the coin. Tensions on the Mount have flared in the past decade, look forward to some big confrontation over al-Aqsa Mosque and Dome of the Rock, which must come down for the Third Temple to go back up.
There's rumors that it will be built alongside the mosque but there's no way in hell that the kikes would share their holy ground with the goatfuckers.
Expect the christcucks to chimp out royally, as the prophesies appear to be fulfilled, marking the Second Coming of Christ leaving delicious salt in the wake of Christians splintering off into blueballed doomsday cults
Muslims may declare another jihad and will get their hands dirty, but Christians around the world will simply pray and continue to support Israel instead. They are a hopeless bunch really. Being deeply concerned is the most radical thing they can do.
Trump is the antichrist, isn't he? Goddamnit.
(((gee what a fucking coincidence)))
(((still not deleted)))
(((gee, who would leave such a misleading story up?)))
< christcucks
Look can we stop pointing out that Trump likes the Jews? Its getting really annoying when you guys say mean things about based Trump.
Wtf Im JebGuac now
Listen up buddro is 110% correct. Christianity leads to complacency at best and outright race-treachery at worst. At the end of the day, if you believe the Big Man in the sky has it all planned out, then why lift a finger? The most unchristlike thing you can do in this world is become a national socialist. You can salute the Cross in public, but you cannot salute the Hooked Cross in public these days. I wonder why that is?
Christ doesn't scare the kikes, Hitler does. Your religion has outlived its usefulness, and must be thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone along with the kike archdemon known as Yahweh.
Well we all know who else they made a coin for, right before they screwed him….
Literally no one believes you. Your identical paid kike shilling for five fucking years is irrelevant. Get out and suck cock on 4chan.
hmm not an argument
t. Christian apostate
Literally no one believes you. Your identical paid kike shilling for five fucking years is irrelevant. Get out and suck cock on 4chan.
You're saying all this Jewish support for Trump is fake and is actually a scheme to make us vote for Hillary? If so, then I'm impressed with the lenghts they go to convince the 200 autists on a congolese sweater knitting congregation to vote for hillary in an election that ended years ago
Nice counter-arguments there my friend.
>they wouldn't even take the free money
Need I say more?
Back to the topic at hand. It's been 70 years since Isnotreali independence, 100 years since the Balfour Declaration and 120 since the Zionist Congress. The mirror of Cyrus the Great and Trump, the Temple on the reverse and the verse at the bottom front are all direct references to the fact that construction of the Third Temple will commence shortly on the Temple Mount. Furthermore it reveals that the Zionists perceive Trump to be one of the greatest goys in the past 2500 years, so chesscuckers on suicide watch.
For those of you, Christian or no, that are interested in Biblical prophecy I expect there to be many interesting musings in coming months, especially after plans are announced. The Jews have professionalized the self fulfillment of prophecies, and they expect their Messiah to return in about 200 years.
oy vey
Other countries recognizing Jerusalem as the holy capital of Israel is an important part of the Jewish Messianic prophecies of the enslavement and destruction of non-Jewish humanity under a Jewish world government rules from Jerusalem. See e.g. Isaiah chapter 60 in the Old Testament. Also check out what Israeli head of state Ben-Gurion told Look Magazine about his vision for the future back in 1962.
This. Honestly, I'd rather have Patrick Little as president, but as Senator from California is a start.
But churches flourished in NatSoc Germany (as did paganism).
lol it's like 17 bucks for an ounce of silver, they're only making a 1000. why the fuck is it silver plated in the first place? shit cost $50 too.doesn't make any sense, mad jewy. just make the fuckin thing out of pure silver