Top 5 ISIS Leaders Captured
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That's nice, nearly made me forget that the Jew's are about to drag us into another war.
> The U.S.-led (((coalition))) says Iraqi forces in coordination with (((U.S.-backed Syrian forces))) have captured five senior ISIS group leaders.
This sounds like a, "I don't know who is jewing who?" scenario.
What will you say when by this time next week nothing happens from the USA except a hard finger wag? The same thing you said after the first Syrian fake gas attack last year led to no US boots on the ground?
That awkward moment when our coalition is forced to return 5 junior-level MOSSAD operatives to Israel now.
Kek I remember when the shills tried to hype that up as Drumpf starting anudda world war. Turned out to be a nothing burger.
you have nigger tier time orientation skills
That whole thing still annoys me, instead of just telling the truth and send investigators there like Syria and Russia asked, we got (again) this whole shit show. You are right, nothing happened, other that the news got another opportunity to demonize Assad, legitimize future action against Syria and justify masses of "refugees".
Same shit with ISIS, i don't even care about them, no one had a reason to care about them, beyond them being proxy of Israel and attacking Syria. Not even ISIS terrorist are worth a fuck to me, because they are a symptom of western leaders opening borders and flooding our nations with this scum.
A lot of the shit in that region could be avoided by shedding light on what kind of shit Israel does since decades. Everyone know that ISIS gets weapons mainly from the US and Israel.
Of course i don't expect Trump to take all the blame for that, but these constant political games and lies just make everything worse down there.
And even IF Trump won't help them this time, whole of the EU just stands ready to kiss their asses.
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Never fails
Especially considering the 98% territory loss since 2017. Will the kikels squeal?
Provide evidence that Trump will expose jews for what they are, anywhere, in any capacity, and not just let them go.
You can't prove a negative, sophist, why don't you prove he will let them go?
nigger :')
Hate to be the hair-splitting faggot, but capturing high level operatives in a guerrilla organization isn't very useful, since so much is organized at the local levels. Which while it results in an uneven quality of operations ranging from region-to- region, town-to-town it makes it harder to crack since there isn't any one real winning condition against it. But of course if you keep pounding and pounding away at it, the whole movement becomes demoralized and the troops are less likely to fight and getting new members is much more difficult.
Yes. But one can wonder if even with Israeli backing they can still be defeated. Jews are powerful, but not omnipotent.
Trumpcucks think ending the war in korea or ending the troubles in the middle east somehow makes Trump less of a cuck. We need to signalboost more about his negative qualities.
This, but
This also causes
Why do you think they killed Rockwell?
I think the major difference was the ending of implicit support through onigger's drone strikes. That alone gave Assad's forces the breathing room to be able to effectively strike back.
Kikes squeal, the CIA props up more anti-syrian "rebel groups" which become another al queda/isis controlled opposition group.
I mean, ending the globalist war in the middle east is a good thing. but it'll never happen so long as israel has trump on their chain.
Who's we nigger?
(((you're))) so right user, Trump telling bibi to get fucked during the negotiations between pissrael the u.s. and russia definitively proves he's bibi's lapdog. Great analysis!
these are pictures of three of the faggots
Trump is going after the kikes fucking up Assad's support from Iraq. kek
also I didn't say israel owned trump, I said trump is chained to Israel. His entire family is kikes, hes surrounded by neocons and out of touch boomers giving him advice.
How many kids do you have left before you start on each other in the sewer?
Shit, has McCain been informed?
One fo the guys is top al-Bagdadi aide? As in top aide of head of IS? They also know their bank accounts and communication codes. That's major disruption.
Also ISIS is not very guerilla; it is very structured. They were able to take over Iraq so quickly and form something of a government/state because they were operated by former Iraqi army and intelligence behind the scenes, who had nothing to do after the Iraq war since Bremer so thoughtfully put them all out of a job and marginalized them. (After the war the Sunnis were taken out of power, and Shia were put in charge who did not have the experience to form a competent army.) I'd say this was a major blow.
Guy in second pic is Chechen and dead. Why the logo?
They got Netanyahu? Happy days!
Sounds like Trump's plan is hard at work.
What he's been up to is cornering the banksters to arrest them later, but going after their puppets first.
Hillary Clinton had been reported to have left for New Zealand (A country she threatened to flee to after Decision 2016 if she lost).
What she's there for is anyone's guess.
When people say "Deep State on Suicide Watch" they really mean look for operatives to either run or start committing suicide.
How many of them were Jews?
They didnt even capture Barrack Hussein Obama yet
Checked and kek'd.
I'm kinda hoping he' s listed as one of the five that were captured.
You know you donkey-brain niggers are super boring, right?
Where are they going to go to? What will the interrogation consist of? The Abu Ghraib shit is obsolete by now isn't it?
Can you produce false video of torturing their family members? You can "lie" to them right? I'm just trying to imagine what you would be allowed to do to get them to talk. Certain tech breakthroughs probably change the game a lot.
The stink-beards can have them. They love getting their hands on jews and showing them hospitality.
We might be a bit too rough on them now that kang nigger doesn't have his cousins in there.
You are terrible at this!
Such as?
Sounds good. Are we going to hang them like Saddam, or are we going to try something new like give 'em the chair and watch them fry on national tv?
What are you asking OP?
Like anyone who still lurks here has level three communication access.
ISIS isn't real, it's just an Israeli/Saudi/US proxy, now being used to bolster support for a Zionist pawn in the US.
Its obvious as fuck.
Pure pottery.
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Proof of US training ISIS -
Mission Accomplished.
Good. Any ISIS sent to paradise (Gitmo) is a great thing.
They're even getting closer to Baghdadi. It's a miracle from Allah that Baghdadi has escaped the tens of thousands of missiles dropped on the "Terror Triangle."
One of the snatched Jihadis was the costar in one of the worst and earliest ISIS movies where Abu Waheeb asks 3 truck drivers if they are Shua or Sunni, then when they said Sunni, he asks them which hand they pray with, and they answered incorrectly so he miws them down with his AK. It's a video worth watching if you can find it because it very early on sets the tone for what ISIS will do to kufar and polytheists.
But even though bad hombres have been neutralized, it still doesn't make me forgive (((CIA))) for creating and arming and signing the pay checks of ISIS.
The only possible redemption for Langley now is for them to be destroyed and to drive as many of the glow in the darks to suicide out of fear of being doxed and arrested under foreign warrants for war crimes if they ever cross any border outside of the US.
How are the kike shills going to spin this as good for israel? Trump is dismantling israel's #1 weapon in establishing greater israel. How?
If true,
Lets take DNA and fingerprint data to ee if they were on the payroll of MI6, CIA, mossad etc…I wager we'd see the jews kvetch all over themselves.
You haven't noticed the smell of defeat in every single msm article that reports on (((ISIS))) getting their shit kicked in?
Why would America need ISIS further?
How can you guys celebrate this? ISIS are Israel's and you guys do know it but they are BASED and Israel is BASED. Instead of being so against Israel you all should be following their example such as
Israel Admits Ethiopian Jewish Immigrants Were Given Birth Control Shots
Israeli Government to Black Refugees: Go Back to Africa or Go to Prison
Israel is a Pedophile's Paradise
Stand with Israel and get rid of shitskins.
Glow in the dark faggot.
So terrorists? A lot of loyalty for a hired gun!
All in the same place, not very high tech. Why would I want them?
Wiseguy, huh? At least you can talk. Who are you?
Who we are does not matter. What matters is our plan.
Was being caught part of your plan?
Well congratulations, you got yourselves caught. What's the next step of your master plan?
They expect one of us in the wreckage.
Hey! Bibi said Hitler didn't even want to kill the jews until muslims pressured him to!
So they captured these 3?
Or did they catch US-Israel backed moderate rebel pitbull pets who bit the wrong hand?
Actually, McCain is on his death bed, and he's PO'ed because of the ISIS ringmasters getting caught.
unrelated levity, hence redaction.
He is still one of the top 5 ISIS leaders, there was a guy in bongland too IIRC - William Hague, ex-Conservative leader, who was heavily involved with getting their ISIS moderate rebel pet project underway.
I realized after posting tbh, pardon the butthurt
So he captured Hillary and McCain?
day of the rope is soon to come, this is more like the day of the twine
There were arrests in the State Department?
They caught a bunch of Israelis and CIA niggers?
A handful of random arabs have been rounded up to be put through a show-trial and strung up. One of them will be found to be "Iranian", despite not looking in the least bit Persian, but they're all light brown so who cares, right? Doubtless another will be a "fluent Russian speaker".
well all you need is names and confirmation but youre to retarded to try
pretty easy to do when you fund and train them….
'Pisslamic State BTFO
Holy shit, how can they possibly tolerate being called "Daesh"
How insulting, how scandalous!
Thank you for continuing the Obama Administration's bold policy of 'not naming the fucking (((enemy)))', Mr. President.
Top 5 leaders? so is that the top 5 leaders of israel?
Who is the 5th ?
so the US arrested five random patsies theyve been backing for the last few years and say the day is saved?
he looks like my dad or tio
gonna play out like pure comedy
I guess we'll be "racial purity cucks" next. :^)
Basically this.
Are you shitting me? Alphabet needs to be tried for war crimes no matter where they go. The same faggot kikes who blamed Hitler for everything have been out murdering the whole planet for decades and enslaving anyone they don't kill.
Every single last one of the traitor fucks should be strung up, ideally, for betraying America for the Rothschilds. White genocide is the last straw. No one likes them anymore, and they no longer will have anyone sympathetic to them. They kill anyone who harbors them–some long term plan.
Just kill yourself, redditor.
You realize Trump is a civic nationalist who denounces white nationalism, right?
Say what you will but that people isn't scum. They just aren't compatible with our way of life. The real scum are leaders trying to mix them wit us. They could be living in their countries beheading who they want and they wouldn't ever bother as (as Iran). Although I know Iranians are less savage than say Arabs and they have a longer history as far as civilisations and identity go.
want do you wanna bet that those aren't real ISIS leaders and this is just being used to demoralize the ISIS troops
THAT deserved a sticky?
I'm shocked!
What in the sweet fuck is that?
inb4 all jews
Now we just need to capture their leader, Obama
Here comes "three released because they're kikes"
Five Members of CIA and Israeli Secret Intelligence Service invited in for group discussion to help devise next ground move for Greater Israel today. Great news!
You could literally just pick all thats left of ISIS up with a few busses in a matter of hours
Probably more ISIS members in Europe right now than in Syria and Iraq thanks to these kosher policies of neglecting ISIS for years just so that fifth column "moderate Jihadis" and "moderate communists" can take over Syria