I'm in the library today reading Mein Kampf (jewish version kek) and these fucking beaners won't keep the fuck quiet (their cartel drug funds are the reason the library exists in the first place) so I decide to move. I go down to the little bookstore (owned by some jews, dont know how they are allowed to operate WITHIN a public library)
I like this bookstore because of the occasional free books that are dropped in the basket at the front door(its a small store with old novels; mostly danielle steele and john grisham type garbage) I saw a bruce lee instructional book (i posted on /pdfs/ asking for self-defense pdfs last week) and took it. After looking through the other books, I flip over a book by 'Jerry Spinelli' and some black girls are whispering and the jewish employee there (heavy yiddish accent) says "oy vey, we don't have any by Jerry Spinelli."
"There's one right here." I say.
I hand it to the Lady and she gives it to them "this is free." she says.
Folks this is as simple as it gets. The winning doesn't stop and the coincidences are never-ending.
tl;dr the global elite are shitting themselves
Isaac Hughes
reported for anti-white propaganda, you fucking kike
how can the jews be that unsubtle? Where they are just parasites walking amongst us, sleeping under mountains of cash, knowing that their entire existence is "the management of such an unruly, despotic race."
Also, is this how aryan predecessors have become successful in business? by knowing their tricks and using it against them? How did hitler get all of his money? It couldn't have been from his military pension alone…
James Johnson
Exactly! this is exactly the type of rhetoric that will be used against dissedents! our entire point of life should be to WAKE EVERYONE UP
Alex jones has been v& many times and he is the jews' puppet for a satanic social contract!
Hudson Bell
The reichsmark was a state sanctioned fiat currency backed by the German labor force.
Jacob Ortiz
bullshit! he new jewish accountants and extorted them! the reichsmark was an afterthought once he appointed himself to be 'fuhrer' so he could make it a monopolarchy!!
What about the other two reichs?
Henry Johnson
You mean the Holy Roman Empire and the German Empire? They collapsed.
Wyatt Wood
so the reich represents aryan uprising
Matthew Garcia
I read somewhere that the jews collapsed ancient rome after they created massive economy cities athens and carthage
Parker Parker
To finish answering your previous question the reichsmark was state imposed, but backed by the German labor force. This along with a highly successful public worker program allowed the Third Reich to not only be the first country to rise out of the Great Depression, but the only one to do it on their own while also under heavy sanctions.
I'm sure the black plague had nothing to do with the falling to disarray of any of the old kingdoms.
Blake Hall
oh so what was the financial equation they used? was it like giving people a 2% bank investment cycle
also the jews are mentioned in ancient greek literature like herodotus as financiers. they were just called something different.
like in the bible they are called canaanites
Samuel Gomez
so i guess this is the retarded blog thread for now
basketball americans, not even once
Luis Allen
we're like 4chan just more sophisticated
Parker Bell
this is why the black movement is getting so much money. it's important that you stand your ground against them because they are used to pushing around whitey after barack obama. they would wake up if you just put your foot down with them.
the truth is, the jews are terrified that there would be a massive uprising by blacks but it's totally unjustified because of their inability to organize and lack of capital.
Ayden Perez
If OP has to inb4 he knows he's in thew wrong and his argument is shit Fuck off cuckchan.
Jacob Hill
You're going to burn, moshe.
Jacob Carter
this is what h8chan doesn't understand…fucking the system is the basis for all moral philosophy on the internet(eg. tits or gtfo). your mods are shit and even the site owner is a dumbass.
i've even talked to real skinheads that have been in the pen for at least a decade and let me say, they are NOTHING like the movie imperium. they are not organized, not really educated, and almost ALWAYS rooted financially by jews, who are then connected to millionaire overlords, who are then closely connected to rothschilds
Luke Roberts
I'm not making an argument!!! this is an anti semtic board and i'm simply telling of an instance where the kikery was overwhelming!!! you could say the argument thing if I was like "jews are bad, here's why"
Luis Mitchell
no but you're going to learn how it feels to be cucked for once, kike
Chase Taylor
buddy… why not respond once… keep ur multiple responses within one post?
why u do dis also lay off the drugs if you don't do drugs u should get on them, take ur meds since u clearly need them
Dominic Cox
how the fuck do you back a currency with labor? With the gold standard you get to exchange a dollar for a coin of gold, would you be able to go to a german bank and trade your money for a slave for some certain amount of time?
Hudson Carter
idk how it actually worked but I just thought of something pretty simple. some people put in labor efforts and get food and housing (subsidized by government) and the labor efforts result in profits for government
that is kind of like some sort of socialism and guess what, nazi stands for national socialism. now fuck off and read a book
Austin Bennett
right very good, everyone talks about drugs because they do them themselves. isn't that the very thing that hitler condemned about the people of berlin? because at heart he was a conservative christian that wanted idealism
exactly, we should revert to a folkish economy (atlantis, hobbiton, etc) where people actually know what their working for. but they have all the gold and are trying to hold us hostage.
basically they back the labor with currency which is criminal beyond words. they assume how willing the people are to work and make a number of risk assessments off of that assumption and then punish the economy with a depression. there is a certain moral dillema that they use against you, in order to make you feel that your assets are not your own, and that you should WANT to be in a prison cellat you WANT to be held captive and forced to make every move that is asked of you. unfortunately history shows that the only way to teach this is to implement it as a way of 'strength is peace'
you dont know how it works because you arent a jew. jews are masters of creating a fictitious crony social atmosphere where you think you are getting the good end of a deal. really you are just getting the shaft and the jew is deluded by his power granted to him by his knowledge and capital. ultimately they want a total prison system where they are god, and have a giant system of gangsters to implement their martial law. jesus do i have to explain everything??
William Lopez
the solution (very simple and well regarded as acceptable) is turn the pyramid scheme upside down, then flatten it out, making everyone equal financially.
Another problem that arises is the fear of BEING the absolutist tyrant; in comes the power brokers that release information on a need to know basis to their minions but ultimately there was no solution except gassing the kikes, like i said
Zachary Jones
mods please bumplock this stupid cunt
Parker Torres
and that, my fellow anons, is what they DONT want you to know. it why mein kampf and solzhenitsyn were banned from the shelves. its why the jews are repeatedly expelled. its why the stories about gods and godesses are made up! to control the ignorant masses. because the solution is simple, and all this mumbo jumbo on activist sites is about non-peaceful discourse that won't amount to anything but more confusion, and how the media is doubling down on a massive, crony lie, to get you to think that we're fighting for something important.
the second most important thing, to wake up your peers, is to work in a tour-de-force, incrementalist, bullshit social manner, so that people grow more acutely aware of the forces used against them. like memes, these methods grow INCREDIBLE momentum, all the way to the top, and make them act in an increasingly frustrated manner. because let's face it, ultimately the ignorant masses don't and will never have enough power to take down a head honcho of the elitist world. hence the expression "too big to fail"
if the economy fails to collapse within the next decade you will know that one of two things has happened.
1. trump has succeeded in creating the idealist utopia envisioned by our forefathers of america, and transcended the new world order
2. our universe is in total freefall and is either monitored by extraterrestrials, or in a blatant and controlled destruction of the entire human race
Jack Cooper
buy a weed wacker and do it yourselfie fucking pathetic truck before you get divorced it's not like the fucking grass is never going to grow back you literal retard fuck you
Christopher Evans
everything about you is worthless
Gabriel Robinson
Christian Williams
sliding with cuckposts? but I'm the cuckchan shitposter. righttttt
successful sage, im still DIRECTLY behind the stickies. good job. Gosh the mods here are such policing tyrants. I hope I dont get nigger banned and lose my freedom of speech on the internet like a good little goyim cuck.
another thing I want to say is: Be on the lookout for 1st amendment attacks. they want to ban words but we can't let them because then it creates complications with the patriarchy and girls not being able to say the same words as a white priveleged male. good job!
Anthony Taylor
shameless self-bump to "stir the pot"
Brandon Evans
Can you learn how to write an OP? Jesus christ sage.
Grayson Young
it's weaponized autism. this berger definetly has ptsd
shut the fuck up you talk like a faggot in your shit's all retarded
Aaron Harris
I'm a revolutionary. I do drive-by activism in crowded areas. I promote conservatism AND put up anti-semitic propaganda in my community. oh but im just a terrible faggot that isn't having an effect on politics. What have you done to push your cause lately?
you sound like a german army brat with ss memorabilia and a hitler youth knife in a cigar box. quit making our race look bad you cuckold faggot. Yet, you probably have no collection on the historical significance of hitler's regime. you still have no idea on how he worked the system in a genius and non-threatening way to manipulate the useless bourgeousie and proles. you probably have no idea of how the polish and russians were destroyed by communism and genocide, because you live in a super priveleged aberration of reality, comforted and swindled by your nanny state masters. oh but I'm still a silly, ignorant plebeian with no free speech. remember, your'e paying for this. I bet your life is super satisfying and you are the most 'woke' person you know. you wouldn't dare do anything edgy or risky. that would be too pompous and trendy for you. you represent the cucked elitist that has gotten away with mediocrity because our system is weak and rewards youngsters for having daddy's money in your back pocket and the girls love you because your currency is material goods, and not moral brevity. They keep their mouths shut because they are threatened by the willful ignorance of our system's design and wouldn't dare question it because their entire livelihoods are in jeopardy
my currency is adversity, commie scum. I bet nobody called you that before either…
You aren't threatened by marxist idealogies. Those are just smoke and fumes to you.
No, you're moved by nothingness and conformity. Hell, I would almost mistake you for a jew.
No, you don't know anything. This is just a dream for you. I couldn't possibly care about you or the future of the human race. How could there POSSIBLY be someone smarter than you on the internet. BOLLOCKS!
The Reichsmark was instituted as currency after the Weimar Republic had its first major economic crash in the early 20s. After the NSDAP came to power, it became debt-free and based on labor. Hitler didn't introduce it, though.
Jonathan Barnes
I know! but the jewish one is also very revealing and i figured not many people had read it on here. The jewish captions are funny because they are so reactive to stupid things that hitler is talking about. I'm not one to think that there is a conspiracy about the translation being innacurate or biased based on the religion of the translator.
It's also very revealing and naive to see how they dont seem to learn anything from the 3rd reich or have any evidence that backs up thei "6 gorillion" claim
Yes, there was clearly an anti-semitic political uprising taking hold BEFORE hitler came to power. In a sense, the jews were the creators of their own destruction.
i ordered one but it didn't come yet and the grass really needed cut so I was okay with paying somebody to do it once.
Aaron Butler
Well, the Weimar Republic was very much hated even by basic German nationalists and conservatives, parties who were not necessarily anti (or counter)-semitic. Germany during the Weimar period was not even allowed to have an air force, the Reichswehr was in effect even weaker than the modern Bundeswehr today. So many factors helped to bring the NSDAP into power, not just countering against the Jews, since they were the only party that was willing to seriously get things done.
Kevin Thompson
oh man this thing is in freefall….
yes, but at that point, people were just starting to get involved in the nationalist movement and 'anti-semitism' if you choose to believe thats a thing was gaining ground. hitler was getting a following at that point and getting an unsettling amount of momentum. to the point where it was time to take drastic measures to ensure that his grassroots image wouldn't be tarnished. and that his ideals would take off into the stratosphere and create a legacy for the human race
Indeed. I wonder how this can be repeated? Instead of complete unstable chaos like Weimar was, it seems like we're undergoing a slow burn instead. The closest modern analog I can find is Greece and Golden Dawn. Hopefully, they achieve total victory in the elections being held next year.
Aaron Roberts
Its already on paper to have trump or somebody more innocuous and transparent of the agenda in office. I guess the question is what action should we be taking in preparation? The 20s are surely going to be the most important era of all time
Jonathan Perez
it sounds like that nigger is fucking your wife. wtf is wrong with you?