Brit/pol/ #2812: Prince Ngubu Edition

Nigel Farage tears into Theresa May for keeping Britain tied to the EU and tells GMB Westminster 'doesn't get how angry this country is'
The leader of the burgeoning Brexit Party said that Mrs May had promised many times that the UK would leave the bloc following the 2016 referendum vote

Danny Baker apologises for ‘racist’ royal baby tweet as he swiftly deletes monkey picture
The writer shared a photo on his Twitter account, showing a couple clutching on to a monkey dressed in a suit

Women are better doctors than men because they have better communication skills, surgeon says
Dr Henry Marsh, a pioneering surgeon and author, said male doctors were too “driven by testosterone” to be good at teamwork

Police officer who rammed suspected moped thief off his bike with car acted “reasonably”, tribunal rules
A police officer who rammed a suspected moped thief off his bike can keep his job because his actions were “reasonable”, a tribunal has ruled, as rank and file officers have attacked how he was treated.

Train drivers hit out at Flying Scotsman train spotters as they blame them for delays on one of UK's busiest lines
One said it was the "most stressful experience" of his decade-long career as a driver, and the railway enthusiasts were blamed for delays on one of Britain's busiest train lines

Rotherham child abuse: More than 40 suspects arrested over past two months, says National Crime Agency
The alleged victims were aged between 11 and 26 at the time the offences are said to have taken place

Energy efficient bricks made from human waste to help build London homes
New homes and factories will be built from bricks made out of the human waste of four million Londoners

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You lads excited for nige btfo'ing the establishment thatcher style tomorrow?

for h-

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Told you lads there were energy in shits

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Hope his chopper goes down tbh

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5th for toasty wattle and daub houses in winter.

why are they so based?

Probably one of those retarded education campaigns lmao

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maybe we could put aborted fetuses in the insect burgers

WHO THE FUCK LIKES HIM????? Normies will accept basically anything so long as it has bright colours and a theme tune.

Based tbh

we could just eat our own children to save climate change OMG

I don't get them. Are they strawmanning the abortionists?

these videos make me happy I am a virgin. so glad I am not enabling whores and baby killing demon meat suits


I bet the same middle class eco-tossers who advocate population decrease are all happy clappy over the mutt birth.

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course they are

Women are literally spastics tbh. They need direction in literally every thing they do. Fail to provide this for even a second, and they become satanic avatars, 'TEE-HEE'ing as they drive civilisation into a cesspit.

*pollutes the thread*

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(You)'d the wrong person, sorry lad.

Based Brosnan eating all the salad so lasses are forced to get meatier

*smashes your weak woman frame into submission with palm heel strikes then when you are crying crocodile tears forces you read schopenhauer's on women while I shave your head and kick you in the chest whenever to take a deep breath and scream at you why you are not reading loud enough for the class to hear and then have you legally defined as autistic and force feed you ADHD medications until you become retarded

Do you think they are conscious of the contradiction and just don't care?


it's alright lad, I got the (You) in the end.

Can you explain the fingers pic?

Obviously they were trying to lower my standards. Not sure if any of you lads have experience with this phenomenon - by which, I mean women attempting to normalise their own slaggery by proxy (not that I'm doubting that most women are sluts btw). The same girls will then excuse their mate's slaggishness by saying 'she's just having fun'. Such women become particularly spiteful when it becomes obvious that you retain some sort of traditional, pre-1960's standard - thus making you one of the few men around who don't want to pork them.

Dirty fingernails, my dude.

Not too sure, they look a little red and the nails are dirty.

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I'm all for Boomer Nige posting, but people seem to hate his guts all of a sudden.

One of the worst things ever smh
Mutelass won't even lick sauce off her fingers, based good hygiene lass

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Most girls have longer nails that are clean.

translates to "i'm a slut", trying to justify and normalise it


it's the tommeh and sargoy shills

Just another example of the virtue seeking cosmopolitan mindset.

why do they get like that?

I still yet to see a dolphin getting a tattoo of a fat council estate slag on its tail.

It'll mostly be them scratching themselves and dead skin building up under the nails tbh

Charls has surpassed the Joaquin Phoenix Her stage and moved onto some kind of nonce stage

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smdh absolutely disgusting

This one struck a chord with me. The amount of girls, and uber normie-faggot-men who jump on the mental illness bandwagon really pisses me off. I've been depressed for fucking ever, and I can assure you that there's nothing glamorous or even interesting about it. I can also assure you that shallow instagram thots, and the bellend saps who crave them are never going to struggle to cope with life's mundanity - nor with their own existential crises.

Yeah they seemed to have cranked up a notch in the last few months.


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Remember lads, keep your nails short

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Yep. Sadly, it's close to being true. Well, MAYBE that's an exaggeration. Most women (as in the supermajority) are extremely fickle, and prone to being disloyal. Maybe about half of young women are out and out slags. There are still non-slag girls, but they are still utterly hypergamous and fickle and disloyal.


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Cute tbh.

yeah fags like that is why I never was interested in finding out that I have bipolar or whatever. it just becomes like a tatoo for these fags when I literally feel like an alien around normalfags and can see all these interesting patterns to reality they can't and have no ability to relate to anyone and go up and down depending on small little things in my life.

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They're some of the worst tbh. I'd say they come closest to the yank-style, """"rape""" survivor archetype: as in - they are most likely to falsely accuse you.

lmao women only women would think toil is fun

Absolutely hate this too lad. I've experienced it and lived with many people with severe mental health issues and it's tragic. Not glamorous. The ones who put it in their social media bio 'depressed, bipolar, suicidal, schizo, lesbian :((' piss me off so fucking much

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based richard dawkins would be proud

is this like 30% of lasses because almost everyone i know has met someone like this

the best is sluts like this have zero artistic ability and just know how to use camera filters and they exist as furniture for richfag art scoobydoos until they morph into gold digger wine aunts

But, have you seen the scars on trixie's arms???? I'm really worried about her and those tiny scratches she presents to the world because that's a cool/normal thing for young females from broken homes to do nowadays.

Fucked up what happened to MDE :(

Depression and anxiety are so popular because it's basically nothing. Everyone gets sad. Everyone gets stressed or scared of social situations.

Should have let her do it lad

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don't think having a diagnosis helps you in life either. Meds didn't work, therapy didn't work. Just accept it as your personality tbh

But we need two people in the household to work so we can afford two cars, nursery homes and all those other things that become a necessity when both parents work

based I bet some thot not getting enough likes on facebook is the exact same as terry davis's mental illness

god I loath the normalfag

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Schizophrenia tbh, lad.

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Females are legitimately insane by male standards, so quite possibly. Thing is, calling female bullshit a mental illness is meaningless if you are continuing to give credence to the idea of equality (which these days means women get to be treated like special needs retards AND heroic brainiacs and civilisation creators - depending on which benefits them most in the moment).

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Not only that, but it was the only way of destroying the political chokehold the archetypal masculine had on reality - the very enemy of the Yid and their femimine psyche.

good lad I agree. I think mental illness is often just a higher sensitivity to the spiritual world and our ahrimanic age dislikes that

based and Vargpilled

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I don't think I have that illness my mummy wanted to monitor me for developing that and I am exiting the age bracket when lads develop it. might be wrong though.

No wonder why Varg jumped in the lake wearing armour, he's autistic keeek

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Having a diagnosis can also ruin your job opportunities. Based GP warned me about it and stopped me

>When you are at a very high risk for schizophrenia and it hasn't come yet
Thank the lord tbh.

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Completely agree, and honestly I find the entire issue of 'mental illness' a little orwellian and contrived (and also really scoobydooish). The point I'm making is that I've felt the weight of the world on my shoulders since an early age, and I have spent countless hours introspecting and ruminating. It pisses me off that the normalfags get to grab a label (like it's an achievement), and relish the supposed status it confers - as if they are anything less than generally contented social chameleons and chancers who have found yet another source of immediate characterfulness for them to draw upon.

Love that video, he calls out civic fencer and Lindybeige and others I believe.

good lad also women use it to pigeon hole you and and reject your authority


LAds, aaaahhhhhhh help me, I feel like I'm tripping or something. I feel like I'm rocking back and forth with my vision feeling like it's going weird

Are you american?

blood pressure thing. you should go and do some jumping jacks lass

Stand still so I can git you over the head with a hammer, lad, it will make me feel better

How could she be locked out for two weeks? Where was this? Are you the lad who was abused as a kid?

Autism is a disability in the modern world and not an illness. Okaythankyou

eric and dylan did more to fight the feminist-psychiatrist system of male soul destruction than anyone since

fucking howling lad

Tbf steiner likely is a bit mad (or a state agent - or both).

Why do you think I am foreign, lad?

Yeah think that's another thing diagnosis do, too much obsession, retrospection, Narcissism tbh