Grand Ol' Zionist Party

SHELDON ADELSON cut a $30 million check to the HOUSE GOP super PAC …

3x what he gave the group last time. Massive cash infusion. House Rs hope will be a electoral game changer.

Sheldon Adelson netted a huge 670 million tax cut this quarter, successfully lobbied for a U.S. embassy move to Jerusalem, the end of the Iran deal and is lobbying for U.S intervention with Iran.

Now this guy is playing 11D chess.

Quick question.. How did the lefties become more anti Zionist Jew than Zig Forums?

I hate Israel and the Zionists with a fire that could burn straight through the Earth, and orbit the moon yet I'm a pro gun true socialist and nationalist. Yet, I'm seeing the GOZP and Hannity totally cucking for Israel right now. What gives Zig Forums? Why all the pro Israel cuckery? Are you ready to conscript to fight a unified Middle Eastern war machine mixed in with Aryan Russians and Europeans for the Zionist Republican donors and the Israeli Likud Party?

We should join forces to stop the Zionist menace.

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No one here ever said a fucking kike creation is good for the White man, faggot OP. Unless you're one of those leftycuck raiders who would go around saying "National Socialism is Zionism" or anything that is not communist=capitalist. As for your question the reason why the left (usually the more exetreme kind like the Marxists) are critical of Israel than the good goy cuckservatives is because they think Jews are White (to them, anyone who isn't shitskinned is "White" like George Zimmerman), and since kikes in Israel practice nationalism with the nation acting like an apartheid, they literally think Israel's the last bastion of "White" colonialism. It's just another case of the left's brain damage, like how the feminist whores who support the muzzies who in turn wants them all burned at the stake I agree tbh fam.

If OC, brilliant

If jew with uniform on, nice try.

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Ignorance. It'll take time for more people to wake up and the boomer cucks to die off. If there's one thing the (((chosen))) are good at it's making people hate them. People will eventually come around.

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It's because the jews own both parties. Do you really think most of the shabbos goyim in government are just ignorant? They're willing conspirators.

Get out.

OP here again..

Well things change fast, and I feel like we are all outmatched. The Jews have more resources, shills and employees than we could ever hope to. They're about 5 steps ahead of us at any given moment. They own both parties. I'm not sure if we should give up or fight the good fight. One things for sure.. This Israel-Iran mess is red pilling people you would never expect to be red pilled. I expect 40-50 % of liberals to be red pilled after U.S. boots hit Iranian ground. Hell, just last week I was rooting for Mueller, and now I feel like a fool for not being grateful that Putin would have pity on burgerland trying to steer it away from the Zionists. Hindsight is 20/20.

Sad days…

No I mean general support of Israel. The politicians will fall in line as public opinion continues to change. Got it?

the big let down

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a pro gun true socialist and nationalist.

This is a synthetic statement and it uses the Socialist Nationalism meme where some Jews thought it would be funny to reverse the words of National Socialism and confuse people with their Diet Marxism. Fuck off you unoriginal niggers. You keep shilling the same shit for years and none of it is working. JOIN US OR DIE YOU WRETCHED WORMS

Adelson is an opportunist. He dropped Cruz when it became apparent Trump was going to win.

lol :^) lol lol

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How long have you been posting here, and how did you find this board OP?

that suicide number seems a little big

We we we…
well pol? pol btfo pol cucked for zionism etc etc
Just go right fucking back to leftyqueers please.

Still this fucking ass blasted. Get over it, the ovens will be worse.

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Remember now everyone, wanting DEAD JEWS is pro jew.

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