Trump tells Arab masters he spent 7 TRILLION on them

Iran’s supreme leader reveals private letter Trump sent to Arab allies

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>(((Arab masters)))

OP is a fag. This is interesting, or a hit-piece by the Washington Post. little both

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Everybody on the planet could have been a millionaire.

Drop in the bucket compared to what we spend on kikes.

$2.14 million per American

and instead the kikes spend it on fucking and eating babies.

Think about that. $2.14 million per american spent so subhumans can snort coke, rape babies, and eat them.

Where are you getting your numbers? It comes out to $21,875 per head in US. which is still a fuckton of cash

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oh I know. The scale of the theft is staggering. It's that much worse when we consider what was bought with it…. Europe forever stained with displaced mudslime scum as a glaring example.

Think about this: everybody in America could be living in a Mansion with a swimming pool and a life supply of food due to non Kiked Fascism. The numbers don't lie and cut the shit about devaluing the currency, you just create automated factories Warhammer 40K style.

Well strike the Mansion, but spacious housing with dignity would be guaranteed.

My man

It's a (s)hitpiece

Trumps one of the best presidents we've had and could of hoped for in these times. But it seems like they all sell out to neocon/jews in the end. No blackpill. Just an observation.

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It's the principle of wasted wealth and productive energy, not so much the value of currency or the inflation it would cause. After all, it was sapped slowly from the populace, so imagine where we'd be if it were slowly put back into the economy at the same rate?

Regardless, as demonstrated, it's not 2 million, it's $21000. But you already knew that because you're a D&C just exploiting off topic conversation for the sake of taking the conversation elsewhere. Not because you care about the OP's topic, but simply because any on-topic conversation is contrary to your goal

Notice this new MIDF shilling strategy. Even though we're talking about mudslimes they casually switch it over to kikes thinking no one will notice.

Momo the pedo goatfucker dindu nuffin!

Hello, Jew.

Kill yourself fetus dick sucking shitskin.

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Is he referring to the cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan?

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zesus fucking odin, jews need to be murdered everywhere

Why are you including niggers and spics on your spreadsheet? There are 196 million non-spic whites in America, of whom half are male. Four-fifths of those are over 18. That makes 78,400,000 white men. Figure 30 percent are provably liberal faggots in some way, and you have 54,880,000.

That makes $127,551.02 per white adult male. Not bad for starting a family, and the look on the nigs' monkey faces when somebody tells them they aren't getting any – priceless.

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Your repeating digits agree. You could start a nice business off that amount. Send them away give them part of Mexicolets see what Niggers do on Prince difficulty setting.

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That American beggar can't sucking our money and forcing us to buy weapons. Son of whore I don't even have a job.

Can't stop*

Are you joking? Victoria butt-fucks them on Chieftan. Pic related was built by British whites, btw.

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Nice try honky.

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Not the poster you replied to, but that's divided among every man, woman, and child. How about divided among every taxpaying citizen?


it's both


what does it mean

Ugh what am I if my taxes paid them?

of course

And the jews would just raise their prices to take a larger chunk. It really means fuck all how much we "have" as long as they have power.

Notice how if neither of you existed the world would be paradise.

a proud owner of obsolete farm equipment

There is no black pill here. The only reason you would send that letter to all the leaders of the sunni arab world is if you anticipate and are OK with it leaking.

The trump admin knew this would leak. This could be a pompeo op. It reveals several things:

1. Which country actually leaked it, providing valuable insight on how the coalition will eventually work in practice.
2. Shows iran that we are gearing up for serious conflict, with the slim chance that they may come to their senses and cut a new deal (95% they have too much mudslime pride for this, 5% they cuck out and bow to saudis and israel).
3. Gives false hope to iran and lefties that the leak might actually stop things by putting media pressure on the administration (this can't work on trump). False hope leads to defeatist resignation.

I hear people say that we need to support Israel because they're the only democracy in the ME.

Why should we care if there is democracy in the ME?

Also, it's funny that we have crypto-commies want democracy in a region.

Now look up price for slaves back in the days, covert it in 2018 dollars and see how many Arab slaves that should get the US.

They can pay with their skin

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Serious question, do dune coons make farm equipment? Any vehicles? Any conveyance beyond camel?

they live in a desert user.

The exchange on soap sucks, user.

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Does everything have to be explained to you shitskin fucks? Jesus christ.

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Enjoy your ban.

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Boy aren't you sticking out like a sore thumb.

Not seeing that from the letter at all. In fact, Trump is humiliating the Persian Gulf states, he's basically saying to them we spent all that money on them for nothing. How this leads you to think that Trump is thinking of fighting a new war with Iran that will undoubtedly require spending trillions more, I don't know. This letter is kind of serving as a redpill for many, maybe even for people living in those Gulf States, besides letting the masses in US know it has paid an arm and a leg for these wars for nothing in return, he's trying to shame the sunni states to their faces. Its unprecedented.

Going to possibilities of war, logistics aside which would undoubtedly require spending trillions more, both the right AND the left don't want any war, only people who would be okay with this war are boomers and jews. Keep in mind Trump has also repeated several times that the fate of the Middle-East ultimately depends upon its own people. That sounds like the opposite of someone planning (((interventions))).

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\>He says you should do it and says Iran 'should' do it, too

Fuck you guys are useless

So Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei posted this on twitter
A few days ago Trump wrote a letter to leaders of #PersianGulf states, which was revealed to us. He wrote: "I spent $7 trillion and you must do something in return." The U.S. wants to own humiliated slaves.

He also talked about the letter during a speech at Farhangian University in Tehran and this is what is purported to have been said

This is merely a shitty translation. I am currently looking for a better translation to find out what the fuck he's even talking about.

Can you shitheads not spend a thread speculating on info that's just present in the OP and do some research for your fucking selves?

I gave up for now. Someone else try

Checked. Underrated post.

(( (they)) ) can't into power if they're all ashes , just sayin

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I agree, but how do we get ride of the Jews?

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Would never go there. Wouldn't be able to relax enough to eat.

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Fair point, now divide that 7 trillion by the number of tax payers who are a net gain on the economy (i.e. contribute more than they take).

It was mentioned in a different thread, but it's a legitimate point:
War economy.

And we're taking Khamenei's word that those were the words in the letter, no change. Trump could not have spent $7 trillion. He's been in office a year and a half. What it could have said was that THE US (majority Bush/Obama/Hillary) spent $7 trillion to pursue regime change in Syria and Iraq for the sake of the Arab countries, and they have not had success with ruling over either of them. So they should go along with an alternative plan (peace or truce) and Iran should do it too. That would be how I interpret the letter, if it can be relied upon… instead of taking out my calculator and moaning about (((Arab masters))), but no, everyone cannot see past their angry-colored glasses to think except maybe this one (thread tl;dr all). Also where do you think the purchasing power of the US dollar comes from if not for OPEC oil and the deal you made in return.

Pretty much, but countries should be spending on neither.

Kikes are a bigger threat by psychological damage on a national scale causing brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers to all hurt eachother as the kike profits off it, muslims can only hurt people physically for now, and are only given the opportunity by kikes and their golems.

If budgeted right, one could possibly get 10 years from that.

Alternatively we could have just not printed it in the first place and all our money would be worth more.

Where are you getting your num,bers? the United states went well above 320 million many years ago, unless youre only counting whites, thats 266 mln.


I used the ratio of taxpayers and citizens from here, I got $59,025 per taxpayer, and that's not even net taxpayers, I guess.

if you google US population it says 325.7 million (2017)