Leaked Doc Reveals White House Planning "Regime Change" In Iran Because Of Boomer Bolton
Not bothered by nukes. Just want mullahs deposed and plan to stir the people up into a revolutionary state
Fucking Bolton
Any chance that this wasn't going to be another Israel first administration went out the door when McMaster was replaced by Bolton. Funny how all the aut-kikes, from Thernovich to Sperglin, were calling for his removal. Really makes you think.
good luck with that
Iran would be secular long ago if it weren't for kikes and the eternal anglo.
Fucking duh. What do you think the [i]totally[/i] organic hijab girl revolution a while back was? Iran was on Wesley Clark's list. Wesley Clark's list is still circulating among neocons in the military.
Here's a crazy thought: the kikes radicalized the muslims in order to bait the west into mutually destructive wars while the kikes make fat stacks?
Good, those fags were better off under the Shah anyway. Maybe we can nuke Animal Assad while we're at it.
Fucking torpedos
where the fuck am I?
Isaiah 17 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)
17 1 A prophecy of the destruction of Damascus and Ephraim, 7 calamity moveth to repentance.
1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, for it shall be a ruinous heap.
2 The cities of Aroer shall be forsaken: they shall be for the flocks: for they shall lie there, and none shall make them afraid.
3 The munition also shall cease from Ephraim, and the kingdom from Damascus, and the remnant of Aram shall be as the glory of the children of Israel, saith the Lord of hosts.
4 And in that day the glory of Jacob shall be made clean.
5 And it shall be as when the harvest man gathereth the corn, and reapeth the ears with his arm, and he shall be as he that gathereth the ears in the valley of Rephaim.
6 Yet a gathering of grapes shall be left in it: as the shaking of an olive tree, two or three berries are in the top of the upmost boughs, and four or five in the high branches of the fruit thereof, saith the Lord God of Israel.
7 At that day shall a man look to his maker, and his eyes shall look to the holy one of Israel.
8 And he shall not look to the altars, the works of his own hands, neither shall he look to those things which his own fingers have made, as groves and images.
9 In that day shall the cities of their strength be as the forsaking of boughs and branches, which they did forsake, because of the children of Israel, and there shall be desolation.
10 Because thou hast forgotten the God of thy salvation, and hast not remembered the God of thy strength, therefore shalt thou set pleasant plants, and shalt graft strange vine branches.
11 In the day shalt thou make thy plant to grow, and in the morning shalt thou make thy seed to flourish: but the harvest shall be gone in the day [m]of possession, and there shall be desperate sorrow.
12 Ah, the multitude of many people, they shall make a sound like the noise of the sea: for the noise of the people shall make a sound like the noise of mighty waters.
13 The people shall make a sound like the noise of many waters: but God shall rebuke them, and they shall flee far off, and shall be chased as the chaff of the mountains before the wind, and as a rolling thing before the whirlwind.
14 And lo, in the evening there is trouble: but afore the morning it is gone. This is the portion of them that spoil us, and the lot of them that rob us.
yeah this totally about what "wesley clark" wants and not about the jews
Read your Bible, muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker.
Damascus is a goner, but right after that Jerusalem will be destroyed. So take heart!
b-but muh miniskirts!
Hmm, whoever is leaking shit like this needs to be hung…
Plenty of leftover Obama imbeds making trouble still.
Get a rope.
ah, the stalwart of any civilization
where would we be today without whores?
Yet 5 (((ISIS))) fags were just arrested and white helmets were defunded by the USA.
I'll believe it when I see subtle glow.
this thread alone is enough proof to ban Tor
What if it's Trump himself that is leaking? To identify the Warhawks for a later purpose. I am not a Trump-cuck, ….. but other shit is being leaked about the future of Iran, and it just seems too convenient, unless you were trying to gage some kind of reaction from someone.
This for example.
Assad's doomed if he stays in Damascus, it's all right there in the book.
go back to mpc
Why not just skip to the part where Jesus comes back and everybody who doesn't accept him as their lord of savior (jews) gets thrown straight into hell?
They arrested leadership, people who either are mossad or who work directly for mossad handlers. You're wrong about them being "expendable."
Self-fulfilling prophecies are so boring.
Idiot. I am obviously referencing the standard Zig Forums clip of Wesley Clark revealing the targets which he received word of via a memo. Iran is pretty much the last one on the list.
kikes fund them but the ranks are still filled with self destructive retarded sunni muslims
I'm no chessfag, but after NK, I think I have a handle on how Trump operates. He brought the neocon Jewslaves in on purpose, partly to allay the Republicucks' lingering resistance, but mostly because Bolton's ascention must have scared the fuck out of Iran. They know his reputation better than we do, and now they (correctly) think Trump has 5,000 nukes in the arsenal and a zionist infiltrator on his shoulder telling him to mash on the button.
Now, when Trump confronts Iran to renegotiate, they'll be doing it from the position of fearing for their lives, which is how Trump likes his counter-parties to be. After the new deal is signed, Trump will crow about how fucking amazing he is, win in 2020, then fire Bolton's ass like a butler, leaving the poor dumb walrus as shocked and confused as all the other neocohen freaks.
Read The Art of the Deal. It's actually amazing how perfectly he's following his own precepts of negotiation. Just try to look surprised when he tweets about how much he's always admired the Iranian people and likes eating kolooches.
The whole drawn out production is being done for your benefit. You don't skip to Amen before the whole shebang happens.
you clearly are, retard
You're just so angry already, did the cancellation of the Iran deal make you mad?
Calm down and enjoy the show, there's nothing you can do to stop Damascus from being turned into a ruinous heap, and Ephraim as well (the Golan).
< save the sand niggers
How about no.
^ d&c
>"Our team has so far had little success exploiting known fracture points in the community. . ."
Reported for D&C.
Kill yourself, nigger.
It's a "leaked" report because Bolton's press interview on the White House's news website just after the Iran deal withdrawal contradicts this new alleged report. It's Fake, Desperate, News. If you want war, then you Jews will have to do it without the US.
I'm glad Trump fixed America so fast and is now helping every country become as great a success.
I don't know the history of the Middle East as well as I should, but wasn't Iran a modern country before the pisslamist revolution? Also did the US instigate this revolution to fuck the soviets or was that Afghanistan? It would be poetry for the US to be overthrowing the government they installed but I guess that's just business as usual.
wherever you see tor posters this is your best bet
see what I mean
Is it just me being paranoid or are they trying to slide the thread?
"Q Thank you, Mr. Ambassador. You said that the administration’s goal is to address Iran’s malign activities, but are you hoping a part of addressing those activities is regime change? Is that a goal of this administration following this decision?
AMBASSADOR BOLTON: No, what the President said was, following his discussion with his counterparts in many European countries, looking at what President Macron said, what Chancellor Merkel said, what he said to Prime Minister May, is that one of the fundamental criticisms that the President and others have made to the deal is that it sought to address only a limited aspect of Iran’s unacceptable behavior — certainly a critical aspect — but not taking into account the fact this is, and has been for many years, the central banker of international terrorism.
So that lifting the sanctions, as happened in 2015 as a result of the deal, helps fuel the activity that Iran is undertaking now in Syria. Its support for terrorist groups all around the region and the world, like Hezbollah and Hamas. And that to really deal with this threat and to try to bring peace and stability to the Middle East, and to relieve the world of the nuclear threat, you have to go after the whole thing. This is what he talked about with the European leaders, and we’re going to try and pursue it."
But that's objectively false.
When was the last time Hezbollah or Hamas attacked the West via terrorism?
These sound like the enemies of Israel, not terrorists.
FFS, isn't Hamas a Sunni op?
Israel has unregulated nuclear weapons.
I can't stand these Ziodrones.
Might end up to be a plan to throw him under the bus.
The 'protests' were fucking shit-tier lazy CIAnigger efforts and achieved nothing when millions came out the following week in support of the govt.
They fucked it up worse than when they shot people on both sides of the protest before the Syrian war.
keep telling yourself that
If they're atheists then they won't fight against jews, US and other trash. Shah was sucking westerners dick. Atheism = Degeneracy. Like the one you live now in your jewish owned shitholes.
They aren't sending enough rockets into you fucks obviously.
Here's a crazier thought, WE KNOW.
It's just the tension. Aren't you tired too user? Why don't we take off the tinfoil for the night and resume discussing this tomorrow.
Mods, bls don't ban. Stealth bump masking as a misspelled sage.
What is funny is that for all the attempted fracturing all they do is compress us into denser more resilient materials while their shitters get shattered. The left and various invasive pests are constantly eating themselves because it can't cope with us. If they just stayed the fuck away they would be so much better off and healthier. Degenerates are just into this shit I guess.
As if a sand nigger lover is all that much better than a kike lover.
I'm shocked that the good goy President who was always vocal against Iran is actually doing things against Iran.
Could be a part of a Madman Doctrine.
Kind of like that good goy yelling at Lil Kim and now having tea with him. Makes ya think.
You can work hand in hand with secular regimes in the Middle East, like for example Assad in Syria. By working with Jews you will always lose, so yeah, a sand nigger lover is preferable to a kike lover. Appointing Bolton was a kosher fucking move and there isn't any way you can spin it.
no shit sherlock
You can go on youtube and find 10 year old videos of pentagon proclaiming they going to overthrow the entire middle east ( and install loyal zog puppets)
arab spring - more like arab autumn
and the reason media "rediscover" this is of course to pin it all on trump -A WARMONGER
Friendly reminder that Trump was already kvetching about Iran during the elections. What you see here is planned policy.
That's just him being a lying kike.
McMaster was a massive faggot and needed to be ousted. The problem is that McMaster was replaced by an even more massive (jewish mischling) faggot. Responsibility for that appointment lies solely with the Trump administration, not those calling for McMaster to be removed. But I expect that you already know this, and are just being a massive faggot.
It's predictive programming.
Hopefully Trump BTFOs Netanyahu.
Sage for kiked up thread.
If this wasn't enough for you to realize that this board has redditor magapede m-ods I don't know what to tell you. Trump is pulling an Bush on Iran and no one cares. This board seems to be filled with Breitbart tier Q cucks who just 'trust the plan'. The cuckservatives must be laughing their asses off that they'll be able to pin another mideast war on Trump so he loses the next election and globalist politics gets right back on track without them bearing the brunt of the blame. You people who shit talked the people cautioning that Trump seems to have flipped should be ashamed, if you're even capable of it.
People who were ever certain that Trump was anything other than a tool of international jewry should be ashamed.
No, I don't care to speculate or engage in unnecessary hand-wringing when I don't have all the facts. None of us know for sure what Trump is or isn't planning on doing. Get back to me when something happens worth a damn.
Well, at least with McMaster in the picture fighting for the Religion of Cuck™ic sphere of influence the Israel first sphere of influence was lessened to a large degree. It was like a deadlock in the NSC that led to nothing getting done, which nothing getting done in the mideast is actually the best play. Purging McMaster and putting in Bolton means that now it's through and through Israel first on the NSC and Trump is now surrounded by daggers. That is, if he isn't holding one himself.
That's the thing that always got me about Trump, he just stood idly by like a fucking buffoon while all the people who stood by him during the campaign got ousted.
Why do you jewish faggots perpetually do this? Has it ever worked once, or are you just too retarded to notice that it doesn't?
Why do you jewish faggots defend Trump doing the bidding for kikes? I would say that this board isn't reddit, but it actually kind is now. You should still kill yourself though.
Maybe he was a massive faggot, but the kikes wanted him gone, which is all the reason that he should have stayed.
You're probably a /qresearch/ boomer cuckold, sad!
This is pretty much how I see thing. Forget what they say and look for what actually happen.
The language of this write up is such typical muhhhh regime bullshit. I’m going to go out on a whim here but I’m guessing if there’s any protests in Iran currently it’s due to the US pulling out of the nuclear deal as well as sanctions and not related to some kind of overall discontent as the Iranian people are generally pretty happy and the engineered color revolution that happened recently (April?) was over in a very short time never to be heard of again.
Your average American though, really can’t comprehend that not every person on Earth views happiness as a 2 hour commute, McDonald’s, and degenerate sitcoms. Forget about even trying to explain the benefits of theocracy or how a well functioning homogenous society needs a central religious foundation.
s/US/jews and jew lackeys/
Do you have a single fact to back that up? It'll be funny to see France get its own Iraq trying to keep one tyrant sand nigger in power tho shots gonna fall on its own because it doesn't have the dollar in its veins
Read up on even the basic history user, but there's two competing theories on Iran from what I understand:
- The kike-led Allies invaded Iran during WWII and have been fucking with their government ever since. The Shah was a kike puppet who gave the Allies control of their oil and wanted to get friendly with Israel. The current Religion of Cuck™ic leadership was right to depose this obvious puppet.
- The Shah was the last stand of whiteness in the historic land of the Aryan, and as much as he tried to modernize and create a proper first-world country it was a fool's errand in a country filled with inbred Arab shitskins, and eventually they revolted and completely took over.
Maybe an user more knowledgeable can comment.
Essentially a bit of both.
See when Iran made the change from Persia to Iran it was part of a massive modernisation campaign by its current ruler and his government.
They adopted a parliamentary monarchy, an explicitly secular one. Stopped responding when anyone called them Persia (even returned mail addressed to Persia) and brought in foreign experts on everything from railways to oil.
They began to adopt a more secular western worldview and embraced it even.
The leaders of the time were a lot like Attaturk. They saw the west as the future and the Religion of Cuck™ic world as stuck in an undesirable past.
Part of this was the anglo-iranian oil concession. Which had the bongs develop Irans oil fields. The terms of the concession were fucking criminal in how much they gave the bongs but there was a reason.
The brits were expected to provide housing for Iranian workers, provide training for Iranian workers and train Iranians to fill technical and managerial roles over time. Of course the bongs did none of this and cooked the books so as to avoid paying the Iranian government the pittance it owed them.
This is what led to Mossadegh and his nationalists getting so pissed off with the bongs. The bongs were clearly in the wrong here but didn't give a shit.
In time the arguments got to a point where the elected leader of Iran (Mossadegh) went "FUCK IT! DONT CARE ABOUT OIL ANYMORE! FUCK OFF BONGS!"
So the bongs tried to stage a coup. Got caught. Got booted out of the country.
Then the brits got the USA involved, who instigated operation Ajax which led to the overthrow of Irans elected government and the US puppet state that was overthrown in the Religion of Cuck™ic revolution.
Fun fact: Mossadegh was ludicrously pro-US. Gave possibly the most pro-US speech in UN history while at the UN. Making the USAs overthrow of the Iranian government all the more sad.
The US puppet government went on a merry rampage in the years to follow. Killing, imprisoning or just generally shitting on anyone who might pose the slightest threat. Except a few Religion of Cuck™ic clerics who ultimately managed to unite the disparate factions in Iran to overthrow the US puppet government. Then they promptly turned on their former allies and killed a bunch of them, consolodating power for themselves.
seems legit
Thanks for filling in the blanks user.
What an absolute tragedy. The US and Britain have done so much damage to the world in the 20th century, it's ridiculous.
I get the distinct feeling that you should kill yourself.
Fuck your semitic deity
He died. He isn't coming back ever
Daily reminder the jesus sacrament is literal spirit cooking and should be avoided at all costs
Ritual spirit canibalism with a dead jew? Nope
Good point, don't mean to D&C. Burgers and bongs from generations past absolutely deserve scorn for harboring the rats though.
Ben Shapiro and everyone of his ilk loves Trump now. Very good company, tells you a lot.
Explain Gaddafi's secular government and its work to prevent "refugee" swarms from reaching Europe then. Lying Kike.
Anti-atheist posters are outsiders who have no business being here. They are D&C Kikes and ought to be filtered and reported.
Looks like my feeling was wrong. Can never be too careful, user. Between a 200% increase in shills and some actual kikes getting buttblasted, we have to remain vigilant.
At the moment the biggest question is how quickly and thoroughly Trump can get out of the kike-infested, shit covered powder keg that is the middle east.
Followed by the question of whether the mudslimes will start gassing pissrael.
To expand, if you're anti-Christian, you're a D&C Kike. If you're an anti-Esoteric Hitlerist, you're a D&C Kike. If you're anti-vegetarian, you're a D&C Kike.
Attacking Christianity, Esoteric Hitlerism, and Vegetarianism is fine - just don't be the Jew who attacks the people that follow these things.
The only people against Christianity are jews and their retarded pets, as always. Normies don't care either way, but if you actively hate Jesus and try to undermine his anti-jew doctrine, you're a shekel-grubbing, pedophile faggot with the IQ of an inbred nigger, just like his killers.
Churchill was involved in the bong response to Iran wanting a fair deal on the concession.
Remember: Always hate Churchill.
Go tip it somewhere else you amoral relativist faggot.
Materialism had always been poison to every society on this earth.
Appropriate since you are a faggot talking out of his expanded ass.
Sorry you have to out yourself, Kikel. Not even that lovely image can cover the truth
The fact is that imageboards have historically always been populated by an atheist/irreligious majority, and you are a fracture point shill.
Full/pol/ was practically born from the Ebola love-cult. What a bunch of pedos in /b/ do is inconsequential to what we must do to assure healthy and thriving White societies.
Where are your successful conservative atheist societies?
Why are all prominent atheists either conspiring masons, universal egalitarians, mainline marxists and full blown degenerate exhibitionists?