In California.
In California.
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Give us yur gunz goyyyy!
Demographic of the elementary school
oy vey
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Archive of ABC:
Police radio says a suspect has been apprehended.
Scanners are saying no gunman or victims at elementary school found. The fuck is going on?
Did you hear "informant in route"?
I'm tuning in and out. Have a convalescent grandmother to tend to.
They are saying they don't need more units, and for units to respond to an "office area".
If it's a chicano, they'll say he's lily white like they did to Zimzam.
I saw that after I posted and wanted to throw myself through a window, thanks for the reminder. Guys like you are a diamond dozen.
Elementary school was a hoax apparently
Oh my god, the amount of money that is being wasted at this exact moment is probably disturbing. The deployment of resources paid for by the city. lol
Hopefully they only shot retards and subhumans
Trump supporter and white supremacist in custody!
Someone on 4ch said they're searching for explosives now.
Good man
Take care of Grandma and Grandpa like they took care of us growing up
All my grandparents are gone now
This is a good time to discuss gun purchases. Which guns are a good buy during times like this? For example, AR-15 manufacturers still seem to not have saturated the market. So they're out. AK variants too, presumably.
Thoughts? It strikes me that bolt action firearms should be a bit cheaper, but I don't see much evidence of prices dropping on them…
The lad is right. The AK-47 is indeed still outstanding, after all these years.
She's my last surviving one. Gotta wrap her in bubble wrap. To be honest she's probably on her way out. Hasn't been in good shape the last several years. It freaks me out.
Dangerous digits. But make the hat layer a little better, make it cast a shadow on the face.
What are the demographics of these two schools?
Probably not White Anglo-Saxon Protestants.
The elementary school shooting is a hoax, though both schools are only 7mi apart, so it's still an accurate representation of the high school.
I think that all depends on the villainous black rifle in these shootings. I bought an AR15 on MSD day. Got a great deal too. I wonder if it's an AR again or if the AK is finally getting into the action.
Also, California.
Hopefully, for toppest of keks, it's an illegal rifle that came across the border from Mexico.
Thank you, missed it on the scrolldown
You're good, user.
I always hope and pray it's an Eric Holder "Fast and Furious" weapon. As far as I know we were only told about one incident where his AR-15s came back into the US and were used in a murder.
That's the way it goes my man
My grandpa and grandma (on moms side) got to meet my family I started before they died. That was cool
Actually user bean land has very strict gun laws and the guns flow from the burgers to the beans. So once they go south chances are they never return.
Oh. One of those rifles was actually used in the Paris attack as well. How did ISIS get our rifles?
Sorry to hear that user
You're either a FUD spreading Fed, or an underage b& faggot. Go look up "Eric Holder" and cross reference with "Fast and Furious".
Good question! (got any links?) polite doublepost sage
I could have gotten a nice basic AR from a quality manufacturer for < $500, pre then as well :-( feelsbadman.jpg
fuggin sucks being neet & under anti-gun house rules
Has the beta uprising finally begun?
Scanner said something about a female juvi suspect, and someone walking around with a flak vest near elementary school.
Heil'd, watch it be some round spic, or a goblina type of of spic, that'd be funny af
Oh hay
just in time to dominate the news cycle and push reporting of dems trying to restore Net Neutrality right off the radar
also in before
It reeks of false flag to distract from Isreal vs Iran/Syria
The shilling is also ramping up so somethings happening
wtf america
Absolute jej.
But it's time you grew up and just deleted that censorious cancerous kike crap site account.
Delete plebbit too.
Sam Hyde is way too used and old.
We should find a nigger as new target.
Not my account, just pulled the pic from 4ch and shared because I thought it was funny. I wouldn't take a picture with a camera when I could print screen.
Posting pics of the MSD (((activists))) would be great for the lulz.
Better archive that shit before the kikes try to pass it off as "white male"
Also, the (((media))) will hide it if it's a nigger. David Hogg, on the other hand, looks like an angry white boy. Shoop some blue eyes on him and claim that he's a Trump supporter and every retarded journalist will have his name and face up within an hour before they even realize they've been duped.
dime a dozen
Probably a whole bunch of redditors are posting le funny Sam Hyde maymay right now, simultaneously.
I'm going to play doubles advocate and say he was joshing that user
Not sure if meming
Allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go.
Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.
Yea, but you don't want to spread something that could backfire you.
There is some decent material on leddit
I've been expecting LA, because one of the first witnesses at the Parkland shooting wore a Los Angeles California shirt in big letters. Maybe it just turns out to be basketball related, but interesting if it's the next staged shooting.
samefagging for context
Don't use his last name. They'd catch that. Use a trad white name. You'd probably fool them on a regular basis because they're all foaming at the mouths to post the pic of a white man being to blame.
Top fucking kek
Smith and Wesson Stock up 3%
Well, we all knew there'd be casualties in the meme war. "They expect one of us in the wreckage, brother." (shoutout to the user who sent Kurt Eichenwald an assault gif and got arrested) This is why our anonymity and OPSEC is of utmost importance. Meme responsibly and godspeed.
'tis, 'tis indeed.
Also, nothing red pills like innocently discussing topics, and making logical observations, then getting the ban hammer of the State of California Fags to come down on you.
Such (((convenient))) timing. The last one was almost forgotten.
Which clowns stood down while the MKUltra went cray cray in a gunz free zone this time?
Achievement: No score
These small fry shootings suck. Someone needs to do something like this again.
These Gen-Z MK Ultra victims are so unreliable. The shooter probably uber'd to the wrong school, so the "hit team" had to abort the op.
Bill was right about quite a lot.
Fucked that shit up
This. Look how fast it got shut down, and halfchan is full of kike shill damage control, mods deleting threads on overdrive
Literally not even legally recognized as part of the United States, it's just a territory we occupy militarily so we don't have chinks invading our west coast.
Wew. I hope that homo called collect.
Has anyone read his book on how he keeps getting away with it?
which is why the (((SWAT))) team shut him down after 9/11
What we should do next time, is prepare a fake manifesto full of redpills, that we can lull the media in to publishing. They're all racing to be first, and it may just work.
Sure enough :^)
peculiar dubs, we should have our own agenda 21 it seems
*lull meant use to fool.
Don't even know how I typed it.
Why the fuck would (((they))) want to tell you if such a thing happened?