"Gold has had a special and fascinating attraction to the Jews in particular from the earliest of times. From the early beginnings of money, gold has been used as a means of exchange and from the earliest beginnings, the Jews have gravitated around the occupation of being safe keepers of other peoples’ gold. They soon found that as they had a number of clients who kept gold in their vaults, that at no time did they all withdraw their gold at the same time. They then hit upon the secondary idea of loaning out some of the gold that belonged to somebody else at a rate of interest, which means they could loan out somebody else’s gold and have the borrower use it for a limited period of time with an additional amount of gold coming back as a premium. As the number of clients increased they found out that they could loan out practically 90 percent of all the gold they held and still have enough reserve on hand to cover any withdrawals. This then developed into the business of banking and this became a tremendously powerful tool for the benefit of the Jew in accumulating the wealth of the productive traders and merchants in whose midst they operated.
From this basic beginning all foundations of banking have evolved. Today the Jews have added to this tricky arrangement thousands of further embellishments, and through the payments of interest, through the Federal Reserve System, through international loans and manipulations, they now exclusively control the money of the world.
Not only do they control the banking systems but they also control the stock markets of the world. Anyone examining the roster of those who own seats on the N.Y. Stock Exchange, or the other stock exchanges throughout the nation, will find that by and large they’re all Jews, and a few associates of Jews. By also controlling the stock market, which they can manipulate up or down at will, they can and do skim all the benefits of the hard working, productive and creative White Americans off the top into their own coffers. Not only that, but by withholding credit at any time they choose, they can throw this nation (or any other nation) or the whole world economy, into a depression. Since these are planned and the Jews know in advance when they are going to do these things, they can, of course, again reap tremendous benefits and fleece the unsuspecting goyim forever and endlessly.
Through manipulation, through the floating of Government bonds, the Federal Reserve can have billions printed for its own aggrandizement and pay nothing more for the billions of dollars that go into its coffers than the cost of the paper and ink involved. This usually costs about 7/10 of a cent per paper note, whether that note is a $10.00 bill or a $1000.00 bill. The actual printing is done by the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing, but the notes are then transferred to the international Jewish bankers under the guise of the Federal Reserve System. The only expense to the bankers is the cost of the paper and ink.
Not only do the Jewish bankers get the money virtually free, but the U.S. Government is then obligated to issue U.S. Government Bonds as security for the loan involved. The American people are then shackled with not only paying off the principal of the Government Bonds over a period of years but also the interest thereon. These debts are never paid off, but on the contrary, as the history of the last 40 years shows, they increase from year to year. And so the American taxpayer is increasingly enslaved in debts, paying interest in this generation and the next and the next to the international Jewish bankers, who, by and large, acquired the loan money free of charge from the Government Printing Office itself."
Gold is the source of ultimate power in this universe, as clearly proven by the kikes. With Gold, they were able to create fiat currency and completely remove it from circulation; exactly as planned in their protocols. This was done around 1970 when, up until that point, you could directly redeem "bank notes" for gold at central banks. Suddenly with no justification at all, this was taken out of practice, and the people were alright with that.
With this information, I get the idea that we can somehow use gold to fight against them. However, it is almost entirely out of circulation and only 10% of total gold mined and accounted for is being used in industry. The rest is in their hands.