This board seems to be slowly dying and bleeding users every day as a result of the mods being faggots, but I'm not sure about where people are going as a result. Are they going back to cuckchan? Is it really that bad that they would rather go there instead?
This board seems to be slowly dying and bleeding users every day as a result of the mods being faggots...
Other urls found in this thread:
I think there should be no mods. They should fuck off I thought 4 Chan and 8 Chan had no mods.
Don't spoil the surprise
Numbers have been consistent for months, lying cunt.
ur rely smert doug
how come us, humble onion cutters. never thought of that
the real Zig Forums died years ago by the election. Lurk around less active/known of places and you'll find your way eventually
All the boards you idiots push are so much less active that one could call them totally dead. Also completely devoid of decent conversation. Your latest effort, /p01/, is such a bad joke it never made it onto the first page of 8ch's board list. Now go put a slug through your skull.
this, true untainted Zig Forums died before obamas 2nd term. "old /pol" died in 2015, everything thing onwards is watered down shills, larping betas and cucks.
t. nu-mod
Whatever mod keeps abusing wordfilters needs to be banned, the signal-to-noise ratio is all out of whack these days.
weeks ago the new reddit mod had ethnonat-ionalist filtered here, could still be filtered.
This board has died long ago, I don't know why I still come here. Probably will drop out soon
I just lurk halfchan mostly. Filter the shill threads and its quite entertaining.
That April fools joke that shut this place down for a week a few years back really did a number this place, maybe a little more than half the users came back. Meme crafting and post quality have diminished heavily because of this but ol cuckchan is still chugging along despite all the bullshit.
t. hasn't found the cool boards
It's absolute bullshit and harms straightforward discussion. Especially during happenings when people are trying to share quotes and info quickly, having a bunch of common stuff like => Religion of Cuck™ completely gets in the way.
I think we're up to eight or nine wordfilters these days. Personally the whole idea of having words put in my mouth is really disgusting; it's the exact opposite of the honest straight talk that originally drew me to Zig Forums.
The old members are on riddlechan
Nationalism implies race. Stop surrendering the lexicon to left and nazbols.
That's a 420chan thing, they love their wordfilters. Guarantee it's a 420chan mod fucking around.
The point is that anons should be able to make that determination through candid discussion and choose what term to use, when to use it. Not have a single faggot mod decide arbitrarily that we can't use a word.
And what of quotes? With wordfilters in place, you can't quote an article's contents without shit getting changed. It's a mess!
Really? Then why did post quality drop and why were the old mods banned? We still have not heard any answers about that. What the fuck happened to the old mods!? Further, how the hell is there an asses and elbows thread up for two fucking months, when that blackpill is normally banned on sight?
That's just retarded. They don't get out much. They just circlejerk in their irc and occasionally shitpost on their board. sovietpsychonaut?
give me a hint to find the bunkers
Its what happens when we allow inmates (kikes) to run the prison. Not that the moderation here has ever been good, kampfy fucked over majority of the users here with 2-4 month long bans without reason. people left when he banned book threads ( because turkniggers can't read ) and when the board was about to explode Jim ousted him and replaced the BO with somebody we're still not familiar with.
The moderators here were tolerable uptil the recent "volunteer" try outs, in which the the_zognald shills got ahold of mod positions ( hence the recent filters and "no criticism of trump allowed" ).
I agree, but wordfilters are 100% reddit.
You don't need Zig Forums anymore. You've acquired the knowledge, will seek out more on your own. Get your life in order, blend in the with the normies, conduct and wait for the activation signal.
*conduct decentralized disruptions to the system.
You should already know where the bunkers are. The PPH is worse than here but the quality is sometimes better. I want a high-speed, high-energy board, though. Not a slow bunker. Pic related.
Hint: they're lying
When did it drop? All I notice is less redtext spam nowadays. I think you're lying too.
which "old mods"? theres been several goblin gangs running this cesspit.
The only time Zig Forums was good was during the original exodus back in 2014, the election destroyed this board.
That sounds accurate based on my own observations. I took a several month break towards the end of 2017 to focus on work, and when I came back this place was noticeably worse. I don't intend to fully leave Zig Forums, not yet. But I do want to look into some other places for discussion, even if they're slower.
Any place that's good for book/ intellectual discussions of right-wing ideology?
Hi /zundel/. You're not dead yet?
((( )))
The fear that Trump instilled on those esoterics was such, that this board ws cleansed of all shitskins. Current 8/pol/ isn't perfect, but at least we're 100% white; if that isn't a victory, then I don't know what is.
You've got me mistaken for someone else, sorry.
Reported, Trosky's puppet.
You can tell this person is a nu-mod or ex-kampy goon just by mentioning zundel that way.
not you, kike.
Find the board related to /pdf/, there are bunker links there.
hue hue hue
Nobody is going to tell you.
Some are.
Yes. Its not just bad, its incredibly stifling - you can't say shit here anymore. If you're at all critical, the mods ban you, and at this point they're wheeling out incredibly weak justifications.
They're paid off, there's no way the moderators are THAT pro-Trump: someone bought them out mid-election and has kept the payments coming.
Thats why the other day we had like 11 stickies and none of them were about the Iran situation…. Hell, we still have like fucking 5 and, laughably, one of them is Trump shilling how awesome he is for catching a bunch of ISIS fucks that work for the US/Israel/Saudi Arabia.
Anyway, point is,h8/pol/ has become stifling as fuck, and nobody enjoys that. I came to h8chan initially to get away from moderators censoring speech, and now here we are where its applauded (probably by mods on proxy IPs, mind you, or else their shill compatriots backing them up) whenever they go on a binge and block dozens of people for not upholding the narrative.
This, there is no way a hispanic guy would purposefully come to these sort of threats and purposefully make similar posts. I mean what would he gain if he isn't paid?
Changing subjects, remember good old trolling?
That's actually a sound advice. After some time, there is no point in coming here. You can't be a mentor to newfags as they refuse to learn. Everything has been said and done. It's time to move on.
pretty much this, people forgot trump is a mild reformer and the right-wings movements divided into actual nationalists (still waiting for the wall) and reaganite neocon loving fucktards.
You halfcucks have really been doing a number on this place ever since y'all got shut down multiple times in the past few weeks. H8/pol/ is doing fine and we don't ban people for being NatSoc or anti-Trump, this is a common Jewish lie from the Reddit+ mods on halfcuck.
That's basically the go-to move at this point.
Its all boogeymen, and anyone you want to attack, stage 1 is accusing them of being "x".
Let's go down the list… intl, shareblue, zundel, trs, renegade (amusingly, there's an open and aggressively renegade thread up RIGHT NOW that the mods have been keeping active, because it attacks the alt-right), reddit, cuckchan, i think there's a few other 'alternative Zig Forums' boards that still get tossed around… Who am I missing?
That said, you're kinda doing the same thing.
Not sure who you're talking about, but that said, might also be some kinda blackmail.
Yeah, but trolling got old long ago.
The only trolling you'll find on a Zig Forums these days are kikes trolling by making garbage threads to trigger autistes and niggerporn threads to trigger everyone who isn't an ethnocuckold.
The last pool of mods, like resurrectedplayer.
hmmm.. nobody said anything about banning natsocs, however that is untrue. Got a guilty conscience, kike?
HAHAHAHA Tell your CTR Manager that you suck!
Bless you user, I should have thought of checking the pdf board. I remember finding some excellent content on that board years ago, almost forgot about it since we never have book threads anymore.
That's not true at all. Every time some is too critical of Trump and his neoconservative policies, the thread gets flooded by smug anime girls and / or gore. Even halfchan mods aren't that strict.
why not marry a latina or skinny black woman with big tits while you're at it?
The bunker is millchan but faggots are too lazy to install zeronet so it doesn't even matter
((( )))
Please present counter-arguments before screeching in vain.
You mean the guy who had a crying fit and nuked his board after they didn't let him be a moderator here? Everyone hates him after that.
Very very very much this.
Its especially disgusting to see these ridiculous posts still trying to ply Trump as intending to secretly oppose the Zionists and spamming nonsense implying Israel is gonna get fucked by America not jumping to suck its cock at the drop of a dime. I can't actually believe anyone with an IQ over 100 would buy that at this point, so its gotta be something else going on… Or else just a bunch of sub-cogs wandered in and set up shop.
The 'shill' narrative has totally eliminated any functional conversation. Not that there aren't shills mind you, there most-certainly are, but the rampant accusations have driven discourse into the ground.
Two birds with one post.
I've been banned for both at various times.
Last ban I had, I was sitting on a 4 week ban because, when someone asked "Where is a well regulated militia when you need one?" in response to the beaner caravan, I suggested that they no longer exist due to stigmatization (which is the truth), and the mods gave me 4 weeks and called me a kike shill… For suggesting kikes stigmatized militias to the point that they no longer exist in any real number. Seems legit.
Thats true, throwing accusations around and being paranoid is kinda the norm if you've dealt with this shit for years though. Rarely call out people here unless I actually mean it and the only group to hold hatred towards zundel are kampfy goons.
done by the same mod who created word filters, whenever they pop up the smug anime girls are spammed and posts are mass deleted.
Hee-hee, yeah. We should just leave spammed cuck porn threads in the catalog because mods are fags :^)
On 4chan, you get instantly banned if you say the names of certain federal agents or globalist assets. You're a liar too.
Adding CTR to the list.
This is trash content.
Which ones?
I wanna test it.
I'm seeing absolutely no evidence from you halfcuck JIDF shills trying to stir the pot here. Go back to your cucknat board where you can't even criticize spics and niggers for acting spicly and niggerly.
Man, I shitpost o cuckchan to my heart's content. I never got banned because of anything I said. It's only here that certain type of wrong think is not allowed.
How the fuck did I forget the ol 'JIDF!?
I'm pretty sure that's not true, but I'll test it out when user replies to
You will be banned.
Probably not right now, but in a couple hours, that way its less likely you'll hop on Tor or a proxy and immediately expose them and create a tirefire of angry Anons calling the mods faggots.
That happened so much that I think its generally become procedure to hold off on banning until some time has passed.
Bill Priestap is the last one I remember. That one got removed after people noticed though.
Your posts must be pretty damn kosher, then.
Removing cuck/CP spam threads is just abhor the only thing I support mods doing. Maybe posting screenshots of obvious, actual shills' poat history when they show up. Maybe.
However, our mods have been going far beyond that. They act like gatekeepers these days, banning anyone who starts to disagree with their manufactured board consensus. Can't have a fucking political debate on Zig Forums anymore, what is even the point nowadays? Shitposting about current events has its place, but I miss when we also did analysis and talked about philosophy, history, and meme magic.
This thread has been filled with shills
Enjoy your ban.
lol reported
Zundel knew this place was dead, he reuploaded all his content on the bunker site and to the board related to pdf.
You alt-kike lauren southern loving neet larpers get fat and dont produce white children while the rest of us are working and diving inti our intellectual pursuits to improve ourselves, our race and way of life.
Face the fact this place is 99% knight larpers, shills, neocon stooges and beta cucks. All the great minds who once inhabited this board left long ago.
Lets find out.
Just looking at their catalog, it doesn't look very kosher to me.
Shut up newfag, lurk moar
Nah, you're just retarded.
This place was bought out by kikes. Endchan Zig Forums is good, but slow
No one pays me
I've only seen two legitimate criticisms in this thread. The "Religion of Cuck" wordfilter which is very obtrusive given the board's subject matter. And that some legitimate topics get anchored.
You kike.
I know, and I accept that bro. Truth does not fear investigation.
You're crazy bro!
I was a mod on here until I realized all the halfcuck shills were raiding the place, so now I mod on halfcuck so I can control the narrative there and have people flock here. :^)
Also, watch my video where I expose the alt-kikes.
This thread has been filled with shills
Literally nobody critical of Trump posts here anymore on anything but proxies or Tor.
You're basically making their argument for them.
There's another one they like to throw around.
And yeah, some of the alternative Zig Forumss are alright, but as you say, they're SO SLOW, and that basically makes them dogshit to use.
If I make a post any there's not liable to be a response in 24 hours, its not a functional board.
You seem LARPy.
That's what anyone would say regardless of if its true.
You are an awful shitposter who adds nothing however, see:
What about that is kosher? Be specific.
Mah Aryan.
And I apparently did not get banned for mentioning Bill Preistat or whatever.
Nice meme, too bad some newfags will probably take it seriously.
Its fair to say trump isn't fully dancing to Israels tune but the day will come he'll drag us into another war, just like reagan, the bushes, clinton and obama did.
For fucks sake, Trump said during the election "I am the most pro-israel person on this stage" multiple times. When will people stop pretending hes the reincarnation of hitler?
Do you expect anyone to believe you?
Correct, and?
Yes… and?
Agreed user. Came here 2 months after the 1st exodus. depressing.
No less than 3 incel threads in the cap I took. One thread whining that Zig Forums ruined Sweden. One thread shilling for gun control. I do admittedly like the one that just says "NAME THE JEW" with a picture of le happy merchant though. Can't beat the classics.
Actually "nationalism" comes from "nati" meaning birth. The term was created to be the opposite of monarchy; rather than to have loyalty to a person/family, you share your loyalty (brotherhood) with anyone born around you.
It's funny how (((english))) speakers don't have a noun for the word that means a land that belongs to your volk. By the way, "patriotism" comes from the word father; hence it means fatherland OR land-of-you-father.
Nation :: Nationalism
?????? :: Patriotism
Did a NEET make that video? Because HW still deserves respect for what he did. Only faggots and nu/pol/ would mistunderstand the poor little dude. Things have changed over the passed 2 years sure, but you come across as another fucking jew. This has become a jewish board and it's fun to roleplay as a kike since it's so fucking easy to pretend to be a kike and fit in rather comfortably without you faggots realizing.
Fucking lie. Talk about the kike Trump pardoned and theyll ban your ass.
so much this >w
Trump is a kike lmao.
That's a lie too. It was a commutation, not a pardon.
Lol wtf are you talking about. The numbers have actually gone up since 4chan went down 3 times in one month.
I got about 7 minutes into that video but it was rather boring to be honest.
And yet, you'll get banned for suggesting as much, not to mention that fact that saying "trump isn't fully dancing to Israels tune" is a VERY kind statement.
That's disingenuous, because during the election the narrative that was pushed AGGRESSIVELY was that all that talk was just a requisite thing and that he'd do whatever he wanted when in power.
Basically, dog whistling.
Thing is, as was said during the election - I know I personally got banned at least once for saying as much - dog whistles are not good indicators.
When Trump shilled for Israel, everyone said it was just a dog whistle to get kike support.
When Trump said he's stop illegal immigration, everyone said it was legitimate.
Problem is, it appears the paradigm was completely inverted - everything that people said was legitimate was actually a hollow dog whistle, and everything people said was a dog whistle was actually legitimate.
Note that when I say "people", I mean the pro-Trump crowd, including the moderators, who continually and aggressively pushed that narrative.
And now, when someone gets annoyed that, oh, that was all bullshit, suddenly its "What, did you expect him to be Super Mega 88 Death Squad Hitler? Pfft, you're dumb", and that's also a ridiculously disingenuous narrative.
I never expected Trump to be Hitler - I hoped he would be, but didn't expect it - but its not that he's "not being Hitler" that has folks annoyed, its that he's "not even doing the shit he said on the campaign trail, aside from the stuff that harms America long-term and aids Israel/the Jews", and I don't think anyone who was pro-Trump was actually expecting that, because if they were, and were still supporting him, well…
underrated post
Heil Hitler!