I…I just don't know how to react to this. How is this allowed to happen? Why aren't the people running the company in jail? Why is it no one aside of autists on the internet are getting angry about this?
What the fuck?
kill it with fire
I hate jews so much.
This is how pedo slippery slope going to be formed. Its already being promoted by the media openly, brutally like this.
And people didn't believed. It even benefits the kikes because the more they are exposed by pizzagate, the more they are willing to give pedos freedom to escape legal justice for sex slavery.
jew destruction of White civilization program on display.
I fucking HATE jews.
Nicely noticed.
And people say anti-semitism is bad.
Too subtle.
Is it not surprising any more? The Jew's job is to make reality a living hell for the goyim. Nothing left to do but to stock up on weapons and tactics and decide whether you want to stay in the foxhole or run out into the field.
This is common in Swede
Absolutely degenerate. This will go in the history books, the result of what happens when you let parasites control society.
Yep. People hundreds to thousands of years from now will see this like we see the events that lead to the fall of Rome. Hopefully, it serves as a reminder to them that jews are bad news.
Our culture is a sewer.
I just want to see the whole world burn now.
Icons of our submission adorn the cities that have fallen
Look at the horizon
The time is coming near
Look out at the world on fire
Look at the people frozen in fear
We won't listen to their crying
They had their chance to see the light
We won't be handing out no pardons
'Cause the world is gonna end tonight
When will yellowstone finally erupt so the world can go to shit and we can finally get rid of this cursed race once and for all ?
Fire cleanses all.
Why do we allow this?
Where is the anger?
When are the great fucking purges of these sick parasites? When will we be rid of the jewish blight?
I'm posting this shit everywhere to see the reactions.
I no longer feel anger at this kind of stuff as I've transcended such earthly emotions, and now the nature of the "things" I harbor towards kikes and the modern, degenerate world in general can no longer be put into words.
Do it. Most here are despondent about people ignoring incidents like this, but you have no idea how one little piece of madness can make the most numbed man snap into taking on a new viewpoint and quietly join the ranks.
The reaction so far from the normalfags are:
-this was in New York, so it's OK. This kind of thing don't happen in other parts of US, only CA and NY.
-US have a 300 million people population, of course it will be full of progressives.
It's useless, they can't see the problem even if you show them right in their faces.
Fuck off, blackpill faggot!
Fucking sodomite kikes.
Have some blackpill antidote.
Remember that kids like these will be the shock troops on DOTR.
Hello man in the mirror
Do you have any suggestions user, because sincerely I don't. Calling me a blackpilled faggot won't do anything, if you ever tried explaining it to normalfags you would know how resistant they are to any and all change in their worldview.
I'll give you a hint. Starts with K ends with IKES.
Not exactly filling people with hope, user
Butterfly warfare. That is the solution
Kikes - yikes , semites? No thanks
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting user.
RIP Mr Lahey
Pierce had this treacherous kike's number.
This shit just makes me see fucking red. When the fuck is this shit going to come tumbling down already?
Reverse angle
Should also note Viacom owns Nickelodeon.
There are always other options for firing positions
I wish we were living in 1984 instead of this shit.
Where is the general population in regard to this? Are they actually completely undisturbed? They have to be noticing something is wrong
Brave New World would be nice too.
Please God, come back. Sorry Hitler.
It's already in the history books. Sodom&Gomorrah, Pompeii(less of a city, more of a sex resort), Wiemar to name a few. The more things change the more they stay the same.
Unless we pin this shit to the right group and make it stick throughout all of future history, this is only another turning of the wheel.
Fuck the attention whoring parents. It's the parents who agreed to this shit.
It is New York for fuck's sake. They could show a full video of a graphic pizza snuff film and people would call it "performance art"
Actually that whole genetic branch needs to be trimmed from the old species' tree
You. I like you.
Nigger this is brave new world, antidepressants/ecstasy=soma
corporate media invading all corners of reality and internet=feelies
videogames= centrifugal bumble-puppy
mindless sex=mindless sex
the list goes on and on and on like that
Hey, that's my video. Neat to see that something I've done spread beyond myself.
The current ceo of Viacom has a kike surname too: (((Robert Bakish)))
Nepotistic, meddling, pos gene stealers. Every fucking time.
If this is BNW then where the fuck are the public orgies? Why is religion still a thing, and why aren't all the brown people living in nature reserves?
Just document it thoroughly, so that future generations understand why we had to do what we're about to do.
I got nothing.
If you want to call Chicago, Detroit, New York, etc. their natural habitat they a majority of them kind of are in nature reserves.
wtf man
Literally the first thing that comes up in a "brown anime girl nature reserve" google search. Why, does she end up dying of an opium overdose?
Pic related
Need to put up walls around them and try to remember to occasionally throw in bullets.
Translation for non-Spanish speakers (why did you even post this here?)
You're sexist and transphobic if you don't love this
otaku chicks did a podcast on "Emergence (Metamorphosis)" by shindol, sounds like it redpilled them on doing drugs and being whores. funny that a porn comic could scare a bitch straight.
Have some more sorry, but misery loves company
The whole fuss around that hentai honestly baffled me. Bitch derails and destroys her life out of her own volition, what's there to be sorry for? I know plenty of girls like that in real life.
I swear, it's like some people are just craving to find something they can latch onto and shove in everyone's faces to let them know how unique their tastes are.
That sounds like absolute fucking cancer, why would you even be listening to it?
Might have something to do with the american history x abortion, idk could be my imagination.
That's kinda the reason. Most people know at least one person who self-destructed.
Owner of Viacom is a FULL KIKE who changed his name from "Summer Murray Rothstein" to "Summer Redstone"
Wikipedia even mentions it.
We hold tight to our fears and defend our oppressors
As we fight for their lies and become the transgressors
As pacifists transform to violent aggressors
What I meant was, people were treating it as some sort of heartbreaking tale of despair and misery, but in the end it was just your basic good-girl-gone-bad-and-shit-happens story, no emotional weight or gravitas whatsoever, the bitch brought it all on herself by her own decisions. Why would I care?
Well, I certainly remember "Mai-chan's daily life" thanks to the baby rape/blender scene back from my /b/ days, but that doesn't actually mean it was good.
But that's my point, there's nothing really special or noteworthy about this manga. "It's very much like real life!" yes and reality sucks a lot most of the time, no shit.
Maybe people are not used to "realistic" (very big quotation marks here) stories in hentai so that's why it stands out for them, but then it becomes more about the shock value the work provides rather than about its quality.
don't worry, I have some for you too
actually, meant to say "some" otaku chicks. (I didn't give the name of the podcast). the main hosts are actually fairly chill. they review a lot of hentai (anime and manga) and its nice that they aren't judgy about anything. doesn't matter if its tentacles, loli, yuri, mind break or whatever genre/fetish they just roll with it and comment on what liked or didn't like. I also like how the do artist focus episodes (listing to the episode they did on mogudan). I like to put podcast on in the background when i'm doing housework or playing games (with bad soundtracks) I can't stand most anime/hentai podcasts, plus i'd rather listen to women talk about sex/porn stuff then guys (I can't be the only one).
is that the same kid with the fat/ugly antifa parents?
This isn't the same one, but I bet the parents are similar
Here, I found a video where the dad's interviewed at around 4:10
god damn, just like the other kid. dad looks like a fat ugly pedo kike.
less then 15 years ago, child protective services would have taken a kid away for shit like like this.
I hope clown world fucking dies soon.
I'm with this guy.
The kid's parents and the editor (of what I assume is this poor tortured soul's television show) are all Jews. Nobody has a sexuality at 3 years old. The kid may still grow up to be a relatively normal person after years of counseling, grieving, etc, but (((they))) need to be publicly executed.
How can anyone not see this fascination with bodily fluids as mental illness? They're all clapping and applauding literal degeneracy when they should be submerging that foul beast into its own "artwork"
Examples of clown world are all around us, the things that defy logic, common sense and decency.
The rainbow hair social justice morons perverting language to make everyone guilty of imaginary crimes against feelings, or changing what racism is or rape.
Telling us that everything needs to be a safety proof daycare with consent forms for changing a diaper on a baby, or spreading legs while seated.
Thinking nothing about forcing kids to share a bathroom with a mentally unstable 40 plus year old man wearing women's clothing.
Giving rights to illegal aliens over actual citizens.
Flooding your country with hostile cultures that do not assimilate and displace or destroy the locals.
Taking the rights from law abiding citizens because of the unrelated actions of the insane.
Thinking being white is original sin and being born anything else makes you deserving of shortcuts and reparations.
Allowing women to be beyond healthy skepticism, taking their word over due process.
This and so much more is clown world.
Clown world needs to be destroyed at all costs.
Because the elites hundreds of years ago decided expediency and short term profit was more important than the well-being of their descendants, and now we have to live with the effects of over two hundred years of jewish control.