t. Mongloid
Yea (mostly about their destruction of artifacts, the library of Warsaw to name one), but less so because Germans contributed majorally to science and arts anyway, whereas the Mongols didn't, destroying ancient knowledge salvaged from the Library of Alexandria.
All they did was kickstart muh silkroad again, Mongols are degenerate in the most literal sense.
Again. The Huns came to our rescue when Romans encroached onto the Balkans… Slavic Magna Germania would've fell if not for their effort, the Venedic Plains were open for the march of the Roman armies, Teutons protected by their deep forests…
When the Huns sacked Rome, the Romans agreed to forfeit from the Pannonia in the Balkans allowing for the Hrovats and the Servian (and later the Hungarians themselves) to settle Dalmatia and its surrounding regions.. Why would a so called "slave caste" (Slavs) race be allowed to settle in precious Roman lands at all..? They were obviously coming to liberate the Slavs there, allowing for further reinforcements.
Moreover, the Bulgarians (who's name can be read as Vulgarians if we account for the V to B change like in the Servoi who became the Serboi, Vulgar meaning "united") struck the final blow, clearing Roman presence in the Balkans once and for all. "United" to the Romans, but "Venneder" to the Arabs whom they encountered enroute to Europe, fighting at the Caspian sea; the name is mostly likely a reference to the Slavic tribe of "Venedi", the Bulgarian king possibly becoming a democratic elect (as was the custom) just like Rurik was later on. Another thing that points at this fact is that "Venät" (again from Venedi) is a Finno-Urgic (or more specifically, Finnish) word for Russia, where the two tribes (Lechites and Finno-Urgals) met (and lived together for the longest time) to conspire a blow back against the Romans.
With the Romans gone, the "7 tribes of Slavs" helped establish [V]ulgaria, going on to write down Old Church Slavonic's and establishing the Slavic Library before the Bynzantines burned it down in a fit of rage. How would 7 tribes of Slavs find themselves in Tharce if they were simply a slave race to the Romans? One could argue that its referencing the very Veneder I've mentioned above lead by the Bulgarians, but why would Gall Anonim (who's name a revolutionary act against Romanticed "Frank", his anonymous report a blow back to the Roman Catholic status quo, very much like us shitposting today), fluent in many Sclavonic tongues, recount Tharcian natives as Slavic speaking?
Even hundreds of years later, the Huns continued to protect their brethren, most notably at the Battle of Lechfield against German (Holy Roman Empires) intrusion on then Slavic lands.
Slavs and Turkics, brothers in arms, we drink, we fight, and we die together! They saved Slavdom a hundred times over.
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