ITT I'd like to explore the murky waters of coup d'etats, so called "revolutions," political maneuvering, and rebellions. In particular, I want to get a discussion going on whether it is possible to seize control of the System, any system for that matter, without having sympathetic elements within the military and police structures. This is an important topic because we are ultimately at war with the jewish run System. Most anons will agree that eventually, violence is inevitable and that the kikes will not hand back power to White people peacefully. We will need to take it back through force if we ever want to reverse White genocide. However, in many discussions about this topic, I have encountered hundreds of anons without the foggiest idea of how exactly this would happen. Some have explained that they believe that the path to victory is to just keep meming and wait for Hitler. He will know what to do. And by Hitler I mean some sort of White leader who will not be called a shill and will lead us to a glorious future by the sheer force of his indomitable will. Maybe. But how long have we been waiting for Hitler 2.0?
Others have expressed that the path to final victory is to drop out of the economy entirely and form autonomous White bands who will strike at the System from all sides. This is actually even less of a plan for victory because it doesn't account for how to get from what can only be described as lone-wolf, disorganized terrorism to seizing control of the government. In otherwords, how does one get from disorganized bands of White terrorists to controlling the government?
Still others wish to form a mass movement and either vote /ourguys/ into political office or form a parallel society and economy and then use this as a base to attack the System militarily and somehow just seize power. Yes, but how is this done? Even if a mass movement is created, it is doubtful that an electoral majority could be assembled. And even if EVEN IF this happened and 51% of voters voted for a pro-White leader, what stops the kikes from legalizing him to death? Without support from within the establishment, little can be achieved legally speaking. And as for Hezbollahing control of the government, it is left unexplained how a parallel society (even one of great strength) can take over the government. What happens? Do we all just march on Washington DC like Hitler marched on Munich? How did that turn out for him? You know, Hitler had something like 1000 or 2000 people marching with him and yet just 200 police and military units defeated them. We must remember that Golden Dawn also has a parallel society of sorts in Greece. They even provide services to true Greeks in Greece. And yet it does not appear that they could march on Athens and seize power if they chose to do so.
There are others, but these are among the most common ideas. I think it merits rational discussion so that we can all better understand the nature of a total change in power. What can only be described as a true revolution.
Please correct me with logic and facts please if I'm wrong but my position on the matter is that nothing can or will change politically without support from within the military. My reasoning is based on historical examples of power changes and all of them, literally every single significant change of government involved to one degree or another, large segments of the military or police force choosing to either allow the "revolution" to take place or joining with and aiding the "revolutionaries" in toppling the ruling establishment. We must not forget that the military and police have a monopoly on violence. Even in the event of an armed rebellion, the overthrow of the System is not guaranteed because the existing military will always be stronger than the rebels. Thus systemic change is very unlikely. However even in the absence of an armed uprising, if the military decided to take power, there is little that could stop them. And if just some of the military chose to side with the rebels, the chances of success greatly increase.
Let's examine three interesting examples that illuminate the importance of the military establishment in power changes. 1. Hugo Chavez in Venezuela 2. Thailand 3. Tunisia's "revolution" of 2011
I'm sure that most of us who have talked with deranged leftists have heard them hold up Hugo Chavez as an example of a democratically elected communist/socialist/marxist/Leninist or whatever leader and this proves that gommunism works or something like that. Hilarity aside, this talking point hides his real rise to power and his rather interesting history. Chavez was actually a military officer in the Venezuelan army and engaged in counter insurgency operations against leftist fighters. Somewhere during his campaign against the Marxists, he became interested in Marxist ideas and formed a leftist secret society within the military and inducted many other officers into his organization, what was called the Revolutionary Bolivarian Movement-200. He managed to politic his way into a teaching role in a Venezuelan military academy and obviously used his position to induct others into his secret organization. After the US allied government that put American interests ahead of Venezuelan interests caused widespread unrest in the country, Chavez actually attempted a military coup in Caracas. Unfortunately for him, although many thousands of soldiers supported him, he failed to seize radio stations and other important infrastructure and sort of bumbled around the city trying to take over buildings in a very aimless fashion. It's important to note that although he failed (he made a terrible blunder and ended up getting cut off from the rest of his supporters in the army and without any orders, they sort of just languished around while the government took actions against them), his military units that did seize towns and regions were supported by civilians who were as fed up with the American backed government as the rebels were. Had Chavez not blundered himself into captivity, he almost certainly would have seized power militarily and have been held up as a Marxist/communist/Leninist/socialist hero in the same regards as Castro. Also important to note is the fact that the main reason he failed was that many of the leaders of the military establishment that he had counted on to support him either failed to do anything or outright betrayed him. The leaders of the presidential guard, for instance had indicated to him that they would support him. However, when the critical moment arrived, they stayed loyal to the government and helped crush his uprising. Obviously, he survived the coup and after being released from jail he ran for election and won. However, it is clear that his rule was achieved through his military support and he demonstrated this time and time again by promoting his military cronies to high ranking positions and rewarding his army backers with power and prestige. Also important to note is the fact that Chavez kept many members of the previous regime’s ruling faction in power. While many outsiders failed to maintain their power and were overthrown by reactionary elements within the military establishment, Chavez’s strong military support and his organization of pro-Chavez officers solidified his power and allowed him to function as a dictator for life. While the CIA managed to overthrow dozens of South American politicians that threatened American interests, Chavez lived out the rest of his political career without being overthrown. The same cannot be said for Yingluck Shinawatra…
Now, I had the great fortune to be in the country of Thailand when, in May of 2014 the military declared martial law and then launched a coup against the sort of lefty-ish government of Shinawatra. It was quite thrilling to be in the middle of a massive display of political power, true political power. No phony elections and formalities of party but raw, unadulterated power. Anyway, the short of the story and the moral of the story is this; Without support from the military, Yingluck Shinawatra was arrested and then forced to flee the country. Thailand has an interesting system where military coups are normal and bloodless. And the really fascinating thing is how the king is able to play the “democratic” government and the military governments against each other and wield a considerable amount of power. And yet almost no one in the country is able to see what’s going on. But the key thing about the entire system is that the military is supreme and they will always direct national politics. The political parties that seek to institute land reform and whatever simply cannot accomplish anything without support from the military. Thus, we have a clean and bloodless example of an attempted “revolution” it’s a bit more complicated and even the leftists of Thailand are pro-monarchy but it’s a weird place being halted in its tracks because of the power of the military.
Tunisia was the first government to fall to the Zionist backed “arab spring” movement. The short of the official story is that the evil dictator Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali was ousted from power by “a people’s revolution of people” who rose up spontaneously and overthrew him. Blah blah blah. The truth is more interesting. Ben Ali was in the process of cracking down on the protests in the same way that he had crushed internal dissent many other times. However something spooked him and he fled the country. That something was the military turning against him. Had the military remained loyal to Ben Ali, he would be in power to this day. However the military stepped aside and “allowed” the “people’s revolution” to seize power. The reasons for this are quite obvious. Ben Ali distrusted the military and had always sought to restrict their power and influence. They saw the Arab Spring as their opportunity to reclaim power and they took it. Now, even western propaganda newspapers recognize the military’s dominant role in “shaping” the democracy. Shaping indeed…
These three examples are of a man seizing power and ruling through his military connections, a woman who failed to hold onto power because she didn’t have military support, and a revolution that only succeeded because elements of the military wanted it to. There are many other examples one could bring up. The Russian military refusing to continue serving the Tsar and later, elements choosing to join the Bolsheviks and help (((them))) seize power in Russia is a great example of the first case. Hitler’s attempted revolution in Bavaria is an excellent example of failure to gain support from within the military and police before launching a revolt. Hitler learned much from this event and played the system brilliantly later on. Had Hitler received support instead of opposition from the military establishment, he probably would have seized power in 1923 and history would be entirely different. We could go on and on citing examples of revolutions and every single one, as far as I can tell, lived or died according to just one factor; did it receive support from elements of the military establishment?
Also, before the JIDF and FBI get their diapers and underware (respectively) in a twist, allow me to post a disclaimer; DISCLAIMER! Zig Forums is a board of peace. Nothing here can or should be taken as an incitement to violence. Everything here is just a joke dude, honest gov'na ;-) Seriously jews and agents, you need to chill out and have some calming tea in the case of the FBI and some nice relaxing blood in the case of the JIDF
Nathan Cox
We have to "joke" about a Kill All Niggers Month for the rest of the year. Then kill all niggers next February.
Jayden Cox
I'll do it. Where do I sign?
Hunter Clark
I think the longer this stuff has gone on, the more information the archkikes have gathered each time, the more they preemptively attack any avenue we would have to do something, and we're at the point where they have to fuck it all up themselves (which they're in the process of doing, but probably too slowly to benefit us and they'll likely end it all in a controlled demolition). In the meantime white communities should be forming and pumping out tons of kids and that's exactly where we're weakest because they've been taking notes on that front too.
I'm almost at the point where I unironically see a redpilled white guy just kidnapping a woman with good genes and keeping her locked in a basement forever to get 6+ kids out of her and then teaching them to confront reality as doing more for the race than anyone else, due to our inability to form and maintain healthy homogeneous communities where every man MUST be redpilled and MUST have control of the women in and MUST be able to teach their children the horrific truth in order to resist the insane amounts of subversion and produce a people who will fight for the right reasons. Zero chance we're getting anywhere with a revolution if we don't have strong, unpozzed families and hardly anyone does. We won't even get to balkanize at this rate. Too many whites still work against their own benefit and blood. Greece and South Africa are examples of where they have every reason in the world to kill every Jew in the vicinity and they're just not.
As for waiting for Hitler, Patrick Little is the best thing on that front for a while, hopefully something good comes out of it. One of the most effective controlled opposition tactics has been to make us ignore other races grievances against the jews and not attempt to wake them up and turn them against the jews to do damage, which they could far more easily do within their functioning kike-approved communities. Between how he's handling that and how he's exposing TRS/TDS as controlled opposition, he's great.
Anons I offer you the one true path to the solution you dream of - and I predict none of you will take it. The enemy gained control of the political, educational and media institutions because they intentionally showed up on mass - usurping the reigns of power over time and with sleight of hand. If the (((Left))) can highjack the Universities - why the fuck shouldn't we bide our time and highjack the military? Make that your democracy.
Easton Rivera
Mass decentralized action. When everyone knows the score, then no one can prevent it.
The lack of delineation between the military and civilian life (compared to many places in the world) might actually be a huge benefit to our chances on that front. Given that even Fox News is now 'soft' nationalist we can't look at everything in the same way we used to.
You hit the nail on the head with these excellent posts but a major point of contention is the western idea of the military actively participating in civilian life rather than being a separate "caste".
This isn't to say we should just blunder along and get Munich'd, however, the strategy might not be as similar to these other examples as you have shown in the OP. A lot of the problem in our societies doesn't come from securing military support so much as the many traitors in high command. If we can secure the support of the far right and disorganized (big tent) mid-right, that covers a lot of the boots on the ground.
Hudson Bell
From the people I've talked to, we're really not that far off. Consider the support our boys showed to Ron Paul and Trump. The military has always been closer to us than students or whatever.
That should be a prong and let's keep up the ops.
Julian Phillips
That's like saying watching Fox News makes you redpilled, come on.
Jaxson Thompson
Checked, kek wills it
Isaiah Green
(checked) I will add that while certainly there are redpiller war machines in our military, we should remember that—like the school system—those that excel in the military are those that best follow orders. If you think groupthink on a college campus is bad, you fail to recognize that obedience and conformity are the virtues of the military man.
Ryan Ross
Not what I was implying but that's fair. They're a lot closer is what was meant. Hell, a lot of us were die hard Paultards in '12.
Nicholas Lewis
I don't believe in democratic solutions anymore. Not after Trump and his Jewish ways, not after AfD and their cuckery, not after Theresa May and her Brexit shenanigans. I actually was thinking about joining the military to spread redpills there. I don't think I have much time though. More and more niggers, spics and Arabs are getting enrolled as well while White soldiers are getting drummed out due to wrong think. If the revolution comes, the military may not be on our side I'm affraid.
As allways Mr. FBI I'm a pacifist and I would never suggest using violence or breaking the law in any way.
I like your post OP. A lot of Zig Forumsacks were surprised at the raw power of societal institutions in blocking Trump. With him it was the legal system and alphabet agents that were pulling schenanigans. Obama's desire to turn Syria into the next Libya failed, partially because people within military intelligence actually started supporting Assad due to all the rebels being terrorists. It's rather unlikely that America would have a coup, but support from the various institutions is vital. A single friend in the room can stop some of the immense kikery that we know leftists are going to pull as our movement grows.
I've been considering a career in the military actually, but I'm not sure if it's worthwhile. The United States military has issues because of "civilian control of the military." Basically the military is designed to follow orders and be goodest goy instead of having any independence. This is why the generals are all chosen by politicians rather than people awarded their position due to their outstanding skill. Most of the soldiers are also just in it for college money and welfare, they're basically mercenaries. I'm not sure it's possible to become a celebrity within the military like Caesar was. But this does indicate that the military is susceptible to a Napoleon; someone who shows raw talent and completely BTFOs the people who were nepotism'd into their position. Any veterans who would like to give more insight into the current year army?
Zachary Thompson
Odinism is necessary for White communities. We are dying because of an empty soul.
A lot of us are prior military and we have lots of people in the military. If we didn't, the kikes would have already used it to kill all the remaining Whites by now.
Logan Ward
I have a strange feeling Patrick Little the soon to be senator from California might be a Dark Horse candidate we should support. Other than that the system will try to shut down any real leader through their kike tricks and media attack dogs. First and foremost we must destroy the MSM infosphere. We need to get these topics and corruption/pedovore news stories on their minds! They need to at least see the connection:
While I support more White children under any circumstances, you must forgive me for being pessimistic about that idea. I have no confidence that we can win a breeding war with races that breed like rabbits. Our race has always triumphed not by sheer numbers like the Chinese or Indians, but by intelligence, technology, and creativity. I believe that that is the path to success. As for redpilling other races, you're right that every single race on earth is victimized by jewish supremacism. From the Japanese to the African, all are exploited. However I don't see much chance of me, a White racist naught-see making much inroads with the local BLM group. They hate us so much and with such blind rage that conversation is impossible.
I agree. To oversimplify, there are three sources of power that must be controlled in order to control a nation/country. 1. The military and police establishment. (for reasons I outlined above) 2. The moneyed elites and treasury. (for the sinews of war is infinite money. A state cannot operate without the treasury) 3. The propaganda institutions. (He who controls the lemmings controls "democracy")
However if only one can be taken, it must be the military and police for without them, the System cannot maintain itself. Its inherrent contradictions cause it to implode. Multiculturalism is both the jew's greatest weapon against our race and also, it is their greatest weakness.
Jace Jones
You're right that the military establishment holds itself above participating directly in politics. However they are not entirely aloof. The military industrial complex is a powerful faction in the game of power going on in politics. The traitors who occupy the high command are an interesting problem. And yet they may not be as powerful as we give them credit. Remember, our field marshals are more politician than military leader at this point. And they rely on their underlings to get anything done. If a significant number of underlings could be brought to see the light (and for now, most mid to high ranking officers are White) they would be forced to take our cause into account. My analysis of the high ranking generals is that they're neither pro-jew nor anti-jew. They're pro stability. They're conservatives. Which is a shame. But they do not rely on jewish power nearly as much as traitors in Congress do. John McCain and Clinton would never have seen office if it were not for the Zionist media. Yet the military still has networks that exist outside of all jewish control. We need a White network.
Democracy is a silly concept. Maybe it would have worked in an age where everyone was affected by decisions and those decisions were made by the best and brightest. But in the age of mass democracy and multimedia domination of society, it's a sham.
I wouldn't worry overmuch about the abundance of nigs and arabs in the military (I mean, don't let your guard down obviously and use common sense). I know it's a cliché, but niggers really are terrible at modern warfare. They lack discipline, they are naturally lazy, they commit insane atrocities for kicks, and they are wasteful to the extreme. Believe it or not, it might be a good thing if the kikes made the military all black… or better yet one third black, one third mestizo, and one third muslim arab. That would cause so much infighting and so much corruption and chaos that it would make my thread meaningless. The military would cease to be capable of defending the elites and we could Hezbollah control of society or Siege or whatever we wanted. We could form autonomous communities in Appalachia and Whites would be fleeing to our communities just to get away from the mass rapes that the machete wielding Afro-militias would be committing near military bases. Then we could sweep into power just like in our wildest fantasies. Ah yes, that was a fun paragraph to write.
But back to reality, assuming you have common sense and know not to wear swastikas and sieg heil at everything, it's more than possible to influence your comrades in arms. Remember that multiculturalism creates White ethnocentrism. And the kikes forced the military to integrate. This has led to massive infighting between the races. Of course, again we must remember to adhere to common sense. There is no such thing as free speech, especially in the military. Anything that breaks the facede of peaceful multiculturalism causes the higher ups to get attacked by the jewish media. If you choose to join the military, never do anything that will cause the higher ups to hate you. Always use common sense when redpilling fellow soldiers. Don't do anything that signals you out while also giving the jews a reason to attack superior officers in a base.
Xavier Carter
This is true. Most people here understand that 90% of people are lemmings. But they don't make the logical conclusion that lemmings require leadership. Most multicultural destruction is only caused by one or two individuals in a region. One or two determined and intelligent White leaders can undermine or even reverse the jewish agenda if we just put our minds to it.
I will support any man who talks about the treacherous USS Liberty attack and spits on the Zionist flag. I believe that he is channeling Dr. William Pierce because his speech about the USS Liberty attacks contains a few ideas that Dr. Pierce articulated in his broadcast.