Holy fucking run on sentences, stop lurking on anime trading card boards and lurk more on khan academy you faggot.
wave or flourish (something, especially a weapon) as a threat or in anger or excitement.
>darker collectives who’s who is aims are to convert your young children into blood thirsty Nazis
That’s 88 words in a single fucking sentence. Were you not allowed to learn how to write in yeshiva school ?
Whatever it is you do, do NOT allow your children to perform the “T” pose or it might mean their life is now out of your hands and in the hands of a much larger, scarier world of hate.=
This very real gifted investigative journalist, writer, and defender of children has also made such great works as,
What is dabbing? Inside the Dark origin of the gesture no one seems to understand.
The Dissident Right
The latter of which makes leads me to suspect this may be some user astroturfing the popular diaspora, s(he) is quoted as saying,
No matter if this is bullshit made by one of /ourguys/ it’s already spreading into popular culture and believed by retards. I’ve already seen facebook mom groups taking the bait, and a few reddit threads of MAGA pedes “dunkin” on it. It would be in our interest to not allow a satirization to not grow too absurd to the point of being a unadoptable position. This article walked that fine line and almost fell off into The Onion territory. The “T-Pose” has good qualities, better than dabbing had, for the mainstream to not understand it, and to lazily react to it on partisan lines.
It could be useful to attempt to spread articles such as this to the vestiges of the SJW commenter community. Further, by starting with the lazier commenters that won’t check the validity of the story Vee for example will cause them to promote the story, which will then seen by larger channels as proof of its validity. This will then cause them to comment on it, and thus it spreads to broader counter culture. After opposition to this article’s views potentially spreads to facebook boomers, their vocialization will force the media to take a reactionary contrarian position. Then will then act as a catalyst to a positive feedback loop that will lead to you hearing an exposé on the local news about ‘T-Posing” being the symbol of the new “Intellectual Dark Web of White Nationalists”. Similar attempts with the “OK” symbol worked well for the same reasons T-Posing could. As long as it’s kept not too heavy handed, and is allowed to spread to the bottom feeders of the alt-lite, this has good meme potential.
Nicholas Fuentes has already taken the bait on today’s America First Ep. 162
This is already working with a single post, push this asap.
Attached: Raycis.jpg (1125x443, 33.63K)