Latest from Ben "Nigger killer Muslim delimber" Garrison
Thoughts about his latest masterpiece Zig Forums?
Latest from Ben "Nigger killer Muslim delimber" Garrison
Iran, more like East-Israel.
Also in b4 Shia Internet Defense Force starts shilling ITT.
Now someone post the real one.
I don't get it.
At least this isn't a nigger digging up year dead threads.
The cunts caused the problem lighting the fires under Iran you fucking retard. But you would know this if you stopped sucking those soft cocks.
The merchant next to obummer is clearly in disguise.
Kerry is a jew. What disguise?
In the original, he looked far more like a shlomo.
More like Benjamin Garrenetein.
God Damn it Ben you were doing good then you fucked up
Stay out of the sea kike, you're salty as fuck.
You're the one unironically wanting to protect Israel
Iranian nukes
Iran should be allowed to have Nukes tbh else its existence is endangered by Israel
Go fuck yourself neurotic schizoid robot.
also this
Boomer humor, but I chuckled.
Posting this image needs to be a bannable offensive. Faggotry is faggotry.
I'm pretty sure it featured a Jew, operating the Iranian as a marionette.
Meh. Obama and Trump both support Israel to varying degrees. Trump is just more of a hardliner and likes to be seen to be acting.
inb4 the Israeli and Iranian shill squads arrive and start shitting all over this thread.
OP is obviously a kike shill. "Masterpiece" as if the greatest thing Based Ben ever did was put out a pro-Jew propaganda.
This is a pro-Iran board, not a pro-Israeli one. You should leave.
Oh yeah let's not forget based Obumer king of Zig Forums, fucking based!
Oh nobody is doubting that, Obama fucking loves Israel, the whole "Obama is against Israel" was done to get lefties back in line which worked
Wrong, this is antisemitic board, which includes Semitic Desert Death Cults like Religion of Cuck™.
There is just the problem that Iran is located in ancient Persia.
The SS planned to do a trip to confirm that Persians are Aryan.
Ben's been a neo-cohen faggot for a while.
This wordfilter Religion of Cuck™ shit has got to go, I swear. Jesus christ we /b/ now.
Don't offend /b/ like that.
lol it never fails
They would have been very disappointed. Persians haven't been Aryan for about 2000 years. Even in the early third century, Chinese manuscripts praised Persian women for their "beautiful brown skin."
Be nice. He really likes that picture, it's the only thing that soothes the pain of seeing criticism of Israel.
Shouldn't you be shia-posting on half chan where more people can see it? john brennan would be disapointed in you
It's always about penises with you people.
Hey Rabbi, God Bless Hezbollah
what a stupid ass
Heil Persia Heil Khamenei Death to the Jews and Death to (((Amerika))) fuck the snowflakes
'cause it's fucking hot there so they have a tan you idiot
the ancient Egyptians were tan too despite being racially white
this is why people think southern Europeans are shitskins but most of them aren't it's because it's fucking hot and sunny and if you go outside then you get a sun tan ffs
God bless, Hezbollah!
at least syria has the brain cells to not do shit like this, unlike north korea and iran. if your goal is to turn americans off of war which Zig Forums at least pretends it wants to do, then this is the exact opposite of what you want to do.
Religion of Piss is more appropriate.
What are you implying?
Name two Americans killed by Iran or Hezbollah.
Yes. I guess at least it's not the video anymore. Both should be banned.
Death to both you fucking fruit.
I made it slightly more accurate.
For the record, that's the BO of Zig Forums sucking off /tv/.
You mean this?
Religion of Cuck™
Religion of Cuck™ automatically makes you nonwhite. It's a religion thought up, spread by and adopted by nonwhites with tenets that are opposed to the Aryan way of life.
No, that's because PIGS think and act like niggers. Gibs me dats, siesta all day, no sense of personal responsibility.
Next you will say we arent pro-Assad either, obvious kikes are obvious.
Reminder Iran means Land of Aryans and was renamed upon Hitlers request. Between now and when Hitler did that, Iran has not experienced a significant arabization. They are our racial cousins and many of them are obviously white, given Aryans are white and Iranians are Aryans. They are also the biggest threat to kikes along with Assad, they are actively fighting in Syria against kike puppet wahabbists.
You can be pro-Assad because Assad keeps the worst Pi.sslam niggers in check. That's fine. The whole "IRAN IS ARYANS GAISE" is still wrong.
Kike war propaganda
Fuck you Ben. Traitor and TREASON!
Only persians are Aryan. Iran is a multiracial state.
Yup. Those two little red blobs near Yazd and Kirman are all that is left. How far mighty Persia did fall.
Iranians love US people but hate the US ZOG
also fuck the kike mods
Kike-kun you don't get it do you? We don't give a fuck about a bunch of sandniggers raping goats in the middle of the desert. They can go extinct for all we care, we just want you to go extinct first, they can all drop dead right after that.
Kek there's that number again
God bless Ahmedinejad.
That's a religious map, you imbecile. I'm not saying that there's no overlap with ethnicity – obviously there is – but this is the rapidly dying fullchan Zig Forums. You can at least put some fucking effort into what you do here.
Classic jewish edit of a real Zyklon Ben piece.
Give me Iran over greater Israel any day
The enemy of my enemy is not my friend you goddamn naive moron.
Yeah but no.
I used to like him too back in the day, I like his anti-israel/jew stance.
But hes just as anti-white as jews themselves.
“In other words, the contemporary US belongs to all nations, including the natives of the land, No one may consider themselves the owner and view others as guests or immigrants.”
Persians can stay in Persia.
Ben "Good Goy" Garrison
Thats a load of shit, most of them are Shia muslim converts. White blood is white blood. The dark green isnt all white, the religion isnt race… but the dark green signifies the muslims we can deal with in opposing Jewry. Notice the big ark from Iran up into Turkey and then into Syria. Thats muh Shia crescent and Iran is moving along it to fight the Jew.
Thats how National Socialism works bud, were not going to unite with them or anything. Its not like Germany became Italian because they allied.
didn't he make a cartoon a while back with "false flag" and showing Israel wanting to go to war with Iran?
sounds like he got MOSSAD'd and replaced with nu-ben
So he went gay again.
Think that goes to Ben for this weak ass cartoon.
Also, Religion of Cuck™ was forced upon them (and rejected for a long time) during the Religion of Cuck™ic conquest of Persia. We are victims of poisonous jewish religious endoctrination as much as them.
This sandnigger again. Iranians aren't white.
Whiter than the southern US, that's for sure.
retarded newfag
Never thought I'd see it.
I could use a few Aryan/Caucasoid/White infographics, had to format my drive. Do you have any?
Found the shitskin.
yeah thats a piss poor meme, its 50/50 and Christians are in power
The Ayatollahs - this present one and the late Ayatollah khomeini too - are actually Jewish, each one on his mother's side.
In the case of today's Ayatollah khamenei only the maternal grandmother is a Jew, whereas with the late Khomeini both maternal grandparents were crypto Jews.
That's pretty much an open secret, but by contrast what some people still find surprising is that the previous President of Iran, Ahmadinejad, is Jewish too.