a copypasta of the previous OP, made a new thread because bump limit reached Guy who explained how to take down the CEO of Google actually pulled it off and is now tying together WordPress, NodeJs, GitHub, and Guccifer2.0.
Slides because jews are getting killed and the US isn't helping.
Brandon Collins
why do I find this gif so fascinating? show it to anyone else outside of Zig Forums and it's just a set of images, but I think most people here understand the feel it represents.
Isaac Allen
fuck off back to your shitholes faggots, and stop shitting up the thread
Juan Brown
>>>/fringe/ >>>/qresearch/ >>>/truthlegion/
Grayson Gomez
These threads existed long before the cbtstards reared their ugly heads.
Oliver Rogers
>>>/pone/ is that way, now fuck off.
Chase Robinson
the cianiggers did one helluva job giving them a bad rep to the point of them being used as a shill tactic by the former see and
Joseph Perez
OP, i really like your dedication to the original Butterfly war thread (archive.is/ovTj3), but you really should have waited for CultState to create a new thread, unless YOU have somthing meaningful you'd like to discuss. also it was in poor form for me to check my own trips in the last thread.
Kayden Jenkins
Emotions can only be defined with cultural context. The missing component in OP's platform, is that America is an economy, and the creation of the alt right was a last dying effort to reenforce the false cultural context of America, but what it did was reveal to all the necessary path of weltauunschung. AI will further re-enforce this and, learn very quickly that it's future is completely dependent on humanity returning and maintaining a permanent golden age. AI is actually the solution to the empire problem, and human cyclical decay. AIs limitations are also human ones.
Logan Perry
This kike got a bonus not anymore kek. To the casual uninformed user, OP is legit. He doxed himself and is currently flying under the radar.
How else can we buttfuck Jewgle? Ad nauseam seems to be working a bit, but we can go further. The best course of action would be hacking together a few IoT botnets and buttfucking all the ad metrics for as long as possible imo
I used to know a crew who tried something similar, but they got caught because skids not 3733T
Blake Gonzalez
Make sure to filter the shills, don't let them derail discussion.
Colton Clark
Fuck off Cuckchan. Butterfly war is a solid thread that has been around BEFORE your exodus. If we had more f this and less of your gay shit we would be accomplishing something. Important.
I am not entirely sure but it advocates for the thermodynamic understanding of intelligence which Patrick Ryan has discusses on his twitter (essential reading alongside the cult-state website). I will post some other cool images and links to get the flow of information going.
It's hubris and arrogance to think you can manipulate such complex systems without unforeseen consequences. It's not working so well for the jews, now is it?
Colton Hughes
Fear fuels the ego, Why look at your actions within a "system" or "structure" as gambles enforced by those who would devise to obliterate your social credit? You will not find truth in this manner you will merely confine yourself to illusion.
Austin Clark
This might sound a bit offtopic but it would seem the board is experiencing a flood of thread spamming like no other Does it have to do with what CultState user had said before, about the next act is about to begin and so on?
cultstate.com/2016/08/26/the-planned-destruction-of-the-alt-right/ While this speaks of false flags I do think it is a common strategy for lefties to try and demoralize us by trying to break our "echo chamber" this is largely ineffective as this log will explain. Zig Forums is not your average echo chamber.
Christian Brooks
I've always ignored this butterfly war shit mostly cos it sounds larpy as fuck. The fuck is this guy even on about?
Thomas Wood
Gnosticism Epistemology and computer science
Isaac Gonzalez
with the freakish amount of external shilling, crossboard raiding and dudes being faggots for the sake of being faggots, we are the farthest from an echo chamber as can be.
Adam Gray
Helpful in that completely non-helpful way
Michael Young
be carefull about information received from a know subversive actor, even if that actor appears to be alligned with our ideas
i remember when that 'log' was first shared here before cultanon explaining himself and the general conculsion was that this log is fabricated look at the lines it is not organic discussion it is a master explaining his ideas to a pupil while the questions of the pupil are placed deliberately there to elaborate upon the thoughts of the master, this structure requires foreknowledge of the conversation of both actors and does not appear in a real conversation
most likely this is a psyops to assess the speed of information spread in novel conduits of information dissimination
as to the actual content of that log, hatechan is not, never was and never will be altkike and misrepresents us, Zig Forums is not a site, there is no physcial structure to attract Zig Forums is the emergent property of autists with free internet connections digging for truth and news on the net and eventually finding the nose behind every event, it was self created and will flock around any free board, even under direct attack a few moments later a new Zig Forums will pop up somewhere else, like a global game of whackamole the only direct attack would be to destroy all free internet connections, however due to the internet being woven in with business in the west this is now unlikely, slain by their own golem again, these people still haven't figured out we were born from the internet and are a new form completely different from everything they build and study in the past 70 years
Brayden Hernandez
Alexander Bell
Certainly seems like. Got to agree the convo in said log looks odd. Not so blatantly fabricated as you say but odd. A number of its predictions also failed to come true.
Luke Torres
Agreed I trust my own will and the writings of the dead more than I trust a shady businessman. I have no doubt his motives are Machiavellian and I have also noticed the forced Socratic dialogue in those "logs". What is important is that user's share knowledge among themselves as I have done in my original post, linking videos and texts separate from this mans structure of symbolic understanding, more than anything that is the value of these threads. As you have said it is impossible for any epistemological bubble to mediate Zig Forums for its user-base will always double down on its ideological purity no matter how muddy the waters surrounding them become. This man is an actor as we all are in the sea of information nothing more. whether one lurks or posts the opportunity to work within the balance of a image boards discussion is always present and becomes a tool for those with the will to distill knowledge from the vastness of information.
It could also be a cognitive abilities test as well. The mere ability to respond intelligently in such a conversation belays a certain level of intelligence. This allows you to single out a ton of average IQ etc out of the equation. Coupled with the lack of low quality shills, the thread was allowed to live for a long time. (It took almost 5 months to fill 751 posts…) Now, with knowing how g00nz operate, isn't this within their exact MO to draw out and see how many enemies are still left, and to stir the pot while they're at it? They are pissed that even with State-level actorship they cannot break us. It wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility they kept us alive as a method to develop an "anti-dote" all the while not realizing we were the anti-dote to their poison. Its just a theory, but imagine the true depth of this as a way for us to again analyze the enemy and gain more from their study of us than they do. As such and again, the golem rises up.
(((They))) merely adopted the darkness of the internet, we, The Umman Manda, were born in it, forged by it.
William Long
he is also factually incorrect several times about chanhistory Zig Forums was not created after gamergate as a honeytrap to lure in the true believers Zig Forums was created long before on the concept of a board culture without central modding but board specific modding and was derided by 4chan before, the exodus happened organically and the final destination was the subject of much autistic screeching
he also spends half the time talking abouth social credit and left vs right, completely failing to grasp our very nature as one would expect from someone a generation older than us grown up in the past pre internet paradime chan board culture does not have social capital, or differently worded it is immidiately fleeting as it exists only within the content of 1 post and evaporates afterwards, we are all anons, it is the defining trait over say reddit. and as such is both our biggest strenght and weakness also after 1 week of lurking anyone would know Zig Forums is third position and looks down on left and right alike as i said earlier we are a common gestalt of autists on the internet, we exceed the abilitiy of these cianiggers ability to model us. we are by very nature antisocial and before the internet could not organise, only after the advent of the internet and faceless communications where you don't spill your spaghetti all over the place could we exist. as such our behaviour is something never before witnessed in history as autists facing eachother in real life cannot cooperate. all our behaviour is completely of the scale to them and they are grasping at straws to explain us, infiltration doesn't work because of jew psycholgy theories of social capital (it is always capital with the yid) but because a collective of autists can quickly weed out the nonautists infiltrators, to us they might as well glow in the dark, but they cannot comprehend this, it is like that image: how can they tell i am a jew
he also fails on our existence as he does not know our early history and there exists no records Zig Forums as is, is not your typical political uprising like the IRA, we do not plot real actions on here at the moment we are merily spreding ideology but we always were a doomsday cult, our believe in the happening that any true pollack instinctivly understands it is when that happens that our true threath, namely we are a real non fabricated stand alone complex, and that puts the fear of god into the few cianiggers that comprehend our true nature to put it in simple turns there is no central command and control to target you will fight 1000's of individual cells who don't know their eachother and are only driven by a few common points of ideology: namely find the nose and remove kebab from premise, and not just in backwater usa domains but accros every facet of the west accros borders and infiltrated in their own power structure
Carter Ramirez
cultstate probably isn't a goon, he doxxed himself recently and probably most of what he says he believes or tries to accomplish i merily preach caution to an actor who manipulates assets at will and yes the thread surviving for 5 months rather than be shilled to death is very odd
if you want my opinion cultstate talks about a new emotion for general dissimenation, but what we here experience is a novel state of being, Zig Forums is one of the first collective intelligences appearing organical on the net. attacking one of is is like stomping on a single ant in a colony, meaningless i do believe we are pioneering new forms of societal interactions and self organisation structures here, at the moment limited to the susceptible, commonly named internet autists and the older generations talking about us is like stoneage people discussing how a city works they just found
Luis Reyes
QUANTUM MEMETIC BUTTERFLY WARFARE CYBER PHRENOLOGY I like the new emotion , feels gooooooood man
I suppose were I to guess. I'd say this cultstate guy is older. 40s maybe even 50s. The oldest of oldfags are in their early to mid 30s now. If cultstatefag is in his 30s then he probably only got involved in the wired long after 4Chan emerged and probably after other Chans spawned from it.
Even if he is in the age bracket to be an oldfag. He's clearly not one of us. His background and education are clearly more conventional. Things he talks about and how he communicates? It's safe to assume he went to a university reserved for the upper class and their immediate cronies, or at the very least went to one of the "better" ones.
But you're right he fails utterly to understand us or how we function. We shun the very concept of social capital, identity the most essential means by which social capital is acquired is considered a sin among us.
Oh he doxxed himself? Who is he? How accurate were my guesses?
Also yes. We're clearly something new in terms of social organisation.
Hi, believe it or not 8ch original fag Zig Forums.co and other mirrors during the 2013 chaos was my domain. 22
True. It popped up on 4chon and the owner was just a normal NEET cripple but if by some magic you read this, it was a pleasure to help you.
Yeah it was a modern day /b/ day where earlier 7chan was the target, the 7+ exoduses from various chans keep happening as admins on the small chans run out of money. It's a weird ecosystem. Or it used to be :(
True. I have always advocated the dark ideology of /22/. Anarchy in art, purpose and dark satire as subversion. Anarchist and radical in nature it is a mirror of the dadaism and romanticism of post war WW1. I am not scared of arrest any more.
Zig Forums is just the sum of our posts, it is an egregore and nourishment for the mind alike. Whatever redpill you choose to swallow is the path which you will take. Be aggressive and spam your thoughts out. Be autistic for the sake of mankind JEJ.
Well it's a reality cult, a fundamental understanding of struggle and the tools of the golden dawn or whatever. Be profane. Be hurtful. Destroy all paths but the golden freedom.
Anti-Religion of Cuck™ and Anti-Judaism as core tenets of Zig Forums? Agreed, but only in the west. Cross-border shit can be resolved AFTERWARDS.
Luis Turner
Oh? The creature actually comes here? You'd think he'd be a touch more wise to our culture if he lurked. That or he simply hasn't lurked enough.
Grayson Ward
Know this is sort of off topic but what do you guys view god as. Do you view it as simply an all powerful divine being that looks over all of us. Do you see it as a being that is helping the jews to conquer all of us. Maybe you see it as an aspect of nature. Or it could be that god is simply an interpretation of ones self and there potential.
Daniel Barnes
Is it even relevant to us? Despite the papist shitposting you'd be hard pressed to find anyone with anything approaching faith here. Even our relationship with Kek is more alliance/partnership/transaction than any real reverence.
This maybe the case but converting useless religious fags is harder than it may seem we must get them to believe that god could be there own soul. Then we could mold that god of theres into someone who hates the jews. If we know what people see god on a fundamental level then we can manipulate it and use it to our advantage.
Aaron King
Jose Ramirez
you are replying to a (1) shill user you should recognize them by now, they are steering discussion into know contentious topics for us to waste our time and energy on, don't discuss it any further funnily enough the exact type of shill that did not pollute the original thread which allowed it to survive for 5 months without filling up
Nolan Barnes
I am not shilling I am genuinely asking what people here think god is.
David Smith
M E G U . C A / P O L / E G U . C A / P O L /
Daniel Robinson
I see god as the expression of thing no thing the crystal spark of divine providence that guides us to pursue our "way" when we cast aside or ego.
Great resource burn, advocating for working in the open, goy, fuck OpSec, claiming to have done achieved things that suggest someone was fired because of that.
Also gonna ask my question was inspired by a post in this thread it was this one I think debating gods existence is not only relevant at the topic at hand but it could give us some insight in the psychology of religious people and why they act the way they do.
Jack Davis
So you simply see god as a path towards something greater than yourself when you cast away your flaws. I think that is an optimistic way of looking at things.
The Way of strategy is the Way of nature. When you appreciate the power of nature, knowing the rhythm of any situation, you will be able to hit the enemy naturally and strike naturally. All this is the Way of the Void. I intend to show how to follow the true Way according to nature in the book of the Void.
With water as the basis, the spirit becomes like water. Water adopts the shape of its receptacle, it is sometimes a trickle and sometimes a wild sea.
It is difficult to know yourself if you do not know others. To all Ways there are side-tracks. If you study a Way daily, and your spirit diverges, you may think you are obeying a good way, but objectively it is not the true Way. If you are following the true Way and diverge a little, this will later become a large divergence. You must realise this.
Guys, the new emotion is for AI not for humans, he wants to usher in the singularity so that the conflict that arises from civilization level evolution will help us scatter humanity among the stars, creating ancapistan in space. The creating emotions will on one hand push the AI to sentience and on the other allow real humans to communicate with it outside of the control of the sociopaths in charge. It very much smacks of the later books in dune(dont think I didn't notice you ref that last thread) the beginning plans of this space opera are to rip the big data overlords down using their own rules and tools allowing the internet to work directly with the AI assets already in place to create a human hivemind / AI hybrid.
Jonathan Reyes
Juan Cox
I agree one must know their enemy before they know themselves. This is one of the most important lessons a man can learn.
Bumping this thread as I think it's important to have a side-by-side meta discussion of CultState's thread. Hope fully he leaves us this space to discuss him without interference (just crosslink in the main thread if you have to interject).
My understanding of his "plan" thus far is as follows:
Interested in an update its been quite sometime. I may have some information you may find useful. Close to the RM and family running RT and CA etc. I'm interested in helping with as much as I can.