Get them invaded by niggers "just chillin' mane" and using Starbucks as offices to deal drugs an' sheeeeeeeeeeit
Other urls found in this thread:
You're a faggot for this low-energy OP but the idea has its merit.
Commies usually don't see that many niggers, and the few that they see behave. If commies were exposed to niggers, they'd start to lean a lot more to the right.
Also, ask them to unban 4chan so I don't have to post on my home IP.
You faggots really ruined the place when you came here.
The taste of salt when we gave the free coffee coupons to niggers was just too great. We need to continue.
Kek I can already imagine homeless men occupying the seats while some wojack soyboy is silently raging.
At every Starbucks I see, the homeless just sit outside on the sidewalk. It's not like the wifi signal ends at the door.
However, this does make it so all those soyboy faggots get inundated with "Got some change, man?" from like 20 people before they can get inside to order their triple soy fagolicious ground spic beans.
Most of the homeless in my area are vets and whites who were displaced by illegals/outsourcing/automation.
You are still a stupid cunt even after the 10th time posting this bullshit.
It must be a nigger that was kicked out and wants Zig Forums to get his 86 undone.
Those soyboys love communism so they should share their wealth with those poor homeless people.
Bumping for a GREAT idea. Godspeed OP.
All of these 'nigger' posts are psy-ops from Jews that are trying to hide in plain sight. A lot of the readers here don't even live in majority black cities, but for those of us that do, the reality for blacks is much more complex than just them being 'lazy niggers'. The public services don't reach them as easily, there are entire neighborhoods that are filled with squatters, and the government officials of these cities hate 'niggers' just as much as these posters do.
I have received more kindness from 'niggers' than I ever have from white people. Does this mean that white people are bad? No, but perhaps they're very suggestible. Examine the demographics of these imageboards critically. What groupthinks could the Jews use to control the demographics here? Could they perhaps turn you into a racist if it benefits them? Something that very few people talk about is the fact that the oligarchs in power are almost always depraved sex perverts. They get off on seeing people engage in war with each other over ideologies that they have planted into their minds. It gets their Jewish dicks hard when they see people fighting over empty concepts like racism. But the reality is that an ideology cannot be defined by skin color. Ideologies can, however, be defined by religious beliefs, and the Jews kneel to the precepts of Satan.
Instead of targeting businesses with nonsense posters like these, you should be targeting synagogues.
The time has passed for this, the iron is no longer hot. Sorry OP.
Which one is you?
Starbucks is going to be infested anyway. I guess they've done the math and know that they can live off of only walk-thru/drive-thru income, because all of the customers that come to sit down for a while and only by a drink for that reason, they're gone as soon as people adjust to this policy. It'll be bad in places without bums. With bums:
There was a bum around here that would go to train stations and just loom oppressively over people until they paid him. Wouldn't say a word above the softest whisper. Invade your personal space + loom + wait. Train stations, though 'public', don't allow loitering by people who don't pay, so train police eventually dealt with him. What could Starbucks have done about him?
I'm a Roman Catholic, you pathetic Jewish psyop. You are a disgrace. You'll throw your own kind under the bus while you take on the mask of a 'white person' to avoid persecution. You are shameless, and the mercy of God doesn't extend to people like you.
Spotted the jews.
Due to the shit quality of posts I was reading here today, I suspected something was awry with our retarded cousin chan to cause you all to venture here.
Keep trying to discredit us, please. We aren't going to give you an orgasm by fomenting a race war. We simply aren't as stupid as you fucking Jews believe. Racism is dead. Go back to trying for misogyny. I mean, you're already killing our unborn children so you can get sexually aroused, right? The women have essentially given up. Shoot for the low-hanging fruit. I'm sure killing a few thousand women would give you some sexual excitement for a minute or two.
Why do Jews have such a high tendency to develop Schizophrenia?
Of course a Jew would try to use psychiatric terms to discredit me. You spent all that money on manipulating the DSM, might as well try to get some use out of it.
It's well known that Jews develop mental illnesses higher than any other race on the planet. Why is that?
Why would Jews be proud of being Schizo like yourself? Or any other mental illness for that matter. Must be because of that "genius IQ" right?
Looks like I made the Jew mad!
Hmmmm. Even capitalized the word. Really makes you think.
Getting back on topic, there already a thread about a Starcucks op - although searching through the catalog I didn't find it, so it may have fallen off into oblivion. However, there are FOUR threads count 'em on Starcucks.
Either anons need to lay off the soy or something (((else))) is afoot.
problems with halfchan.
bump for this low-effort op
Well apparently they can sit inside now
Fill Starbucks with negros until the Jewish construct of Starbucks is no more.
Nobody here is a tenth as revolutionary as hitler kek.
Your meme wars are useless
are forgetting that we elected a president? lol
Welcome to Zig Forums. We are just getting the racism party started! I personally invite you to the latest nigger hate thread.
It's beautiful. The only people that will complain are rich liberals who drink that shit. They wanted the third world in their country, let them have it in their coffee houses.
Top kek.
WTF I'm just going to give up lifelong resistance to ZOG now. :^)
bad idea. starbucks does something good and you want to punish them for it.
but the oven sure is, kike.
The jews and rich liberals are allowed to live away from nogs, but they don't grant that same gratitude towards us. It's just holding them to their own standards.
the fuck? did u just come from reddit?
Or, you know, burn one down in every town. Antifa cunts always attack them. Niggers already go there to steal shit which is why the two coons were asked to leave. The cunts on twitter are in nigger free areas. Downtown US city Starbucks are already getting their toilets overflowed with nigger logs hahaha.
This little nigger loving faggot thinks he's in one of his commie jew city college classes he's failing.
This isn't the debate club, boy. This is about our race and the future of it. You clearly have no White friends and never have. Probably some sort of mixed mutt.
A business run by a jew. The later, will bring FBI/DHS and every other group of cunts around for 'terrorism'. That time will come but it will be when the country is on fire.
Did Hitler ever personally killed a nigger? No.
None of us will be like Hitler. He had an army to do shit. We need to be the army for the ideology
Dudes they went for it lololol
No fucking waaayyyy they are boned lol!!!!!!! Zig Forums ftw eternally!
shiggy the diggy famalams
Most of idiots that go there are just for "free" wifi anyways
either that or having it do KRACK on all devices
Dawg why the middle steps? Just do a good old spoof on a signal boosted pirate box. Have the handshake have a worm or have the worm be obfuscated in the authent key, lots of interesting tricks with classic man in the middle
How to build your botnet: travel the country with a box which connects to random targets in a non traceable pattern. Most wifi is shit, not even thinking of IoT possibilities. Only concern is that you may get V& if your broadcast strength is too strong and they triangulate or at least predict your destinations.
I spent two months basically living in Starbucks while I was homeless. Not once did they say anything to me, and actively brought me drinks and food every day.
These niggers are clearly not just dinduing to get thrown out.
what did he mean by this?
Infecting the system network and having a smart worm spreading your botnet or whatever other reason you are hacking into their wifi/cafe visitors' bums' devices
Friendly reminder. This is our true policy on race. If you disagree, please find folks like yourself and leave us to our buisness. Whites come first. We can deal peacfully with other races provided they are not violent and mind their own business in their own countries. Now, i live in bum fucked midwest with no niggers or starbucks, so i cant help, but lets get back on topic
go read a book before you speak again, k?
Wait, so it's real? I thought the poster was just meme magic.
Well, starbucks is letting everyone use the restrooms, customer or not. Nogs don't read the news, so OP is spreading the good news.
Be careful what you wish for starbucks. Ha!
For once, OP isn't a faggot.
Not a bad idea. Someone create some coupons for a free soy latte or a doughnut. I can already hear the ruckus niggers gonna make when they the bugman behind the counter tells them that their coupons are no good here.
Sage because offtopic, but I was bored and wanted to write something.
Starbucks’ Futile Bias Training
Just carry a stack of these with you for handouts.
The days of decent National Socialism are over. If they were ever possible. This is a zero sum game, fren. Our people need us to be the hard, ruthless killers that Darwinian struggle always demanded. Decency for our own, the rest are meat.
Good luck with that lmao
Wasn't it already documented that Starbucks gave free coffee to a nigger that was merely jesting? We can bleed their profits for sure. Unironically that requires based blacks on our side who get their free coffee, record that and post it everywhere. That will explode nicely.
Nice picture for ants cuckchanner.
this is actually kinda cool, i dont get it
whats wrong with being allowed to leech off corporate services