Germany lacks staff for harvesting asparagus. Poles did not show up
How will Germans ever recover from this?
Article is in Polish, but you can google translate it.
Germany lacks staff for harvesting asparagus. Poles did not show up
How will Germans ever recover from this?
Article is in Polish, but you can google translate it.
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News at 11.
I thought the vibrant new Germans from Africa and |slamistan were going to do the work Germans won't do? Muh pensions? Do you mean the Jews lied and the rapefugees are actually just garbage people who are going to live on gibs for the rest of eternity?
This time we just want to see Germany crash and burn.
Why not just pay some local teens to pick them for some decent pocket change like the local farmers in my area do with fruit trees?
Teens dont do manual work as well as 40 year old polish academics.
But yeah they just need to pay people properly and they would have more people applying. Its called the free market.
This tbh. It's sad that Germany still has enough structural racism to prevent true equality on asparagus farms. Maybe if we nationalize the industry it will become more vibrant?
It actually does require a certain skill to harvest asparagus without fucking up, hence why it's not automated by now and old Poles ARE better at that stuff than your average German numale college kid.
What!? How will die Deutsche get their asparagus without the Poles?! Aren't the "refugees" helping? Turns out you shouldn't shit on your neighbors for not taking in lazy sandniggers.
is there like a reason though? do the pole farmhands have a union? did the german kikes try to pay less? Whats up here guys
Because kids these days obviously don't want to work. They are lazy, which is why we need these based immigrants to do all the work our kids and grandkids wont do. They ought to look up and emulate these great hardworking and god/allah fearing heroes of our age. Who else is gonna pay our pensions, or buy our overpriced houses (with help from government assistance) so we can move to Central American gated communities when we retire, and leave our once white neighborhoods diverse and multicultural enclaves to our ungrateful descendents.
B-but where is Ahmed? :^)
Big fucking deal, pay more money until people start doing the job. Adjust price of Assburgers accordingly.
Only kikes would consider this bad news.
I bet if you go back to before the era of mass migration German teens would be good at picking vegetables because it would be a common seasonal job that kids can do.
Im not even against seasonal migration for vegetable picking. That happens all over the world and people go back home once the season is over.
The problem here is that Germany has brought in migrants who want to stay in Germany full time. They wont want seasonal jobs they want the jobs the ordinary Germans are doing.
I really dont understand how boomers can say shit like low skill workers should be treated as serfs while when they were at that age they could get incredibly well paying jobs with just a high school diploma. Truly a shameful generation
Join us next week when we present the fully automated Spargelexhumierer 3000.
Here it is riding up and down the Polish border harvesting six gorillion Spargelspitzen per minute.
And here come the LKWs delivering the spargels to the Polish lidls and rewes which are consistently pushing away domestic Polish grocery stores.
Another victory for the Husaren.
I think you have a very rose tinted view of how things used to be in the past.
Perhaps try to speak to some people of that generation and find out what work they had to do and what they could buy at the end of the week with the money they got.
Your right but my point is they arent even going to consider part time jobs. They were promised a full time high paying job at BWM by the NGO that encouraged them to move from their home country to Germany in the first place.
I have. They lived during an incredibly well off time. Then they took the wealth they got then and went neoliberal and screwed the younger generation the worst they could. Boomers deserve their retirement homes staffed by third world shitskins and probably worse. Enjoy dying slowly being surrounded by stupid africans who will yell at you and leave you to sit in your own shit for days at a time.
Im guessing you live in a very rich area.
Lets put it this way, back in the boomer days they were no shortage of boomers prepared to work in the fields and get paid just enough per week to see a film and buy some fish and chips. Today the kids here just wont do it. They are happy to import foreigners because they believe they are above manual labour.
But putting millions of freeloading sandniggers to work is out of the question
You don't know our endgame. Our workers are holding back in preparation for the worlds biggest holofarm. We will over saturate your asparagi market with our cheap produce and crash this scene with no survivors!
Min wage per hour in 1960: $1 an hour
Movie ticket prices in 1960: $.69
Min wage per hour in 2018: $7.25 an hour
Movie ticket prices in 2018: $9 or more
dont try to jive with your boomer lies here
Gee, I guess those immigrants do the work natives just refuse to do, huh? Welp, looks like we should open up the borders then. Thanks, Boomer-Jew-user!
I was listening to Ghost's show last night and apparently there are parks in Germany that have designated shitting ares.
This was bound to happen, since the late 80ies early 90ies the farmers have lived off cheap labor from poles doing this. This was common here too, my uncle had a big farm with lots of strawberries. So they would come and live here as seasonal workers. In the time they were here, they earned more by picking fucking berries than they did the entire year on their regular jobs.
Well that time is over and they have to go back to the old way of doing things. Frankly there is bound to show up robots for a lot of these things, they are already in the making. And this would be a great marked to get into btw
Yeah about that….
Your quoting the minimum wage for a fill time job.
Not for a seasonal fruit picker which is what we were talking about.
The west and Japan & SKorea is wealthy enough to automate the farms.
I was actually advocating for slightly higher priced asparagus.
It sounds like that is what the free market is demanding.
Im not against seasonal workers either as long as they go home afterwards like they do in other countries.
Picking your own fruit is another alternative.
Where you can buy the fruit really cheap as long as you pick it yourself.
Has globalization gone too far?
Importing shitskins to do manual labor is exactly what German boomers did. Look up the Gastarbeiter program.
These boomers should of had 6 children to run the farms.
Small farmers can't influence prices. Only big corporations can. Small farmers just get shafted if their production costs increase, big corporations can fly in shitskins from all around the world instead.
Complain to the consumers that buy Egyptian produce because it's cheaper, making it impossible to survive as a farmer in Europe without relying on government handouts, which depend on you running your farm as the government tells you to.
They imported them because their kids wouldnt do it for as cheap as they did.
A better solution would simply be to accept that fruit should cost a little bit more.
But that would be racist, can't have that in (((denazified Germany)))
That isn't a viable survival strategy, you stupid nigger. To make it work you'd need to be a low trust migrant, living in a multigenerational home, infiltrating governement, displacing and genociding the natives for your own children to grow. Emphasis on the multigenerational effort of blood relatives that don't give a fuck about the natives or their dogshit brainwashed cuckold lives. Family is what allows migrants to thrive in shit jobs and work toward the future.
Unfortunately for boomers, there's no such thing as family or nation, therefore no point or dignity to shit jobs, therefore genocide of all their cuckold lines. Some europeans do retain strong familial instincts, and they'll survive just fine after all the cuckolds are gone. It's important that non-cucks understand this and not lose hope as those lacking survival instincts die in front of them.
get the fuck back to >>>Zig Forums
I think you could have worded that much more simply but I wouldnt disagree with any of that. Even though you called me a nigger.
What we are learning now is that even immigrants from the muslim world wont do the casual, seasonal labour that kept food prices artificially low. In fact they are scaring off the immigrants from eastern europe who have done it for the past 20 years.
Sorry, I'm easily excitable.
Fuck off.
I couldn't imagine. It must have been the Germans who wanted this, not some kind of force that rules over them or anything.
which is often less than minimum wage as they don't want to hire native workers.
They want cheaper foreign ones.
Poland isn't the only country in Eastern Europe. Couldn't they import Bulgarians, Romanians or Ukrainians instead? All of those countries are poor as fuck, and are either in the EU already or have permits to work on the EU soil anyway. It was bound to happen.
This is pure madness. There are many millions of unskilled migrants there, if these articles are believed, and only a fraction of the intended amount.
Also, why not have more German babies instead of immigrants?
Yes, the Americans put a lot of pressure on Germany to accept Turkish "guest workers" in the 50s and 60s due to the NATO alliance.
Boomer Germans import millions of niggers to make them kebabs and clean their toilets. Forgot niggers are lazy.
for all their talk about free markets and such they sure do hate it when applied to themselves
pay more money, get more labor, it is almost like there exists a supply/demand curve here
anyways i do think there is a growing niche for organizing farmers markets in europe, as the difference between prices farmers get for their produce and price charged to the consumer in supermarkets is immense
of course the goverment will immidiatly rape you with health and safety regulations to protect the profit margins of the political connected supermarket owners
but i do believe in smaller towns and secondary provinces you could get this show rolling
This already happens massively in the UK.
A number of farms even sell direct to individuals or groups who set up stalls at local markets selling stuff for far less than supermarkets sell it for.
Happens with fish and meat too. Quality is usually higher too though you'll need to wash any vegetables or fruit you get.
Yeah muh baste Poland setting a precedent for hiring nationals! You're welcome /Pol.
When the free market works in favor of giant corporations it's nothin personnel. But if it means those corporations might have to raise wages, oy vey bring in the migrants goy
muh patriarchy, my right to ride the cock carousel is more important than the impending doom of our 3,000 year old civilization
Oh noes! What ever shall Germany do without asparagus to go next to the steak with weird gelatinous steak sauce?
BTW, anyone want to clue me in on the latest word filter I have been seeing, the "goon" one? Can't figure what it's replacing.
Wait, you dont wash your veggies in spite of origin?
Shit nigger, potatoes here como with so much dirt that they are called "black potatoes"; 30 cent of dolla-dolla per kilo tho, plus dirt for my plants xD
There you go.
nice bait
In the UK supermarkets will wash vegetables prior to packaging.
its not the boomers its the jews
The whites got tired of showing up and being harassed by niggers and other shitskins?
Fun fact, in the states a lot of niggers think the misters over the veges are showers to clean the food.
Kill yourself immediately.
It's Polish culture dipshit.
wasn't a machine for harvesting assburgers invented just a few years ago?
Are these motherfuckers just too cheap to automate away these jobs?
Wypij wybielacz
Unemployment in Poland is low, people dont have to go to other countries for work, like we had to when we had 15-20% unemployment rates.
Well, yes, that's the post filter text. What is the word that it's filtering?
Think about the word THOUGHT now remove the U G and H.
Unemployment is low, wages are rising much faster than prices, people rise their level of life.
Heard stories from 'saksy' as thsoe workers call them.
They pay you per hour so you work for 12 hours,then drink beer with other workers for 2 and then hit the bed. And you repeat that for 2 months.
Accomodation is slave tier if provided by the guy who offered you job, heard stories of 10 guys living in small apartments.
All this humiliation was worth it because after two months of hell they could live like kings in Poland for couple of months. Situation in Poland has changed, wages in Germany didn't.
Either germans attract hohols or rise wages.
That's what the rapefugee screams, wants, expects and demands.
That's because there were so fucking many white boomers….its why they are called boomers.
Then the Boomers themselves basically had no children.
In case westerners didn't notice, eastern europe is booming economically. They have zero reasons to work in the west anymore, since stuff is so cheap in eastern europe a salary of 2000 euros is a very high level of income.
wew lad ressurectedretard confirmed for w*man, had that suspicion for a while
KEK, haven't missed that word. Thanks!
2k j00ros is top jej net salary in Poland, very few people earn like that (thinking single person income). This salary allows you to live as middle class, pay mortgage or rent, and feed a family of 4-5 easily, having a (sort of) lavish yearly vacation somewhere in Gdansk, Mazury or Zakopane. And if you own an apartment or house, you save roughly 300-500€ (depending on city you live in) monthly on just that, and spend it on whatever bullshit you want (or just save it). Poland is fucking great tbh.
I personally earn around 1.7k€ (6800zł) and I've never had a quality of life higher than now. Will likely earn much more next year.
So pay Germans to harvest it and put the price up. Artificially reducing the price of food by any means is too dangerous of a game to play. If it is no longer a viable export as a result then have your farmers diversify their crops for the domestic market. It isn’t rocket science.
get fucked boomer
Don't worry, the almighty power of the private individual will fix everything. If Americans had not worked so hard to teach this (((exceptional))) lesson to German people, they would still live under National Socialism and we would be speaking German right now. I shudder at the thought.
Wow, that family has a lot of men, doesn't it?