Gender studies degree pink haired dyke suggests babies should give consent before nappy change
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What the actual fuck.
Here's a clue for this fucking imbecilic "expert":
Babies need their diapers changed whether they like it or not. Jesus Christ. Fucking clown world never ends.
This is phase 2 of pedophilia normalization. The media has already started the fires of the muh poor "virtuous" pedos. Now they are implating the idea the children and babies can consent into the minds of the normies.
They are seeking a legal definition of when an infant "consents"
And what else would the imaginary consent apply to, I wonder? Let's ask the sex expert.
Kill it! Kill it with fire!!!!!!!
So mental patients are the experts now?
This is exactly what I've been fucking talking about. When they set up the false premise that pedophilia is wrong because children are not capable of consent, this is exactly what I knew would happen. Break down that false barrier, boom. Child sex is AOK now. Fucking disgusting. It's wrong because its disgusting, it has nothing to do with consent,
Let's ask him if he wants an abortion or not. Ooo, one kick. Guess he wants out.
It is consent, and children don't have the capacity to give it meaningfully. They can't understand the possible consequences of sex. So their "consent" means fuck all. I think if we did unbiased testing we would find many people we regard as adults don't have that capacity either. Children can't understand the consequences of a lot of things which is why they're considered legal retards while their parents are supposed to teach them about this cunt infested planet.
Oh wow more meaningless sensationalist outrage porn
Low effort lefty cuck. We must be constantly vigilant and be reminded of how degenerate their behaviour are.
"Your baby didn't consent to being aborted" seems like a great comeback. That's going into the arsenal for sure.
end? It's speeding up!
< 5511
< 11575757
She should also promote language acquisition consent: require parents to to ask their children if they want to learn English.
The kikery has gotta end somewhere this is all too tiresome.
You're right. That's really what this is. If you can gaslight people into thinking infants are giving consent the next step is sexual "consent."
Also abusive, harmful, cruel, and evil.
Aposematism more like Aposemitism amirite?
Does it scream? This is consent. Marxist Jew belief
As a father of a 2 yr old, shes getting her nappy changed if she "consents" or not, when its needed.
Before they can consent to *other things*, they must be taught about consent.
I could swear there was a mayor or state politician arrested for abusing a 4 y.o. girl who claimed she "consented" or "wanted it". I can't find any articles about it now. Maybe she was 14 or I got some detail wrong. Does anyone else remember the story?
How do these dubs remain unchecked?
Pozzbourne strikes again. Truly, the only path to recovery is to nuke it to a pile of smouldering ash.
It happens all the time.
There was a teenage girl that consented to running away with an older guy, maybe teacher, and admitted that she consented.
Of course he was spitroasted in the media.
If they want to push for a culture of consent, they have to push for unified IQ testing.
One way to spin this faggotry on it's head is to apply it to taxation.
I do not consent to 70% of my income being taken to pay for services I do not consent to.
how do you expect them to stop being mentally ill if they're constantly demoralised by strangers and doctors telling them that there is something wrong with them?
the solution to all problems is to make people feel good about the things they are doing incorrectly.
You know society has hit peak 'progress' when somebody opines "You failed spectacularly!" and means it as a complement.
Don't take the red herring, namely that this is about babies giving consent to have their nappies changed.
Remember the recent thread about "Infant Massage"? Well if you bothered checking out their literature you'll remember that gaining "consent" from "patients" too young to speak is covered there.
Basically "consent" is determined by watching to see if the baby is enjoying what's being done to it, that is classed as "consent".
So yes, this celeb is talking about consent to change a nappydiaper but we are talking about kikes here, you have to think 3 steps ahead.
Are you following? Did you get it yet?
Very true. Yesterday's zeitgeist was normalization of homosexuality, today's is transgenderism, and tomorrow's is sexualization of small children. If you want to get ahead of the curve and see how the kikes will chip away at this topic, you can get a good overview here (kike intellectualism):
Friendly reminder that Jews have a racial obsession with scat, and can't help themselves from sexualizing body functions like defacation, farting, pissing, and periods. A good overview of this phenomenon can be found here:
Given this Deanne Carson's interest in connecting sexual consent with changing diapers, I can only imagine that she genuinely feels arousal at the experience. Absolutely disgusting.
Chinks better watch out before a new challenger get on the right for the most fucked up people price.
Age is a spectrum, goy. Can you draw a clear line between a 35-year-old divorcee who consents to sex, and a 3-years-and-1-day-old preschooler who smiles when you initiate sexual contact? How about I have Scotland Yard arrest you for a hate crime if you keep oppressing RINV (romantically inclined non-verbal) youth?
At 14, I could imagine it happing often enough. But at 4 y.o.? That's the thing. I remember being extremely shocked by the story in a way that I wouldn't have been if the child was in their teens. Someone else must remember this story.
Don't fucking give them ideas, they would make neuter-friendly easy-squeeze contextless newspeak the universal language by legal mandate if you gave them the means to do so.
Fuck knows they're already trying, started early with "nonverbal learning" bullshit like the teletubbies.
if you think about it the teletubbies are like the distilled "sustainable diversity" dream/nightmare packed into a toddler-fit pill, panopticon and all
I'm a pedophile. What are you faggots going to do about it?
Exactly what are they attempting to achieve with this?
In practical terms, I guess they could be trying to approach it from "we could teach things to infants before verbal development benchmarks come around," which is kind of fucking absurd because language is our main way of interpreting ideas around us.
Being on this godforsaken planet, though, it's pretty clearly for more sinister reasons. Why wait until grade school to inundate kids with semitic-tier imagery, when you can embed those images before they even know what a name is?
That is a good and valid point. Reminds me of a tutorial I saw the other day, on a YT channel aimed at children. The host is some kind of creepy tranny and the content is very obviously a kikework.the presenter's eyes are not only forcefully held wide open and rarely blink, but the left eye is noticeably higher than the right - a trait often found in elites of hollywood etc
I urge anons to make themselves aware of this channel, it's one of the worst cases of deliberate moral corruption aimed at children, that I have ever seen pass as PG on Youtube.
Of course risks like HPV and intestinal parasites are glossed over or omitted altogether. A rapid cadence, "quirky" and merry tone and constant smile is used to trivialize the subject matter and cause children to think it is socially acceptable.
Do you really think they'd be able to pick up on all the semitism they shove into a single "episode"?
I know someone who's been hooked onto teletubbies as a small kid - he was rather bright, but autistic and afraid of confrontation and cried whenever anyone got pissed at him.
Hardly, but I think the intention with things like that is to just peppergun out bullshit until some fragments of it catch on. Because degeneracy is becoming more standard, they hardly have to be as subtle about it as they used to be.
I wonder if that's a kind of physiognomy similar to the whole finger length vs. testosterone in the womb thing?
You weren't kidding. I'd report it, but JewTube would send her a bonus.
Low energy.
If you have nothing better to do, you should "support" and promote her to make general masses sick of SJW bullshit.
Finally I can have a girlfriend :^)
Found my lol of the day. This freaking is projecting thier love of all things feces related :D :D Quality reporting by ABC. Great guest to have on it the middle of the day. Burning issue of the day. Of the utmost importance haha. Can we just start killing these niggers already?
You fags are going to shit on me for this, but report it and run to sites like breitbart when it doesn't get deleted and tell them you reported some fucked up stuff on youtube and it was never taken down.
Holy shit what the fuck happened to the world where an insane person like this gets their asinine opinions broadcast to millions of people?
This could be a next-level Australian shitpost if these dangerhairs didn't take themselves extremely seriously.
. . . So I guess we should ask babies if they want to have the skin ripped off their penis. It's THEIR body after all they should decide what happens to them
Well then you would end the Nigger and Women wouldn't have periods. Just like in the days of the Tuatha de danann
Oy vey don't be a bigot.
(double dubs checked)
Underrated post. This is exactly what they're doing.
It's an arbitrary buzzword, user.
Melbourne Dyke confirmed:
Also claims to have 2 kids:
Australian dykes are pushing hard to accelerate the White genocide.
Girl narrating the video seems to be a gullible, weak-minded White goyess being mind-controlled by the jew social engineering saturating her environment, and her butch dyke "husband", by whom she is being used as a brood mare.
As with almost every seemingly unconnected, inane bullshit these mindless shitheaps drone on about, the real reason for this shit is not as it seems. It's a means to an end, and of course normalizing pedophilia is the fucking endgame.
Phone number & email from her site
Deanne Carson | 0410 613 040 | [email protected]
There is no such thing as a "sexuality expert." No one normal would even fuck that bitch.
What is with this kike obsession with consent? Did the Soviet kikes allow for the Ukrainians to give consent before being starved to death in the Holodomor? No. So fuck their shit.
but don't need permission to mutilate genitals for jew agenda.
Pedophilia is also part of Jewish religious law (halakha/halacha) see
They're not even hiding this anymore.
They don't want slaves to learn language. The same reason why peasants were discouraged from learning how to read.
The real problem is not that crazy dyke. It's that there are (((people))) who give them a platform to present their crazy ideas.
Ted predicted this
There's another thing to consider, manufacturing a culture of consent for everything establishes conditions to transition that towards seeking consent from the state for everything. So it's also about implanting the idea (from birth) that people should never have any free agency to act on anything for themselves without seeking consent first. Once that kind of attitude breaches into all things in life, you can imagine the other kinds of floodgates it will open for the state to exploit. It's actually a two prong approach, a person sense of narcissism resists influences from other peers who you didn't consent to hear their opinions from; but simultaneously entrust the state's consent to give them answer on how to live.
Where can I read more?
Industrial Society and It's Future by Ted Kaczynski
Thank you
I wonder if people will look at him as a prophet.
The guy really had a revelation when they fed him lsd.
He leant pretty heavily on Jacques Ellul's book The Technological Society where a lot of the intellectual groundwork was laid for Industrial Society. Highly recommended, Ted kept a copy in his cabin.
wew lad
Although thinking about it… this "space" she is talking about
Incredibly dangerous, because this space is called uncertainty. Meaning that it will only result in a bunch of retards with extremely low self-esteem which will possibly seek feminism as their answer
Sooner or later, Whites are going to have to take actual action, whatever the cost.
If they actually manage to get us to accept paedophilia as normal and healthy, much they got us to accept gays, trannies etc., then we are done. Completely defeated and we'll deserve everything that happens.
Paedophilia is the line the sand with this Cultural Marxist takeover. The rest of kike perversions are still bad but its at least built on a foundation of freedom, adults can make choices etc. This shift with kids will not work as child dependence and need for adult supervision has been pushed so hard for the last few decades. To completely 180 that with kids can consent to sexual activities will be too much for the people. Which is why I guess they're going for the slow game with shit like this diaper nonsense, crossdressing at school, sex education for five year olds.
Hunt and kill you.
You're both giving it entirely too much credit.
you can do it now … watch who you talk to , and where you spend your money
remove yourself from their institutions … gain many skills and share the good with your own
Violent action might be necessary if oppression becomes widely legal , but dont be too lazy to do what you can do before then.
(((They))) are already pushing the idea that children can understand consent, try guessing why?
that what you could expect.
Consent requires understanding of consequences, so please tell me when children acquire concrete understanding of consequences. pro tip they dont, because thats why we call them children and treat them as children.
I didn't consent to my tax dollars paying for this political doctrine to be broadcast. Did you ask consent for that you rancid cunt?