Israel (pic related) just won Eurovision 2018, a music festival which also includes other European countries such as Australia, Armenia or Azerbaijan.

Many countries presented their usual diversity dumbfuckery as well, although there's been far worse years.

>Russia was booed as soon as it appeared on-screen to distribute their points (they gave their third best score to Israel) timestamp

Attached: eurovision_2018_results.png (660x439 677.22 KB, 38.96K)

Other urls found in this thread:

essentially not followed MSM in 3-4 years, this is the most pozzed and obviously fixed shit I've witnessed

worse than this sand nigger?

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (594x396, 368.17K)

Israel is not european. Eurovision is literally kike chicanery.

Also this was from Serbia and Sweden respectively.

Attached: sweden_no.png (1262x651 126.44 KB, 930.01K)

Attached: Eurovision.jpg (569x345, 55.09K)

Why does the beard look fake?

Wow, a jewish social engineering competition elects a jewish mickey mouse…

Is this thing still "decided" by citizens calling a phone number?
Extremely unlikely that Israel wins because in the past people usually voted for their own country or friendly neighboring countries.

Jewish egos are bruised. This is their form of creative butthurt and agitprop.

Attached: nieu.jpg (225x225, 7.96K)

First, You're European.
Second, you watched Eurovision.
Third, you told other people about it.

Attached: Repulsive.jpg (565x509, 17.61K)

Another funny one: watch the public in France's song. Yes, this was the rapefugee song.

Attached: merci beaucoup.mp4 (1280x720, 9.2M)

It's a good laugh, lad.
Sage for double post.

..and WTF is Australia doing there?

It’s worth a thread.

We're literally only there as a subtle shitpost

Yes, because in that time period it's at least plausible (even if it was not) that someone like that could win due to muh progressivism.

This year is so abhorrently fucking blatant that I even made normies lose their minds

There's no way a popular vote would go to Israel. Fixed as fuck.

Israel is in Europe now? kek

Attached: Burn It All.gif (500x209, 502.75K)

Jew will falsely call themselves white in this case and saying otherwise is literally hitler, until they want to use their non whiteness to rile up the negros

That Eurovision clip of the French celebrating rapefugees whilst at the same time compatriots are being murdered by said rapefugees, is going to be edited into memes with the footage of the next inevitable frogland terror attack.
Cap this prediction.
Zig Forums is always right

G'day! :^)

Her stereoscopic vision is stronger than most.

That song is of lower quality than nigger rap. Holy fuck, has meme magick gone too far?

This needs to happen.

Attached: Goebbels-France-Niggers.PNG (1530x969, 1.37M)

Zero talent for splicing shit in videos, but I'm picturing this now. Please somebody do this. Lots of footage from peaceful religious ceremonies with this song played over it.

I did something similar for Leafland in the OC thread

The French song should be the go to song for all future invader edits.

Attached: FranceFuture.jpg (1427x1885, 530.05K)

But we did though?

I just heard the song: and honestly, not even with Israhell in mind, this is the worste piece of shit song I've ever heard.


Is there any debunk of this song yet?

Because nothing is left to chance. All of this shit. The fat singer. The animal noises. The "references". The costume, the hairstyle etc…
It's the fucking 70 years aniversary, and she was meant to win.

So we need to understand what is in it.
Is this a blantant attempt to further push disgustingness into regular culture? I don't know.

The line: "I don't care about your "modern time preachers"" is interesting too. Who are these "modern" preacher. Considering this post modern, is she talking about the "conservatives"? Who certainly are against Israel.

We need a debunk.

Attached: https:_images.genius.com_be51cf19b9c6fa0ed0fbca7e7e0f5434.1000x1000x1.jpg (220x220, 10.34K)

You having a laugh mate?

(((They))) can't help it. Aesthetics are a white thing, and Jews have screwy visio-spatial awareness due to all the ghetto inbreeding they did for a thousand years. Pic related.

Attached: Jew_Art.png (816x458, 384.2K)

Just look at how the dancers dance in the original clip. Just mute the video, and watch the one dressed in black. Truly weird shit.

I wasn't talking specifically at conservatives, but more at people who are again Israel, tied to the so called "modern", and so "old" world.

Damn, I thought she was just some shitskin. Looking at pics now she definitely looks like one.

That's a great idea, although I was referring to the optics of a crowd raising their right arm in a straight manner repeatedly. Just like when the press went nuts after Trump made his crowd raise their arm to swear they would vote for him, which also appeared in the backfiring Heil Trump ad.

Attached: Heil_Trump.webm (480x272 4.72 MB, 6.8M)

Jerusalem is the capital of the world.

I'm not your toy is a ripoff of several pop hits. I can't remember off-hand which ones, I think some of it comes from Euro-pop and some from American pop. Not very original, except for the disgusting chicken-beatboxing sounds

What was stolen?
the octave leap and rhythm at 0:47
The chicken beatboxing is a rip off of another pop song that uses the exact same rhythm and pitch-spatialization, but uses different instruments, underneath that chicken sound, the rhythm and chords are the same as the song it was taken from.
At 1:18, the hook/chorus is a direct lift (Bb Eb Cb Bb)

pic related

Attached: maubs.jpg (800x1153 160 KB, 180.08K)

Eurythmics' Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This is one of the songs it ripped off.

All pop "music" in this day and age is just the same rehashed drum machine and synth BS for low IQ niggers with goldfish memories.
As a musician, I've always regarded pop and rock as trash. But regardless you can see the degeneration from something like ABBA in 1974, that actually had a unique, memorable melody and lyrical creativity. No one will remember this fat kikes tune in a month, because all it relies on is some monkey beats to wind up the barbarians into an intoxicated frenzy, which is nothing more than a cheap musical trick.

That sounds almost exactly like some other kikess singing a song called 'you are a goy' I'm not sure about the title though


Usually the type of people who watch this sort of thing can't put that much of a coherent thought together.

I have seen people who watch this and American Idol and are entertained by it.

Questioning such things is not even a concept in their minds.

Critical thought has been cultivated out of the masses.

Where's the lie tho.

Good call. There was a thread here about a week ago about 'You are a goy'. 'You are a goy' is a direct parody of 'Toy'.

Yes but the way viewer votes work is countries just give all their votes to their neighbours (Spain for Portugal, France for Belgium, Moldova for Romania etc.) Israel isn't even in Europe and racist eastern europeans aren't going to vote for them. Left-wing progressive faggots make up the bulk of western voters, and they too hate Israel because they bomb their pet muslims. The other non-european country, Australia, got the least votes out of everybody.

It's basically an international popularity contest, and Israel usually get few votes for the same reason the UK barely ever gets any votes. It's very suspicious.

Hey why did TRS get rid of the Midgard Rising podcast? I heard it was a big shake up with the hosts, any new information from behind the scenes there?

I wonder (((who))) was behind this.


how are they even allowed to participate, is america gonna win it next year?


Why is jack black in drag?

Meanwhile (well, last November actually), on Junior Eurovision, Russia wins with a performance that blows away most of the standard Eurovision entries.

What if the nigger is homophobic and won't kiss the tranny who placed second to him?

It's a nigger. They'll absolve him as long as he isn't right wing or names the Jew.

Virgin kikess
- blubbers like a whale
- jew
- woman
- has no style
- pays for sex because nobody wants her

Chad saxaphone player
- thrusts hips to show his endurance
- jumps and runs on stage to show his agility
- women drop panties as he glances over them
- gets pussy while on stage
- gets pussy 40 years later from public recordings of his performance

Kek. Screencapped.

Choose one.

OP actually watched this :D

too bad your kike mods banned everyone with a brain


Yet somehow they haven't banned Tor yet. Really makes you think, you know?

Attached: Angry_Thinkful.jpg (800x774, 30.26K)

Attached: Straya Smug.jpg (581x387, 66.76K)

Probably because those kikes over in Israel are the only people inbred enough to still give two shits about Kike-o-vision.

Why are you still here then, chaim?

Why do they always sing in English?
I'd hazard a few guesses about Kultur yurokuchniki, but that's d&c. Apparently.

Attached: maxresdefault (11)

Jewrovision is already finished.

Someone make a video.

Attached: nice-france.mp4 (256x320, 2.16M)

I'll do it in 3-4 hours when my internet is fast enough if no one has by then.

This is only going to backfire on the fucking kikes. Not even the normalfags have forgotten that they tried to start WW3 multiple times in the same month.
This faked shitshow will only make people more suspicious of pissrael and their antics.

Attached: 0064.jpg (1034x1544, 413.56K)

You overestimate the intelligence of the normalfag.

It is incumbent on us to show them the light about isnotreal and their scheming ilk.

They don't always. In fact one of the best Eurovision entries (although they unfortunately only came 2nd), Urban Trad, actually sung a song called Sanomi in a language they made up themselves! The fat woman wasn't supposed to be part of it, she had to replace a blonde woman who Eurovision banned for being too right wing! Only for Eurovision though, the blonde singer wasn't kicked out of the band outside of Eurovision.

Attached: Eurovision 2003 - 22 - Belgium - Urban Trad - Sanomi.mp4 (640x480, 15.03M)

Normalfags won't mention pissrael kiking around to start WW3 but they won't mention anything that goes beyond their own political horizon.
If you ask them, howerver, they will tell you that they did indeed notice all the weirdness surrounding the (((gas attacks))).
They might not have any real explanation or understanding of what went on but they haven't forgotten it either.
Pissrael will be the breaking point in their whole charade.

I hope so. To be frank I don't get out much, but when I do talk to the average joe, he's dumber than a bag of rocks and half as useful. Evangelicals are the most adamant Israel Firsters around, to the point of treason.

When this is all over, we must fight tooth and nail to prevent our descendants from instituting democracy ever again.

Attached: p757106dMp1u1vkloo1_540.jpg (539x339, 21K)

Why the fuck are Australia and Israel included in this shitshow? If Australia is included, why not Canada for that matter? And if the Netherlands is, why not South Afrik- oh nevermind, they still have a legacy of racism for which they're getting their privilege checked.

Since part of this thread's topic is shitty music, I'm curious what Zig Forums thinks of american country music? I got a blue collar job and I'm exposed to more of it than I'd like and had time to think on it. I think "country" is a strange genre that isn't defined by musical structure like most are. It's defined by the subject matter of the song, and whether the singer sounds like a whiny faggot with a southern twang. There are songs on the local country station that, musically, could fit into rock, 80s pop, 90s slow love song type stuff, and even one that sounds like a beach boys style thing. All the songs that objectively sound like country are so similar to each other they may as well be the same song. Some of the rock ones are direct ripoffs of non-country songs from the 70s. The only thing they all have in common is the singer with an awful voice complaining about a woman leaving him.

I see it already

Country is rap for white people. That's why grandpa used to call it whigger music. I wouldn't be surprised if the Jew pushes it just to make us look bad.

Bluegrass, folk revival, Americana and old-time are all good.

Oh no, and ((( they are under attack by the evil forces of Iran, honest goyim ))) .
How can "we" not help them now?


Reminder that Avicii was killed for this video.

Attached: Avicii - For A Better Day.webm (1280x720, 16M)

Thank you, user.

Attached: Assad_Whiskey.jpg (750x709, 35.3K)

I'm amused because I think the same thing, but people who make music their whole life/identity have some kind of problem with people who say "I like a little of everything except country and rap." It's a legitimate statement because they're worthless non-genres for idiots. The country and rap radio stations even run the same type of ads:
- luxury car/expensive truck their listeners can't afford
- jewelry stores
- debt forgiveness programs
- "sue your workplace for that cut on your finger for some easy money" attorneys
- disproportionate amount of drug PSAs

Jewish record producers are way ahead of you:

Attached: The Highwaymen - Highwayman.webm (640x480, 9.76M)

Not a fan. I prefer the contrast of this one.

Just noticed, it ends with Hitler giving a T-arm gesture. Retroactive forced meme?

It's funny how often people doing parodies of rap/hip-hop sound better than the "real" thing.

Attached: _pol_-_ISRAEL_WINS_EUROVISION_2018_-_2018-05-13_00.09.43.png (607x277, 95.96K)


Since when is Israel part of Europe?

Attached: גוי - תהילה, הדיווה הכשרה שרה את טוי ביידיש GOY - Netta's TOY super-Jewish cover in Yiddish!.webm (1280x720, 15.82M)

That one's easy. Parodies are made by people with actual musical skill whose motivation happens to be humor. Rap and country are made unironically by people who believe the extremely common thoughts they have about the world are somehow new and fresh and worth hearing.


If you pay your fees to be a full member of the European Broadcasting Union (formerly: International Broadcasting Union) you can be part of the Eurovision.
Funfact: Israel did not pay these fees / is no longer a full member because they restructured their public broadcasting, but got special treatment to take part in the contests.
[quote]It was revealed on 6 July 2017 that an agreement had been signed between the EBU and IPBC, allowing the broadcaster to participate in EBU contests, such as the Eurovision Song Contest, despite not having full membership.[4][/quote]
As for other states:
US, Canada, Brazil, South Africa, India, China, Kasachstan, Iran, Oman, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Syria, New Zealand and Chile are only associated members but can become Full Members with time and some of them already were or had special treatment to also participate in the contests.

>got (((special treatment)))
Just like a fucking jew I swear to god. As small an investment as possible, and somehow coming out on top.


The battle at the bookies was Cyprus against Israel and Austria or Germany in the Top 10.
Even so dominant that the public broadcasting made a report out of this days before the Contest.
They did it last year too.
And were also correct then.

The only ones participating in the public vote, where I come from are faggots, mobsters and gamblers.

So once again using what are essentially polls to swing the vote since there are so many sheep who just follow the herd. i.e. voting for whoever the polls say is most popular.

