Do Jews Control the Media?
By Alan Dershowitz
Amidst all the brouhaha over CNN’s firing of Rick Sanchez for his remarks about Jews in the media, an important distinction is being missed. Yes, there are many individual Jews in positions of influence in Hollywood, in network television, in sports and entertainment, and in many other areas of American public life. These individuals, who happen to be Jewish, do not act together in any kind of conspiratorial manner. There is no “Jewish control” of any of these areas — or of the many other areas, such as medicine, law, academia, finance — where there are large numbers of individual Jews in high positions. Many of these individuals are Jewish only in the sense that their parents or grandparents happen to be Jews. They do not live Jewish lives or support Jewish causes. They certainly do not conspire to exercise any sort of “Jewish control” over the areas in which they work.
Do Jews Control the Media?
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The religion that calls themselves "gods chosen people" and considers themselves a tribe isn't acting together okay Dershowtiz
Literally pulling a "No real Scotsman" argument.
If kikes don't control the media, then why do they control the media?
Scaramuccis hero is Superman and he specifically said he doesnt believe that many people doubt the holohoax, hes shabbos.
We need a It's happening shmuli such a beautiful language for them.
Are they afraid of something ? they sound so scared, I wonder why ?
You don't say.
Just lost interest.
I guess now we know why Reb. Dershowitz's little sexual indiscretions brutal rapes have surfaced. He hasn't been keeping his Jew card current.
I don't know user. Shall we ask the Jew himself?
To translate:
Just call these media outlets for what they are: israeli business. America outsourced its industry to China, and its media to Israel.
It will be a lesson told on for generations.
Checked Satan trips. Nice get.
I feel like I'm watching an animal slowly realize what it can do with two rocks, but not quickly enough to survive the coming ice age.
is this satire?
From the article:
This is an easy hypothesis to test. All we need to do is work hard and develop our talents and see if we too can earn our place.
They may not act together, but they all follow the same set of values. These values tell them they're a group of chosen people by god to rule over others outside their group. You may not need direct contacts to other individuals, if you all follow the same rules, you can act synchronized.
When reading this, I thought the author was trying to pull a reverse ideology on the reader to make him look for facts himself, but I was wrong, because in the very last sentence:
>So let’s stop all this nonsense about Jewish control over the media and praise those individual Jews who, by dint of hard work and talent, have earned their place, as individuals, in so many areas of American life.
In other words:
Exactly how hard did 1.5 percent of the population have to work to become 40+ percent of the richest 1 percent? That's some hard work right there, boy. Jews are known for their work ethic.
They have special knowledge about how physical reality works that helps them along.
Sam Harris isn't gay.
all jews are gay
Damn, checked user. Good get for a good post.
They work hard at stripping the whites of their status and success. Look at what kike kevin logan (@Yesyoureracist) did to dox the UTR participants.
Under Marxists and Kikes, there are no human rights.
The thief claims innocence.
One should always link evidence, user.
Dershowitz is a big time Trump guy. They have common connections with Jeffrey Epstein and Alexander Acosta [the Trump admin labor secretary who gave Epstein the sweetheart plea deal while he was a prosecutor in Florida. Dershowitz was a defending attorney on the case].
This post will probably be the cue to make sure this thread slides.
Reminder "The New Right" is the term the pro-Jew identitarians have called themselves and therefore all those Jews are identitarians by association.
Lolwut he has nothing to do with the political sphere.
Fuck off Joe.
Says the kike that practically admits the JQ is real
tl;dr: Oy vey it's nothing goyim don't be a Nazi
>The Jews who control the media aren't real Jews
Gee that sound awfully ignorant and dare I say antisemitic
Right, just like all the jewish legislators, judges, lawyers, and law-enforcement don't all conspire together. Silly goys, go back to sleep
Listen goy… It's only a coincidence that thousands of years of usery has lead to our small fraction of population being vastly over represented in government, banking, media, and health care. Don't you remember the 6 million? Here have a couple dozen more documentaries on Netflix about it… That's what you should really be talking about. Move along now.
Listen people thinking the jews run the media is what keeps this going guys come on brothers lets remind the little people that KIKES RUN THE MEDIA NO EXCEPTIONS
got it
i said you got it?
Who else would run the media it only can be the kikes so mote it be.
You like your family thats why kikes run the media.
The fact that Dershowitz would even post an article like this shows us how much (((they're))) shitting their pants. The veil is starting to come off, they're rushing their plan though and making countless mistakes along the way.
Its glorious to watch.
Reported because I'm sick of seeing white women with niggers everywhere I go.
Do Jews Control the Media?
Even the alternative so called 'jew-wise' media is 100% owned and controlled by kikes, just try and criticise any of the neocon kikes Trump has brought into his jewish cabinet on Zig Forums to see how badly it is
Jesus Christ how horrifying
Things would be so much more repressed if Christians controlled things.
A thousand lawyers in a room and only 6 are Jewish? Bullshit.
All he did was call out (((Leibowitz))) for being a privileged Jew, which is to say, all he did was tell the truth.
Oh and
>(((Alan Dershowitz)))
That ZOGdog for the israel lobby should have been killed by CIAdouble redditors back when congress was still an American and not zionistraitor institution.
Even if we assume that they aren’t working together (protip: they are) that doesn’t change the fact that their individual actions as individuals fall into ideological lockstep with an overarching agenda. In other words, there doesn’t have to be any sort of conspiracy to have the same effect as if there were one. So, granting the author his premise the question then becomes: if they’re not working together then why do so many individual Jews take actions that are inherently hostile towards white people?