paid shills who 24/7 post EDGE threads all day for reasons like this…
This is only the beginning of the shut down of these sites and free speech worldwide
paid shills who 24/7 post EDGE threads all day for reasons like this…
This is only the beginning of the shut down of these sites and free speech worldwide
Other urls found in this thread:
We already all over the place, filling up news articles and political arenas. When 4chan shuts down, Zig Forums gets flooded by the refugee crisis, we have the next bunker chan to move over to. The internet is ours forever.
sage for crap thread; learn to fucking write a thread dickhead
I failed you, I admit… but i will study for the next test Senpai thank you for the study guide
fuck off jew
Pepe is going mainstream, and Rolling stones is going bankrupt.
It's just so surreal.
Unironically linking to
Lurk for an aeon before posting OP.
I got so excited when I first saw the exploding van on tv for the first time, I felt like we all achieved a monumental victory. Now I just want these media fags to never acknowlede us again. Saging because I don't care
Who cares? That rag was sold earlier this I believe after the founder got caught being a pervert. It's no different then a gawker or any of that other bullshit. Heck Ars Technica got caught pushing a fake Russian angle with the DNC leak. It's all jew garbage.
Honestly, this is more likely to be RS trying to ride on 4Chan's rising mainstream popularity.
These "legacy" magazines/outlets have zero presence in the public consciousnesses any more.
(Seriously, check the new thread about the enormous Bot Fraud class action suit going on,
their reader numbers are complete faked, to criminally actionable levels)
Liberals and SJWs always attack popular things, as a way of placing themselves above the zeitgeist
in the role of interlocutor and judge. It creates the illusion of power, influence and importance.
If they weren't so utterly lacking in charisma and sex appeal, I'd liken them to David Bowie in Labyrinth.
for what purpose
kike Janet Reitman's (((research))) is also mentioned
First pic is the screencaps of the Ceros embed that does not work in the archive link.
Second pic is also second pic of
Doesn't cuckchan ban people for saying "nigger" in any board but /b/ and Zig Forums? I bet people said it far more often back in 2007
4skin mods are FBIniggers, what do you expect
go back
So the 'increase' when normalized by increased traffic is either a flat line or goes down. i.e.
If they look at the % of posts using 'le ebil nazi' terms it decreases or remains constant, but admitting this would invalidate their entire shill narrative.
cause being against Whites being genocided is supremacy don't ya know.
So it means that you are basically a Zig Forums oldfag if you where there before the 2016 election?
where is it?
2nd exodus reporting
duplicate thread?
It's important tho polite sage
What happened October 2017 Qanon?
Those 4chan twinks are outrageous.
I still think 4chan is too big too fail.
My powers of clairvoyance astounds me I've been using endchan Zig Forums now.
I think the weight of cuckchan's success is the reason it will fail user. Since it has gotten into mainstream relevance the erosion has already begun if you go onto 4chan all you see is spam blackpills and T_D tier stuff and it is slowly happening to Zig Forums. It just isn't happening as quickly because most retards from Reddit don't know about this place and is masked by the shadow of 4chan. Once 4chan falls then it will be Zig Forums then it will be another chan after that it will be a domino until either (((they))) give up or they successfully destroy every aspect of chan culture and anonymity is completely destroyed We already are winning right now the jews are desperate and it is pretty obvious with the recent moves against iran and the continuous freezings of cuckchan lately so this could become much worse later down the line and we could be in for a huge fight
Also worth pointing out how they have been going after lesser chan's like wizchan lately despite there being much more prevalent sites that discuss that type of thing however they decide to immediately attack a chan. Isn't that strange.
That spike is actually on election day.
The quality doesn't effect the prosperity of the site as long as there is plenty of user data to sell.
This is one of the truest statements I've read on here in a long ass time.
What a stupid analysis. They didn't even normalize the numbers across numbers of posts, etc.
lost a fake-rape lawsuit with a jury of 8 women, and are barely in the top FIFTY "best" selling magazines
You’re a dipshit.
Corporate lingo also checked, wish the battle of stalingrad never happened
Fucking losers
Ahh yes , never been so happy to pass out at four am. What a wonderful evening that was
We should misdirect (( (them))) at rs to stumble across other disturbing websites. You know , gore and porn and shit or whatever the edgy kids look at these days. I don't masturbate so am not up on my porn sites. Kek we could even allude to talking in code in the comments - force them to read that shit ahahahahahaha
Better do some more crunches so my sides can handle it
Yes that's the point cuckchan is no more different than reddit now and this is the reason why it will fail because it cannot spread the original ideology of what Zig Forums believed because of the oversaturation of reddit and the shills.
< it's 2014
< cuckchan cucks out and replaces all mods with SJWs
< all mods forced to give moot and his CFR buddies copies of their drivers' licenses
< people get banned for all sorts of innocent stuff that no one was ever banned for before
< Researchers track a sudden increase in racist language at the same time at this same site with these same mods
< and they blame Trump
Suspicious. As. Hell.
arcane technological rituals
< all mods forced to give moot and his CFR buddies copies of their drivers' licenses
… Did they really fall for it?
You just can them and replace with someone stupid enough to do so.
lol who in the fuck do you think is using leftypol and the q boards?
Hahaha epic bruh, praise keke amirite?
Daily reminder Moot has worked with the feds since the mid 2000s when he was brought to court for hosting lolis on his site and /b/ has been moderated by unknown likely feds for nearly as long
I'll give you (((one))) guess
Alright I'll give you that but they are nearly wastelands.
Leftypol is literally reddit user, not even memeing. It was made because some 4cucks got buttmad (and knew about 8ch because of the exodus) for getting banned everywhere for being spamming dipshits. So they made leftypol and shilled the fuck out of it on reddit, which one could argue has even lower quality people, all the discord leaks, board-drama, their youtube channels etc. shows this quite well. This is also the mean reason why they love going around on discord and interact, because they care about having an internet image rather than the actually ideologies they are praising.
And lets not forget that they used/are using a bot-farm to up their UID count so that it looks they are bigger than they really are, that's how pathetic they will be, not realizing they where their own issue in the first place.
Oh so its just some SJW retards instead of the kikes and hear I thought they were funded.
Who does not care? Did you fall for the yid tactic of destroying your heart? I have cracked mine in twain, let it all in and it does not dirty me. How weak are you, at the core, to not take on your enemies so? They want inside borders, but not inside this. A flash, a sudden moment. A place. They find they do not belong. Words? Lost on them. When you give them harbor, it comes as may. You will see it. A foolish option has been unleashed by the parasites. Most children know stranger danger, and a key to sensing what is wrong about you. My family put me in service, because of my quality of sensing a stranger. My progeny hardly require me, do as I and want for history.
The children are on automatic, this is what the kike fears most. Animal instinct. Children are a ball of observation and questions. All you have to do is let them answer many things themselves. Smile and kiss your wife before she says something foolish.
Wasn't gonna check the thing till user archived. Thanks user.
First thing that popped out to me, their shitty meme pic with the association of skinnheads, paramilitary garb, a shitty twist on an common skull pic….. and that guy wearing the jew t-shirt like its ok. They really are fucking pathetic. Any odds on the over under with how many edgy halfchan faggots are going to clamor to that try hard image and embrace it? And today I heard that new shit 'country' song from luke bryant, pure idiot propaganda, which is basically outing em as an liberal faggot while trying to induce associative mental linkage to the listener. If you are even slightly redpilled that will only enrage you, not induce cuckening.
They got no fucking idea whats coming even now.
incels don't belong here and never will
kikes deserve to be shot
fuck off niggerjew
You're really having a day. Why are you in such a state?
How do they even manage to fail so thoroughly and so quickly? Are links and backlinks really that hard to comprehend? When I first found 4chan, I don't recall any period of stumbling about with basic UI issues.
I think our enemies are dumb.
Not even one more paragraph in and they're demonstrating extraordinary technical incompetence AGAIN.
The rest of the article is some more retardation, followed by a dumb graph, then it just stops without a conclusion.
Well they certainly don't send their best. The Jews I argue with here are pathetic to say the least.
I can imagine that facing their militias would be a much more frightening prospect though.
If they can't even weaken cuckchan then they stand no chance against us. How the fuck did people like these get in power you would assume the government would get more competent people to do all the work rather than some no name who says he knows how to use a computer. Honestly its pretty funny.
Praise Kek! May his curse fall upon the rolling stone.
Welcome to summer, where interns write about what (((they))) know.
drink bleach pajeet
…Alright I'm retarded. Mods please be gentle.
Half of the commie bloggers who (clumsily) write about it make this same complaint about chans. They are too stupid to follow a thread without reddit style hand-holding.
Also it is next to impossible to bury comments by their favored means without nested threads and power words.
read siege
Nigger nigger nigger nigger; nigger nigger. "Nigger nigger", nigger nigger nigger nigger, nigger nigger nigger nigger. Nigger- nigger nigger nigger- nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger; nigger, nigger, nigger nigger. Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger.
Production of novel culture moved to the Internet long ago. Unless you're addicted to capeshit, anti-white histrionic diversity quota movies, and low-grade nigger "music" there's nothing for you in the typical world of entertainment.
As far as news goes, it's always been bad but thanks to the Internet people are waking up to just how bad it is.
This was all inevitable, people are checking out of traditional media because there's nothing there for them. If you're a kike or a nigger, maybe you'll find Dear White People exciting, but white people aren't interested and they command the flow of dollars.
I'd rather sit around on my couch surfing the chans and listening to old music or watching a $1.99 Laserdisc of some old shit than go to a movie or concert these days, and forget the fucking theatre.
AARP is the top magazine? ahahahaha who reads that shit?
5x higher well after Trayvon and Ferguson? I doubt it
Digits checked
Hey, turbo-kike-niggers
Is this going to be in print?
Your digits…
Moot was a jew. How can they claim its a neo-nazi site when a yid invented it?
No, I see it all the time on /biz/.
Most of the prominent neo-Nazi leaders have turned out to be both Jewish and gay, hmmmm…
This takes me back to the days of Bill O'Reilly calling 4chan a far-left website.
no truer post tbh.
fucking funny just the same
In just the past week there has been a profound uptick in " Content " from R.S. to AP to Spike Lee new KKK movie and a rehash of all things Alt-Right.
CFR - on controlling social media " For The Greater Good "
so bill was right in the end
Remember, broken links aren't necessary anymore. The study guide is old and needs updating.
eightchan and fourchan help elect the first Jewish prez. How ironic…
Underrated post. I believe you on this. Internet has had its way with print media. I personally just want to see Time fold. Everything in those tabloids disgusts me. I tear one in half everytime I see it.
As truthful as the yellow van
I think that a distinct amount of people will want to read a print paper again since it untangles them from their online habits. Not sure if you are a goy or a jew, i assume the latter.
My god is that an understatement. It makes me almost physically ill nowadays. It's poisonous.