A new recording just came out - an ISIS soldier admits executing prisoner in cold blood for ISIS, is now having his reintegration into Canada funded by tax payers along with 60+ other returning ISIS fighters
A new recording just came out - an ISIS soldier admits executing prisoner in cold blood for ISIS, is now having his reintegration into Canada funded by tax payers along with 60+ other returning ISIS fighters
Heaven forbid he's caught with his lips wrapped around jew cock. The muzzies wouldn't approve.
Fucking kek. Where's the original podcast, though?
Webm of the linked video: Canadian parliament question period.
Here's the relevant part of the podcast. Not very explicit desu. The NYT must have cut out the really damning parts before broadcasting.
That bitch talks big and barks real loud but she would tolerate white genocide 99.8% as much as the liberals if in power.
Next federal election when?
Wasn't he supposed to help illegals get to The US through Canada?
Supporting terrorist is AOK and cutting veteran pensions is OK too
Those evil people fight and die for ebil Canada
Yeah the cuckservatives will save us user!
You Canucks have rifles! Shoot the fucker already!
you'll just make a martyr of him so they can crack down on guns / whitey / whatever they choose to blame it on
We all hope the families of Justin Trudeau's bodyguards are safe and secure in these trying times. It is a constant concern that a group of those radical, highly trained violent incels from eBaum's World might name them traitors and systematically begin executing their children with sniper rifles from slow driving cars. War is a terrible thing, and I am sure I speak for all of Zig Forums when I say that Justin Trudeau's bodyguards and their innocent families bear no responsibility for the war that has come to our shores, and should all be ignored completely. Those darn pranksters over at eBaum's World are going too far and we wholeheartedly denounce both their methods and actions. Surely there must be a diplomatic resolution, gentlemen!
Wouldn't that be 9gag today?
Be honest lads, is it worth emigrating there?
Ramzan Kadyrov denied his government detained and tortured gay men, while stating they weren't human and didn't exist in Chechnya.
He further stated that if they existed, they should be sent to Canada
hi csis
Shit in it
This is Trudeau, we're talking about. No one views him as some symbolic figurehead
Canada is full of impressionable people. We just need to make a podcast or something and get these guys going.
I volunteer myself. I'm brown and everyone will listen to me!
First of all we need to fucking get rid of ISIS
I want to expose them but I also don't want them to murder me and with dozens of them walking around in Toronto…
We also shouldn't have a single person in Canada that came to our border with a United States Worker's Visa.
And also people that the US would deport for being too much of a risk.
All it does is make Canada a threat to America, and when that Terrorist finds out he can't get back in to attack.
He'll be a lazy fuck and attack Canada.
Also Canadian Mass Emigration of Minorities would be awesome too.
Damn that lady ripped him a new one
As a minority I will go. But I'll take everyone else with me first. I wont go until the rest are gone, it is my word
there's also pics of him with actual topless nudists, and god knows what else just from when he was campaigning
Good, basically setting up programs to help minorities migrate back to their origin countries will be the first few steps (Along with deporting refugees and people who crossed illegally).
fuck that shit. just fucking kick us out. that's never going to happen though. governments are completely hopeless. as far as I'm concerned the fight is entirely ideological. convince the people and the government will have to succumb and your programs or brute force expulsion will happen regardless
I tell my dad all the time that he's a fucking cuck and a victim of globalism. instead of fucking watching politics about a country half way across the world, go there and actually fucking do something about it godamn
But yeah I like the way you package things. Your second package was something that Stephen Harper wanted. Look up bill c-6
I'm not sure what actually got passed but even that looks nice. But what it should be is
Anyone with a dual citizenship is a second class citizen
I for one am perfectly okay with being a second class citizen because I know this land is not for me.
idk why I saged
I really like the idea of "True Globalism"
Subvert the Jewish memes for ourselves
Supporting terrorist is AOK and cutting veteran pensions is OK too
Those evil people fight and die for ebil Canada
Yeah the cuckservatives will save us user!
Can someone post the full proof of Trudeau being Castros son?
FYI Canada is not a country. It's a corporate plantation and so called Canadians are not "citizens", they're sharecroppers, sort of half way between being free and enslaved.
The corporation that owns Canada is The CROWN based in the ancient CITY OF LONDON.
It's just cyber phrenology. Some old pics with similar features, and some vacations or trips to Cuba or something.
If you've met an actual Cuban they are pretty dark skinned mexican looking fuckers since all the rich whites left when Castro took over.
Thats not even the top of it, expect silence about the palistine canadian doctors being shot by kikes in isreal.
Thats fine but Its still disgusting that canada will ignore and still continue to support pissreal despite this happening, especially considering canada can use every doctor it gets since our healthcare is both (((free))) and worthless.
You would be surprised.
Whats funny is the 2 things look disgusted to be near him.
Anyone with dual citizensgip should be considered a criminal.
WEW! Props for her calling these kikes out.
Canada was conquered by kikes and their anglo mercenaries. They've been raping, slaughtering and eating babies for over 200 years.
He just wants to see Canadian women brutally raped in his private bourgeois residence. Is that so much to ask for?
I know, why else in 300 years have they never told england to eat a dick and formally declare we are not glorified english state?
Is this something you wanted?
A more common (and more plausible) story is that Turd'oh is Mick Jagger's kid.
Is it plausible that that so called incel truck driver was one of those isis faggots that cuckneau let into cucknada for re-integration?
Somebody should look into that.
I read somewhere, but cannot find; "Aging" Middle Easterners are immigrating to Canada at an alarming rate for the free medical.
"Certain" Elected Officials Voting no waiting period for medical.
Where will the money come from to pay for this?
"In 2017, the cost threshold for a demand to be considered excessive was $6,655 per year,… Based on those figures, the cost threshold …would now be $19,965 per year."
Except if you were born in Quebec and are Catholic, then the Pope has a stake in you as well.
I think it's safe to say that the Canadian government has been fully infiltrated by Religion of Cuck™ic Extremists and that Trudeau himself is a fifth column for Religion of Cuck™.
Strong Quebec = Strong republican movement / US annexation.
The (((Eternal Anglo))) always leaves something behind to D&C. Ironically this may be a great wedge for American interests too.
The language of signs law and other bullshit is mostly for (((media))) consumption and to get the plebs kvetching.
No that is just some MGTOW cuckoldry. Unless you think Elliot Rodger is also ISIS. Could be
OH YES. What ever happened to the movement in Quebec to join the USA? I hope it's still going strong
One Province at a time, whatever it takes
I'd support a return to the original Canadian Confederacy, all the provinces would regain their autonomy, and us Anglos and you Franks could finally leave each other alone.