un.org/en/development/desa/policy/untaskteam_undf/HLP P2015 Report.pdf
The document, in chapter 3, has a whole section on the UN's 2030 Agenda, a globalist agenda. Another agenda for globalization.
A video on the 2030 Agenda can be found here:
An informative bit is found in Chapter 1 of the document:
So, they aren't even trying to hide what this is about. What you should ask yourself now is, would a man opposed to globalism and globalist technocracy work for a bunch of globalists and help them develop a report for the furtherment of globalization? Obviously, Jordan Peterson is on the side of the globalists.
Chapter 2 offers even more:
compelling and integrated sustainable development agenda based on the Rio principles.
The first four shifts are where the focus for action is mostly at the country level, while the
fifth transformative shift, forging a new global partnership, is an overarching change in
international cooperation that provides the policy space for domestic transformations.
overcome the obstacles to sustained prosperity. The transformations described below apply to all countries. They are universally relevant and actionable. The details may vary, and responsibilities and accountabilities will inevitably differ, in line with the circumstances and capabilities of each country. We recognise that there are enormous differences among countries in resources and capabilities, differences
rooted in long-ago history and often beyond their individual control. But every country has
something to contribute. Countries are not being told what to do: each country is being
asked what it wants to do, on a voluntary basis, both at home and to help others in meeting
jointly identified challenges.
Again, laying it all out in plain view and Peterson worked with them on this. It's safe to say that not only is Peterson anti-white but also anti-west and anti-nation.
Further along in Chapter 2, we come across this gem:
for the post-2015 agenda is to bring a new sense of global
partnership into national and international politics. This
must provide a fresh vision and framework, based on
our common humanity and the principles established
at Rio. Included among those principles: universality,
equity, sustainability, solidarity, human rights, the right to
development and responsibilities shared in accordance
with capabilities. The partnership should capture, and will
depend on, a spirit of mutual respect and mutual benefit.
In case you are having trouble comprehending, this bit in Chapter 2 should make everything clear:
from national leaders, but also – no less important – it
will require many others to adopt new mind-sets and
change their behaviour. These changes will not happen
overnight. But we must move beyond business-as-usual
– and we must start today. The new global partnership
should encourage everyone to alter their worldview,
profoundly and dramatically. It should lead all countries to
move willingly towards merging the environmental and
development agendas, and tackling poverty’s symptoms
and causes in a unified and universal way.
What are the components of a new global partnership?
It starts with a shared, common vision, one that allows
different solutions for different contexts but is uniformly
ambitious. From vision comes a plan for action, at the level
of the individual country and of smaller regions, cities or
localities. Each needs to contribute and cooperate to
secure a better future.
This is Globalism. Jordan is not an ally. He is a globalist shill.