How did we get so duped into voting for (((Trump)))?
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fuck drumpf
I don't know whether this is stupidity or desperation.
heres your (((1)))
Literally kill yourself, fucking d&c shill. Nobody was unaware of this. Quit fucking spamming this shit
So then, how many have you saved for your magnificent plan? Surely the mentality of yours isn't imagining that "Maybe this time it will work", right?
Oh no how did I get duped into voting for George W. Bush? Most of Zig Forums doesn't even believe in electoral politics itself shill.
Can we please fucking criticize this faggot? The elections over, he isn't the lesser of two evils we have to grudgingly support. He is an enemy actor and we need to hold his feet to the fire until he steps into line or tear him down and hold up someone better next election.
wow guise i knew i should have voted for the hilldebeest. OP is totally not a faggot. i now see the error of my ways.
Also mods I asked for my monthly ban so I wouldn't post here. I always get sucked into trying to reason with people here and I always waste my time because they are fucking reddit sheep. Please give me my fucking montly ban like I asked.
OTOH the interests of whites and Jews coincide somewhat. The Jews need the whites to be somewhat close to a majority because other ethnicities don't have the guilt or shame that we have. This means that they too are now opposing immigration.
This is why Trump was allowed to be elected.
Yeah, I sure hope those screenshots of your bans will truly convince everyone of what a special boy you are.
You need to learn how to do it.
Suck my cock faggot. I ask for this shit every month because it is better than thinking about how much I want to murder you little r/The_Cuckold faggots unironically shilling for kike interests.
you did it for the lulz
lel, cry more.
And where's your spam? Don't tell me that you've given up already?
Fuck you shills are obvious.
Because we didn't believe in Jeb
Slow and Steady 2020
I voted for Trumph because I didn't want to enjoy a slow death on Hilary's watch.
This has been discussed before you retarded shill, its whats called the art of the deal.
More like the art of the (((deal)))
Maybe because Israel is the only Foothold in the Region and Trump wants to F with the UN? pic related
Or Trump wants to keep the Middle East a Mess to push Domestic Oil?
At least Hillary might of been better for me in Australia, she actually called out the Chinks here the other week for trying to subvert Australia
What are Russia and Syria for $10
Those reasons are still corrupt so they can't be it.
BINGO! You sure know how to entertain.
I don't know wether to laugh or scream in anger
Personally i just laughed.
I admit this is bait. Couldn't resist, sorry lads.
This thread is going to get pruned and deleted in no time. Get ready for smug anime girls / gore spam when the mods wake up. No wrong think allowed here.
Laugh now. Cry later.
Go on, bump those threads, ya cunt!
Spin spin spin, subvert subvert subvert, that is all you (((fleas))) can do.
Your tricks never worked, kike
Except the vast majority of "criticisms" are simply insults that used to be reserved for actual noose-bait like Tim Wise.
When someone is getting more flack in a little over a year than eight years of King Nigger combined, it seems a little suspicious.
Awesome Sauce
Syria and Russia wear Black Hats in the eyes of the USA right now.
Black Hats; shoot uptown, hold rancher hostage until he signs deed to the land that the train is coming through, kills rancher and his family.
White Hats; Romance ranchers daughter into marriage, still get land.
Same Goal, different approach.
The BO is a fucking kike and Zig Forums BO literally gave the kike most revolting blowjob
Pic related
Never forget
A parasite and the interests of it's host coincide, but sooner later one of them is going to die. I don't think Trump is totally good or evil. Things aren't black and white.