Jew Billionaire Suing Soros for $10B for malicious political manipulations
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A tacit admission that meddling in the political affairs of a sovereign nation is A-OK so long as you're making money while you do so.
Speaking of, let me know when he's brought before the Supreme Court. This is hardly news, as we already knew Jews are gonna jew, even at the expense of other Jews.
The guy who filed the suit is Beny Steinmetz. Looking him up, he's a crooked jew himself. Don't get too excited.
Though Soros is like a jew on steroids his jewing knows no bounds.
A jealous kike jewing other kike's shekels, or just a show?
Now that I'd like to see
Jews jewing jews?! This gon' be good!
well yeah, this is a lawsuit. Lawsuits are always in the language of money. If the government of guinea itself was bringing a suit it would probably get it's own prosecutor and the charges would be espionage. But a business filing a lawsuit will always be over money. I don't think I have ever heard of a business (even one that is not run by a jew) that filed a suit for destruction of natural ecology or for the destruction of social values. I don't know if such a thing is even possible, and they would probably be forced to put their complaint in the form of damages which just goes back to paying money.
Yeah, it's possible. Usually it's a Class Action lawsuit by a group of people that's harmed in an obvious fashion by the actions of an individual or corporation (e.g. people who have been sickened by improperly-disposed pollution). There was a movie "based on a true story" about a notable case where this happened that got released back in 2000:
A class actiona Lawsuit is filed by individuals not a business.
if the jews do win and get their nwo, it will essentianlly be jews jewing jews jewing jews jewing jews jewing jews jewing jews jewing jews, and all off them being thoroughly giga-jewed by the ultimate jew, satan
Keep memeing lads, the "left is eating itself" meme is going to hit critical mass when we get jews jewing jews on a global scale.
Jews infighting can only be good.
He's merely the Rothschilds' attack dog. You'll never see a top-of-the-pyramid jew named left and right. Not until we collapse (((their))) system.
Learn to make a proper fucking OP, shitskin.
Fake lawsuit. Kike vs kike are all bullshit.
Soros was reported to be worth $18 Billion last year, before he gave $10 Billion away to his "foundation" which is run by his son. Maybe the lawsuit is just Soros' master trying to maneuver someone else of power into a position to take over for Soros when he dies.
That passage in the bible about the master giving his slaves talents/shekels to see how much profit they would bring him never set right with me as a child. Now that I understand the JQ it makes perfect sense. (((Their))) money is always (((their))) money, even if they loan it to another jew. Correction, especially if they loan it to a jew. That's how their ruling class always stays rich. As they see it, the loan and all the profit you make from it belongs to them because you never would have earned that profit without the initial start up investment. That's where their bad meme "You own nothing, goy" comes from. They believe they own all of america because their banks, filled with their money, was loaned to you the slave, so no matter what you used it for, it belongs to the jews.
So what ever happened of the jews jewing jews?
I'm actually going to enjoy this!
(((Globalists))) vs (((Globalists)))
It's Bolshevism all over again.
Indeed it's jews jewing jews again(or globalist backstabbing other globalist for more power) BUT what I would like to bring attention to is the timing of this. Lets think of what's coming up, in the next couple of months, that Soros would really want all that money for. American Midterm Elections, if you've been keeping track then you'd know that the dems are in debt deeply with how the 2016 elections went while the repubs have a decent amount saved up to spend on campaigning and ads and such. IF such a giant of finical backing to the dems(though legal and illegal means) gets taking out or even just gets hamstrung just temporarily while those elections go on with minimal influence from him, well that sounds like a nice change of pace. Now that dosen't mean others won't try to influence things, alex soros and the kock brothers come to mind, but i'm still looking forward to it.
It's fake. He is taking the money to other Soros globalist friends. They are all laughing at you right now, how does that make you feel?
Soros is cucked by the yids
LOL never forget the Jews jewing jews