Ok here's my idea
What did niggers call their protest? Civil disobedience? Well this is civil terrorism. We are nuking the city with redpills, so many, that cleaning up would cost thousands of dollars and hundreds of man hours. The people cleaning will have to read what's on these fucking papers, right?
If one of you fucking savages can do this, this will do alot. This would be a mass redpilling of proportions we have never seen, these flyers will be ALL OVER social media and the news, at least some of them, but all of them have to be as hurtful (The truth hurts!) as the other ones, so that mainstream media won't go out of their way to pick the one with the least implications (For example, they would pick some truth about Britain's tax laws over the truth of their freedom of speech laws)
The MSM wouldn't be able to brush this one aside and forget about it either, because this would be a pretty massive event depending on how much you dump into the city. The best part is, the worst that will happen to you is that you will be kicked out of the country. You won't become an international terrorist for littering!
This will be expensive, potentially dangerous, and time consuming, but in my eyes this is worth it.
you niggers have VPNs for a reason
So how about it? Does it sound autistic, or is it seemingly possible for one of you?
Truth bombing
Other urls found in this thread:
I would be easier to do with balloons, the south Koreans have been doing it for years.
Balloons are cheaper, but require timing and wind to be on your side. However I still can't figure out how their design works.
It all depends. Drones are able to carry more weight, drop with more precision, and you can actually control when the drop happens. Also, this is already weather dependent (You'd need to do this during a drought, because you don't want rainwater to ruin your papers), so adding wind into the mix would add another layer of precision into the mix.
But also balloons can be sent out in mass amounts, so that might be better for more papers
Zig Forums is a board of peace.
You suggest anons do what you call "terrorism", but won't follow your own idea?
Honeypot thread/10
There are legal ways of accomplishing the same, such as the redstick project.
No, in bongland you get detained under terrorism laws for having right wing opinion. Pic related.
Not a bad idea, I might do this over in the US, don't listen to other Anons, it's no different than IOTBW, just a bit more specific, and obviously those who live in militant countries should be more wary of how they do this, but I do believe this is a good idea over all.
Yeah, but if you were to leave the country, you wont be able to be arrested.
It's not that I don't want to follow through with my own plan, it's that I can't. I don't have the resources the fly over to another country, to print out a few thousand sheets of paper, etc.
This IS peaceful, by the way, hence the term "Civil". the reason I called it "terrorism" is because of the fact that this is a "truth bombing", and the fact that many people would think a drone with a large bag/crate of unknown materials would be carrying a bomb, instead of factoids on a piece of paper.
The reason a drone should be used is that reason precisely. It will show that the group sending it is peaceful, and that we could have done alot worse.
Fucking retard. No one is going to fall for your kike shilling here.
nigger you do realize you'd need 6 hands to control the 3 drones right?
how the fuck are non residents supposed to get a drone in the uk, and then release multiple series of redpills to then flee the country?
Can we get non retards that actually think about the difficulties to execute their plans before they post them? This can only literally be done by residents about to move the fuck out of the united kaliphate and even then they risk arrest which fucks their departure and life.
how new are you that you don't know this is littering and hate speech? Anything that any onlooker finds offensive can be labeled hate speech in the UK. It may not be terrorism but you would absolutely be arrested. There are also a billion fucking cctv cameras so you'd get filmed doing this every step of the way.
Then save up and do it fag. Plus side the british goverrnment will reimburse you with a free shared apartment for a few years. Electricity, water, security and diverse roommates included.
Simple cheap solution for you user pic related.
this, balloons are a million times cheaper and they won't be able to track where the balloon came from, unlike the drone, which the police will spend thousands of hours analyzing wreckage from in order to discover who the hate terrorist is.
people actually start doing this and there will be calls to ban weaponized war balloons and balloons of all types.
Brittany was detained because the British didn't want little CIA operatives instigating a civil insurrection. I do like this idea, but I think to break the spell on the British people, someone needs to hijack the BBC communications equipment. Imagine broadcasting TGSNT over their networks, 24/7.
I don't see what could go wrong. Get on it!
You could easily make and use hydrogen as well which would keep you from being detected buying helium. a 9V battery (electricity) and water are all you need to begin making small quantities. The lift yield is slightly better than helium. Just don't blow yourself up, and with balloon sized quantities you shouldn't. Other than that all you need is a decent basket type release mechanism which triggers when the balloon reaches maximum altitude and pops.
^CIA manuals^ have all the specifications relating to size of paper leaflets to weight ratio for anybody serious, use waterproof paper/laminate/sheet protectors. Acquire everything secondhand new in the package and always use gloves/hazmat suit/sandblasting vacuum booth to prepare materials to avoid leaving identifiable forensics.
get paper + cheap paper protector sheets use glue to seal them for weather protection and additional attention because a piece of protected paper is more eye-catching.
Put dozens of fliers into balloon losely rolled together like newspaper/stick that you can put through the balloon mouth, Fill balloon with helium, combine alarm clock electronics with firecracker gently shove alarm speaker cables into the center of firecracker where the blackpowder is, calculate wind direction and speed to set alarm time to have it pop when it is at a position near your goal. Do a few raw test flights first to get a better feeling about how the balloon behaves in the air and how fast it flies to a location. Also check if the speaker cables can detonate a firecracker, and lastly make sure to calculate the amount of helium you use, you don't want the balloon fly up like a rocket but gently rise or you risk it popping prematurely or fly up too high and catch a higher wind that gets it off course. Considering one load will cost like 2$, you could make a whole fucking swarm of these for the price of one drone.
t. Kid who had way too much time building all kinds of shit in grade school
Pretty sure you would breach dozen public and classified federal laws including terrorism and get 50 years of jail minimum.
Actually a bretty good idea OP. If you live somewhere that these drones are legal to fly.
You have to pressurize the H to fill the balloon, do you take a big wiff and exhale it into the balloon to fill it?
Best idea so far lifting force is 28grams/ft^3 from here
Every user who suggested balloons here is better.
God, shills are so dumb nowadays!
Best line:
>"is it seemingly possible for one of you?" (you goy not me)
Wow dude make it less obvious.
To fill a balloon with hydrogen literally all you need to do is fill a flask with drain cleaner (hydrogen chloride) and some aluminum foil with a balloon over the top . It's one of the most basic and simple science experiments, and not hard at all.Much better opsec than purchasing helium on camera.
Why are there so many fucking typos? Did a dindu write this?
insight instead of incite
You are assuming every welding house supply has a video camera?
In the time you do your little chemistry experiment I can fill a dozen throw the cylinder in my back pack and ride my bike away or walk down the stairs. You could do continuous fill and release just float them around and let them land. chart related
Always strike at the right times, though. When there are big protests going on the ARGUS-IS is always active. Deploy from obfuscated views, remain from a distance, and use decoys; drones can be disguised to degree (consider that soon Amazon and every kike's shit will buzzing all over the air) and you can always fly more cheap Chinas into their space. Also, keep in mind to be aware of the signals you produce. Remember in this redpilling campaign that the IRA was often exposed because of the signals their RCs (plane and car) gave off. Always ensure all radio is switched to off until you have studied the geography and plotted your vantage points and multiple routes of traversing. Always consider all drones as canonfodder, complete loss, DOA. It is best to move on and keep moving on. Your best OPSEC is your firearm (ready for anyone who considers your act of justice something harmful to their job or ego).
From BAE,
- get arrested for flying drone in illegal airspace and 2,800 counts of loitering
- no one learns anything
wtf you idiot, you think someone is going to read a piece of paper and do anything? They have the internet?
"this would do alot" … yea , no it wont.
It might do more than this thread … fucking bs OP
It's about shitting up their physical spaces with "hatefacts", but you knew that (((rabbi)))
Be aware that certain facts combined with violating one of the balloon laws, or some other obscure law, will put you at risk of getting a hate modifier against you. (like the guy putting "fact" bumper stickers on random cars) Better to start with something kosher (see img) since you could always release more at a later time if all goes well on the trial run.
Someone getting busted and a receiving $100 fine and mass media coverage will make them a hero and pariah to the left. Getting busted and tossed in prison gets you thrown under the bus.
Leaflets and drones. Is that what the Jews did to take power? Maybe we should copy what worked for them. Nepotism. Taking over parts of society that wield power and influence culture.
Good luck with the leaflet campaign. Honestly most of the people who are going to get red-pilled by info already are. The rest will be forced to choose a side when the shooting starts. Instead of leaflets maybe take out the rape gangs and kike judges.
don't use helium, too easy to track, use hydrogen simply made by hydrolysing water
Better ideas:
All these are best for night by the way. I figure it's better for cover and will make people with jobs more likely to see it in the morning
Need to drop coupons for free trips on El Al Airlines to Israel, the holy land of gibs.
Most likely it was because a dindu/paki is in that government job. Others wondered if Brittany faked it, but as she claims to be an author, that seems implausible.
Why not just stop being a pussy and never hide your power levels. Your family will learn to accept you and even listen to you if they have an inch of respect for you and the friends who couldn't be arsed to give you the time of day to hear you out shouldn't be called friends in the first place. Start a fucking community and let it spread. Your idea is still good, but if you're a decent white man, maybe you'd care about not littering and find a better way, like flying a fucking banner around for all to see.
I doubt it would even be noticed.
*8 million
Isn't it easier to just sticker posters to the walls?
indeed cut paper into 4ths. Have one big, bold redpill per paper, and supporting bullet points explaining / proving below the headline.
Only make 15-20 of the hardest hitting redpills, so media can't find one they can twist into no big deal (at least until first batch have hit news outlets, then go from there).
Perhaps have a link to an archive of all the redpills on them already, for anyone interested.
Are you seriously suggesting killing someone to cover this (really stupid) idea up?
This whole thread screams honeypot.
I want to see OP's Drones and leaflets before I try anything.
I'm no grammar Nazi, but the grammar and spelling mistakes:
>filming your boyfriend Martin Sellner['s] speech at speakers corner [Speakers' Corner]
>Furthermore, Your boyfriend have in his possession Leaflets…
>likely to insight tensions
BBC: Speakers' Corner "the home of free speech"
UK "home of the English language"
Won't this rain redpills, with a chance of fireballs? Fireworks and paper, what could go wrong?
Add hydrogen to the mix… instead of helium
He - inert gas
H - highly flammable even at low concentrations
Guys, stay in your basement.
balloons are cheaper, have further reach, don't need a pilot, don't need any registration, have the added benefit of children picking them up even after they have fallen to the ground, literally the only downside is that the wind is in control but if you're not retarded you can just release them upwind a few miles.
you are autistic. people pay attention to the news because it has legitimacy. papers dropped from the sky with "the truth" just comes across as the ranting and ravings of a schizophrenic.
if you want to spread "the truth" - just save up for a printing press (you can get them from China nowadays) and start churning out dissident literature.
Just a heads up, some glow in the dark nigger was recently posting "truth bombing" threads on cuckchan encouraging people to distribute flyers by building bucket bombs that fire the flyers into the air.
It was an obvious attempt to get anons to commit literal acts of terrorism, and OP's post seems like an evolution of that same operation. Dropping physical objects from drones onto people is without a doubt something that could get you charged with terrorism.
If this is true, it's rather despicable. I mean, sure, get people who want to harm others to incriminate themselves, but there is still such a thing as freedom of speech, at least theoretically.
Also even if you get the stupid to self-Darwin, they could at the same time be setting people's gutters on fire. Think of the innocent leaves! (And lives…)
Nice idea