Germany is behind the destruction of the West. Who do you think invented Communism and the Frankfurt School / 68 movement? Who do you think is behind the European superstate? Who do you think is behind the "I am a d&c kike, ban my stupid non-white ass" spam, and general anti-white shilling on Zig Forums? Who is behind shilling and spamming Zig Forums with anti-white shit?
The Germans.
Get redpilled, niggers. Jews and Germans can be shown to be equivalent populations.
You have "Rothschild" written on Hitler's head. Thus implying that Hitler is a Rothschild. In any case, where is your evidence that Hitler was hired by them? You know, he imprisoned one of the Rothschild bankers.
I know. However these threads are enlightening. See, roughly half of Zig Forumsacks who post claim that literally everyone who has ever said anything, done anything, written anything, or thought of anything is a double top secret jewish agent. And you can be banned for even suggesting otherwise.
Ethan King
so you're saying we should allow shit disinfo threads to exist because there's a precedent lol, know what? i've learned pretty much everything Zig Forums can teach me in the last five years anyway. enjoy your shit board
Parker Taylor
The mods are right, your thread is shit with it's implicit d&c. And you should be banned again and your thread deleted.
Easton Collins
Carter Williams
Germans are cancer with or without jews. And it's not divide and conquers: we are all united against the germans. Everything good the White Man forges gets destroyed or degenerated by the eternal german.
Thomas Sanders
gas yourself kike
Xavier Taylor
you have to die
Juan Morris
Reminder that Hilter was the Trump of his time. He was bought in, and supported secretly by Rothschild. He was 1/4 Jewish himself. When he got into power, he expunged their influence and went full rogue. Hence their backlash.
He was literally supposed to be a puppet/satellite against Russia. He changed the deal when he went non-aggro with Russia (even though they planned on invading anyways after Germany would begin to invade England).
Educate yourselves. After Germany pushed into Russia, taking vast amounts of land. They were only able to counter due to Hilter's funding and arming, now going to Russia/Stalin to stop their rogue creation.
If it wasn't for them funding and arming the Russians - A German National State would have formed in 1947/48 -
However, many theorists believe that his empire would have crumbled and seen communist levels of mass genocides/migrations post-war. Probably to USA/Canada and South America. Except with Germans, Italians, and hungarians leaving… it would be French, English, and Russians.
It probably would have stayed in a shaking balance for several decades until the younger generations grew up indoctrinated into the system.
No matter what, the jews were going to win. They wanted Russia defeated, until Germany broke the deal. So they made and enemy of an enemy, a friend (the communist Russians were controlled by jews as well, but they were not banking captialist Jews)
Suicide, guy pointed his gun to his mouth and shot, destroying his face in the process, risky move though, there's a lot of people who end up surviving because the brain was not injured, just the soft tissue.
Nathaniel Garcia
That's the opposite of what Trump is doing though.
Isaiah Wright
No. I already reported this thread. However I might as well enjoy the irony while OP is shitting up this board. There are plenty of decent, well deserving threads. I stay for those rare gems.
Ayden Collins
Germans are the heart of Europe user. Hence, why their people become the pendulum in the balance of European power.
They have been tainted and corrupted by the ideals of communism and social democracy.
Nicholas Russell
No point in arguing with a shill/retard
Oliver Gonzalez
No. He was bought and paid for in 2012/13. He went rogue once he realized he could actually beat (((them))) by siding in with their counter powers. AKA conservative Jews. I've been saying this since the election.
This happened in the early days of him running and gaining ground.
They fucked up further by cheating Bernie out of a win against Hillary. They may have been able to conserve their power by keeping Bernie in, but believe it or not… Trump is more bought and paid for than Bernie is/was.
And I'm no fan of Bernie or Shillary. I voted for Trump because he was the best bet, but I only agree with maybe 50% of his policies.
You can't argue that he is indeed, draining the swamp.
All you're doing is desensitizing people to gore and making more mentally ill people.
You = no better than Hollywood.
Isaac Harris
trump was bailed out by the Rothschilds, omnibus bill = no wall. s447 = "holololocaust survivors" get free money from europe. Kushner was involved in 9/11 the swamp was turned into an ocean.
Joseph Perez
jews. The same people behind a one nation continent you. you their names make little sense that's why they can still be distinguished from actual german names. why are you capitalizing the word jew, by the way? True So is English and many other languages. Purely by kikes You are a retard. Germany is occupied by the USA, see webm If Germans are jews then why would jews try that? So it's not the Germans behind it all but the jews. And trying implicates resistance by Germany. Thanks for trying though. Get your eyes checked. Belgium is not Berlin. Wrong. Wrong. Because WW2 panned out the way it did. They do not have control. The Bundeswehr doesn't even have functional planes and the equipment is failing. Did you know that the only nation ever to be sanctioned and bled as much as Germany was Rhodesia? Rhodesia died from it. It is not. They are subject to American politics because they are Americans. They are Americans, they do not have a dual citizenship. He's half German and over 400 years of American history . Satan exists as much as your foreskin exists. That said, Berlin is shit tier. You're an idiot. AHAHAHAHA Did he also foresee street shitting? AHAHAHAAHAHAHAA AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA
Western Europeans are pretty much solely responsible for our technological development in the grand scheme as a species. The Kikes literally don't have an answer for this - other than some half ass excuse about Womynz being held down.
Landon Gutierrez
Some people are made to be the White Blood Cells in a society. Other are meant to be the rest of the proteins of the system.
Some are meant to see, and use the gore to feed their efforts to making a better world. Where some see it, and it corrupts their minds inside and outward – spilling malevolence and hatred into the world around them.
4chan shill thought they could subvert Zig Forums Zig Forums. As always he got BTFO in his own thread, he could at least switch IP's to agree with himself, but the shill is far too incompetent to even that.
Zachary Watson
OP is a faggot, and is probably an Israeli Jew. I'm going to crash his thread. Many jews have German names because they change their names when they migrate. This is nothing new and it's well known. The German Jews of the time migrated from Russia's Pale of Settlement, part of which used to be Khazaria… OP is purposely flipping the causal association of the 'Stars'. But he's also ignorant of history and the Bible.
Here is the truth OP doesn't know The Bible isn't about Jews, Moses wasn't Jewish; "Jews" are "Judeans". They are ONE tribe of TWELVE, the other eleven tribes of Abraham dispersed through-out the world as part of God's Covenant with Abraham, the blessing that they'd multiply and become many nations and BLESS the world. But this promise only passes onto the youngest / most righteous. Abraham => Isaac => Jacob/Israel => Joseph. Judah, the father of the "Judeans / Jews" was the son of Jacob+Leah (aka, the woman Jacob was tricked into marrying). Judah is the HALF brother of Joseph.
Look up the history of Alexander the Great, he was a descendant of the sea-faring tribe of Abraham; the Dannites, or the Dan's. Alexander claimed to be a descendant of Hercules. Can you think of any "Hercules" characters in the bible?… Samson! Which tribe was Samson in?… The Dannites!
The Spartans are are Israelites. Descended from Abraham. 1st Book of Maccabees, 12:20-23. This is verified by Josephus (Ant. 12:4:10). The Spartans went on to colonize through-out the Mediterranean, including one colony called "Sabines"… Does that name sound familiar? Sabine Women were taken by the Romans and the Tribes were eventually merged. This means the Romans are descended from Abraham!
Just remember folks, Jews come from "Judah", a guy that sold his brother into slavery, and fucked his daughter in-law… Looking at all the corruption in (((Hollywood and New York))) it's clear to see who's descended from whom.
Funny thing, SS they run their own little investigation behind Hitler's back just to make sure he's not Jewish, and was ready and willing to step in if something fishy would come up.
Kayden Wright
Kevin Brown
Wait, how are the Spartans Israelites? Where do you get this from?
Ian Sanchez
Let us post kikes being BTFO Here's a BURNING kike screaming in agony while being consumed by cleansing FIRE (the future of OP)