“They're proud of things that cost millions and millions and millions of deaths. It makes them happy. And I don't feel bad for ruining their fucking weekend,” an activist who goes by Naya told VICE News.

Other urls found in this thread:



Good Lord these people are delusional lol.

they are both Kikes with the (((Traditionalist Workers Party))) and Spencer is a fag. The white nationalists they need to worry about are the cops who bust them and veterans.

SAGE for bag o' jewish tricks troll post

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No one gives a fuck about your article vice, or cares about a handfull of ugly drugged out brain dead despicable faggots.

Everyone here knows about them, no one cares "OH DOES THIS SHOCK YOU?" bullshit here.

I hope you get stabbed by a cholo.

Vice supports violent political action over peaceful self political expression enshrined in the constitution.

And that is worse than punching an innocent white american with differing opinions to these people.

its simple if you tolerated vice,even archived now is the time to drop them for good. They cannot accept other people who are not far left statists.

yes some of these people are full on skinheads but there is no need to glorify violence and violent thugs. stick your dude weed articles where the sun don't shine.

You can tell just how pathetic members of the aut-right are if they fall for this. This is why focusing on integrating women is a mistake. You attract retards that are there for the women and are prone to infiltration and disruption.
Tricky Dick makes a good observation here. Unfortunately he doesn't do anything to change it.



I hate capitalism so much!

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Alright, honestly they suck at that too. Not only are they weak in streets but also on image boards about basket weaving.

Attached: The Guy Laughing Hard in July 2017.webm (1280x720, 6.63M)

I don't believe a single one of these things.

Ah yes, winning when you're an (((establishment))) sponsored and protected organization must be quite the task.

Wow, this is all so (((convenient))), almost like something out of a movie script, huh?

To this day it hasn't gone so well.
I know soup agencies and my ISP know my beliefs, thing about it is I don't care if they give it to antifa. They don't scare me .I drive through "161" areas and walked trough their hq with a celtic cross.
Fucking faggots the lot of them

1v1 is not reality for them they only attack 5v1 so fuck them

trips of trotskyites

antifa didn't fly so well in Huntington beach. I would say antifa can be beat if they have a 3 to 1 majority. Most of thier host are camp followers and the ones that can actually fight are propably soup infiltraitors. Check the shoes.

"Oh my God, kike group 1 vs kike group 2"
Kys (((vice))).
They're so desperate to meme this crap up again not realizing not a single person gives a fuck about either anymore. If people are comfortable ($), it aint happening.

but at the end of the day, thanks to these goons it is practically impossible to hold a pro-white rally with any real exposure. They're willing and able to punch below the belt. Nobody on the right is able to effectively counter with violence without immediately being disowned by everybody and ending up costing more to the movement than gaining it.

Our enemy has numerical superiority and control over the dissemination of information. You need to think about neutralizing these before you even bother with marching in the streets where they have every single advantage.

Vice/Rebel/Ezra Levant all connected is the media arm of both "alt-right" and "antifa", which are in reality both controlled opposition/agents/crisis actors of the jew.
Receiving instructions from the same managers and coordinating photo ops with Vice and other mainstream media sources, "alt-right" such as TWP/Spencer groups and the fake, nebulous conglomeration of actors referred to as "antifa", stage 80s-esque street battles, with the highlights being theatrically dressed "super hero" characters, scripted to be propelled to fame (e.g 'Based stick man') and hoax attacks on e-celebs representing the alt-right
The whole thing is scripted. Both sides are working in cooperation. Neither side believes what is written on the signs they are waving.
tl;dr this is one big fake news psyop designed to d&c college age Whites. The close ties to Rebel/Vice always reveal psyops.
All actors.

Yes, it's all just an act. Nothing actually ever happens in real life, it's just staged.

So what are you saying, that alt-right is not actually controlled opposition and that ANTIFA are actually not a front propped by the kikes?
Do you take everything for granted and just as it is presented to you?

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I don't think there's been anything real since the occupy movement got co-opted.
It's gone from the 99% vs the 1% to what pretty much amounts to entertainment.

There are agent provocateurs in both movements without a doubt. Saying that both groups are 100% controlled and every single event by to be staged is delusional.

Huntington was savage. Top Kek

1000% respect 2 RAM P1


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Cali boys are setting the world on fire

>(((Vice))) promotes using violence to strip away people's rights
Wew they should be tried for treason.

I'd like to take that bald faggot away from his daughter.

This is the single funniest paragraph of text in the English language.

Attached: Girl_Hipster.jpg (500x750, 122.8K)

They really have no idea who they're dealing with,
Its shere panic at this pount

The honeytrap is millennia old and you, and most of Zig Forums is just as, if not more, susceptible to it as anyone in the "aut-right".
Don't tell me that you haven't seen hundreds of posts by anons fantasizing about finding exactly that kind of girl, "who wants to be led", "who is hungry to learn about White culture" etc.
Look at the bucketloads of female-identifying e-celebs who exploit precisely that dynamic to infiltrate, misinform, control and extract (money). They start off pretending to be "curious but unsure" and "can you please teach me more? I'm so curious :3"
In the case of the honeypot, the sexual starvation of the average teenage/20-something man, soon leads to feelings of attraction and efforts to establish side-channel communication (Facebook, email, Skype, ).
Once it's got to this stage, it's already over. She will feed lines like
>I bet you're not like him, I bet you're so masculine and trad :3
Young men are completely outclassed by young women when it comes to emotional games and deception, even those women who are not gifted in the department of looks. They simply augment with makeup. And the way a young man's mind works, he doesn't see through the mask, the over-application simply makes her seem more attractive to him.
The situation is so bad that even obvious transgenders like Lauren Southern and Brittany Pettibone are lusted after and defended vigorously from criticism.

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Top Bakas.

Don't trannies already do this?

The irony was of course as usual, palpable.

I mean we all knew the majority of these people have never once in their lives heard a counter point to their beliefs - in fact, most have probably never even humored a dialogue. But it still baffles me that they know so little about this opposition they hate so much that they think (((Dicky Spencer))) is "the most prominent and most widely accepted within the (((alt-right))" They know literally nothing about us other than we're bogies to their ideology. It doesn't matter what, who or why we stand against them - this is just a violent 'jihadic-like' response mechanism. And in many cases, most likely professionally organized by multi-national corporations.

Well it serves you right if you get catfished like that, the internet is a suitably dangerous place and all of you should be aware of that. Even 4cucks should know that. Always think with your head - if something sounds too good to be true, it's because it probably is so act tentatively until proven otherwise.

No I'm not because I know women don't belong in politics. The problem with the alright is that they are filled with tradcucks who feel getting a wife is more important than fighting ZOG. Rest of your post is spot on.

The anonymous legion of pissed off strangers avoid the virtue signalling spotlight. Oh, were definitely crumbling. @_@
Keep it up, asshole.

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Holy fuck the noses everywhere.

Oh man a bunch of wimpy larpers playing pretend revolutionary.
The only good that comes from these inept useful idiots is that they might kick things off, of course they'll get steamrolled when any conflict begins but I wouldn't put it past their unstable minds to harm the innocent in an attempt to get attention.
As much as I know these people are clowns I can appreciate the practical uses they will likely serve.

Looking for a group of individuals who have a clear understanding of a substance called ADRENOCHROME. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrenochrome.
The qualified candidates will work in teams to help develop a 100% accurate scientific method or a medical devise that can test for smallest traces of ADRENOCHROME consumption in human body. The applicants must possess a strong heart that's real and active. Artificial human like candidates need not apply.
Please translate in every language and re post this note on every social media, message board, copy and paste to street sign and trafic poles, building walls……..
m.youtube.com/watch?v=eFOyCwCRTgw. Get some SAUDI❤️We may suck at dancing in ARDAH but we assure you our Muslim brothers, we can really rock and roll with our 2nd. Come my African brothers WW. Look at this! m.youtube.com/watch?v=GuqZfaj34nc. Do you still believe Barack Hussein Obama was your savior??? Wake up and smell the ADRENOCHROME. Proof is in this! home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/sm0243. Get some TRUMP❤️ m.youtube.com/watch?v=Iw5Ij_RFJ1Q. Get some PUTIN❤️Now you get why we're hated by deep state and msm ? YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE AND YOUR ROTTEN COLD BLOODED BODY RIGHT NOW IS PRODUCING YOUR OWN LITTLE adrenochrome. WR ARE COMING FOR YOU. Btw I hear Antarctica is no longer safe for your kind. WWGOWGA

VICE IS Antifa.

Standing in their 'pen' larping that hard :D :D :D

These trannies/closet fags whatever, do the 'pretend to be a girl' bit with young males they secretly want to be fucked by and that's it. They have no idea about violence whatsoever. To imagine they're going to come across anyone online who matters and be able to talk to them just like that and with empty praise…

kikes, kike

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Antifa traps really just want a white daddy to love them, but they arent cute enough.
Maybe if we could automate plastic surgery in the future reich, they would have a future still.


top kek

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Sounds like more divide and conquer. No one trust women here.

no one is alt right here

Nobody cares. Just rip their masks from their faces and watch them sperg out.

Talk about "Hello my fellow kids" tier attempts to acquire information or entrap someone, but it's no surprise they're that unimaginative. Anyone familiar with agent tactics would see right through it immediately and either provide no useful information, or resort to disinformation in order to flip the tables to profile the agent.

You really think someone would do that? Just go to Vice News and start spouting bullshit?

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