Let's try to find points in history where things were OBVIOUSLY jew'd into making a jew the hero of the story or the victims.
One of their biggest lies is the entire fabrication of the old testament and jews being used as slaves in Egypt on a mass scale. They were a minor class of people who held power. Especially in Thebes and Babylon. There was no isreali migration from egypt across the red sea… was a completely different group of people that were indeed Semites, but not 'Israelite' or even of the same tribe and region as those who claim they were.
They even believed in Egyptian gods and left due to the destruction of Egypt during the collapse of the bronze age/post sea people invasion. People think that jews are just today 'assimilating' into western society. No, they are just doing what they always do. Camoflague themselves into the society and attempt to corrupt it within for the beneift of themselves or their tribe.
Don't believe the jew'd history books. Here are a few examples off the top of my head:
1) Muh 6 gorillian
2) Moses, Noah and the flood, jewish slaves of egypt migrating across the red sea.
3) David vs the goliath
4) The entire fucking old testament which stories were created in Sumeria/Media, stolen by the Babylonians and Akkadians, which was in turn stolen by the jews, which added flakes of their own history to make it seem legit.
5) The fact that jews EVER had a 'homeland' and weren't just a band of roaming gypsies looking stealing culture and ethics from higher civs to pass it off as their own.
TFW jews have always been jewing and commiting fraud.
"Hero" MP Tobias (((Ellwood))) ineffectively tries to give mouth-to-mouth to dying cop, as qualified paramedics and fellow officers stand around holding their dicks. OP, questioning any psyop where the alleged perps are brown is a losing proposition on Zig Forums due to the high number of anons and kikes masquerading as right-wingerswho get triggered when a "source of propaganda for red pilling normies" is shown to be nothing more than kike propaganda. archive.fo/vFvjm In fact all of the other "attacks" of 2017 were similarly bunk. Manchester Arena being one of the most poorly executed. An often overlooked source of debunking material is the normie morning TV shows they put out to indoctrinate students and women at home. The primary role of such shows is to support government narratives. youtube.com/watch?v=GzxMCK2Nliw
I'm pretty sure that by now nobody except faith people really believes on old jew/cristian stuff. They may admit there's a posibility that Moses, Noah and even Jesus could exist but the stuff that they were famous for didn't literally happen. Old stories from when the world made no sense. The 6 million stuff is only allowed because of hardcore propaganda (movies and tales up your ass and everyone who says it didn't happen gets ostracized and goes to prison if in Europe). The promised homeland is one of my favorites: it gives jews a justification for having a piece of earth… which was already occupied by other people! They were just invaders of richer lands.
Fuck off, kike. Christianity is the only religion that teaches hatred for kikes as well as real, useful virtues like stoicism and love for fatherland.
Ryan Jones
How? According to Christianity, when we die we all go to a giant golden cube and live together in a multicultural cube worshipping Yeshuah, the son of Yahweh. Also, anyone, no matter their race can become a Christian and go to the same multicultural afterlife. What stops the niggers from nigging in the giant golden cube?
And the worst aspect of Christianity is jew worship. You cannot deny that the Christian religion slants history towards privileging jews.
Uhhhhh hate to break it to you pal chris was a jew who got what he deserved for sedition and treason. Don't be a treasonous jew, don't get nailed to a stick Problem(s) solved Pro tip dead jüden don't come back ever
Matthew Butler
Nah I'll pass
Wyatt Walker
I guess one good thing about Christian beliefs is that a giant golden cube may smash Israel. If that happens, I'll sing a hymn to Yahweh I suppose. Unfortunately, something like 155,000 jews will be saved. That sucks.
Gods, heaven would be terrible. Even if Yahweh accepted my skeptical ass, I'd be surrounded by jews and niggers. And Jesus would be expecting me to treat them like brothers. At least I could meet William Pierce. Though, I'm sure he wouldn't have much time for a peasant like me, it'd be cool just to chat briefly with him in his spare time.
Henry Long
Read Revelation.
None of that is true. You read a shitty bible.
Parker Smith
The fact that the atheist posters on Zig Forums recognize that everything has been kiked, but they don't think christianity could possibly have been kiked, is pretty hilarious, if not noteworthy in general.
Angel Johnson
The bible is completely unreliable jewish garbage.
The story of maccabees was invented to impress roman soldiers. That's why there is a First Maccabees and a Second Maccabees with details changed and it's not included in the Tanakh - its use was no longer needed so the jews discarded it. But the christians included it in canon.
Jeremiah Adams
Again, which Bible did you read? Martin Luther lost his shit for a reason.
Nolan Moore
Revelation 21:1 there will be a new (((Jerusalem))) that (((Yahweh))) creates for his followers Revelation 21:15-17 This new city will be a giant fucking cube about 1500 miles in width. That's a big fucking cube. Revelation 21:18-21 It will basically be made of gold and other shiny things.
Yeah. That sounds plausible. Do you actually believe any of this? In all seriousness, do you really believe that a god named Yahweh made the universe in 6 days, demanded that his (((Chosen People))) cut off their dicks, but also flooded the entire world because he was upset with his own creation but then it got messed up again so he bombed two cities and turned a woman into salt?
Do you legitimately believe all of that?
Julian Reyes
Do you legitimately think that anyone is going to fall for your kike bullshit?
Christopher Torres
revelation 2:9 and revelation 3:9
Alexander Morris
The (((bible)) ) Nah ,I read it. It's trash. Yid stories Muh buy bullllllllll
Jeremiah Foster
Found the jew Fuck off jew your kind ain't welcome round these parts
Logan Murphy
Where the fuck did these semite worshippers wander in from?
Not an argument Unadultered FACT pal Jew written trash
Samuel Cruz
The bible literally said kikes would do this. As well as many other things. Why would I lose faith now, in the face of all you've shown me?
Isaiah Perry
Uh, I hate to break it to you, but your very first word outed you as a paid shill. Reported. Yes, that's your mantra for getting Zig Forums to believe your paid shilling. Reported.
Thomas Lee
Go read the Bible. Everything I have joked about is in there. I am not opposed to Christianity. However, pretending like Christianity is a perfectly Aryan religion is crazy. We had our own religions and they didn't come from the Middle East. they came from our ancestors and existed for thousands of years before Christianity or even judaism.
Okay? And? Are you saying that there are "good" jews out there, the "real" jews? Because I don't like any jews, at all. Not Khazars, not semites, not even Yeshuah.
But of course my question isn't about cherry picking quotes from a book that heaps praises upon the jews. My question for you was; do you actually believe the stuff in the bible about the talking snakes, the zoo in an arc, the global flood, and the bit where Jacob wrestled with Yahweh and defeated him?
Matthew Johnson
Hahahaha Hahahahahahaha Heh he hehehe hehehe Dude seriously consider your (( (sources)) )
Parker Brown
It lands there and makes it Las Vegas with zero debt – except that you obey the CUBE.
You'd be in lady Hell. Preparing for an attack with the old gods. Satan is a Jew robed in Vatican cloaks and burning in Yahweh's lake of fire, to scare the good little children of Israel – obey the CUBE.
Ain't no paid anything here bud Keep worshiping a dead jew Pro tip the chris sacrament is ritual canibalism aka SPIRIT COOKING I'll pass
Luke Garcia
The real jew had land. That overrides any desire the modern jew has to subvert anything. With land, there's no need to subvert, because you have resources to work with.
Christopher Perry
Where? Jerusalem? Nope Palestine? Again nope Germany? Nope Romania? Nope Hungary? Nope Egypt? Nope Persia? Nope Afghanistan? Nope Armenia Georgia Slovakia? Nope nope nope They are known squatters who've been kicked out of every single solitary land they have ever infested ever.
Jaxson Miller
Also, I don't think Christianity is a European religion. I think it was the answer to Judaism, like National Socialism is. That's not to say that the religions of your ancestors is any worse (assuming you're white), it's just to say, there's a fucking reason Martin Luther lost his shit.
You're actually fucking retarded if you deny the invasion of the Khazars which has been proven by even the most kiked researchers.
Carson Wood
Christians confuse me. Not because they think that their Torah… I mean Bible is anti-jew. Obviously you can make anything seem anti-jewish by cherry picking if that is what you want to do. What confuses me how any reasonably intelligent European man can believe in talking donkeys and curing leprosy with bird blood. That's the kind of nonsense I expect from Africans, not White people.
Yeah. Land that they stole from the Gentiles.
Wew. Let me tell you about a land called Israel…
Justin Hall
Doesn't make it their land any more than an infestation of rats make it said rats' land Ain't no retards here friendo
Michael Jenkins
Shall we debunk the """"""""immaculate conception""""""" too? We know cum and eggs make babies Mary the whore whored it up with one of the help and accidentally memed a new religion. Joe the cuck cucked hard
Parker Mitchell
Read. A. Real. Bible. That's all there is to say. Their people were overtaken by the Pharisees, they talk about this a fucking lot. Either you're trying to be stupid to get paid, or you're actually stupid because you're kikes.
Benjamin Turner
Ever stop to think about YOU pal? Never considered you've had the proverbial wool pulled over your eyes and such? Real bible? Which one? KJV? Ha Gideon's? Ha Shit son the Book of Mormon has more credence than any version of your yid stories Once again , I'll pass
Hunter Fisher
I'll get behind any religion that is an answer to judaism. The problem with Christianity is, it's not. ALL of the Bible's heros are jews. Abraham, Jacob, Moses, and even Yeshuah are jews. ANd most act exactly like jews. Stealing land, talking about how persecuted they are, and fleecing Gentiles and laughing at their misfortunes. Hell, the entire Torah is one big pity fest about how the "poor jews" are persecuted by everyone around them. Yet it outright says that the Egyptians "gave" the jews their wealth when they fled Egypt. Um… Maybe in jew-speak it's called "giving" but in the real world, that's called theft.
Okay, fine. Whats the "reeeel" bible? You know, the Torah came first. So everything after the Torah is just fanfiction.
Justin Evans
If you get caught in the act, it was "just a drill".
Angel Phillips
Where did you go faggot?
Jacob Perry
It literally is this by side effect. Seriously read the Bible. Jesus outright beats down Judaism and it's crap.
Also the OT literally contains a record of how much the jews literally failed with God's laws. It's why we needed Jesus. Even the people with direct support to do the right thing couldn't do it. It shows how sinful we are.
Matthew Ross
great, another thread derailed by faux christian vs pagan D&C shilling
Landon Lee
Yeah and in the Torah, also called the OT, it says over and over again that the kikes are Gods Chosen People. And IRL, most Christians are Zionist lackeys. So if at the very best, this demonstrates that Christianity is easily corrupted. At worst, it demonstrates that Christianity is jewish at its core.
But aside from all of this, do you actually believe in the flood story and how Noah got all the animals in the world onto a giant arc and escaped Yahweh's wrath like in the story of Gilgamesh? I honestly don't think many Zig Forumsacks actually believe in such stories. So it always confuses me when people defend Christianity as if it's some sort of viable alternative to the jews. To me, it is nothing more than a collection of jewish myths with a Iron Age redemption tale slapped on the end. How on earth is this a positive thing for White people? How about, instead of worshiping a dead god, we worship our ancestors and race?
It was apparently the standard view until the HollaCost and essentially debating it will cause the opponent to start veering into calling you anti-Semitic nowadays.
However reading the Bible very clearly shows it being the correct view.
Your second point entirely depends upon the nature of God. If God is trustworthy then we must also believe such amazing stories as those. However you generally don't go to the miracles to prove something, and it's much less complicated to start from simpler ideas. I believe it's entirely consistent and logical to start from the smallest axioms about what type of God can or should exist and end up at the Christian one.
If you want to look into the flood some more the Hydroplate theory is interesting although hated by mainstream pop sci.
Books 1-4 of City of God by Augustine will provide pretty logical defenses to why this is a bad idea.
Regardless of race if the Bible is true then that means every man is in the predicament of owning a sinful nature. Jesus was the confirmation of a new covenant open to all people to grant them forgiveness and salvation for this. In other words speaking just logically, if Christianity is true (which I believe) then it is a massive benefit for all people and races.
Anthony Cox
I should also mention looking through the wikipedia article more that there are a few blatantly incorrect statements upon further research. Wikipedia tends to hold consistent on calling Christianity a "sect of Judaism" across multiple articles. Which is just outright misleading and wrong.
Nicholas Moore
Oh look a moderately interesting thread D&C'd by the anti-christian zealots. How quaint.
Don't care, paid shill. Reported for paid shilling. Four years, queer.
Michael Cooper
So what about Moloch? Is the only passages written about him from jews about the Canaanites? Didn't the jews then invade and wipe out the Canaanites because of this supposed injustice?
In Leviticus there is only talk about "seeds passing through a fire". Was the ritual throwing crop seeds into a fire in front of an idol and the jews lost their shit when some jews started doing the practice? Which is the language in Leviticus 20 where "jews will stone a jew who do this"
In Kings it talks about Sons and Daughters passing through a "fire", was this just walking on hot coals or through a ring of fire as a coming of age ritual?
I only question their telling of history because the Rabbis then wanted the Canaanites land and needed to prevent their own jews from being absorbed into the larger culture traditions.
Aaron Ross
This is sort of intriguing. Is there any more material regarding this?
Michael Campbell
That's horribly cringy. Not bad as a concept but what an ugly screenshot that is.
Speaking about yiddish mumbo jumbo. They also have something like a mythical red helfer which is necessary for their third temple or some other bullshit.
Sebastian Bennett
You are. Reported.
Robert Gray
Goddamn, I hate these motherfucking vermin.
Cameron Howard
They have two hundred years left before the clock runs out.
Sacrifice of the first born son, this is reluctantly admitted by Chosenite historians and archeologists. Among the ruins of Carthage are the remains of thousands of burnt little baby bones. They substituted the ritual with male genital mutilation at some point along the way.
Truth is that the Jews today worship Moloch/Saturn/El(all the same entity, Indo Europeans all accepted each other's God's under different names). Why, because the Jews really got fucked over by the Canaanites in the end but the remaining ones then took high public positions and corrupted the Canaanite kings and took their land from under their feet. They tried the same thing with the Greeks, but the Greeks didn't have any of that, so they revolted. Same thing with the Romans happened but then the Jews got killed off as they revolted and the sneakiest and most decieving went out and created the Jews of today.
True. That's why I recommend reading Odinia and going for your Folkish pantheon. We have to take everything back from the kikes. Religion is a huge part of that.
Nolan Thomas
SAGE for implying Antarctica is a continent. SAGE for implying giants are myth. SAGE for implying the flood is a myth. SAGE for implying jets carry fuel.
Dominic Davis
Fair enough. But what stops the blacks from chimping out in heaven?
If you believe everything that was written down in the Bible, how do you explain Jacob wrestling with and defeating Yahweh?
Another thing that turns me off from the Bible is the fact that 100% of everything in it happened in Palestine, Anatolia, Egypt, and Mesopotamia. Since Yahweh only cares about that one small area and never even visits Europe, how on earth is this a religion for Europeans? If Yahweh only appears before semites, let the semites worship him.
Well, I'd rather not have a religion of love than a religion of ancestor worship and racial health. Call me crazy, but I don't love my enemies. I hate them and hope one day to kill every single one.
Nathaniel Jenkins
Nah they were a small group of less than one hundred during first century ad. This man plagiarized sumerian and persian stories and passed them of as jew stories placing the jews as the victim: wikipedia.org/wiki/Josephus close to your fourth point the bc slaves were the persians enslaved by babylonia
Right there is the main issue. Christianity will always be a religion that denigrates one's soul and spirit and subjects one's will to a slave mentality. This is an alien worldview that does not belong to Europeans, the European nature is Faber, no sin. We create, and a semetic religion that denies our nature and tries to replace it with unnecessary shame is not acceptable.
Tyler Wilson
Anthony Thompson
Assuming they go (because they're genetically a different species) in the first place. You'll want to read up on the nature of the soul. Souls are souls, placed in different bodies. There's the whole "new body in heaven" thing that's both metaphor and literal. Nogs don't nog anymore once they're free of their nogbodies, in other words. Hell, Boondocks even satirized this.
Joshua Walker
The nature of The Lord of Hosts is the same as when he was know as Sky Father El. The semitic war God, that was but one God on an entire pantheon. The spiritual truth is animist and polytheistic, we have our own Gods, with their own stories to tell, and who are infinitely more worthy of veneration.
Leo Thompson
Buzzwords? I am quite sorry that your vocabulary is so limited, that anything outside you knowledge is a 'buzzword'. Jews killing a jew has little to do with me, the apotheosis of Hitler as Wotan and Fenrir merged, and hungry, does.
Jaxon Davis
Christianity doesn't teach those things at all. The adoption of Christianity is why Europeans went from keeping the jews on the ground with a boot on their neck (hellenic Rome) to letting them run rampant through white societies with only the occasional slap on the wrist expulsion. Only when Christianity began to die out and was replaced by National Socialism did a European country make any genuine effort to root them out.
Elijah Campbell
Tell that to Martin Luther, the Spanish Inquisition and the Czar, Schlomo.
Hello newfriend. Though the Table Talks is interesting there is to this day not a shred of evidence that it is real. I view as some badly written fan fiction but whatever floats your boat. There is a reason why jews and zogbots alike love to quote this piece of work.
Nicholas Morales
Their (and every races) sinful nature is stripped from them. Which as a Christian I look forward to immensely.
He did not win in the sense of "He's now stronger than God", it was a test of his faith in God's promises. Even he himself says he "struggled with God and yet was delivered" but he does not speak of this as a boasting about beating God in a wrestling competition. It's purposes were much more personal than physical.
If we take the Bible to be true (which I guess we'll say is a thought experiment atm so we can both agree), then he appeared to people other than semites. Consider the Romans and Gentiles that Jesus interacted with. (Once again if we're being consistent in our experiment we have to say that Jesus = God since this is what the Bible says)
Notwithstanding that Abraham was himself a gentile at one point. There is nothing inherently special about the genes of semites, and you can back up that statement with verses from Paul.
Once again you're dealing with that question without bringing the axioms that Christianity brings into the picture.
If we take the system as a whole then we must admit a natural order that is ordained by God. If such a system exists as purported by the Bible then it's clear to see we all fall short of such a moral order.
To be Christian is to first realize this predicament, accept Jesus' righteousness as a covering for your own faults. (Doctrine of Justification)
And second to strive to attain moral perfection under God's moral order while God purifies your heart. (Doctrine of Sanctification)
The real slave in such a system is he who cannot help but infringe on the natural order. Even seeking to attain it would be to admit that you do not currently have it (moral perfection).
And the real free soul is the one who breaks it but has his guilt washed away by his faith.
Jack Richardson
It's not even from the table talks, dumbass. That's from "Hitler's War".
Matthew Wilson
Oh god, more of you idiots.
Hitler hated the church, and was not a fan of the bible.
Logan Price
Apologies for triple posting, but for anyone not aware of why David Irving used "Hitler's Table Talks" as a source in "Hitler's War" skip to 49:20 in the embedded video. He knew the man who faked a version of the talks personally, and got him to admit it.