Can we have a kike free discussion on mk ultra and its implications in past, present, and future conspiracy's. I know of a bomber that had it done to him at 16 i forget his name. Do any of you think high profile celebrity's are under it? (I think its very possible).
Mk ultra
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Kill yourself.
Dancing yids at it for fucking ever
Damn that little club footed fucker would've been easy to gas too , couldn't have hobbled fast enough and such
The bomber you're thinking of is Ted Kaczynski. You probably need to lurk moar if that isn't a household name for you by now. Here's his manifesto, unhinged but an interesting read:
It's a distraction. If it had actually worked, it would still be a secret and neither you or I would have ever heard of it.
If you have information about a "secret" brainwashing/mind control system, you're being played for a sap.
Part of the disinfo strategy is to realize "leaks" of "secret" programs so that the retards can foam at the mouth over it while actual real sinister stuff is hidden behind coded documents which appear to be about something else entirely.
I wouldn't go so far as to say it was totally a distraction, the fact is that they performed human experimentation and there was definite fallout from it.
When it comes to sneaking sinister shit through though, it's not uncommon for them to use generic sounding legal bills to just pump and dump it through congress without anybody really caring because who actually reads those fucking lexicons? It doesn't even necessarily have to be coded, half of it can practically be as close to plaintext as legalese can be and people still just won't give a damn. I agree partly about the MK Ultra type stuff though. It is worrying, but it only actually affects a fraction of a percent of the population. I would put money on 99.5% of that info on "secret programs" being red herrings planted by disinfo shills trying to muddy the water, see the nebulous information on the "Montauk Project" and how some try to pass it with some legitimacy despite basically being a meme.
Basically all MK Ultra was is sensory dep plus LSD. (And some other abuse and drugs)They wanted to see if they could break down the ego and then rebuild it that way, which is the core of brainwashing.
Ultimately, all they did was break people and turn them into space cadets. Getting them back into useful shape proved impossible. The ended up deciding that it wasn't worth the effort versus something more consistently useful such as blackmail or coercion. You could get results sometimes, but not consistent ones.
The problem is basically that the drug component doesn't help. You can brainwash people through abuse far more effectively than psychedelics.
So yes, they do have brainwashing stuff, but it's not the same thing as what we would call "mind-control" and it doesn't involve psychedelic drugs. The thing is, you can brainwash anyone with enough time and power over them. If you can imprison someone and control their daily life, you can make them do or believe whatever you want, eventually.
You familiar with Dumitru Bacu's "The Anti-Humans?" Basically that exact thing was carried out at Pitesti, was some 1984 Room 101 kind of shit. Found an interview relating to that same prison:
I mean, any number of cultures have carried this out, but I don't think many of those practices were as systematized as this was.
there was a porn actress with a monarch butterfly tattoo (which was very rare at the time) in the early seventies, she died in the gulf of mexico
she had lots of SF connections where Mk u1tra was deployed, you will have to dig the rest
They realize adult brains were too unreliable. They did a lot of the world in Canada because CIA has domain there. Pretty X-men project X-esque tbh.
( down atm stop sperging)
It all came to light because congress inquired and the CIA failed to burn all the evidence.
MK Ultra pt 2 is called "Project Monarch"
They realized adult brains weren't flexible enough and instead turned to children who are naturally programmable. Abuse causes split personalities which can be programmed like blank slates. Still not super reliable but good enough for sex dolls, black widows, and disposable assassins.
Documentation on this is spotty but there's enough breadcrumbs to piece it together. To avoid another congressional investigation debaucle the CIA off-shored it or ran it through organized crime. That's why you see high level crime syndicates and jews with all the monarch sex slave crap going on.
Sirhan Sirhan
You're very close to it. You must understand that much of this comes from the APA (American Psychologist Association). This organization had to be co-oped in order to continue what is done, without drawing attention from anyone un-initiated. These are the same group that decided homo and trans no longer suffered from disorders. These are the same people who will soon determine that even wanting a gun justifies a mental disorder in and of itself and thus guns should be outlawed. Work from eveything that has happened with the APA since the decision on fags and you will get your answer. From children to geriatrics, and evverything in between, they have allowed the modification of millions of brains, effectively washing them in the process.
For other further reading, you need to research dissociative identity disorder, use the United States of Tara as an extreme example of someone who has it.Then imagine instead of those decapitated characters she has, they were organized in a neat little Unix-type command & control structure. Now programming is made much simpler.
im wondering if all/some of the people implicated in school shootins/mass could be under it. hit squads being involved has not been look into to on my part
Nice dubs.
But you are forgetting that it serves the Jew well to sow chaos and dissent among people. The environment they work best in is with two such attributes.
You will find it a common idea that young psychonauts accept the idea of a 'revolution,' especially, against a leader such as Trump. You need only go around and speak to youth not of your own clout; you could easily tie all the pieces together for them and that there is an urgency at hand… Though it doesn't matter since they're all being drugged or picked apart psychologically without them- be it pills, memes, analog influence or synthetic psychomimetics. They wouldn't really ever do anything on their own. (Keyword there is on their own…)
It would serve the CIA interests well to have an enormous vacuum of power in the US. This is just an idea I want you to have in the forethought of what this all does or could mean.
Sure it doesn't 'control' their mind at all in the way they thought it would at first, but, it does leave them open to be more susceptible as well as more easily lead on by memes with good intentions as its disguise, or perhaps any Trojan horse.
There are multiple things one must do in order to break somebody and there are multiple things one must do in order to 'wash' their brain as you say. Though if one can be made willing without having to force them at first, then, wouldn't that make only more sense in the context of the topic at hand?
This doesn't even include the facet that there is far more potent R.C.'s that have been developed that are far beyond what LSD is.
A drug like this that can be mass produced easily (some will come here to tell you it is extremely difficult to produce any of these things, but, I'm going to tell you right now. That is Chaim and Moshe doing his usual rounds.)
Before society as it is now? We did not see very many 'psychedelics' being used en masse by the public. In days of yore we know that it was something only kept privy to a part of the tribe or caste or hierarchy
So now in this extreme age of information and technology? This is no longer the case; we have ourselves a hysteria almost. For a lot of young kids are going out to do insane amounts of these things constantly every other weekend or even every weekend. (You very much are in the minority if you are what is known as a micro-doser)
What's even more is that it is a man-made synethetic drug with specific instructions for the brain. You may argue it comes from a plant but after the fact it is no longer the same product, hence, the synthesis. But it is this facet alone one should have some kind of raised brow about. IT only makes sense the youth are targeted more so over adults too.
They're already susceptible at younger ages and will be more so as they grow older due to the usage. Plus it is only more profitable as they constantly will gather in festivals and other such places. All while these places are surrounded by police, and have check ins to the place while it's also swarming with undercovers inside. Yet still these things go on and they know what goes on inside these places.
I think if they wanted they could easily stop all of this traffick.
You'll find it real curious how differently the gov and military treat mushrooms over synthetics like LSD/nBoME/2CB etc.
I would reckon a good majority of them are, user… Do you even remember James Holmes and how he acted during his trial? They held it illegally even, though, I can't remember what part of the process they skipped.
Either way? Everyone should go back and examine him carefully. Before and after pictures of him before the shooting prior to it, and then during before his trial, and then after it. Not only does he look entirely drugged out in the photos after the trial, but, during his trial he was fucking off his rocker. Even my granny thought something was up esp after I explained to her that he was most likely drugged and she isn't someone privy to this kind of world, you know?
No man who is white, and going into neuroscience is gonna decide he needs to booby trap his entire complex, then, go light up a movie theater with an asinine amount of guns just for one slaughter. (At least not without some kind of sound reasoning; I can't imagine anyone important being in that theater)
IN any case he was an intelligent man yet somehow he dropped everything to become a mass murderer? I don't think that adds up especially when you consider what he was going into specifically.
They use to say dead men tell no tales, well, neither do those whose minds have been warped completely beyond physical repair due to frying the receptors and neurons in it.
How ironic, eh? I can only imagine what he was going to do or was doing in order to become the hand of glow in the dark spooks. Two birds with one stone, my man. They kill a potential threat and they also use him as a tool for the media.
Anyone also remember the Uber shooter who claimed his phone turned red and caused him to black out and do all the crazy shit he did?
This guy.
You're a real cool guy, my man… Keep talkin' that good talk, because, the words you say? I have been preachin since I was a young lad. Heh.
I mean if you pay attention to how prostitutes are created- I mean almost everyone is aware that getting them addicted to drugs is apart of the pimping process.
Jennifer Laurence has an alter-ego now named Gail. I cant tell if these bitches are just being (((trendy))) or were raised as monarchs.
MKUltra and it's immediate offspring are pretty much useless but they did get the truth drug even in it's limited use.
But like other anons said, it's the follow up attempts like Monarch that really worked out in regards to the blank slate to write over. Don't forget about all the wards of the state and those under government care (orphans and foster care) plenty of easy to access subjects.
that hurts, I like "nonessential contractor"
Your under MKUltra right now. Your living in 1984 right now.
This is what is scary about Elsagate. Too much dopamine at a young age with such disgusting content.
Why are you using the Orwellian memewords newfag?
You refer to it as "truth".
To answer your question:
MKUltra is for:
-production of leaders(pic related); from left to right: faggot narcissist, psychopathic dyke, hypersexual pedo
-control of groups that control the general population
-agitprop, such as mass shootings
It's usually easy to identify MKUltra victim. They are usually very hypersexual(Bill Clinton), claim a double personality (Nicki Minay, JLo) due to the breaking of personality in their early years, very appeasing to what they were broken into as the authority doctrine or figure and generally what you would find "degenerate" due to the erased borders of morality due to their abuse.
What they do to them is really gruesome. Use of LSD and scopolamine on them while young (3-5 years old) is combined with rape, watching of human and animal sacrifices, gruesome abuse, etc.
It basically rewiring of the human brain so that the subject becomes an eternal child.
f.e. watch this since Hillary is almost a textbook example:
Someone threw a shoe at Hillary Clinton. But listen at 0:10 how her voice becomes high pitched due to being terrified as she is not in control of the situation. And there's also a reason why Hilldog's vice president looked like her stepfather.
The bomber you're refering to is Ted Kazynsky. He got experimented on by the CIA with LSD during his college days. Some found it just awesome, man but he identified it for what it is.
Absolute control over the population with technology. So he mailed bombs to people to bring attention to his manifesto.
You mean like cloning?
MK Ultra worked and is operational today under a different name. Why would they shut it down?
Fuck GRUfags for posting dumb shit in this thread that's a total lie.
Sneaking suspicion: the current form of the project, under what ever new name they may have given it since it was "disbanded" now is more focused on "Optogenetics" go look it up.
Here's some other things to keep in mind.
An implant could also work to interface with controllers to send signals to mapped neurons. Microscopic computers are also now a reality and can be potentially digested. Hillary was on the board of directors of Monsanto and also a known bilderberger.
Obama dumped around 3 billion into "The Human Connectome Project" to map the human brain.
The push for "smart phones" and IoT
To accomplish some things, you don't need advanced complex direct "control" but it's very easy to say do a simple operation in order to do something basic like general "increased aggression". They're already able to do things like this and more with rats if you've been following science news over the past several years.
A lot of these RC drugs are imported from China from what I've heard.
MIT does a lot of work with Optogenetics. Bin Salman just visted there recently when he visited.
Not to mention that happened in Aurora Colorado, not too far from Columbine. Remember how the Littleton police department said they had around 3 or 4 hours of the "basement tapes" of Eric and Dylan, they said they weren't going to release thouse till 2023 or something like that, but then it turns out they evenetually destroyed them. There was possibly some very damning things on those. Although I suspect it may have been more with Eric being an environmentalist and they didn't want to give environmentalists a bad name. Same way the "green party" keeps it's distance from "Deep Ecologists" who realize unchecked growth of human civilization is the most environmentally destructive factor.
Parts of the basement tapes were seen and transcribed by outsiders. Harris and Klebold make allusion to being raped by police (the guy who booked them was later charged with underage sex and serious meth dealing fyi) which was their motive for trying to lure LEOs into the school.
It probably has more to do with Klebold being a kike. I saw or read something from them, and they bash a number of different groups, with one noticeably absent.
Fuck you, yid scum.
See this:
Oookay so you wanna tell me why I tripped my nuts off on LSD for 11 years in my adolescent period only to grow up a model citizen? No crime, no record btw.
Adolescence is a made up word. Adulthood starts at puberty. Also tripping on LSD doesn't do anything by itself, it needs to be combined with programming.
All words are made up, genius.
I wish I were smart like you.
You don't have to "be on it" to "be on it", the (((state))) figured out indoctrination through school, your friends and your parents is far superior than having G-man run around with syringes and breaking into your house.
What can be done now is a targeted online strike influencing the algorithms you use on the normalfag websites you go on, this includes (((Youtube))) to send you down the garden path of (((their))) choosing. You ever wonder why those weird off the wall videos show up or even threads here on the chans? By themselves there is no effect but if you enough in a line, that could build a message for you to respond to.
It goes so much further than that. Learning to drive is getting MK ultra'd, so is initiating yourself into Zig Forums
So more along the lines of something like this?
Your dubs confirm that you already are.
Vid related
Watch this
I think I understand the basic concept of it and why it works. I haven't read everything about this shit which obviously is surrounded by a lot of slightly paranoid shit for obvious reason.
To simplify it, they tried to use trauma because if you have went through a trauma in your life it might be easy to get you to do shit. Where a normie would just go, oy vey that sucks, you will act if you are put in the right "position" of something. IE someone wrongs you really bad and then you are going to get them, normies won't but if you had gone through some trauma you will if wronged bad enough. And that's the concept. Normies will bitch and cry, the ones gone through a process like this will instead act. Sometimes I wonder if I was made with some of their derivates, I have done things…. and I been through a trauma other than that I can't say more, but I think they made me into what I am today and yes I know it sounds paranoid and fucked up, but to get to this point and to make me do what I have done these last years… it's like you realize it later… fug.. they did this… they wanted me to do this which they can't do them selves… fug
What is 10 years of rekt threads on half & full chan for $200, Alex?
t. Kike
Oh yeah I'm Jewish for not wanting to be brainwashed. Brilliant deduction, genius.
that's not a trauma user.
I'm just saying I can see how this shit can work if they do it the proper way. Some are just prone to act out where others would never, this can be exploited if are in power. As I understand this it's just to set up the path and some people will go there, where others would never, and it is very predictable and thus can be exploited
I guess I see what you mean. Don't watch with audio or I guess close your eyes and just listen. Just don't give in and it won't happen. Unless you have zero will power like that incel group of people.
So like a loss of a parent whether it's death or divorce? Or like losing a limb when you're like 5?
okay since I am drinking beer here I can be slightly specific. A lot of shit happened to me, which involves americans coming and taking over the company where I worked and a lot of shit following that, this was in 2013…. In 2014 I came back here, well this site was new then so I came here a bit later. But guess what after some time, I found my self hacking and doxing isis shitlords I've been involved in so much shit surrounding this… afterwards I start to see things clearly, they made me, they wanted me to do this and they sat up the path for how I got there, doing their fucking job… I can't go into more details than this. I am off that part now I monitor the situation there. I have lit been on bombings the fucks and prevented on attack in Garland texas, well attack occured but they were warned in advance. turns out later the (((fbi))) knew about the situation all along as they had informants in this cell but didn't notify the pd, you can find information about this your self. we didn't know about that part obviously. But yes I think they made me come to do this
I dunno user, but obviously I was prone. Rough upbringing, did drugs sold a lot of drugs, hard life. I won't go into family history, generally been really stabburn and won't let people shit on me again comes from events in my life. I can't go into details for obvious reasons. I just how this works with certain people
I feel ya, so the more susceptible a person is to addiction, the more reliable they'll be to a brainwashing format. But they also have to be below a certain age or it doesn't work.
I don't think it is really brainwashing user, some of the program probably was, but it's more about triggering you into doing shit. If how I see this is right, it's basically all about that. Obviously though they need you to follow (((their))) line of thought for most shit I assume, but it's like triggering you into doing their fucking bidding. Freaks me out or used to, if this was what happened, and as I see it now I have no doubt about it and I am sure I am not the only one.
I remember then in 2014 in the summer, I went on the bridge on the town not so far from where I lived with one of the oldest old fags and an excelent hacker he could lit have been my father… We never speak openly about things, not too open, but I hinted on what I planned and told him what was going on in syria and how they operated especially on twitter and how we could get their phone numbers and go on from there he just went
NO user.. Stop right there… Don't do it, nothing good will come out of this
Fuck he was right man, he was so fucking right
>Obviously though they need you to follow (((their))) line of thought for most shit I assume, but it's like triggering you into doing their fucking bidding.
Please explain because this is turning into a copypasta
The only "triggers" you should have is niggers, kikes, and one on the sks to protect your home.
Zig Forums is brainwashing
I didn't trust them before I came here, what makes you think Zig Forums is in the wrong?
what I do mean is, they have buttons they can press and they know about this. It's not about calling you a nigger exactly. Look they make the setting there and let's maybe say they get someone to hack you, which you will relate too surely, and that's going to piss you off. Now they have opened a certain door of what you are going to do next then they start to piss you off by using state especially against you and ie not giving you your money, holding them back making you more and more angry and finally you will pop. Now when that happens they have already tailored shit for you, that is where you are going to go next they use these events to trick you into going the path they want you to go, so they keep pissing you and then… fuck me.. you are there, exactly were they wanted you. I can't go into my details obviously, but when I look back now… they know some shit about me in advance but I can't go into to those details either other than I was in the mil and I would be in our cyber part and I jumped out of it because I was forced there.. family ties up to the very ebin core
if it happened this is how they profiled me I assume. I was able to quit because drugs I was just caught with weed but I lied and said I did just about everything to get out they didn't buy it and tried to hold me back, my relative who sent me there he yelled at our xxx xxx and said I was just lying but this year they passed a new law, which I ofc knew about and exploited, so I could get out. During the time there I made my self very present by my well you know knowledge of security and they didn't want me to go, so it's how I see it if it happened it was that they knew this. I actually made them do a lot of changes during that little time I was there
Do what?
user no, I'm drunk but too much already, let's not make this about me. I can't say more details now
All I am saying I am sure they have some derivate of this program still running and I see how they can make people into doing shit for them, they dirty dirty work
I understand, although if I get that angry I'll usually pay some other user to clean up the issue. That way, they cease the issue to exist and I can move forward without the stress from that experience. You refer to more of a "going postal" kind of stance.
You shouldn't live based on impulses, that leads you to mental slavery in our time. Zig Forums has this mentality of anything that opposes the standard mode consciousness in the west is automatically good and misses out on the countless near-infinite layers of descending size and thickness that await anyone who doesn't fit into the most popular mold. If you don't fall for a psyop I guess you must love niggers just like questioning the mainstream narratives lands you a racist designation even if you're the most milquetoast cuck faggot around.
the lesson here is don't let your mind get clouded, especially not in rage/revenge and don't do their bidding. always step back, breethe and don't get triggered
Only the thrall revenges him self in hot blood or affection, the faggot never
I can see that lol
Sounds good to me, I smoke tires not drugs so I'm clear headed pretty much all the time.
So basically either way it's fucked all around. So why do you care so much? Are you *gasp* a nigger?
Case in point.
I would say you are just more willful than most, user. Remember the first rule of brainwashing is that the subject is willing!
Sorry lol it was too easy, shits & giggles I guess.
Damn that's creepy to think about
Those fuckin trips. But I turned that shit off as soon as I heard it.
I can only imagine what's being layered into regularly digested media.
What's even creepier to think about is that your brain is a tool and how it's sensitive to electromagnetic radiation. :^)
They say the drugs interact with the brain but really I think it's the other way around and I do wholeheartedly believe you need no drugs at all in order to achieve what the brain does with any one of these things.
Ikr? There's a few hundred videos posted under that account on pornhub that incorporates what this user was talking about:
I don't watch tv and the last movie I saw in a theater was the day after tomorrow so idk what you mean.
I know that too. That's why I've been gathering information and paperwork on all of Tesla's work and patents the past 14 years
I am sure they did it, they all say it, you are not the same person anymore user, how did youou get like this. Even when I was fucking druggie wasn't like this. Everyone is scared of me, and I was pretty bad before this. Many of them don't even dare to be honest with me anymore, it was my keymark when I sold drugs here you could just speak to me. Now everyone is scared off me, they avoid my eyesight and turn around when they can. It haunts me, they think I killed this guy, but I didn't
He killed him self, he hanged him self, and I had no doing in that even though how furious I was at him.
Honestly he did, it wasn't me. My sister fell apart on the phone the next day. I refused her to even go to the funeral
it wasn't my proxy either, he did it. let's get over it
Now that's a hard hit into left field. Damn user, I haven't experienced anything like that…
stop posting like a god damn woman
An MKUltra subject isn't stable enough to be kept around for long.
Most celebrities have other more traditional means of control placed upon them with younger ones having gone through derivatives of the Monarch process.
Problem with MKUltra is that anyone who has gone through it is a twitchy psychological trainwreck.
They can't be relied upon for more than one task and even then they need constant supervision to keep them on task and stop them doing shit like wandering off, fucking about with an elevator then climbing into a water storage tank.
Anyone who has gone through MKUltra isn't really capable of behaving normally for more than a few hours at a time, even then it's fairly clear something is wrong with them. Once you've put them through the process you have weeks at best before they become completely useless.
This is why Monarch was pursued despite its shortcomings and failure to bring about the original goal of MKUltra (which MKUltra itself failed to do)
Lol yeah kinda obvious but still funny
Now this is what I'm talking about and have experienced in the past with different anons that I've associated myself with. Certain individuals tend to flip their lid when something flashes by on the tv and they become uncontrollably angry for hours on end. Just plain fucking weird.
Oh that's Monarch not MKUltra.
Monarch subjects require maintenance in the form of subliminal messaging. This is typically delivered via TV, advertising, music, etc. Normal people don't notice the symbolism and such used (typically) but anyone who's gone through Monarch will notice and their psychological state somewhat reset/normalised (for them)
If they go without maintenance for too long then the barriers between psyches/personas start to break down and they begin remembering things stored in the other personalities and developing a temporary case of uncontrollable multiple personality disorder.
Fucking Exactly This.
The day before I stop hanging out with this user, they seem okay and stuff but then they would start writing poems that would eventually turn into a kind of rap, there was a lot of female anons around back then and we were young just trying to get our dicks wet but while he's reading what he wrote it was like it was written by 4 different anons even though it was just one. Next day I get a text from his mother saying he got sent to a psychiatric hospital and I haven't seen or heard from them since. It's been like 6 years now.
Sketchy shit like Baphomet fucking the Virgin Mary while there was peace on earth.
Funny, because mind control techniques used in monarch programs borrow heavily from the methods used in Ancient Egypt, kike.
So either he didn't get his upkeep which is unusual as they're typically drawn to consume the media with said maintenance programming in it.
Hollywood makes mucho deniro off providing said programming and studios compete to be the primary televised or cinematic source.
Or it just went bad for him. It happens. Human brain is a remarkable thing at times.
Apologies for the late response but I wanted to mow the lawn.
Well yeah after we graduated primary school, they just kind of became a shut in and it was a struggle to get them to kick it or hang out. Only reason why I tried being their friend was because they were really good at football and we needed a goalie. Then came the different diagnosis(s) multiple personality disorder, paranoid schizophrenia, manic episodes, ect and after he was placed on medications, they became a whole new person.
Yeah like I said I haven't seen that user in like 6 years. I don't know if they are still fucked or that they are even alive.
Probably still fucked. Depends which personalities integrated and how deeply.
Anyways, I was just wondering if this project monarch is the reason why Terry literally fell off the deep end and spawned Temple OS. Do you remember that dude?
Damn, really? Got any documentation I could research to understand why?
Anyone who claims MKULTRA is still around is either a faggoty liar or is trying to sell you a book.
The user never claimed to have be a part of anything. There were a lot of correlations going on and they were always talking about satanic shit and black vans/helicopters.
I also can see you didn't read the thread because you somehow missed this:
How old is he again?
I mean Monarch didn't kick off until the late 60s for the first subjects and not until the late 70s for the huge push to expand the number of subjects in circulation.
MKUltra is still used. Just not for many things. It was a failure overall but it has its uses.
somebody post the graphics about the "gifted student program"
its an umbrella term for the initial program and all of its bastard offspring, be a retard elsewhere
It did work but not for the reason glowniggers expected. They discovered a market and a control vector, not for wetwork, instead they rediscovered something lost to the west, a mode of control used by shamans/witch doctors against their fellow "nobel savages." Addiction, both the overt and subtle (modern hollyjew and social media). The serial killer phenomenon, for example, turned people who would read a (((newspaper))) to stay informed, into an addict waiting for his next dose of shock. Now you have countless modes of control and sedation releasing whatever chemical keeps the goyim hooked too the system. The results of MKULTRA are much worse than a handful of programmed assassins running amok. Instead you had millions of crackheads (niggers) displace whites in cities all across America. It worked out quite well for glowniggers and kikes.